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The Keys to Jericho

Page 83

by Ren Alexander

  She lightly pants, but shakes her head and whispers, “Not in here.”

  I sigh, but didn’t expect her to cave. Everyone exits before us and when it’s our turn to make our appearance to the small crowd, I help her climb out and I say, “As soon as we get to the hotel then.”


  “Yeah. I got us a room, baby. No interruptions. No spies. No one even knows where we’ll be, except for the limo driver.”

  Her brown eyes light up. “Can we go there now?”

  “Absolutely.” That was easy.

  She frowns before glancing to the people gathered on the patio. “Let’s get this night over with.”

  Following more pictures outside, especially the one inside a trellis together that makes Brenda bawl, we head inside to where we’re instantly announced.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Mr. and Mrs. Jared Beckett!”

  The room erupts into applause and we’re accosted by guests, while the caterers set up dinner. For most of our rounds, Kat and I are separated, visiting people, and we’re not reunited until dinner is served and we’re seated at the long table at the end of the room. However, even then, people constantly approach to take our picture or ask us questions. It’s fucking annoying.

  Off to the side, I notice a picture of a Kat’s grandmother on a small table with a candle burning next to it. That’s actually a nice touch. She’d be proud of her granddaughter’s perseverance, as I am.

  Unexpectedly, my dad is given the microphone and he says, “As the best man, I want to say a few words about the groom, my son, Jared. We’ve had our ups and downs, but I can tell you that I’ve never been more proud of him than I am today. Jared and Kat met in high school and became friends, but now that I look back, I see Jared had fallen in love. I didn’t know that he had because I didn’t know about Kat at the time, but I wish that I had. They parted ways when he graduated, not speaking again until they met up recently by chance. This time around, they rediscovered each other and I, as well as a few others, were witnesses to them falling in love again. It was beautiful magic. They desperately tried to hide it, but it was so obvious. I’m glad they’ll never have to hide their love again, because it’s truly something incredible.”

  He picks up his champagne glass and says, “So join me in toasting Jared and Kat on their marriage and for a lifetime of happiness. To Jared and Kat.”

  While everyone says our names before taking a drink, I stand and hug him. “Damn it. I love you, Dad.”

  Dad chuckles but I can hear his tears. “I love you, too, bud. Congratulations.”

  He walks behind me to give Kat a kiss on the cheek and a hug, whispering something to her, which makes her smile and say something in return.

  When dinner is over, the caterers work on cleaning up so we can have the dance floor. Kat has her mom help her take off her veil, and we’re again pulled apart by people who want our attention. We occasionally catch glimpses of each other and smile, but I’m growing tired of the endless schmoozing and answering the same questions with a fake smile.

  Lange sees me as I’m walking out of the restroom. I say, “I’m not used to seeing you looking descent.”

  “I know. These weddings.” He laughs. “Congratulations, groom! Marrying the boss’ sister.”

  “He’s not my boss.”

  “That’s right. Now she is.”

  I roll my eyes. “Right.” That’s probably true. She does lead me around by my dick.

  “I knew she liked you.”

  I dubiously scoff, “You did not.”

  “When she poisoned your coffee? Yep. That was love.”

  “I don’t want to know what she would’ve done if she hated me.”

  “She wouldn’t have brought you coffee.”

  I laugh. “I guess not.”

  “It’s the little things, my friend. Keep your eyes peeled so you don’t miss them.”

  “Got it. Thanks.”

  Laughing, he grabs my shoulder as he passes me. Seeing my sister talking to someone who isn’t Dash, I head over to her, feeling like I just finished my karaoke performance, trying not to get stopped by anyone.

  Putting my arm around her, she looks up and smiles. “Hey, married man.”


  Hadley grabs onto the guy she’s talking to and says, “Jared, this is my friend Greg Rodwell. Dad invited him here without me knowing. Greg works with me. Everyone calls him Rod, though. Rod, this is my brother Jared, the groom.” Oh. Finn Wilder’s arch nemesis. Extremely interesting.

