Book Read Free

Westside Series Box Set

Page 21

by Monica Alexander

  I looked at her in surprise. “You remember my nephew’s name?”

  “Of course. You told me his name one of the first nights we hung out together.”

  “Yeah, but I only mentioned him that one time.”

  “To me. But you’ve mentioned him on Twitter a few times, and you put the picture up on Instagram of you holding him at Thanksgiving. He’s adorable by the way.”

  “Are you following me on social media?” I asked, surprised to hear this. She hadn’t told me she’d started following me on either site.

  “I am. You didn’t follow me back, but that’s alright. I’m not mad at you.”

  “I’ll follow you back right now,” I said, wondering where my phone was. I realized it was in my jeans that were somewhere on the floor.

  Andi pulled me back to her as I started to get up. “You can do it tomorrow. I’ll give you my screen names, okay?”

  “You’d better.”

  “I will. Now about Christmas. How about I come to Detroit for a few days, and then, if you still want to meet my family, we can fly down to Atlanta together, split our time or something.”

  I felt my lips curl into a smile. “Are we seriously doing this?”

  I had never, ever brought a girl home to meet my parents. I couldn’t believe I was actually excited about the prospect of bringing Andi home for Christmas.

  “I think so. If you’re okay with it. I know it’s a big step, and we’re not really, technically dating, so I don’t want to pressure you.”

  I smiled. “Andi, I’m not seeing anyone else, and there’s no one else I want to be with. I know it’s not the best scenario in the world considering the lives we lead, but you’re the only girl I’m interested in. I want to make this work with us.”


  I nodded. “Yes. If nothing else, tonight made me realize how much I don’t want to lose you. I’m not asking for a commitment, but if you could try to not see other guys, I’d like that.”

  She smiled and melted my heart a little. “I’m not seeing anyone but you.”

  “Cool,” I said, probably sounding anything but cool.

  “You’re so cute when you don’t know what to say,” she said, and then she kissed me.

  “Yeah, I’m adorable.”

  “You are,” she agreed. “Now tell me, what do you want for Christmas? I have to figure out a gift, and you’re sort of the guy who has everything, so that presents a problem.”

  “Nothing. Don’t get me anything,” I told her. “You’re the only gift I need.”

  Andi rolled her eyes at me. “Stop it. I’m not a gift.”

  “You are,” I said as I silenced her protests with a kiss. “Trust me.”

  “Okay fine. I’ll let you get away with that answer for now, but then you have to give me some real gift ideas.”

  I laughed. “Fine, but just so you know, I already know what I’m getting you.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  I grinned. “Of course. You’re going to be super-excited to open your very own Camden Baylor doll that sings, posters of me for your walls, and an advanced copy of our new album.”

  Andi smiled at me. “That sounds amazing. I love it all. I can’t wait for Christmas morning.”

  “I’m going to turn you into a Westside fan if it kills me,” I told her.

  “I already am a fan – of you at least,” she said, and then she kissed me.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I was hardly paying attention to anything I was supposed to be doing, and my computer screen kept fading in and out of focus as I worked on a press release. I yawned for probably the tenth time in an hour as I debated getting another coffee. It would be my third of the day, but it was starting to feel necessary.

  Two hours of sleep wasn’t nearly enough for me, apparently, but the last thing I’d wanted to do was sleep when Cam was in my bed. We’d finally drifted off around five, and my alarm had gone off at seven. I told Cam he could keep sleeping, but he’d insisted on getting up and making me coffee.

  “Don’t you have a performance today?” I’d asked him when he set the coffee on my dresser.

  I was standing before it wearing just my bra and panties, putting on my make-up. Cam had been in the kitchen getting to know Hannah, who I’m sure was surprised to see him. I wasn’t sure if she’d give him the third degree or not since I’d been crying to her the night before about how I was afraid it was over.

