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Real Vampires: When Glory Met Jerry

Page 27

by Gerry Bartlett

  How did I feel? Strange. Light from the candles seemed brighter. Smells stronger. Which was an unexpected problem. Not all smells were pleasant. We needed clean bed linens for one thing. I remembered Robert’s comment about the scent of our love play. Yes, the chamber reeked of sex and it had been two nights since that had last happened. I flushed with embarrassment. Except when I put my hands to my cheeks they weren’t warm, merely cool.

  “Are you hungry, Gloriana?” Jeremiah swayed next to the bed. “I told Fergus to stay away for two nights because I wasn’t sure how this would go. I will have to leave you here alone with MacDonald. I must go outside to hunt for a mortal.”

  I refused to think about Jeremiah grabbing some poor person against his will and taking his vein. I wondered about hunger. Was I hungry? How did that feel now? I touched my stomach. No pains of hunger there. But something throbbed in my throat. A need. And when I looked at Robert I knew he was willing to provide what I craved.

  “I don’t know if I am hungry or not, Jeremiah. But go. I can see you are weak. Feed, that’s what you called it. If Robert is willing, it is out of kindness. You know you can trust me and I trust him. You can read my mind when you come back if you are worried that we will do more than drink blood here.” I glanced at Robert. “Would you leave us now, Robert, so I can dress? That will help ease Jeremiah’s mind. I don’t want to sit around in a sheet while we do this.”

  “The sheet suits you,” Robert smiled when Jeremiah growled. “But get dressed, by all means. Campbell, I want to see this transition through. We made her vampire, by God. Well, you did. Now she’s one of us. So I can offer a vein. I would do as much for any one of us in need. And you will owe me a favor, Campbell.” He chuckled as he strode to the door. “Come into the next room when you are ready, Gloriana. We will do this at the table in front of the fire. See how appropriate we can be?” He shut the bedchamber door behind him.

  “I don’t like this or him, Gloriana. I could see the way he looked at you. He admires you and your body.” Jeremiah pulled on his shirt. “Unfortunately I must go out. I am too weak to do much more than find the first healthy mortal who will be easy to take. I know that is hard for you to understand but it is how we live. Once I have my strength back, we can drink from each other. Last night was unusual. I will teach you the right amount to take for a normal feeding as we go on.”

  I cast off that ridiculous sheet then ran to put my arms around him. “I hate that I was too greedy. Thank you. I know it wasn’t easy for you to give me my heart’s desire. I won’t ever forget it.” I pulled his head down to kiss him. To my shock, my new fangs came down. “Oh! I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t say that. I find they make me want you more. They can emerge when you are excited. Soon you will be able to control them, but when you smell fresh blood that will become more difficult.” He kissed me, licking his way into my mouth. Then he put his thumb inside and looked closely. “Very pretty little fangs they are. The older you get, the longer they will become.” He kissed me again. “When I return and you have used Robert to your satisfaction we will both bathe and make love as only two vampires can. I can’t wait to show you.”

  “The vampire way.” I sighed and leaned against him. “I can’t wait either.”

  “Then let me go and take care of my needs while you take care of yours. Think of my drinking from a mortal and your drinking from Robert as no more than how you used to devour a meat pie. What do you or I care if you make it for me or if I buy it from someone else? What matters is that we are both strong and well fed when we come together.” He smiled. “That is what I am telling myself so I won’t put a knife to MacDonald’s cock before I leave.”

  “Jeremiah! I have no interest in MacDonald’s man part, believe me. His vein? I am starving for it.” I shoved back from him. “But only because I can’t have yours again yet. Now hurry. I will send him home as soon as I am satisfied that I have had enough to drink.” I reached for a dress and donned it hastily, lacing it for modesty. I wasn’t going to do anything to encourage Robert’s interest in me.

  “You do that.” Jeremiah finished dressing and strode to the bedchamber door. He turned to look at me when he got there. “I won’t read your mind when I get back, Gloriana. I trust you. Let him show you how to go on. MacDonald has proved to be surprisingly helpful. He may want you but he can’t have you.”

