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Serving the Bad Boy: War Hawks MC

Page 35

by Carmen Faye

  “Please, Matt. Don’t hold back. If this is to be our last time, I want it all.” She jutted her ass out as far as she could, and his cock was beating on his zipper, like it wanted to get out in a hurry.

  He had the condom on and the lube out before she could start begging because it wouldn’t be memorable if he squirted all over these boxes. Working her asshole with the slippery lube, he shook his head at the things he’d thought of to do with her on the plane and here.

  He slid in slow and held his hand on her back to restrict her movements, as he pushed into her tight hole.

  “Unf…” Matt threw his head back and tried to control himself. If this was going to be the last time he knew her body like this, he wanted it to be good for both of them.

  She pushed her hands to her chest like she was going to do a push up and slammed her ass backwards onto his hard cock.

  “Emmy.” He didn’t know if he was asking her a question, or just pleading for her to continue, but she did that a few times before he knew that it wasn’t going to be long and the epic last time would be cut short. There were too many things in play here. It didn’t slip his notice that the one person he’d like to be cavalier about, he wasn’t able to.

  “Give me all you’ve got, Matt. All…You’ve…Got.” She thrust back hard on him with every word, and then all hell broke loose in his body.

  He grabbed her hips and filled her ass deep and hard. She clenched around his cock, and he pounded her from the back. She met him stroke for stroke, and he wished he’d have taken off more of his clothes because he felt like he was going to explode.

  If someone had come in the room, he wouldn’t have given two fucks because his nuts were drawn so tight against his body it felt like they were trying to go through his body to get into Emmy’s ass, too.

  “Fuck….Emmy, I’m going to…Fuucck!” The words that exited his body weren’t the words that came out when he had sex. He liked to talk dirty, and he loved when his partner liked it as well. However, this wasn’t dirty talk. This was the only way he was able to communicate with all the things going on with him and his cock in the snuggest ass he’d ever ridden. He couldn’t remember a time when he’d come so hard and for so long. That shit seemed to go on forever. It didn’t help that she had been slamming back on him until the last thrust when she came herself.

  “Wow,” she said, like she was in a daze. He wondered if he’d been too rough. It wasn’t a question that normally came up because he was very in control of the setting and the situation. However, he was actually holding his breath, waiting for what she was going to say next. “That was so awesome. I’d say let’s do it again, but I get the feeling you have to go.”

  He looked at his watch, and she was right his ride would be there any minute, and since it was military sent, it wouldn’t be a good thing to keep them waiting. He’d bought a few things while they were at the gift shop; wipes were a part of the supplies that he’d purchased.

  It didn’t take long for them to get cleaned up, and he knew that she had a good hour before her flight took off for the Philippians. This wasn’t him… loss for words… indecisive… looking for how to end something. This was the reason he left her the way he had in Hawaii. They had something kind of special, but it had come at the wrong time. This was the second time that fate had thrown her into his lap. Maybe there would be a third time in the future when he could do something about it.

  “Come on. Let’s go.” He gathered up his bag and watched her gather up her purse, and they left the quiet haven that they’d made together. She followed along, but she didn’t take his hand, and he understood that. This was a separation, not the next step.

  They learned that even though her flight wasn’t for another hour, her luggage was on its way to her destination. That was great; he had been hoping that she could get some of her medication that she’d missed. He didn’t want to make a big damn deal about it because he knew she would think he was coddling her, but he’d looked up the medication and what she’d had done; it wasn’t a small procedure, but a lifelong commitment. No wonder her family was doting on her. They were probably happy she was around.

  When they got to the top of the stairs, they found where she was supposed to go, and he was going to wait with her for a few more minutes.

  “Would you like something to eat?” he asked her, as he looked around at the offerings and feeling something spark at spending a bit more time with Emmy.

  She walked in front of him and turned so she was facing him. “Matt. You should probably just go. There is someone who is coming for you, and it doesn’t make sense that you’d have dinner here when you have somewhere to go. You’re in the military, and you don’t have time for whatever this is. I get it, but when you drag it out, it kills me just a little.”

  Matt looked down at Emmy and saw that she was fighting hard to keep herself together, and while he was no stranger to tears, it wasn’t his favorite thing to do, but for her, he wanted to soothe her. It was unfortunate that he was the person she needed soothing for.

  “Oh, okay then.” Matt cleared his throat because there were a lot of things he wanted to say, but they didn’t seem appropriate, and he didn’t want to make her hang on and wait for him. The words that were threatening to revolt had, “Let’s see what can be made of this” all over it. He leaned down to give her a kiss on the cheek, and she stood still like a statue. She must want him gone faster than he was going. He stepped back and hefted his sack over his back before walking toward the exit.

