Page 26
attendance (1999), 24
attendance (2002), 35
changes from 1991 to 1996 and, 20, 21
Metrodome conditions, 23
Ortiz retirement gift, 232
plan to sell team/North Carolina, 23, 24
retractable roof stadium and, 23
tension and, 22
See also specific individuals
Minnesota Twins/Ortiz
2000/2001 seasons/statistics, 27
2002 season/statistics, 34–36
approach, 24
comparison to Boston Red Sox, 49–50, 138
fans and, 52–53, 97
injury (1998), 24
injury (1999), 26
injury/recovery (2002), 34–35
management treatment, 37
move to major league, 21–23
prank/Koskie, 232
recall to major league/play (1999), 26–27
release/reactions, 36, 37–39
team relationships, 34
trade rumors, 27, 37
trade to, 20
Triple A (1999), 24–25
Minnesota Vikings, 30
Montreal Expos, 27
Moore, Matt, 196, 220
Morban, José, 36
Moss, Randy, 30
Mueller, Bill
2004 postseason/Yankees, 80
Boston Red Sox, 40, 44–45, 48–49, 80, 104
Mussina, Mike, 56–57, 77
Myers, Wil, 196
Napoli, Mike
Boston Red Sox, 186, 201, 210, 212
contract, 210
Nelson, Jeff, 52, 57–58
NESN, 151, 153, 160
New Britain, Connecticut Double A, 21–22
New England Patriots, 199
New York City
Café Rubio/Ortiz, 51, 83, 85
Dominicans in, 51
Ortiz/night before Game 7 (2003), 51–52, 53
New York Mets and Martínez, 93–94
New York Times, 141, 144, 157, 193, 231
New York Yankees
2004 postseason/Twins, 73
2004 roster/expense, 73
Boston Red Sox rivalry, 49, 52, 61, 64–65, 73, 77, 79, 80, 88, 106, 233
Hall of Fame individuals and, 77
Murderers’ Row (1927), 49
World Series history/statistics, 64–65, 88
Newman, Al, 21, 22
Nixon, Katherine, 78
Nixon, Trot
Boston Red Sox, 48–49, 56
leaving Boston Red Sox, 110–11
Obama, President Barack
Boston Marathon bombing and, 213–14
Boston Red Sox team meeting, 211, 212
Ortiz/ Red Sox jersey and selfie, 212
Okajima, Hideki, 115
Olerud, John, 100
Ordóñez, Magglio, 66, 70
Orr, Bobby, 98, 134
Ortiz, Albania
Carlos and, 32
childhood, 2, 9, 29
mother’s death and, 32
Ortiz, Alex
Boston and, 38, 53, 55, 87, 224–25
Martínez and, 55
singing/home opener (2016), 224–25
Ortiz, Angela
accident/death, 31, 32–33
brothers/sisters, 31–33
cooking and, 29
description/personality, 30–31
events before death, 30–33
as La Nina, 33
mother of, 33
relationship with son, 29, 30–31, 33, 127, 219–20
transportation, 125
work and, 9, 125
See also Ortiz, David; Ortiz, David/childhood
Ortiz, D’Angelo
birth, 69
descriptions, 69
father explaining incident (2009), 146
Ortiz, David
cooking, 29
crediting parents, 127
first book, 119, 144
first plane flights, 12
God and, 33, 107, 186, 206
heart irregularities and, 110
home runs/honoring mother, 34, 219
hugging and, 67
mother’s death/mourning, 32–34
Obama and, 211–12
off-season in Dominican, 29
pain threshold, 127–28
reflecting on life/childhood, 1–10
respect and, 150, 153–55, 167
teammates fight/nightclub and, 127
See also specific individuals; specific teams
Ortiz, David/childhood
baseball and, 5–7, 8–10
baseball life vs., 3
basketball and, 4
education and, 5, 9
family counting on, 9, 10, 126
father/baseball and, 5–7, 8, 9–10
Florida Marlins organization and, 7, 8
Haina and, 1–2, 100
house description, 2
lessons learned, 3, 4, 10
Mattingly’s bat/autograph, 6
new house and, 5, 126
obeying parents, 126, 229
parents protecting/drug warnings and, 2–3, 4–5
parents separating and, 5, 9, 126
