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The Keys to Jericho

Page 65

by Ren Alexander

  Glancing from her, to the windshield, and then to the console, I say, “I need to know that you’ll be faithful to me. My dad was dumped and he never fully recovered. My sister was cheated on, and even though it was high school, it fucking hurt her. I can’t go through that shit. I’m not as strong as them.” Looking up, I state, “I will never stray. I will be forever faithful to you. Please, Kat, please don’t ever cheat on me. I’m trusting you like I’ve never trusted anyone. I need to have your word. Promise me you won’t break my trust or my heart.”

  With tears springing to her eyes, she says, “Jared, you have my promise. You’re the one I held everyone up to in comparison. You’ve always been in my heart. Always. No one else has ever had my whole heart. It’s always been yours. I’ll never be unfaithful to you. You can trust me with your heart, because I’ll protect it with extra care. There’ll never be any other man for me.”

  I lean over and putting my hand on her cheek, I pull her to me for a kiss, wanting to do more, but knowing I can’t right now, I sit back and sigh.

  Kat asks, “Do you remember your mother?” No more hard-on.

  I scoff, “Why do you throw these questions at me without any kind of warning?”

  “I don’t know. They come to me and I ask.”

  I shrug as I stare at the steering wheel. “Not much, but I’ve seen her in pictures. Why?”

  “I just wondered about what kind of person could leave her children.”

  Tracing the steering wheel with my fingers, I say, “From what my dad has told me, she was a singer. He was 19, a freshman in college, working in a deli when he met her. She was 26, I think, and a librarian. Her name was Melinda Hadley, which is unfortunate for my sister.”


  “While my dad was still in college, she got pregnant with Hadley, and they were married before my sister was born. My grandparents didn’t like my mother much. My grandmother said there was something about her. Well, she was right. Apparently, my mother got some kind of singing gig she couldn’t pass up, and she took off, leaving me alone in my crib, while Hadley was at school. My dad came home a short time later to find me screaming. After that, he ended up moving us all in with my grandparents until he graduated. My mother never came back or contacted my dad directly, only by her lawyer with divorce papers.”

  “That’s disgusting she did that. I’m sorry I asked.”

  Turning to look at her, I reply, “It’s okay. We’re supposed to tell each other everything, no matter how fucked up, right?”

  Kat nods. “Right. And I’ll always be here for you, Jared. We’ll always be together, even when we’re physically not.”

  I smile. “I needed to hear that, Kit Kat.”

  Smiling back, she says, “Anytime, and I’ll remind you often.” Lifting her hand, gazing at the ring, she frowns. “It’s probably better if I take this off. My mom will see it right away. We should ease into it.”

  I sigh. “Yeah. I guess you’re right.”

  With a pout, Kat pulls the ring off her finger. “Here. You hold it. I’ll be too tempted to put it back on.”

  Grinning, I take it and push it into my pocket. Leaning over, I kiss her cheek and say, “It’ll be back on your finger before we leave, baby.”

  She says, “By the way, thank you for the ring. It’s beautiful.”

  “Don’t thank me. I hope I did a good job picking it out, though. Liberty threw in her opinions, but I made the ultimate decision on which one.”

  “I love it. I wouldn’t have wanted something too flashy.”

  Swallowing the bad taste I have, I say, “I didn’t know what your…first one…looked like, so I hope it’s not too similar.”

  Shaking her head, she softly smiles. “This is my only engagement ring. Before, we weren’t really engaged. We had just decided to do it, and did after the two-day waiting period. No proposal. No ring. No engagement.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yeah. See? I told you that you’re special.”

  “How could he have not treated you special?”

  “Because we weren’t each other’s soulmates.”

  I roll my eyes. “Fuck. It’s true. You are mine. Do not tell Calder that.”

  She smiles as her fingers brush my jaw. “I knew you were mine. I didn’t tell him that, either.”

  “Jesus. Let’s get this done. I need to be all over you, Kit Kat.”

  I give her another quick kiss, before opening the car door. Since I parked in Kat’s driveway, it’s a good chance they already saw my car, so my arrival won’t be such a surprise. However, when we walk over to Brenda’s and knock on the door, she’s confused when she answers, seeing me with Kat, instead of Dash. Still, she smiles, asking, “Jared? Where’s Dash?”