  Laughing, he says, “I guessed that, Hadders.” Offering his hand, he smiles. “Congratulations, Jared.”

  Shaking his hand, I notice his Snoopy tie. “Thanks. So it’s Rod?”

  He rolls his eyes. “Yeah. Everyone does call me that, even the deaf and blind butcher who lives near me does now.”

  Hadley giggles. “What the hell?”

  Rod shrugs. “He retired after his last incident.”

  I hesitantly ask, “Lose a finger?”

  “No. When a lady asked to see his sausage, well, he showed her.” Hadley smacks his arm and he laughs. “What? True story! He’s out on bail, but enjoying retirement.”

  Hadley tells me, “I told you Rod is crazy.”

  Turning to Hadley, he asks, “You said that about me? Now I have to defend myself!”

  I say, “No. You’re not the one who needs an explanation.”

  Hadley glares at me, but Rod says, “Yeah. I’m looking for one, too.”

  Before Hadley can argue, Liberty says something to her, stealing her attention.

  Nodding to my sister, I say to Rod, “She looks like a fucking zombie.”

  “I know. She makes Skeletor look like The Pillsbury Doughboy.”

  “You think she’s refusing to eat? Throwing it up?”

  “Since she’s still off work, I go to her apartment to eat lunch with her every day. She eats a yogurt, so I’m not sure. I offer her more food, but she won’t eat it.” Rod runs a hand through his dark, wavy hair and glances at my sister, who’s still talking to Liberty. “She’s wasting away, but apparently, he doesn’t give a shit.”

  “I blame him for every goddamned thing. She won’t tell me where he’s at right now.”

  “Oh. He’s in Baltimore.”

  I clamp my teeth together and seethe, “What? He’s not even far from here?”

  “Yep. Some huge gig he couldn’t pass up.”

  I suck in a breath between my teeth. “He couldn’t give that up, but he risked my sister?”

  “Nope. Wouldn’t surprise me if he had a whore there.”

  I glare at my sister’s back. “I knew he’d screw her over.”

  Rod says, “Don’t even get me started on that shit.”

  I sigh. “Yeah. That’s dangerous territory for me.” I shake my head and look at Hadley again. “I don’t like her being alone.”

  “I’m with her. I’ve been sleeping on her couch.”

  “You have?”

  He shrugs. “In case she needs anything.”

  “Well, she’ll have me. I’ll be down there after we get back from our honeymoon. You won’t have to watch her.”

  “I want to. She’s my best friend.” I’m sure that’s an issue.

  “I need to be there for her. Looks like Finn and I will be having another chat soon.”

  “Good luck. He’s denser than a lead coffin.”

  “Our last chat was a fucking waste of time.”

  “You’ve talked to him? I talked to him a few weeks ago. I thought he actually listened to me. That ass clown fed me a bunch of shit.”

  “Thanksgiving was the last time I talked to him. Now, he needs a swift kick in the balls.”

  “Fuck. Pick a number.”

  I nod. “Oh, I’m first in line.”

  “Not if I get to him first.”

  “I’m closer. I can head over there before I catch my flight.”

  “She’d kill you.”

  “Who would?�
�� Hadley asks.

  I shrug. “Kat when she finds out our honeymoon is in Siberia.”

  “As she should, little brother.”

  The DJ announces it’s time to cut the cake, so I leave them to actually be with my new bride for a few minutes, but as usual, we’re inundated with pictures and attention. We’re urged to smash the cake into each other’s face, but the most I do is smear icing on her nose and lips before kissing her.

  Soon after, we’re told it’s time for our first dance. Taking her hand, we dance to the song we chose as ours.

  She smiles and says, “Hi, husband.”

  “Hi, wife.”

  “Are you having a good time?”

  “Not the kind I want to be having with you.”

  “I’m sorry about last night.”

  I sigh and hold her closer. “Baby, I swear to God. I knew that it was you. You can trust me, Kit Kat. I would never cheat on you. Drunk or sober.”

  She sucks on her bottom lip before replying, “I know that. It was just…jitters. I was panicking, afraid that you changed your mind and wanted to stay single.”

