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Page 1

by S. Dalambakis


  Book 1

  Shifter Royalty Trilogy

  By: S. Dalambakis


  Royals Copyright © 2018 Shaquala Dalambakis

  Cover design © 2018 Ampersand Book Covers

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or used in any manner without the express written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. If you have obtained this book via piracy, or suspect it has been duplicated illegally, do the right thing. Advise the author.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


  To Ashley Keller, for your non-stop encouragement, endless music inspiration, and being my every own personal cheerleader. I love you more than you know. Thank you for being just as excited about this book as I am.

  To Stacey B., for giving me the courage to change my book when I was I almost done.

  To my husband, AJ, for all the love and support. For encouraging me to follow my dreams. I love you.

  Table of Contents




  Chapter 1-Callyn

  Chapter 2-The Boys

  Chapter 3-Callyn

  Chapter 4-The Boys

  Chapter 5-Callyn

  Chapter 6-The Boys

  Chapter 7-Callyn

  Chapter 8-The Boys

  Chapter 9-Callyn

  Chapter 10-The Boys

  Chapter 11-callyn

  Chapter 12-the boys

  Chapter 13-callyn

  Chapter 14-the boys

  Chapter 15-callyn

  Chapter 16-the boys

  Chapter 17-callyn

  Chapter 18-the boys

  Chapter 19-callyn

  Chapter 20-the boys

  Chapter 21-callyn

  Chapter 22-the boys

  Chapter 23-callyn

  Chapter 24-the boys

  Chapter 25-callyn

  Chapter 26-the boys

  Chapter 27-callyn

  Chapter 28-the boys

  Chapter 29-callyn

  Chapter 30-the boys

  Chapter 31-callyn

  Author Note


  Sneak Peek

  About the Author


  200 years ago

  A handmaiden runs through the halls of a stone castle. Her blue dress billowing out around her. Coming to a stop in front of the queen’s quarters. A royal guard blocking her path.

  “Please, this is urgent. I need to speak with queen. The prophetess has had a vision.”

  The guard moves allowing the handmaiden through. She is met with the steely gaze of the queens four mates. Blocking her path to the queen. They relax slightly when they see it’s the queen’s royal handmaiden. The queen’s mates shift to the side.

  “Bridgett is everything alright,” the queen inquiries.

  “No, my queen. The prophetess has had a vision.”

  “What is so urgent about this vision?”

  “She has foreseen the demise of you and your mates. The shifter world tilting on its axis. The magic slowly fading away. The shifter race eventually dying out. There will be two great wars. The one to come and one many years from now. One to restore what is lost, should she succeed.”

  One of the queen’s mates, goes and barricades the door.

  “Did the prophetess say who?”

  “She did not see the hand from which you will die. Only that is it someone close to you. That many years from now a descendant will rise and claim her true pairing. She and her four mates will lead a war and restore balance once more. She said you need to protect the future.”

  There was a loud boom, rattling the walls of the castle. It has begun. The queen quickly moves to a room off to the right. In the middle of the room sat a white, wooden bassinet. Rushing over, she quickly reaches in and picks up the bundle, cradling the baby to her chest. Running back into the previous room, she meets the eyes of her mates. She knows what needs to be done. She grabs a sack of coins from a nearby table and quickly she moves to the handmaiden’s side.

  “Bridgett, I need you to take her. Go through that room.” She points to the left. “There is a secret passage behind the bookcase. Push on the top edge and it will open. Take the princess and run. Please. Guard her with your life. Trust no one.”

  “My queen, why do you not take the passage yourself? You should go.”

  “I cannot. I need to stay here and stall for as long as possible.” The queen kisses the baby’s forehead. “I love you, I will always love you.”

  The queen places the baby in the handmaiden’s arms. Then quickly takes the necklace from around her neck and places it around the baby’s. She hands the handmaiden the coin sack, which she puts in the pocket of her dress. The castle is rocked with another hit. You can hear the stone walls crumbling. The queen’s mates each quickly kiss the baby on the top of her head. You can hear fighting outside the door.