  “No, he can’t. But he can be a friend. Just as Maggie is my friend. I have made that clear to him before but will do so again.” I kissed Jeremiah once more then walked him to the outer door before joining Robert.

  “I am likened to your friend Maggie?” Robert dropped his head to the table and knocked it against the wood a few times. “You wound me.”

  “You heard?” I sat across from him.

  “Test your new vampire hearing. Be quiet and listen.” He raised his head. “Can you hear your lover’s footsteps as he goes down the tunnel to the street?”

  “Through the thick door?” I shook my head.


  So I shut my mouth and concentrated. To my shock I could hear Jeremiah’s boots hitting the stones, then the key turning in the lock before he stepped out into the street. Other sounds also came to me. The steady dripping of the water from the faucet we never could get to stop leaking. The rustle of a mouse somewhere in the straw where Fergus stored his provisions.

  “It is amazing!” I looked around the room. “And the smells. The scent of candles burning. The smoke from the fire. Why, I can even smell the roses in my soap from the bathing room.”

  “Yes, I saw that room with the tub. You are an unusual woman with your habit of bathing.” He smiled and held out his hand. “I like it. I noticed your sweet smell right away.”

  “And I noticed that you are clean as well. It is uncommon at court.” I picked up his wrist and sniffed his vein. Oh, but my new fangs were very interested. “Look, I have fangs!”

  “I know, Gloriana. I watched Campbell give them to you.” Robert laughed. “It was quite a spectacle. You latched onto him like he was a treat you wanted to devour until every drop was gone. We had to tear you off of him.”

  “I hardly remember that.” I didn’t know quite how to go about this. I wanted to bite his vein and taste the blood running through it. Yes, I could smell that too. Was it proper to just have at it? I had his permission. I remembered when Marin had taken my vein there. She had used her tongue first. Just as Jeremiah did to make the pain go away. The idea of doing that to Robert seemed somehow to invite more than a meal. I looked into his eyes and saw his amusement again.

  “I’m glad last night isn’t clear to you. Now go ahead and lick the spot where you see the blue vein in my wrist. Doing that is only to dull pain. You don’t want to hurt me, do you?” He nodded when I pulled his wrist toward my mouth.

  I dabbed it with my tongue.

  “No, do it right. A long sweep. As if you love my skin and the taste of it.” He sighed when I did just that. It was salty and delicious. Oh, I shouldn’t think that. Was this really necessary or was he playing with me? “Now take those pretty little fangs and strike. Not gently. Fast, as if my wrist will run away if you don’t get it now.”

  I wanted to, desperately. I scraped his skin but couldn’t pierce it, only made faint red lines. “I can’t.”

  He pulled a knife from his sporran. “Here, this will help you get going.” He ran it across his wrist and blood welled. “Smell it. Go ahead, lean closer.”

  I did lean in and the smell was intoxicating. Like the finest wine. Before I could stop myself, I licked it clean. When blood continued to flow I kept licking.

  “Woman, you are driving me mad. Keep that up and I will toss your skirt over your head and have Campbell’s ire to deal with.” Robert gripped my hair and shoved me closer. “Here.”

  Suddenly my fangs were in his vein. Oh. They soaked up his blood. I swallowed as it filled my mouth. The taste! Delicious. I could feel it giving me strength. I vaguely remembered that last night Jer
emiah’s blood had done the same. Was it always like this? So heady? So incredible? I gripped his arm drawing until he jerked on my hair to pull me away.

  “What?” I looked up, indignant. “I was enjoying that.”

  “Too much, my little savage.” He grinned. “Finish by using your tongue again to close the wound. You will see it disappear. Vampire magic. I’m sure Campbell has shown you that before.”

  “Of course. But what if I want more?” I looked down. His blood still welled from the two holes I’d made next to his cut. I leaned in again. He pulled my hair to keep me from connecting with it.

  “You have had quite enough. Do you want me to be too weak to walk home or shift there? Are you trying to drain me dry?” He tugged on my hair until I looked up at him. “See how pale my face is? Check my eyes. I am fading from blood loss, Gloriana. Know these signs. They mean you must stop or you will kill your source.”