  “Matt?” She didn’t say that his name loud, but it was like he was tuned in to her frequency. Her mouth opened and closed, like she, too, was finding it difficult to find the words that would make sentences to express what she was feeling right now.

  He didn’t move while she tried to put something together, but he did turn around like he was going to come back to her, but she held up her hand in the universal sign of stop.

  “Thank you. You’ve made me feel things I’ve never felt and made me believe in a woman who I had some doubts about.” She turned away and walked quickly before he could say anything.

  He should have been able to walk over to where she was and find her, but if he did, what would he say. It wasn’t like he wasn’t telling her where they were going to eventually end up when they were done here. He couldn’t make any promises, so whatever bullshit he was trying to come up with to make her feel good was just that…bullshit.

  He walked toward the door when a voice came screeching toward him.

  “Commander…,” Carolyn, the flight attendant from the plane, came rushing over to him, so he stopped to see what she wanted although he already knew. She probably knew someone at the base and wanted a ride or that would be the excuse she’d use. Little did she know that he was late for a mission and wouldn’t be playing with her or anyone else tonight.


  “I have a friend at the base, and I was hoping to catch a ride with you.” She seemed like she ran the whole way, but that would be odd since there was a large chunk of time that was missing.

  “I’m sure the car can take you to the base. Does your friend know you’re coming?” he asked because he had a feeling that she was trying to pull a fast one on him. Thinking that he slept with Emmy on first sight, he was probably a horn dog who would do that with anyone.

  “I think so.” She was acting very coy and flirty.

  He couldn’t remember a time when he was so agitated. “Then let’s see if there is room for you.

  She looped her arm around his like they were walking out together, but he stopped her.

  “Look, Carolyn. I don’t know what you think is going to happen if you get on the base, but I have orders. I’m going to sleep in the public base housing, and I’m out in the morning. There isn’t going to be anything between us.” He was shocked to see that her facial expression didn’t change. She still had a silly, lovesick look about her.

  “Alright,” she said, as she let go of his arm. “Could y
ou take my bag to the car though?”

  He didn’t see why she needed that when the damn thing had wheels on it, but if it would shut her up and he could get some sleep and stop thinking about the piece of him he was leaving here in this airport, he’d do it.

  Carolyn looked around, like she was going to miss the place when he knew she would probably be coming back to this same place tomorrow.

  When they reached the car, he had to see the people who had waited for him and they weren’t amused, especially when he told him about Carolyn. It didn’t matter that she wasn’t with him. If she had a friend who was at the base, he’d better be willing to get up at the crack of dawn and bring her back because she’d be waiting at the entry station if that didn’t occur.

  When the bags and Carolyn were in the car, Matt could feel eyes on him, but when he turned to see who it was, the feeling left. It would have been nice to see Emmy one more time, but he knew that wouldn’t have made anything any better. It was better this way. He got into the car and slammed the door.

  “Where is your girlfriend?” Carolyn asked when the driver pulled off.

  “I don’t have one. She was just a friend.”

  “It looks like she’s going to the Philippines, so you may be lonely tonight.” She wasn’t very good at beating around the bush. Carolyn put it right out there, so he thought he’d return the favor and volley it right back.

  “I don’t want or need anyone to keep me company, but I thank you. You may want to get your phone out so you can call whoever is going to pick you up from the entrance. I can get you that far, but I’m not going to have you on the base on my say so when I don’t know you.”

  “It’s really late to call someone.” She looked like she knew she was attractive and any man would want to have her at his disposal, but it was clear that she didn’t know him.

  “The driver can take you back to the airport to make other arrangements if what I’m suggesting isn’t something you’d like to do.” Matt knew she was getting the brunt end of his repressed anger, but no one told her to hitch a ride with the man with the thorn in his paw. He looked at her, and she looked at the floor. A different Carolyn had emerged, the one who knew when to shut the hell up and go for the ride.

  “I’m sorry I caused you so much trouble.” She was trying to play on his emotions, acting like she was so distraught by his behavior, but it wasn’t working.

  “I’m sorry you like to cause trouble, too.”


  Emmy was in a pissy, bitchy mood, and it stemmed from watching Carolyn sink her meaty hooks into Matt not even thirty minutes after he’d howled like a wolf on a full moon while he was riding her ass. What did it really matter? He was done with her anyway, right?

  It had been the longest hour of her life. Half of her wanted to find Matt and that skank and find out why he couldn’t even wait to get out of the airport before allowing himself to go home with someone else. Hell, he’d picked her up in an airport. Maybe he was knuckle deep into her pussy right now. The landscape around her got a little blurry, and she stopped what she was thinking immediately. There was no way in hell that she was going to allow herself to cry over someone who wouldn’t even ask for her cell phone number before he ran off with someone else.