  “Go, now. Tell her of me, of us. Let her know who she is.” The handmaiden nods as there is a loud boom against the door. “Run. Don’t stop. Don’t look back. Leave the city. Leave the country.”

  The handmaiden takes off to the door on the left. The door the queen had indicated. Running straight to the bookcase, pushing on the top edge. There is a pop sound, the bookcase moves just an inch. Gripping the side, she pulls the hidden door open, just wide enough for her and the princess to squeeze through. The handmaiden peers in but the passage is too dark. Quickly, she grabs a lantern from the table. Using it to light her way. As she enters the passage, she can hear someone trying to break the door down. Looking behind her, she sees there is a handle.

  Placing the lantern at her feet, she grabs the handle and quickly closes the door. Sealing her and the princess from the dangers about to happen. The handmaiden picks up the lantern and does what the queen wishes. She runs. The passage seems to be never ending, with twist and turns. Until she comes upon what she thinks is a dead end. But the light of the lantern shines off a handle. Placing the lantern on the ground, the handmaiden pushes on the door. Fresh air hits her face. Grabbing the lantern, the handmaiden and the baby squeeze through the opening, closing the door behind her.

  A quick look around, and she realizes she come out on the complete other side of the castle. The marina. This is why the queen told her to take the passage. The queen gave her coins as well. She was told to leave the country.

  Moving as quickly as she dared, as to not draw attention to herself, she made her way to the first ship. Spotting a crew member, carrying cargo onto the ship.

  “Excuse me, do you know where I could find the captain?”

  “Aye, on the dock, right over there.” He points to a man a few feet from where they stood.

  “Thank you.”

  The handmaiden starts to move toward the captain the moonlight catches on the baby’s necklace. The symbol of the Alpha Queen. A silver pendant, with a star in the center and a symbol for each of the elements surrounding it. She puts the lantern down. Tucking the necklace in the blanket the baby is wrapped in, before making her way to the captain. Leaving the lantern behind.

  “Excuse me, Captain.”

  “Aye, Lass. What do ye want?”

  “Where is your ship headed?”

  “To the Americas. Why?”

  The handmaiden reaches in her pocket and pulls out the coin sack. “I was hoping I could buy passage. I have coin.” She lifts and rattles the coins in the sack. The Captain runs a hand over his scraggly bread. Contemplating.

p; “Is it just ye two?”

  “Yes, Captain.”

  “Aye. Four gold coins and I’ll let ye on my ship.”

  Giving the captain what he wants, the handmaiden makes her way onto the ship. Before she can get settled, the crew starts to rush around. The captain starts shouting orders. She heard one of the crew as they pass. The castle in under attack. An uprising.

  The handmaiden cradles the baby closer to her chest. In no time, the ship as set sail. She watches the castle get smaller, as it burns and crumbles to the ground.

  The queen and her mates defeated.

  The heir to the throne, cradled in her arm, the handmaiden weeps. A throne that will no longer exist. An heir to nothing.

  Chapter 1

  Callyn- Present Day

  I get to start my senior year at a new school, in the Podunk town of Camden Falls, Colorado. A town in the middle of nowhere. We are surrounded by mountains and forest. I’m not even sure how my father found this place. But today is the first day of school at Camden Falls High. Home of the Camden Kings. My first day of senior year. I’m almost done. Just one more year. I can’t wait. I can forget all about this school, these people, and this life. I can start over. Be someone else, be myself. I make sure I stay invisible at school, so people don’t question.

  This new school will be no different. Being the new girl should make that easy. My home life is not all sunshine and apple pie. I’ll be eighteen soon. Six months and two days to be exact, but who’s counting. I just keep telling myself, just make it to eighteen. Just make it to eighteen. After that first hurdle, I need to hang on until graduation in May. Then I’m gone, never looking back. Never coming back.

