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The Keys to Jericho

Page 4

by Ren Alexander

  Liberty opens her mouth to spew something, but she’s cut off by Rio, the coolness he previously displayed seconds ago slips as he answers, “I asked her to be here. How many times do I have to tell you that?”

  My frustrated gaze slides to him. His lips are pursed and his eyes are intense, but don’t really give anything away, which is normal for him. “Why? You need a chaperone, Duquesne?”

  Dash hits my hand with his fork, causing pain to reverberate across my knuckles. Skating my hands off the table, I swiftly give him a dirty look, only for him to respond with one of his own. As much as I’m used to Rio keeping his cool, I’m also not used to Dash being anything but cheerful.

  This is an odd turn of events. I’m usually the unstable one and ironically, I’m the only one here making any sense.

  Retreating from Dash’s condemning scowl, I glance around the room at the décor, anything to avoid looking at Dash, across the table into the eyes of the beast, or at the beast’s prey next to her. I feel Rio’s harsh glare, but if I return the look, he’ll see in my eyes just how much I don’t care.

  After a few hushed minutes, Dash starts yacking again, and I have to drown out the casual banter between Liberty and him because it makes me physically ill. Rio remarks here and there, but doesn’t say as much as Frick and Frack do. I count down the seconds until I can eat my dinner and get the fuck out of here.

  My stomach twists and I reach for my beer to douse the feeling, although, it’ll take more than beer to eradicate this nausea. Then again, it could very well make me barf, which I welcome anything that would either get rid of this feeling, or Liberty.

  “Jericho does.” Dash elbows me and I unwillingly look from the giant swordfish hanging on the wall to Calder’s expectant face.


  Liberty clears her throat and says, “I was just asking if any of you like to go to the beach?”

  I revert my attention to the dead fish on the wall, but attempt to be somewhat cordial for Duquesne’s sake. “Why?”

  “Just curious.”

  I shrug as I study the swordfish, wanting to catch one like that someday. Hell, I’d go for catching a bluegill if it meant I could be anywhere but here. “I grew up not far from the beach, so it’s kind of passé.”

  Rio bitingly says, “Shut up, Jare. You love the water. Don’t be pissy.”

  Mercifully, our food is brought to the table and I instantly start on my sandwich, gawking at it as if it’s giving me a lap dance, just to avoid looking in front of me.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I catch a glimpse of Liberty’s hand moving up and down on Rio’s leg and I pause. No. She’d better not be doing what I think she’s doing.

  Struggling to swallow my food before it makes a reappearance, I take a long drink before leaning forward to loudly whisper, “Could you not jack off my best friend in front of me? I’m trying to eat.”

  She nearly spills her pop as she quickly puts it down, protesting, “I-I’m not!” Liberty pulls away from Rio, actually appearing embarrassed. She mutters, “I was rubbing his leg. That’s all.” She glances at Dash for sympathy, which she probably gets.

  “Jared,” Rio growls as his blue eyes flash brighter. I can’t help but roll mine at him.

  I pick up my burger in a huff and try to gag the rest of it down. The table is thankfully quiet as we eat, but it only lasts a few minutes before Dash has to open his mouth. Vaguely, I hear Liberty saying something about a beach. If it doesn’t involve her drowning at one, I couldn’t care less.

  I’m content enough to eat in silence, and be left out of the conversation, until Dash asks, “Why don’t you stay at my dad’s beach house with Rio, Jared, and me for the Fourth of July weekend?”

  My burger topples out of my hand and I yell, “Dash, shut up!”

  Rio bellows, “Jared!”

  “No! That’s our fishing trip and our time. No girls allowed!”

  Rio argues, “We’re not 12 and it’s not a treehouse! None of us had a woman we wanted to bring with us before!”

  Liberty meekly says, “That’s okay. Thanks anyway, Dash.”

  Dash continues to plead his fucking case, “No, it’s cool. Really. You don’t have to fish. We also have bonfires, watch movies, play beach volleyball with the neighbors, and just relax. You can always hang out on the beach or whatever.”