  I’d been so mad at myself for getting sucked in with another guy who turned out to be wrong for me, and I was so tired of the emotions that came with that. I was tired of crying and being sad, and I was ready to completely throw in the towel on dating and make my New Year’s resolution to stay single for as long as possible. I was done with guys.

  Then Cam had shown up in the middle of the night, and everything was good again. What I’d been feeling for him was so strong, and to know that he felt the same way was more than I could have hoped for. It was surreal, but when I looked into the mirror on my dresser and saw him sitting behind me on my bed watching me, I knew everything he said he felt was the truth.

  “Do you know how hard it is for me to just sit here while you’re standing in front of me in lace panties and a matching bra?” he asked me.

  “I can imagine.”

  “No, you can’t. I’m about two seconds away from hauling you onto this bed and having my way with you.”

  I caught his determined yet hopeful gaze in the mirror. “You can’t. I’ll be late for work.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “Well, I do. I have rent to pay and have Christmas presents to buy. Work is a necessity.”

  “So I’ll hire you. You can do PR for me.”

  I laughed as I shook my head. “And what would that entail?”

  He grinned. “A lot of sitting around naked, some sex, and you could update my social media accounts because I’ll be too busy staring at you to do it.”

  “I think I have to pass,” I said with mock-regret.

  “I’d pay you really well,” he promised.

  “I’m sure you would, but I think I’m good with what I’m doing now,” I said as I swept blush over my cheeks.

  Just as I set the brush down on my dresser, I felt Cam’s arms wrap around my waist as he pulled me back onto the bed and twisted us so he was on top of me. He was grinning as he pinned my arms next to my head.

  “Sorry. I couldn’t resist.”

  I shook my head at him, trying to fight back a smile. “I’m going to be late,” I reminded him as he lowered his head to kiss me.

  “Tell your boss you’re sick,” he said, pausing just inches before my lips. “I’m not going to see you for two weeks. I get preferential treatment.”

  “Don’t you have to be at work at nine?” I reminded him.

  “That was just a suggestion. I can be a little late.”

  “Well, I can’t. I have to get to the subway.”

  “Chris will give you a ride. He can drop you off at your office before we head to the hotel.”


  Cam shrugged. “Sure. Will that help?”

  “Yeah, it actually will.”

  “Cool, so we can have sex then?”

  I laughed. “Sure, why not.”

  “Awesome,” he said, and then he kissed me.

  That was the memory I’d been left with when he and Chris had dropped me off at work. I was only five minutes late, which wouldn’t matter. And it was worth it. Having the memory of Cam’s hands on me and his kisses on my lips was going to get me through the day – especially when I was drifting in and out of consciousness and counting the seconds until I could go home and take a nap.

  “Lunch?” Tory asked me, suddenly appearing at the entrance to my cubicle.

  “Now?” I asked in disbelief. It was only ten-thirty.

  Sadly, I hadn’t made any progress on the press release in the hour and a half I’d been working on it. I had to get it done by noon, and I was
fearful that wasn’t going to happen.

  Tory shrugged. “Coffee? I’m dying for details about last night. Only the fact that I had a client meeting in Hoboken this morning kept me from asking you first thing.”

  “How did it go?”

  “The meeting?” she asked as if it was the most unimportant thing in the world.

  I nodded.

  “It was fine,” she said dismissively. “We saw their spring marketing campaign. It was normal.” Her eyes brightened. “How was last night?”

  “It was good,” I said, hiding my smile as I turned back to my computer, just because I wanted to torture her.

  She didn’t need to know about our dinner being cut short, Cam sending me home from Phillip’s apartment, or the crying that had ensued as I’d sat on the couch with Hannah. I wasn’t going to tell her, but she could know the good parts.

  I just had to tread carefully since I knew how important it was that no one find out about Phillip. Cam had told me what their people planned to tell the media about his absence, so I knew everything was being covered up. Tory was the last person I could tell.

  “Andi!” she whined. “Come on. I need details.”

  “And I need to finish this press release,” I told her. “If I don’t get it to Jeannie by noon, she’s going to kill me.”