  It’s the first day of senior year. I should be worrying about having a boyfriend or friends. Partying on the weekends, my hair, make-up, what I’m wearing to homecoming and prom. Instead, I’m checking to make sure my shirt sleeves are long enough to hide the bruises on my arms and long enough to hide the welts and bruising on my back, should my shirt ever rise. I keep my long, red hair straight and down to hide my face. I’m afraid people will guess or see what is wrong. I can’t let them find out. It will only make things worse.

  Have I thought about calling the police? Of course, but the fear I have has overridden any logical thinking. So, I suffer, for now.

  I choose a black plaid, three-quarter sleeve button-up shirt. I put a black cami on underneath, pair of faded out blue jeans, and my black ankle boots. I don’t bother with make-up, because the one and only time I decided to wear it is still etched in my mind. The way my father back handed me across my face, calling me a whore. Telling me I was asking for attention from the perverted boys at school. Following that up with a belt across my back. That was the only time he touched my face. Those are the bruises that you can’t hide. Make-up can only do so much, but I can’t wear it. I learned over the years how to avoid him. Sometimes though, I still can’t.

  When he drinks the beatings, and hitting are worse. He was never like this before my mother died. He changed that day, and not for the better. I shake my head and take a couple of deep breaths and try to shove those memories away. I grab my bookbag and walk the six blocks to school. I could ride the bus, but then I would have to share a seat with someone, and I can’t have that. I like walking anyway. It’s good exercise, and the fresh air always helps clear my mind and gets me in the right head space.

  My classes this year are college prep courses. My last school didn’t have that option. If I take them now, then I don’t have to take them in college. I’m hoping to get a full academic scholarship, and I should with my G.P.A. I make a quick stop at my locker, leaving my bookbag and only grabbing a couple of notebooks and pens. I head to chemistry, my first class. I always pick the same seat, middle near a window. I figure the seat is inconspicuous. I sit down and open my notebook. I look up and in walks two of the hottest guys, I have ever seen.

  They look quickly around the room and head in my direction. They take up the table in front of me. The classroom is set up like a lab. The tables are long enough to seat three people at each. There are drawers that house the chemistry equipment. In the back, in locked cabinets, are chemicals. The chairs are wooden stools. I keep my head down and peek up at them.

  They are gorgeous. The one in the middle seat, his light brown hair is faded on the sides and long on top. His eyes, oh his eyes. They are like a gold hazel color. He has broad shoulders and toned arms. He looks good in his green t-shirt and blue jeans. His friend on the other hand, has copper, wavy hair, just long enough to run your fingers through it. His has nice deep brown eyes. His build is similar to his friends, but not as bulky, but still has some muscle tone. Even his blue t-shirt can’t hide that. They talk amongst themselves, briefly glancing back once. I feel drawn to them. I don’t understand why. As much as I would like to talk to them, or anyone, I know it’s for the best. I’m not sure I would even know what to say, or if they would even talk to me. My chemistry teacher comes in breaking through my thoughts.

  He is younger than I would have thought for a chemistry teacher. I would guess he is in his forties. He is wearing black, shiny shoes, and blue jeans. He has on a white button-up shirt and a navy blue, blazer jacket. He does have a lot of gel in his blonde hair. Styled so meticulously, not a hair out of place. His brown eyes look kind. He does have a sharp jaw line and strong prominent nose. Overall, he is good looking. He sets his well-worn brief case down on his desk.

  “Good morning, everyone.”

  Good morning rumbles from the class. Chemistry is not the best subject to have first thing in the morning.

  “I’m Mr. Calloway and welcome to Chemistry. The majority of the work will be done in groups, which I am assigning.” A collective groan is heard through the class. “Yes, yes. I know, but this it to ensure that work will be done. Now when I call your names move to a table with your partners. This is how you should sit for the reminder of the semester.”