  Tearing his blazing eyes away from me, Rio strokes her back and says, “Dash is right. You should come. We each have a room there. It’s not like I have to bunk with anyone.” He swiftly glares at me, and I shake my head as I turn to stare at the fish again.

  As I take a swig of my beer while looking out the window on the other side of the room, I hear Dash dragging his bottle across the wooden table and he says, “Yeah, just keep it down when you two are getting it on.”

  I slam my bottle down, facing the three most irritating people here. “Oh, hell no. You can fuck her elsewhere, Duquesne. Like Baltimore.”

  He roars, “Jared! Outside. Now.”

  I glance over at the bar and see two guys wearing matching, dark blue T-shirts with white lettering, who are taking in our show. I frown at them and they quickly look away, speculating about our drama, I’m sure.

  Liberty leans over to say something to Rio, but without taking his cold stare off me, he shakes his head and whispers something in her ear. She then jumps up to allow him out of the booth. I grab a handful of my French fries and shove them into my mouth before I stand.

  Dash sighs and pushes his plate away, shaking his head at the table. When Rio stands he snarls, “Go.”

  As soon as we barrel through the front doors, Rio shunts past me and looks over his shoulder, nodding ahead for me to follow him. He leads me to the end of the building and around the corner, where there aren’t people standing around. Satisfied where we are, he spins around and is in my face.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you, Beckett? It’s like you have a screw loose or a short circuit!”

  Doubtful, I take a step back and scoff, “What? Am I a fucking robot?”

  He bleakly laughs. “No. A damn robot has more feelings than you do! Why are you so mean to Liberty?”

  Now, I have to laugh. “Mean to her? I tried not talking to her so I didn’t have to be mean to her!”

  “What the hell? What did she ever do to you? You barely even know her!”

  “You call me a robot? You’re a goddamn puppet! She pulls your strings and you dance!”

  He steps closer and I cross my arms, squeezing my fists, holding my ground. I don’t want to argue with Rio, but he brought this on himself.

  I again take a step back and he shouts, “She doesn’t tell me what I can and can’t do! I like spending time with her. If you’re going to be pissed off at anyone, then be pissed at me!”

  “She keeps you away from your friends! We never see you anymore! It’s not like she encourages you to ditch her or gives you permission to hang out with your friends!” I take a deep breath and slide both hands up into my hair underneath my hat, frustrated that he can’t see his girlfriend the way I do.

  Slightly calmer, I glance around us before resting my gaze on his chest, unable to look him in the eye when I say, “Since I’ve known you, none of your previous girlfriends kept you away like this.”

  Equally as composed, he replies, “Because I didn’t have feelings for them like I do for her.”

  My breathing slams to a halt at the same time my stomach crashes, and I instantly look up to his face. “Oh, no.” I swallow and laugh, but not really laughing, as I turn away and shake my head. “No, no, no, Duquesne. Don’t you fucking say it.”

  He dimly intones, “I’m in love with her, Jare.”

  I explode. “Fuck! I told you not to say it!” Dropping my arms, I again cross them over my chest, and angrily suck in my bottom lip as I stare at the ground, disgusted by this new and disastrous development. Rio doesn’t say anything more. He just quietly watches me as I think of what to say.

  Ultimately, I shake my
head and look up at him. “Don’t tell me you believe in that shit, too. It’s bad enough with Dash and his lovelorn whining.”

  With his hands on his hips, he glances at the ground and shakes his head with a weighty sigh. “Jare…”

  Shit. I’m losing this.

  “She’s only luring you in! You’ve got to fight harder!”

  He crunches his face in puzzlement, squinting his eyes at me. “To not fall in love?”

  I eagerly nod, trying to save him from crossing to The Dark Side. “Yes! Don’t give in! Just walk away.”

  “Instead of falling in love? Are you serious?”

  “Damn right I am! You don’t need that shit! You’ve only been with her a couple months!” He seems to contemplate that. I think I’m getting through to him.

  Rio looks up at the roof of the covered walkway before crossing his arms, mirroring me. He whispers, “Fuck,” before looking back to me. We stare at each other in an odd standoff. The parking lot noises accentuate the awkward tension hovering around us. Rio and I never argue. It’s usually Dash and me fighting over something stupid.