  “Fine,” she said, knowing my boss could be a tyrant when she wanted to be. Normally I loved her, but she was a stickler for deadlines. “Then we can grab lunch?”

  I shook my head. “I have a strategy meeting all afternoon.”

  “Ugh,” she grumbled. “Fine, then can we get drinks after work?”

  I sighed, knowing all I wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep when I got home. Of course my bed would be awfully lonely without Cam there. The thought instantly made me sad, and I figured a little distraction might not be so bad. He was going to call me later anyway, and going out for drinks would kill some time while I waited.

  I wondered if I was crazy for even considering getting into what was essentially a long distance relationship. Cam lived in California. How often would I really see him? Would it be worse when he was on tour and traveling the world? Probably.

  But I liked him. I liked him so much, and because of that I was going to give this thing with us a try. I couldn’t just walk away. Not now. If I did that, I’d wonder for the rest of my life if I’d made a mistake. At least now I’d know for sure.

  “Okay,” I agreed. “We can do drinks. I’m fine with that.”

  “Yay!” Tory said, clapping her hands together. “So fun. I’m probably going to die in anticipation before then, just so you know.”

  I laughed. She was so dramatic.

  “Andi, this is not a laughing matter,” she chastised me. “This is the unbelievable jealousy oozing from me because one of my best friends is somehow dating Camden Baylor. It’s freaking unbelievable.”

  “He’s just a boy,” I reminded her.

  Albeit a boy who was currently rehearsing for his appearance on The Tonight Show, but a boy nonetheless – at least he was to me.

  She shook her head. “He’s a way famous boy, and if I didn’t love you, I’d hate you.”

  I rolled my eyes as I laughed. “Good to know. Now, go away. I have to focus on this.”

  “Okay, okay, but just give me one detail, one tiny, insignificant detail to tide me over until later so I don’t throw myself out a window.”

  I sighed at her theatrics. “Okay, fine. He woke up at my apartment this morning.”

  Tory’s jaw dropped open. “No way! I totally hate you even more now.”

  “Well then, I hate you too. Now go. I seriously have to concentrate.”

  “You slept with him!” she hissed.

  “Of course, I did, but that’s so not the point.”

  Tory grinned with wicked glee. “I cannot wait for details. Be prepared to spill later.”

  “I’ll tell you whatever you want,” I promised.

  “Good. I’ll call Hannah and tell her to meet us after work. I’m sure she’s dying for details as much as I am.”

  When she turned and walked away, I shook my head as I turned back to my computer screen and harnessed all the focus I could to finish the release. I’d wanted to tell Tory that she was right, and after Cam and Hannah had bonded in the kitchen this morning, my roommate was most definitely dying for details. She’d be happy for the drinks invite since I’d figured she’d accost me when I got home anyway. This way I could tell both of my friends at the same time.

  It was ten minutes before noon when I finally hit send on the email to Jeannie. I stopped to take my first full breath in over an hour when our floor’s receptionist, Tameka, called me.

  “Hey Andi. I have a delivery for you.”

  “What is it?”

  “You’ll have to come up to get it. I can’t leave the desk.”

  My heart started pounding for a few seconds as I wondered if Cam had somehow snuck away to surprise me. I knew that wasn’t really possible, but it would have been cool.

  When I reached reception, the tiny part of me that was wondering if he’d somehow worked his magic faded away when he wasn’t standing there. There was, however, an arrangement of what I thought was flowers, but as I got closer I saw it was a huge edible arrangement.

  “Is this it?” I asked Tameka.

  She nodded. “That’s it. And honey, I’m not sure what you did to deserve that, but you must have done something right.”

  “Thanks,” I said, not wanting to encourage her. She was as big of a gossip as Tory was.

  I carried the giant monstrosity of fruit and marshmallows that were plain and chocolate covered back to my desk which was when I noticed there was a card. I pulled it out and smiled when I saw Cam’s handwriting.