  Mr. Calloway starts calling out names and the sounds of shuffling and murmurs can be heard. I sit patiently waiting for him to call my name. I’m going to have to talk to people. I start to panic. It will only be for this class. I can do this. I can do this. Then it happens.

  “Callyn Silvers, Zeke Montgomery, and Lucian Harris.”

  I glance around the room trying to figure out who they are, when I spot the two good looking boys in front of me, also looking around the room trying to figure out who I am. I grab my notebooks and pens and move to the only seat left at their table. The spot next to the brown-haired boy. They both look at me with curious interest.

  “Hi, I’m Callyn.”


  “Lucian.” My fellow ginger.

  I smile shyly and duck my head. The teacher goes on explaining what is excepted of us for the semester and hands out our books. By the time, he is done, the bell rings. I gather my stuff and look over to the guys.

  “See you tomorrow,” I say quickly, then leave.

  As I walk to my next class, I think about chemistry. I really said something to them and the world didn’t crash and burn. Maybe I can have a friend. Friends that I would only see at school. Maybe, but I need to slow down. I need to get comfortable talking to people first and chemistry is just my way to do it.

  Chapter 2

  The Boys-Zeke

  “Man, can you believe it’s senior year,” I say as I shove at Lucians shoulder. He shoves me back.

  “Hey man, enjoy it. Next comes college and going out into the real world.”

  “Yeah, but I’m tired of all the drama that comes with high school. It’s the same shit different year.”

  “I get it, but I still want to enjoy this.”

  I see Maximus, or Max as we call him, and Graydon walking down the hall towards us. I lean on the locker next to Lucians. “We will.”

  “Where is everyone’s first class? I have Trig.” Max asks.

  “Me and Lucian have Chemistry,” I answer.

  “English,” Graydon grumbl

  We all chuckle. English is Graydons least favorite subject and add on that it’s his first class in the morning. I shake my head and laugh. We talk for a couple more minutes about our schedules and agree to meet up for lunch before heading off to our classes. Upon entering the class, me and Lucian take a quick look around the room. There are only two tables left with two open spots. A girl with red hair is sitting alone at one, and the table in front of her is empty. As we make our way over, the most incredible scent hits my nose, vanilla and strawberries.


  Whoa. Where did that thought come from? We sit at the table in front of her, and that’s when I notice the smell is her. I can feel my teeth lengthen. The urge to mark her is strong. Then it hits me. She’s my mate. I found my mate. I don’t even know this girl. I have to distract myself until I can talk to the guys. I don’t know what to do. I take a small inhale, trying to scent what kind of shifter she is, but I don’t scent one. Fuck, she’s human. How is a human my mate? That shouldn’t be possible. I’m going to have talk to the Elder Council.

  Lucian grabs my attention. “So, there is a new girl.”

  We both glance behind us. Damn, she’s beautiful. And she’s mine. Luckily, the teacher walks in, drawing my attention to him. He says he is going to assign partners. I roll my eyes. The rest of the class isn’t too happy about it, but what are you going to do. I wait for my name to be called and hope I’m paired with someone who will do work. Hopefully, I can get paired with the new girl.

  “Callyn Silvers, Zeke Montgomery, and Lucian Harris,” the teacher calls.

  Hell yea, I got Lucian. I don’t recognize the girl’s name. I look around the room. Next thing I know the girl that is sitting behind us moves and sits next to me. I barely hold back a groan. I take a deep breath, drawing in her scent. My wolf wants to brush up against her to coat his fur in her scent.

  “Hi, I’m Callyn,” she says.

  “Zeke,” I manage to say. I’m surprised to say the least. Her face is free of make-up. There is a splattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose and cheeks. Her eyes are a light brown with gold flecks. Her voice, oh man, it’s soft but slightly raspy. It’s the sexist thing I’ve heard. I hear Lucian say his name. The teacher pulls her attention.


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