  “Robert! I am sorry.” I pulled up his wrist and licked the wound closed. Yes, it was vampire magic and now I had it too. His wrist showed no signs now that I had ever been at it. Amazing!

  “Of course perhaps Jeremiah whispered to you that killing me is his heart’s desire. He is your sire now. It would be only natural that you would want to do his bidding.” Robert leaned back. He did look very pale and tired.

  “I won’t kill for him.” I felt energized. Full of life. If that was possible. I had a difficult time remembering that I had died last night. I felt strong, stronger than I could have imagined. I had to test it. I stood and picked up the end of the thick oak table, gasping when it lifted easily. “Look at me. I have vampire strength.” I gave him a saucy grin. “Will you let me hit you? I would like to see if I can knock you down. Especially after that remark about lifting my skirt. As if I would have allowed it.”

  “Hit me? After you well-nigh drained me? No, thank you. But that extra strength is because of the blood you just drank. I am over a hundred years old so I can give you power just as Campbell can. When you drink from a mere mortal, you will be able to tell the difference. A mortal’s blood is not nearly so heady. It keeps us alive and strengthens us, but has none of the great power that an ancient vampire’s blood acquires.” He picked up my wrist and held it to his nose.

  “I swear you were never a mere mortal even before last night, Gloriana, no matter what you seemed. Your blood was never ordinary. As a vampire?” He smiled. “I won’t test Campbell’s temper by begging a sample now, but, if you ever part from him, please seek me out. Once you’ve aged a bit, what a treat you’ll be.”

  “Jeremiah and I will be together forever, so you will just have to forget about sampling me.” I took back my wrist and sniffed for myself. My own blood held no allure to me. What could he mean?

  “Time for me to find my own mortal.” He stood and strapped on his sword.

  “I’m sorry if I got carried away, Robert.” I was almost sorry to see him go as well. Who knew when we would meet again? “You have been wonderful. A true friend to me.” I hugged him. “If you ever need anything,” I tapped his chest and playfully shoved him back when his hold on me tightened, “besides a bedmate, you have only to ask.” I walked him to the door. “Will I see you in the Highlands?”

  “I will be there, but I doubt we will cross paths. The Campbells and the MacDonalds are mortal enemies. I know Campbell has not told you the reason why and it is not my story to tell. If we see each other, you would do well to pretend not to know me. The Laird would be suspicious if you claimed a friendship with a MacDonald.” Robert kissed my cheek. “Trust me, the Laird and his lady never forget or forgive.”

  “I am sorry to hear that.” He had become a good friend to me. But I knew better than to ask questions. I looked into his eyes. Could I read his mind? Of course not. He wasn’t about to let me see why the Campbells hated the MacDonalds. Jeremiah refused to discuss it.

  “Take care, Gloriana. I hope you don’t come to regret your decision to join us in eternal night.” He bowed and opened the door.

  “I won’t.” I turned the key in the lock once he’d left. I had much to think about. Heading for the Highlands might not be the pleasure trip I had hoped for. Jeremiah’s parents seemed to be difficult, from the way they turned their own children vampire, to the grudges they held. I just prayed they didn’t take me in dislike. Their son and heir would be bringing home his first fledgling vampire. Perhaps it would be a matter of pride that he’d made his own fledgling. I could only hope.

  I filled the kettle and put it over the fire to heat for our bath. I was sure Jeremiah would be back soon and we would enjoy bathing together. Then lovemaking for the first time with both of us vampire. It was something to look forward to.

  # # #

  “Really, Jeremiah, I cannot believe my new vampire senses.” I sat astride him, eager to get on with the next step in my vampire education. So far our lovemaking had been as it always was. Except… I savored the flavor of his skin as I kissed the familiar paths across his body. And everywhere he touched me seemed more sensitive, more eager to be explored. It was like I had been reborn. This Gloriana couldn’t yet read his mind, but I somehow sensed what he wanted and moved quickly to bring him pleasure. Now I leaned down to inhale his throat where I knew his vein throbbed. I sat up again. I didn’t want to do anything I shouldn’t.