  Brenda steps aside and Kat says, “I ran into Jared at the park when I was with Dash. Dash had plans, so…”

  I follow Kat into the living room and my dad gives us a confused smile, but comes over to give me a hug. “I thought you weren’t coming back until tomorrow?”

  “Changed my mind.” About a lot of things.

  Kat walks over to the couch, and I trail her, keeping a friendly distance; however, my dad is watching us with a knowing look, having seen us kiss, and now being aware that Kat and I have slept together.

  Brenda brings Kat and me chocolate pie, but we both set the plates down onto the coffee table. She asks, “What do you want to drink?”

  We both answer, “Nothing, thanks.” Laughing, we glance at each other, but not for too long.

  With his trademark scratchy voice, my dad asks, “So, how was your meeting?”

  “Boring. I met my coworkers, supervisors, and I think the cafeteria staff. Riveting.”

  Brenda returns to the room, handing Dad a plate and says, “You clean up really well. It’s nice to see you dressed up. I thought you would have to wear a hard hat and steel-toed boots to work.”

  I shrug. “I do, but only for site inspections. Other than meetings, it’s casual work attire, since I’m at a computer most of the day.”

  Kat says, “Some days I think I need a hard hat and steel-toed boots.”

  I laugh. “Your job sounds rough, too.”

  She grins, resting her cheek against her hand. “It can be.”

  Smiling, I catch my dad staring at us, and I know we can’t hide it for much longer before he asks damned questions.

  Brenda takes the seat next to my dad, giving Kat a probing glance as she cuts into her piece of pie.

  I casually look at Kat and she takes a deep breath. “I got the job.”

  Brenda peers up from her pie in shock. “What? You did? When? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Calm down. I just found out yesterday.”

  “You’re taking it, right?”

  Kat takes another deep breath and says, “Yes. I’m moving to Virginia.”

  I look to my dad and his face falls for a split second before he forces a smile for Kat. “Congratulations, Kat.”

  I bite back a huge smile as I turn to her. “Congratulations.”

  Her gaze quickly shifts from me to the coffee table. “Thank you. I’m excited.”

  Brenda says, “It’ll be such a change for you. Are you going to live with Liberty?”

  Kat replies, “No. Rio is moving down there.”

  Brenda appears confused. “Oh. Well, you’ll still be near her, won’t you?”

  Kat nods as she restlessly twists her fingers together. “Yeah. Probably. It depends.”

  Brenda asks, “On what? Where you find an apartment?”

  “Yeah. That and where my roommate wants to live.”

  Laughing, Brenda shakes her head. “You have a roommate already? How?”

  Kat glances at me for help, and I turn to Dad and Brenda. “Me.”

  My dad’s mouth nearly lands in his pie. “Huh?” Brenda remains in a state of shock, and my dad sets down his plate, asking, “You’re quitting your job before you even started?”

  “No. I’ll stay the
re until next summer.”

  Dad presses, “You’re going to move to Virginia then?” He glances at Kat and then to me. “With Kat?”

  “Yeah. I am.”

  Even though he knows the answer, he still asks the ultimate question. “Why?”

  Kat says, “Something happened between Jared and me.” When our parents don’t make a comment, Kat reaches over, grabbing my hand, and sliding her fingers between mine. Looking at her, I squeeze her hand as she admits, “We fell in love.”

  Brenda’s fork clatters against her plate as she asks, “You have?”

  Turning to her, I lick my lip as I nod. “Yeah. For me, it’s been ongoing since I was 16. I never stopped.”

  Kat pulls on my hand, adding, “I was 15 when I fell for Jared. Since we reconnected, it was like we were brought together again for a reason.” I smile at her, knowing my dad is staring.

  Brenda’s fork begins rattling against her plate and she sets it down on the table.

  I say, “I know it may seem sudden to everyone, since we’ve only been spending time together just about two months now, but to us, it’s way overdue.” Looking at Brenda, I say, “She’s the only one I’ve ever wanted to spend the rest of my life with.”

  Kat squeezes my hand and I look at her to see her smiling at me. “Wow, Sonic.”

  Brenda sniffs and says, “Oh, my God.” Her hands go to her face as she shakes.

  Kat turns to her mother. “Jeez, Mom. Is this a good reaction?”