pollution and, 2
poverty and, 2, 100, 134–35
Seattle Mariners and, 9, 10
violence and, 2, 3, 4–5
working, 5
Ortiz, David/U.S. citizenship
father and, 126
location/seats, 125–26
Pledge of Allegiance and, 127
pride and, 127, 212
reflections and, 125–27
Ortiz, Enrique
relationship with son, 5, 11, 13–14, 29, 32, 126, 127, 229
son in Arizona and, 11, 13–14
son’s final Boston weekend/tribute, 235
son’s retirement and, 229
son’s sports interests and, 4, 5–6
son’s U.S. citizenship ceremony and, 126
transportation and, 125
wishes for son, 4, 5–6
work and, 9, 125, 229
See also Ortiz, David; Ortiz, David/childhood
Ortiz, Tiffany
2007 Series/relationships and, 121–22
2016 home opener and, 224
celebrity/money and, 96–97, 120, 178–79
children and, 53, 69, 87, 235
descriptions/personality, 96, 103–4, 179
fans in Boston and, 53, 96–97
father’s death and, 194
history/Boston and, 87
home/community and, 120
husband’s final Boston weekend/tribute, 235
marriage problems, 172, 178–79, 194
marriage reconciliation, 205
Martínez and, 54, 55
Mientkiewicz/wife and, 70, 92
other players’ wives/families and, 70, 78
supporting husband, 53–54, 61–62, 103–4, 146, 155
wedding, 37
See also Brick, Tiffany
Palmeiro, Rafael, 168
Papelbon, Jonathan
baseball talents, 108, 118
Boston Red Sox, 108, 109, 118, 122, 163
free agent/Philadelphia and, 176
Patrick, Deval, 190, 191
Patriots’ Day, Boston
celebrations, 187–88
See also Marathon bombing (2013)
Peavy, Jake, 203–4
Pedroia, Dustin
baseball commitment/talents, 116, 131
Boston Red Sox, 114, 115–16, 118, 122, 131, 156, 163, 176, 185, 200, 204, 212
injury, 156
Valentine and, 176
performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs)
2003 survey drug list, 139, 144
2003 survey meanings and, 142
Hall of Fame/writer voters and, 140
Latin players and, 138, 193
mandatory testing/penalties and effects (starting 2004), 139
Manfred on 2003 list, 231
as national
news/beyond baseball, 137–38
Obama on, 137–38
Ramírez and, 140, 141, 142
Rodriguez and, 137, 142
performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) and Ortiz
2003 list and, 141–42, 144, 231
accusations/effects, 141, 142–47, 157, 171, 231
boos, 145
companies/advertisers and, 149–50
confusion over accusations, 144, 157
D’Angelo and, 146
drug-testing and, 193–94, 231–32
evidence against using, 138–39, 140, 142, 144
Latin players and, 138, 140
legal supplements/vitamins and, 139, 142, 145
media and, 138, 141–47, 149, 150, 157
New York press conference, 145–46
Ramírez association and, 140
reporter questions/Fort Myers (2009), 137, 138–39
reporters questions (2013), 192–93
tester getting lost and, 194
Twins vs. Boston Red Sox performance, 138–39
wife/children and, 146
Pettitte, Andy, 234
pitching inside, 44
Players’ Association, 143, 144
Pledge of Allegiance, U.S., 127
Pohldad, Carl, 23
Porcello, Rick
baseball talents, 217, 232
Boston Red Sox, 217, 232
Posada, Jorge
New York Yankees, 80, 234
Ortiz and, 237
Price, David
baseball talent/honors, 156, 197, 228, 232
Boston Red Sox, 228
Dombrowski/Ortiz conversation about, 221
hitting Ortiz intentionally, 221, 228
Ortiz conversations/2013 playoffs, 197–98
Tampa Bay Rays, 134, 156, 197–98
as teammate, 228
Puckett, Kirby
Ortiz childhood and, 6–7, 10, 23
retirement announcement, 20
Pujols, Albert, 227
Punto, Nick, 181