  “You are very eager, aren’t you?” He smiled up at me. “I ran into MacDonald outside our door and he said he had to pull you off his vein or you would have drained him. Still thirsty, my love?”

  “Yes. And I’m waiting for this vampire lovemaking you promised me.” I felt him throbbing inside me and moved, watching his eyes close with pleasure. “We have done all of this before. Not that I mind it. You always make me feel amazing, my love.” I kissed him with all the love in my heart.

  He flipped me over so I was staring up at him. “I am very fond of the way we make love. But if you want to know how two vampires may go about this in a special way, you will have it.” He was suddenly beside me and we were no longer connected.

  “What now?” I leaned up on one elbow. “Do I take your vein?” I touched the one in his neck.

  “Remember how Jean-Claude took advantage of the one on your inner thigh?” Jeremiah lost his smile. “The idea that he had done so maddened me. It is the vein I used when we made love later. It should be reserved for lovers with a special bond.”

  “Even when I was still mortal, it was very exciting. Now…” I realized my heart was quickening at the thought. “Jeremiah, we do have a special bond. And do you have a vein…” I looked to where his cock stood ready, “there?”

  “I do indeed.” He showed me the vein inside his thigh so very close to his sacs. “Come here, Gloriana. Lie on me and let me pleasure you, drink from you, while you drink from me. If you think you have felt completion before, my love, you have experienced nothing compared to this.” He reached for me.

  I crawled over him awkwardly, but of course Jeremiah knew just how to position me to make this work. I was still not sure how to make my tiny fangs strike, but the scent of his blood was strong when I got close to that vein. I stroked his cock as I leaned in and remembered to lick the place where his blood ran inside his thigh. Before I knew it my fangs were in and I was drinking. Gods, the taste. Jeremiah was mine and there was nothing like his blood.

  Then he was touching me, his tongue on my own vein before he struck. With the first deep draw, I was lost, my body coming apart as we joined in a new way. Sensation after sensation made me tremble and my hands shook as I remembered to keep touching him. I drank and pushed against him. I’d never felt anything like it. I soared, losing my mind as I gripped Jeremiah’s thigh and his cock. When I heard him shout my name, something broke inside me and I fell back, finally releasing him.

  He lifted me into his arms and held me against his chest. I heard his heart rumble beneath my cheek as I tried to understand how we could be dead when we breathed, moved, and could give such incredible pleasure to each other. I stroked h
is stomach and kissed his chin.

  “I love you, Jeremiah.”

  “Lass, you are a wonder. I will always love you.” He sighed into my hair. “We are not done. You must always remember to close the wound. Whether you are with me, another vampire or a mortal. It is a courtesy and it is for your own safety that you leave no sign of your use.” He gently steered me back to where I had taken him. Yes, blood still oozed from the two small holes. I looked up and saw he was a bit pale. Had I taken too much? He shook his head. Mind reader. When would he teach me how to do that? I gently kissed away the two spots then lay back with my head on his thigh.

  “Did you close my wound as well?” I opened my legs. “I don’t remember if you did or not. You distracted me.”

  “I should hope so.” He lifted my legs and spent a good long time pleasuring me until I was calling his name.

  “Oh, you make me wild,” I murmured, my hips moving as he held me. “You are a demon.”

  He was grinning when he finally dropped me to the bed. “No, you are lucky you haven’t met one of those yet.” He lay beside me again. “There are many creatures roaming the earth that mere mortals have no idea exist.”

  “Really. Demons?” I shivered. “And we met a witch. If there are more strange things about, don’t tell me yet. I have enough to get used to. I just hope Maggie will accept Fergus and his shape-shifting.”

  “It will be difficult. If that goes well, he may also try to explain that he works for vampires. It is a lot for a mortal to understand. You accepted it better than most would.” Jeremiah traced my nipple with a fingertip. “We live in a secret world. That is why I always erase a mortal’s memories when I send them away. The idea of creatures such as we are is too much for them.”

  “I guess Maggie and Fergus will be here when we wake at sunset tomorrow.” I stretched and yawned. “I am beginning to feel tired. Is that what you mean when you say you feel the dawn?”


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