  Brenda gasps, looking at me. “I knew you were in love with her, Jared. I was hoping you’d see it, too.”

  “I did.”

  Dad’s grin makes me roll my eyes, but match his smile. “What, Dad? I know you’re dying to say it.”

  He shakes his head, but smiles more. “Nothing at all. I’m just so happy for you.”

  I glance at Brenda and she eagerly nods in agreement.

  Smiling, I say, “Well, I hope this doesn’t disappoint you then.”

  Reaching into my pocket, I pull out the ring, but keep it hidden in my hand. Angling towards Kat, I take her hand. “You said yes, didn’t you?”

  She grins. “I did.” I slide the ring onto her finger and Brenda yelps. Kat moves closer to me, and I kiss her, not caring that we’re in front of our parents. We do keep it short, though.

  Brenda shouts, “No fucking way!” We all gape at her before laughing.

  Suddenly, she jumps up, heading over to us. “I can’t believe this! Let me see it!” Brenda grabs Kat’s hand, ogling her ring and giggling among her tears. “It’s gorgeous!” The ring doesn’t come close to being gorgeous. Only Kat.

  In a stupor, Dad asks, “How did…? You…? You’re really getting married?”

  I bite my lip and nod. “Yeah. We are.”

  Kat stands as Brenda pulls her up for a hug, nearly knocking Kat over. “I’m so excited! I’ll help you! Oh, my God, sweetie! You’re marrying Jared Beckett!”

  She laughs and as I get up from the couch, I ask, “Is that a bad thing?”

  Brenda wipes her cheeks and attacks me next. “Congratulations, Jared. I knew you were the one. I just knew it the second you saw Kat, you two belonged together.” I didn’t even recognize Kat. How’d she see it?

  Dad yanks on my arm, grabbing me away from Brenda, and into a tight hug. “Congratulations, son. You make me very proud to be your dad.” Adam Franklin Beckett is killing me.

  I clear my throat and say, “Thanks, Dad.”

  Brenda asks, “When are you getting married?”

  Kat says, “Mom, we just got engaged. We’ll have to talk about it.”

  Unable to help herself, Brenda still asks, “Are you going to wait until after the school year?”

  Kat shrugs. “I guess so. It’d be hard to plan a wedding so soon, and it’ll be colder weather. We’ll only be living together on the weekends, too.”

  Brenda says, “That doesn’t matter. You can still get married.”

  Kat says, “Don’t worry. You’ll be the first to know when we set a date.”

  Brenda’s hands go to her face again. “Please say we can be there. Don’t go to the courthouse or elope.”

  “Mom. Give us some time to talk about it.”

  Laughing, Brenda says, “I’m sorry! I’m just so excited!”

  Kat giggles. “So am I!”

  Brenda squeals, “I’m still shocked! I saw Dash’s car overnight at your apartment and I thought…”

  “What the hell?” I ask, turning to Kat.

  “No! Not what you think. I got drunk and he stayed with me. He slept in my bed.”

  “Are you kidding me?” Even though I accused Dash of sleeping with Kat, I know he wouldn’t really do that to me. Neither one would. They’ve proven to me repeatedly that I can trust them. I just chose to ignore it.

  Still, I’m enjoying Kat’s flustering.

  Kat’s hands go to her head and then out to her sides. “No! I mean, yes!” She sighs. “I slept on the couch. He slept in my bed. Just friends!”

  “So were we.”

  “We were never just friends.”

  I slowly smile. “I guess not.”

  Kat puts her arms around my waist and says, “I would never do that to you, and with him, especially.”

  I kiss her cheek, whispering, “I know.”

  Brenda says, “Shit. I didn’t mean to start something. I’m sorry. My big mouth.”

  Kat shakes her head. “Me and Dash? Really, Mom?”

  She contritely smiles. “Yeah. I thought it was weird, too.”

  Dad says, “He’s always liked Hadley. Speaking of her, are you going to be near Richmond?”

  Kat says, “Actually, yes. Right outside of it.”

  “Hadley lives in Montrose, but works in Richmond. You’ll be neighbors, practically.”

  I apprehensively lick my lip. “Uh, I guess so.”

  Kat smiles and nudges me. “Looks like you’ll get to reconnect with your sister now.”