Quantrill, Paul
baseball talents/sinker and, 81
postseason play, 80–81
racism, Goff’s warning, 16
Ramírez, Hanley
Boston Red Sox trading, 105
Boston Red Sox wanting, 215
Ortiz and, 156, 236
Ramírez, Manny
2003 American League Championship, 52, 57–58
2004 postseason, 75, 81, 82, 84
2004 Series and, 90
2006 season/statistics, 108–9
2007 season/postseason, 118, 120
baseball talents/statistics, 41, 43–44, 47, 48–49, 70, 101, 128–29, 131–32, 140
Boston Red Sox, 39, 40, 41, 48–49, 64, 65, 66, 67, 70
called strikes/skepticism on, 130
conflict with Youkilis, 129
descriptions, 41, 44, 64, 70, 101
Dodgers and, 131–32, 140
fans and, 64, 91, 97, 118, 130
incidents (2008), 129, 130, 131
injuries/skepticism on injuries, 118, 131
knee injury/skepticism on injury, 118
leaving Boston for Dodgers, 131
McCormick conflict, 130
management conflict/issues and, 101, 104, 111, 128, 129, 130, 131
Martínez and, 55, 91
media and, 55
Ortiz and, 41, 43, 44, 45–46, 48, 49, 55, 70, 108–9, 128–29, 140
Ortiz learning from, 41, 108–9
Ortiz/Ramírez baseball combination, 101, 108, 114, 120
PEDs use/suspension and, 140, 141, 142
reporters/views on Boston Red Sox, 131
selling items/auction, 115
training/workout schedule and, 41, 109
waivers/trade rumors, 64, 65–66
Reebok, 149
Rentería, Edgar
2004 postseason play and, 92
Boston Red Sox and, 100, 208
Boston replacing, 109
criticism and, 100
signing amount, 208
Rice, Jim, 55, 134
Richard, Martin, 188, 189
Rivera, Mariano
baseball talent, 77, 79, 80, 98–99, 130, 234
golf fundraiser/Children’s Fund, 134
Ortiz and, 98–99, 130
postseason play, 79–80
Ramírez and, 130
Rizzo, Anthony, 163
Roberts, Dave
2004 postseason/Yankees, 80
baseball talents, 70, 80
Ortiz and, 70
Rodriguez, Alex (“A-Rod”)
baseball talents, 70, 77, 219
Boston Red Sox and, 65–66
Boston Red Sox fans and, 138
home run numbers, 219
Ortiz and, 138
PEDs and, 137, 142
Yankees and, 66, 77, 101
Rodríguez, Eduardo, 213
Rodríguez, Francisco, 75
Rollins, Jimmy, 134
Romero, J. C., 115
Roof, Phil, 25, 26
Russell, Bill, 98, 225
Ruth, Babe, 49, 110, 141
Ryan, Bob, 143
Ryan, Terry, 36, 37
St. Louis Cardinals
2004 Series, 88, 89, 90–92
description/2004 season (summary), 89
St. Martin’s Press, 119
Sánchez, Aníbal, 105, 198, 201
Sandoval, Pablo
baseball talents, 215
Boston Red Sox, 215
Saturday Night Live
audience, 211
Ortiz skit, 211
Scherzer, Max
contract, 210
Detroit Tigers, 198–99, 201, 210
Schilling, Curt
2004 postseason/Angels, 74
2004 postseason/Yankees, 78, 83
ankle injury and, 74, 78, 83
ankle surgery and, 99
baseball talents, 89
Boston Red Sox, 65, 74, 78, 83, 108
Schmidt, Michael, 141
Scioscia, Mike, 75
scorekeeper mistakes, 167, 168
Shaughnessy, Dan, 143, 193
Sheffield, Gary, 77, 234
Sheppard, Bob, 77
Showalter, Buck
Ortiz/gag gift and, 233–34
Ortiz/Gregg and, 166
Smyly, Drew, 199–200, 201
snow and Ortiz, 15
Steinberg, Charles, 122–23
steroid use. See performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs)
Tampa Bay Rays
2008 season/postseason, 128, 132, 133–34
descriptions, 132, 196, 215
history, 128
Taylor, James, 122–23
Thompson, Kenan, 211
Tiant, Luis, 134
Timlin, Dawn, 78
Tomlin, Josh, 236
Tonight Show, The, 104
Torre, Joe
background, 65
Ortiz and, 237
as Yankees manager, 57–58, 65, 77, 234
Trout, Mike, 227
Valentin, Javier, 22
Valentine, Bobby