  I knew I couldn’t get you flowers, because you’d think they were too elaborate, you weren’t deserving, and you hate when I try to spoil you. Well, I found a way around that. You can’t deny that you need to eat, so don’t even try to tell me this is too much. I just wanted to say thank you for last night. I miss you already, and that I can’t wait for Christmas. – XX Camden

  The card was perfect. He was perfect, and considering I’d barely eaten breakfast and was starving, the fruit was perfect. It was way more than I could ever eat, so my colleagues were going to have to enjoy it with me during our meeting – which I had to get to in five minutes.

  Before I left my desk, I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Cam to thank him.

  You are the sweetest guy I know – XX.

  His reply came back almost instantly. You got the fruit-shaped flowers?

  I did. Thank you. They’re beautiful – and delicious. Great pineapple.

  LOL. Glad you like them. What are you doing now?

  I smiled. I’m about to head to a meeting and thinking it’s really unfair that you’re a few blocks away and I’m not there. I miss you too.

  Well that makes a guy feel good. Come over to the studio. Hang out with me.

  My spirits sank as I thought about how much that idea appealed to me. I was actually temped to skip my meeting because I was ‘sick’, but I was too afraid someone would learn the truth and I’d get in trouble.

  I can’t, I typed regretfully.

  I know. I figured it was worth a shot.

  What are you doing right now?

  Hair and make-up. Don’t judge me. It’s required.

  I smiled. Are they going to make your hair all poofy like they did for the concert?

  Yes. In fact, it’s already been poofed.

  I liked it better the way you normally wear it. I can run my fingers through it.

  I love when you do that.

  I could think of a thousand things I wanted to say to keep the conversation going all afternoon, but as it was, I was already running late for my meeting.

  I hate to do this, but I have to go. Talk to you later?

  Definitely. Wish me luck? We’re playing our new single.

  Have I heard i

  I’m hurt that you’re asking me that.

  I felt guilty that I hadn’t listened to it, but he also hadn’t told me they had a new single out.

  I’m sorry, I said quickly.

  Don’t be. I’m only kidding. It just came out today.

  Today?! Why didn’t you tell me?

  Because I was too busy focusing on other things – like apologizing for being a jerk. I was actually going tell you over dessert last night, but that didn’t happen. Sorry – again.

  It’s okay. I understand.

  I figured you would, but download it later. I think you’ll like it.

  Okay, I will.

  Good, now get to your meeting. I don’t want to be the reason you get fired, although if you got fired, you could come stay with me in L.A. and take me up on my offer, so that wouldn’t suck.

  Oh, God. He was too much.

  Goodbye Camden! Good luck today.

  Thanks – talk to you later – XX.

  I was literally grinning from ear to ear as I walked into the conference room and deposited the flowers/fruit in the middle of the table.

  “I brought snacks,” I announced, and then I took my seat, because I was five minutes late.

  I was going to have to work on that. Attendance usually wasn’t an issue for me, but Cam was really good at distracting me. Too good, in fact, since right as I sat down, he sent me a selfie.

  Too much bronzer?

  He might have looked more made up that I was used to seeing him, but he looked good – really good. It took my breath away as I realized he was the guy I was dating. He was so hot.

  Nope. You’re perfect.

  He sent me back a smiley face, and I forced myself to focus on the meeting. It was my job after all.

  * * *

  “Cheers,” Tory said as she raised her glass. “To Andi, the luckiest bitch I’ve ever met.”

  “Hey!” I protested, because I felt like I should. I didn’t really appreciate being called a bitch.

  Tory winked at me as I raised my glass.

  “Why is she the luckiest bitch?” Hannah asked, her glass poised in the air.

  Tory looked at her like she was crazy. “Duh. She’s dating Camden Freaking Baylor.”

  “Cam Baylor,” I interjected, wanting to make clear the distinction between the guy the masses knew and the guy I knew. They were very different people.


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