  The next set of flight attendants were lining up at the door, and she thought it was time to leave this portion of her journey, as she started for the next. She was wiser than she was a few days ago, and she learned more about herself than she’d learned in the last four years of college. She was going to chuck all this up as a learning experience.

  “I’m sorry everyone. There has been a change of plans. A weather advisory has gone into effect for the island, and no planes are allowed to fly in or out until further notice.” The perky blonde woman looked like she shared everyone’s dismay. Emmy wondered if they taught them how to look like they had empathy for everyone and their plight. Emmy didn’t care one bit if they got there today or tomorrow since she wasn’t on anyone’s timetable but her own.

  “We will be providing rooms for the night…well, morning. We’ll see how it looks in the morning and if the ban can be lifted from the airport. Please see one of the four attendants holding a sign with the corresponding letter of your last name to get your room key and then exit the front door to the waiting bus.”

  They were herded like cattle to get to their destinations, and it wouldn’t have been too bad if she’d had her luggage. There was nothing she could do about her luggage making the trip to her next stop while she stayed here. At least no one would know that she’d lost her medication for the day, and it didn’t look like she was going to get to take it tomorrow on time either. She took a deep breath and tried not to worry about it. There was nothing she could do and worrying about blood clots forming around her metal valve wouldn’t help.

  When she finally got to her room, she had herself so worked up it wouldn’t have surprised her if she had a heart attack just from worrying. She tried to tell herself that there were studies about people who cured themselves from all types of things with the power of positive thinking. That’s what I can do…think positively.

  She took a shower and tried to wash the day away, knowing that she was washing the last of Matt from her skin, as well. That shouldn’t have made her sad, but it did. When she lay down on the bed after her shower, she tried to work on the power of positive thinking—but most of the positive thoughts eluded her. It could have been because she was hungry.

  She wasn’t hungry when Matt had suggested they get something to eat. No. That wasn’t true. It wasn’t that I wasn’t hungry. It was that if I had to look at his beautiful face, his light brown hair, and those cornflower blue eyes—all while he was trying to be sweet or fucking me up against any surface he could find—I was going to fall farther into him than I already did, and he’d already told me that this wasn’t something that he was taking seriously.

  It was her decision to cut her losses and just let him go instead of allowing him to linger and take more and more of her heart with him. When she saw Carolyn run after him, the emptiness in the pit of her stomach was filled with rage. Was it childish that she followed them? Maybe, but it could also have been that she needed to stretch her legs… or she needed to work on her spy skills. You never know when you’ll need something like that. She watched Carolyn get in the car, putting her hands on Matt as she talked about his muscles. Or at least that’s what it looked like, she couldn’t really hear anything from where she stood. All she knew was that he carried her bag, like a real gentle man, even though it had wheels, and he helped her get settled in the car. Emmy could have sworn that Carolyn looked right at her, but she couldn’t be sure, and even if she was… what would that mean. She was out, and apparently, Carolyn was in.

  The knock at the door was a pleasant surprise. Maybe they were coming around with complimentary snacks or a sample of pizza. Opening the door, her mood sank, and along with it, the hope for food at the door.

  “I’m sorry I was late when it was time to choose, so I was assigned this room with you.” Carolyn looked a bit wary, but she had to know who Emmy was. Why would she choose to stay in a room with her? She must have a death wish, because Emmy was feeling particularly murderous.

  There wasn’t anything to do but let her in. The occupancy of the hotel and the number of passengers on the plane should have told her when she saw this two-bed room that there would be someone staying with her.

  “It’s been a crazy night?” Carolyn was trying to go for the let’s be friends vibe, but little did she know Emmy was praying that she didn’t hurt the woman in her sleep.

  “Yep,” Emmy said in a tone she hoped conveyed that there should only be sleeping done and not much else. “Well, I took my shower, and I’m headed to bed. Feel free to do what you do. Don’t worry about making noise; I can sleep through almost anything.”

  Emmy got into bed, knowing that she’d not be able to sleep with this snake in her room, but it was a free room, and
she’d said that she’d share when they asked her about it. If she would have thought for a minute it would have been this woman in her room, she’d have said no. Come to think of it, why isn’t she still with Matt? You know what… not my circus… not my monkeys. That is what I have to remember when it comes to that man and what he did.

  Carolyn went to the bathroom and showered while Emmy stewed so hard she shouldn’t have been hungry; she could have had a bowl of the anger she’d been brewing all night.

  “Emmy?” Carolyn was sitting on her bed, and Emmy thought about ignoring her, but what would be the point of that?

  She didn’t answer her, but she turned over so she was facing the woman. It was getting light outside, so she could see her even though the lights were off.

  “I saw you watching me and the commander as we made our way to the car.”


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