  I finally ask, “Have you told her…that…yet?”


  “Don’t do it, Rio. Once you say that word, it’ll be too late.”

  The confusion is back on his face as he cocks his head. “Too late for what?”

  “Too late to take it back. To stop it. If you change your mind about how you feel about her, you won’t be able to undo it. Those words will forever be hanging over you like a fucking plague.”

  He adamantly shakes his head and speaks with unfamiliar fervor. “Jared, I can’t stop it. I don’t want to stop it. It was bound to happen for me someday.” His eyes fly over my face and he hesitates before saying, “Just like it should for you, if you let anyone get close enough.”

  I frown and scornfully snap, “What the hell, Duquesne? Now you sound like fucking Dash.”

  Straightening his arms out, he dips his left into his jeans pocket. “Don’t you ever want to fall in love with someone? As long as I’ve known you, you’ve never been in love.”

  I turn away from him to look out over the parking lot, so tired of this conversation. “And I never will be. Who fucking needs that shit? It’s just an aggravation and if you break up, it’ll suck the life out of you, along with your bank account. No, thanks. I’ll pass.”

  “That’s the risk I’ll have to take.” He props his hand on the brick wall, sighing. “What’s happened to you? It’s like you have some kind of vendetta to carry out. You’ve always been cool with me, but I’ve noticed that you’re a dick with women in general. Now Liberty. Why?” Fuck.

  My arms remained locked against me, as if I’m really protecting myself from his disturbing observations.

  I randomly watch people in a grocery store parking lot across the street as he waits for an answer. I shrug. “I’m not. Liberty and I just don’t get along.”

  “It’s more than that. You don’t even have any women friends.”

  I used to years ago, but when I wanted to step it up with her, she rejected me. I threw myself at her over and over, yet each time I tried, she pushed me away with a laugh. I kept trying, but you can only push on a redwood tree so much before you realize it’s not going to uproot from your meager efforts. I didn’t have more to give, so I walked away.

  And it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I’ve never told anyone about her.

  Rio continues, “As soon as a woman comes near you, your entire demeanor changes.”

  Rejection is what my life has been all about.

  I’ll never be at the mercy of a female again.

  I glance at him and scoff, “Yeah. You should talk. If you had an invisibility cloak, you’d use it.”

  “You become icy, Jare. You only thaw a bit when you want to use them.”

  Stunned that he can see through me, I look away from him and wearily say, “I think you and Dash are smoking crack together.” This is why I don’t have deep conversations with Rio about this subject. He’s cutthroat.

  “Deny it all you want, but you’re going to be alone if you keep being this way.”

  Seeing a couple kissing and making me want to throw up, I turn back to Rio and sneer, “Because I really want to be put on a leash and dragged around.”

  “I’m not! Jesus! I’m happy! Don’t you want to see me happy?”

  “I do, but not when it comes down to you choosing her over Dash and me.”

  He pounds the brick with his fist. “Can’t I have both? Why do I have to choose one or the other?”

  “Well, that’s what it’ll end up being. She’ll make you get rid of us. Don’t you see how controlling she is?”

  “She is? Look at you! You’re telling me who I can’t date! Who I can’t love! You’re trying to do the very thing you’re accusing Liberty of doing!”

  Shaking my head, I insist, “No way. This is different. I’ve known you longer. I’m looking out for you!”

  He steps closer and yells, “Don’t feed me that garbage, Jare! I don’t want you fighting with Liberty!” He closes his eyes and rubs the back of his neck. Taking a deep breath as he opens his eyes, Rio evenly says, “She’s not going anywhere. Get used to her.”

  I swallow hard and challenge, “And if I can’t?”

  He drills his eyes into me, but I hold my own. “I mean it.” He thinks I’m joking?

  Letting my arms fall, I reach into my back pocket for my wallet, pulling out a 20.00 bill. Holding it between my index and middle fingers, I say, “Here. This is for my dinner.”

  He doesn’t take the money. “Why? Where you going?”