  “Really? How’d that work out? Did I change my mind? I just vowed to you my body, heart, and soul. I intend to keep that promise. I’m yours. Only yours.”

  “I’m yours.” She tips my head, resting our foreheads together. “This song is so us.”

  I laugh. “In case you missed it when this song played in my car, I was trying to tell you I was in love with you.”

  “You were?”

  “Yeah. If you only had listened to the lyrics. Damn mouse song.”

  Her brown eyes glow as she giggles. “I guess Kat finally caught her mouse.”

  I scoff, “I’m no fucking mouse.”

  “I love how your nose just twitched like a mouse’s does.”

  “You’re killing me.”

  Kat whispers, “I really want to make out with you, but everyone is watching our every move.”

  “They’re looking at how fucking gorgeous you are. I wasn’t kidding in the limo.”

  “I know you weren’t.”

  “I just want to leave. This is all nice, but I’m done with the pictures, the talking to people, and plastering so many smiles on my damn face.”

  “We’ll be alone soon, but we might be too tired.”

  “Is that a joke?”

  Dash yells, “Stop talking and kiss your wife already, Jericho!”

  I peer over at him and smirk, before I dive in, kissing Kat. Among the shouting, I feel her humming against my mouth and I smile.

  When the song ends, we have to dance other bullshit dances, but I do pull my grandmother onto the dance floor for the mother/son dance, to her surprise; however, she rolls her teary eyes and says, “You’re in my will already. Knock it off.”

  “Just securing my spot.”

  We then had to do the bouquet and garter thing, which was intrusive, lifting up her dress in front of everyone, so I yanked the thing off, tossed it, and was done with it. Not sexy at all.

  Sometime later, when people fill the small dance floor and Kat is talking to someone, I grab a glass of champagne and watch my sister dancing with Rod to some song about riding a train. She looks very uninhibited, most likely drunk.

  My jaw unhinges when she dances really close to him, while whipping her hair and arm into the air, making the choo-choo sound to the song. Jesus Christ. I’m going to bludgeon whoever requested this stupid-ass song.

  With her back to him, they swivel their hips together to the cheers of the crowd gathering around them. She must have taken some pain medicine, but she’s also been drinking. What the fuck is she doing?

  She spins around and they start weaving side to side. Hadley then puts her arms around Rod’s neck and he sends her behind him, where she twirls and shakes her ass, pumping her arm in the air again, as people cheer them.

  This isn’t the Hadley Beckett I ever thought existed. My sister is quiet and shy. I’ve never seen her act like this before. Does cocky Finn even know this side of Hadley? Has he seen her dance like this with Rod?

  With the way they’re grinding against each other, no wonder Finn was raging with jealousy.

  Holy damn shit…

  Maybe I don’t know everything I thought I did. Is Hadley having a fling with Rod, when I was blaming Finn for cheating on her? Does he know and…?

  Oh, fuck…

  Hadley returns to Rod’s arms and when she bends backward, I have to look away.

  My sister and I will be having another talk.

  Suddenly striking me who else may have an issue with this, I swing my gaze around the room, spotting Dash sitting at a table, glaring at them, and I shake my head at the whole situation.

  A slow song comes on, and Hadley and Rod dance, while Dash gets up, going to the bar for another drink. I follow him.

  As he swigs a beer, I put my hand on his shoulder. “What’s going on, Calder?”

  “Just having a good time,” he lamely answers before taking another drink.

  He looks forlornly over at my sister, not even trying to hide it from me. I sigh and say, “They’re just friends.”

  Dash shrugs. “Not that it matters anyway.”

  I cross my arms and watch him watching her. “Jesus, Calder. I don’t know what to say or do.”

  “I don’t, either.”

  “Do you have real feelings for her?”

  Oddly quiet, he just stares at Hadley, not giving me an answer.

  The song ends, and Liberty carries over a tray of small, colorful cups, giggling. The DJ announces it’s time for the dollar dance.

  “A what?”

  Dash says, “People pay a dollar, take a Jell-O shot, and dance with you. You use the money for your honeymoon.”