  “Yeah.” Shit.

  Dad asks, “You’re going to stay with this job until next year then?”

  “Yeah. I’m sure I’ll be able to get a job in Richmond with a year of working in Philly backing me up. I also have some connections that could probably help me.”

  Kat asks, “Are you absolutely sure? I told you I’ll move to Philadelphia.”

  Holding her to me, I say, “I’m positive. Baby, don’t worry about it.”

  Brenda shrieks, “Jared just called you baby! This is too much!” Jesus Christ. She starts crying again and Kat leaves my arms to give her mother a hug.

  Brenda pushes Kat away, inspecting her. “Oh, shit. Are you pregnant?”

  Kat rolls her eyes. “No.”

  She looks back and forth at us. “Are you two going to give Adam and me grandbabies?”

  “Mother! Let us get married first! Again, you’ll be the first to hear any announcement from us. Damn.”

  “Sorry!” Brenda says, covering her mouth. “I’m getting way ahead of myself.” No shit.

  “I’m still getting used to the fact that my baby boy is getting married,” Dad says with a laugh. I roll my eyes, but laugh with him.

  Brenda says, “Eat your pie! It’s going to get all mushy.”

  Kat gives me a rueful smile before sitting down and picking up her plate. I sit closer to her this time, feeling relieved to have this part over with, but I still have to meet her dad. Fuck me.

  Brenda pats Dad on the back. “Looks like we’re going to be in-laws.”

  “Yeah. Go figure.” He shakes his head before taking a drink of his iced tea.

  Brenda asks us, “Do you know where you want to get married?”

  “In the gazebo at Quiet Waters.”

  She bounces on the loveseat, nearly knocking my dad off it and spilling his drink. “Oh! That’s perfect! You can have your reception at the Blue Heron Center here. You’d better reserve them both now.”

  “We will after we figure out a date.”

  “I guess that’s

  “Calm down, Mom.”

  Dad asks me, “Are you going to tell your sister?”

  “Yeah. Tomorrow. We’re getting together with Rio and Dash, so I’m going to ask her if she wants to come up for the night. I’ll tell her then.”

  “She’ll be happy for you.”

  I shrug, wondering if she’s going to bring Finn with her, who might have something to say about my reversal on marriage.

  Brenda pulls the thick stack of paint chips from the table and says, “Katydid. You can help me pick out some colors. I’m stuck on three rooms.”

  “Well, we’d really like to go home.” Home. That sounds nice.

  “Oh. I won’t keep you long. I just wanted to pick through three different colors for the upstairs hallway bathroom.”

  “Can’t we do it tomorrow?”

  Brenda looks from Kat to me, and then back to Kat. “Why? What’s going on?”

  Kat clears her throat. “We’d like to be alone.”

  Brenda laughs and asks, “You’re blowing me off? Weren’t you just alone?”

  “No. We were at the park with Dash.”

  My dad perceptively nods with a huge grin. “Go. Have a good night.”

  Brenda’s eyes widen. “Oh! Of course! Celebrate without your pants! Go practice!” She laughs and rolls her eyes as she waves us to the door. “I mean, have a good night!”

  Kat shakes her head. “So subtle of you.”

  We eagerly stand and my dad hugs me again, whispering, “Saved you. Huh?”

  “I owe you,” I whisper with a laugh.

  Looking at me, his hazel eyes shine as he holds onto my shoulders and smiles, fighting a breakdown. “Just be happy. That’s all I want in return.”

  I smile at him. “I will be. I promise.”

  When Brenda hugs me, she says, “You’ll definitely have to come to my house for Thanksgiving now.”

  “I’ll be there.”

  She whispers, “Thank you for saving my daughter.”

  I whisper back, “She saved me.”

  Brenda lets go of me and I grab Kat’s hand, impatient to get to her apartment. Brenda asks more questions even as we hurriedly walk outside, but we don’t stop to answer.

  I follow Kat up the stairs, grabbing her ass and making her giggle. As soon as she has the door unlocked and open, she yanks me through the doorway by my tie, and I kick the door closed behind me. Kat starts undoing my tie, while I tear my shirt out of my pants, and work on the buttons. She slides off my tie, whipping it over her head as her hands go to the top of my shirt, unbuttoning and meeting me in the middle.


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