  “I can’t be in there right now. Dash will need a ride home.” When he doesn’t make a move to grab it, I shove the bill against his chest and as it falls. He catches it as it flutters down.

  As I turn and walk back around the corner of the building, Rio yells, “Jared, come on!”

  Ignoring him, I go straight to my car and angrily peel out of the parking lot.

  If it’s not my dad, it’s my damn friends.

  Fuck them all.


  “Jared I need you.” The voice is familiar, yet so far away. I look around, but see nothing.

  Suddenly out of nowhere, I’m pummeled with something soft. Confused, I turn, yet no one is there. I feel the back of my neck for blood or part of my brain exposed, but I seem to be okay.


  Jumping up, I sleepily look around through squinted eyes, disoriented by the light bouncing off the beige walls instead of the gray in my apartment.

  “It’s about time, sleepyhead.”

  I notice three pairs of my socks, rolled into each other, laying on the bed. Picking up a bundle, I look with perturbed astonishment to my dad standing in the doorway. “Did you throw these at me?”

  He shamelessly nods. “I did. I had a hard time waking you up.”

  “What time is it?” I crane my neck to look at my alarm clock, only to find it isn’t there. I guess that’s something I should’ve packed.

  “It’s 9:40. Get up. I need you.”

  Fuck, I have a headache. Ignoring him, I lie back down. This is my vacation. There’s no way I’m getting up this early, especially after a shitty night.

  After leaving Rio, I drove around until I thought it was late enough that if my dad was still awake, he wouldn’t question why I was home so early. I managed to sneak in without running into him. He didn’t even notice my frequent trips to the refrigerator for more beer, taking two cans at a time and each trip louder than the one before.

  Rio and I always get along and always have been close. I tell him things I don’t tell Dash because Dash is too…cheerful. Too optimistic. He doesn’t take my problems seriously and if he does, he brings up the astrology garbage. I just don’t understand how a female can change Rio. He’s dated before and he’s always stayed the same Rio. Not this time. This bitch has him blinded by her bullshit. He says I’m the one who’s chan
ged, but I’m the same Jared Beckett as I’ve always been, maybe a little older and wiser, or just maybe a little wearier and more jaded. Still the same, regardless.

  “Come on, Jared.” Dad clears his throat and says, “I see you had a rough night.” I take it he notices the beer cans on the floor and on the nightstand. “You better not have driven drunk.”

  When I don’t respond, another soft wallop smacks my face.


  “Did you?”

  I pull the blanket tighter over my head. “No!”

  He sighs, seemingly satisfied that I’m telling the truth, which I actually am this time. “I need you to get up and dressed.”

  I testily growl into the mattress, “What the hell for?”

  “Watch it,” he scolds me like a child. Fuck me. I’d get more sleep on a park bench downtown.

  I’m quiet, hoping he gave up on me and left, but hearing him sigh, I groan into my pillow. “Dad, can’t I sleep in? Whatever it is can wait.”

  “No. I want your expertise there.” What the fuck?

  “What expertise would that be? I have so much.” I laugh into my pillow, but it makes my head pound more.

  “You’re good with a hammer. Now get up.”

  My eyes pop open. What shit is he getting me into? I’m supposed to be relaxing and enjoying my time off before I start my new job. I knew he wouldn’t let me get off that easily, but my first day here? Jesus.

  He declares, “My assistant Brenda’s house burnt down.”

  I shift enough that I can see him without sitting up. “Uh, okay. Sorry to hear that, but wouldn’t it be better to call the fire department instead of me?” He laughs. Kind of odd, but whatever.

  “You’re a structural engineer.” Wow. News to me.

  “I’m glad you noticed.” I roll back over, burying my head into the blanket and saying a muffled, “Again. So? Not much I can do for a burning house.”

  “No, it’s being rebuilt.”

  Since it seems like he’s not going to leave without a compelling argument, I whisper a fuck before I grudgingly sit up and rub my eyes with the heels of my hands. “Dad, I design skyscrapers and bridges. I don’t work with houses.” They’re small potatoes. I’m in the big leagues.


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