  I glare at Liberty waving me over to the middle of the dance floor. “This was her idea, wasn’t it? Jesus Christ. When is this shit over?”

  “You just married the love of your life, your soulmate, Jericho. Be grateful you’re sharing this shit with her. Seriously. Just go with it. It could be worse and you’d be sitting alone in Philly tonight, still wondering what ever happened to Kat Merrick, missing her, and still in love with her from afar, while she’s giving birth to her second child by another man.”

  I roll my eyes. “God. I hate you, Calder.”

  He shrugs. “I’m glad you finally get it.”

  I’m summoned to the dance floor and I unwillingly go, since I know someone will drag me there anyway. As I dance with a line of women, while Kat dances with an endless line of men, we make efforts to catch each other’s gaze, and from the looks she’s giving me, she wants this to be over with, too.

  My sister is my first customer. She instantly wraps her arms around me, pressing her cheek to my chest. I ask, “What the hell was that earlier?”


  “The Soul Train audition?”

  When she doesn’t look at me, I tilt her chin and see the tears. “Hadley, why are you crying?”

  “I’m just so happy for you.”

  “I know there’s more to it. We’re going to have a talk when I get back. Call me if you need me.”

  “I’m not calling you on your honeymoon.”

  “Call me.”

  Hadley rolls her eyes. “Have fun with your wife.” She slightly smiles. “That’s weird to say.”

  “I know, but I love it.”

  Tears fill her eyes and she says, “You should. Some men don’t want one.”


  “Spend time with Kat. Love her with all your heart, Jared. Please.”

  “I will.” I pull Hadley in for another hug, kissing her on the cheek, before she pushes away from me, hurriedly leaving the dance floor.

  Holy hell. Hadley’s spiraling. Is it because of Finn or is it because she has a guilty conscience? Shit.

  Shell squeals into my arms, hugging me. “Congratulations, Jared!”


  “Your wife is quite the student.”

  I laugh. “Yeah. She is.”

  “We had fun. Kat is a darling. She’s also a beauty and very flexible.”

  “Stay away from my wife, Shell,” I partially joke.

  She shakes the same bright blonde hair Calder has. They probably share the same brand of hairspray, too. “Oh, now. I’m not leaving you out. Kat is a very fortunate woman.”

  “I’m pretty lucky myself.”

  “Seriously. You go and have a happy life with her. You’ll make beautiful babies together.”

  “Only because of her.”

  Before ending our dance, she smiles and pinches my ass, saying, “You have plenty to contribute.”

  Laughing, I shake my head at her, but am nearly knocked on my ass when Clayton is next in line. Instead of dancing with me, he drops a wadded bill into the bowl, skips the shot, and offers his hand to me. Shaking it, he says, “Take care of my baby girl. She’ll be with you for eternity.”

  “I promise.”

  Clayton steps aside, and I’m still shocked when Liberty puts a dollar into the bowl, takes a shot, and throws her arms around me. “You’re married!”

  “Yeah. I might have missed that memo.” I put a hand on her lower back, while shoving my other hand into my pocket, feeling awkward, her being this close to me. Although we’ve declared somewhat of a truce and she did help me, I still could stab her in the throat with a fork.

  “I’m just saying that you married her! I’m so happy for you two! Kat and Jerry together. Adorable.” I roll my eyes and she says, “And I’m glad you’re going to be River’s best man. That makes him happy.”

  “I wouldn’t let him down.”

  She whispers, “Yeah. I’m in on your little secret. You’re a nicer guy than even you thought.”

  I scoff, “Wrong, Libby.”

  “We did work well together.”

  I roll my eyes, but reluctantly nod. “I guess we did.”

  “You’re welcome, Jared.”

  I sigh and Liberty nods behind me. “Is Hadley okay?”

  Looking around, I notice she’s standing in a corner, covering her face. “Shit. Not really.”

  “I know she’s still mad at Finn.”

  “That’s a gross understatement.”

  She sighs. “He’s such a—”

  “I can’t even go there. I’m already debating on paying him a visit tonight.”


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