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The Hitman Who Loved Me

Page 15

by Shady Grace

  He couldn’t let her go, not when all their lives and their freedom were at stake. Now he suddenly wished he’d never met her at that lodge. Jamie Fields had become an itch that he couldn’t scratch, a thorn in his ass, a drink for his thirst.


  “Wait.” He walked up to her, feathered his fingers through her hair and tilted her head back. As she gasped in surprise, Sam brought his lips to hers and kissed her. He wanted to keep her here and shut her up at the same time. He couldn’t be sure if it was his frustration with the situation, or his feral attraction to her, or both, that made him ravage her, but he couldn’t help himself.

  He had to have her. Right now. Fuck the consequences.

  * * * *

  Jamie’s head spun.

  She had just witnessed a murder, and had nearly been killed herself, and yet, being in Jack’s arms, having him kiss her with abandon, and hold her with such raw need shoved reality right out the door. All her fear and frustration and desperation vanished while he touched her as if he owned her.

  The briefcase dropped to the floor beside them as she lifted her arms and wrapped them around his neck, holding him tighter. God forgive me, but I want him inside me. I need him inside me. Now.

  Driven by lust, and maybe even fear, she dug her nails into his back, scraped all the way down and around his lean hips, then violently tore his zipper down. In seconds she had his pants around his ankles and her hands on his dick.

  They both panted and moaned. Jack looped the straps of her dress around his fingers and peeled the garment down her body, taking her panties with it in one smooth sweep. Jamie whimpered, her body aflame as his fingers slipped between her wet pussy lips to tease her sensitive clit. She ground her hips against his finger, pushing harder while he kissed her, already on the edge of a wild climax.

  “This is how you should be treated by a man—ruining your lipstick, not your mascara.” He slid his fingertip farther down and teased that dark place nobody else ever had the nerve to touch. Jamie’s high-pitched cry shrieked through the room as she shuddered and quaked with every torrid touch.

  “Why do I want you so much?” she moaned, as he trailed kisses over her chin and down to her breasts. The tears she had tried so hard not to cry, slipped down her cheeks. Just breathe. Forget about everything else. This is what you need.

  “Tell me to stop,” he murmured between kisses.

  “No. Please. Don’t stop.”

  Their lips met again and all thought of the previous hour vanished, replaced with a need for nothing but pleasure. She needed this. Needed to feel loved and safe and forget what tomorrow would bring.

  He kissed her as though his sole purpose was to satisfy her every whim. Her entire body tingled, nipples tight, the apex of her thighs wet and aching for more. His luscious lips, so soft and delicious, set her aflame as he kissed her mind blank. She succumbed, weightless in his arms and let the mating call take its course.

  With one hand on her hip, Jack moved the other up along her ribcage to circle each aroused nipple through her bra. She shuddered, grinding against him. Empowered by his arousal, Jamie stroked his cock with desperate abandon.

  With a rough moan, he reached behind and unhooked her bra, nearly ripping it off her, then he swung her up in his arms to place her gently onto the bed. “If you keep touching me like that, your vacation will never end,” he growled, and buried his face between her tits.

  Jamie moaned and feathered her fingers through his curly hair, holding him there as he bit her nipples. She wanted the exchange to end, but not her time with Jack. She didn’t want to think about never seeing him again. Couldn’t bear to imagine not feeling his body taking hers, gentle and slow and fast and deep. She feared her attraction to him, her need to have him again and again, as if her body had been created for his touch.

  She gripped his shoulders, turned on by the play of muscle she felt there, bunching and flexing as he set to work making her numb with lust. His deep, guttural growl made her pulse race as he skimmed his hand up her torso, the heat of his palm soft and erotic on her excited flesh.

  As Jack slid off the bed and stood at the foot, staring down at her with a smirk on his luscious lips, Jamie suddenly felt mortified by her nakedness. A blush pinched her cheeks. He’d seen her naked before, but the bright chandelier hanging over his bed made everything more visible. Every flaw more enhanced.

  “Don’t be shy. You’re beautiful,” he murmured. His words soothed her nerves, but his slow, almost evil smile disturbed her. Why is he looking at me like that? And before she could question what he was about, Jack squatted down at the foot of the bed and removed her heels. His devilish expression made her push up on her elbows and watch, mortified yet curious as he traced his fingertip along the curve of her foot.

  She sucked in a sharp breath. “Oh…wow.” How could a foot elicit that much erotic pleasure? She quivered and whimpered as he gently kissed the sensitive area at the arch of her foot—only there, where the sensitivity was too acute for words.

  “Did you know your feet were that sensitive?”

  “God no. Not like that,” she purred.

  “Nerve endings should not be ignored.”

  Jamie giggled and shuddered again as he kissed and tickled another scintillating path. “If I would’ve known this, I would’ve had you on the dock, and every day after that,” she cried out. Good thing her feet weren’t too ticklish or she might’ve kicked him in the face. No, nerve endings should never be ignored.

  He chuckled, and the vibration on her foot sent more convulsions right between her legs. She closed her eyes and reveled in this new and wicked attention. Slowly and provocatively, Jack kissed up her calves to the crook of her knees. Every inch of quivering flesh was definitely not ignored as he worked his way up her body. She thought she’d ruin the mattress she was so wet, or at least become a part of the bed itself, so heavy she felt—heavy yet weightless at the same time.

  She feathered her fingers through his hair again as her hips gyrated beneath him. He took her nipple in his mouth and rolled the aching tip between his teeth and tongue. She cried out and raked his scalp with her nails.

  “Dammit, Jack, I’m really beginning to like you.”

  He glanced up, his sexy eyes drowsy with lust, and Jamie knew then and there that she didn’t want to let him go. Even if tonight was their last night together, she’d enjoy every breathless moment. It was in that moment of reflection when she realized that like wasn’t a strong enough word. What she felt for Jack was much stronger than that, and it terrified her.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and ground her hips against his burgeoning erection. He pulled away with a dark smile and worked his way back down her body. Feverishly aroused, Jamie wished he’d be quicker and take her already. But he sat back at an angle, as if he had all the time in the world to please her. Propped on one elbow, he parted her legs with his free hand, his eyes feasting on her bared pussy. When his head dipped and his ravenous tongue delved around her clit and down her wet lips, Jamie thought she’d fly off the bed. She gripped the bedding and gasped as he ravaged her with his tongue, turning her body to liquid and her mind to mush.

  He took his time, delving deeper, applying more pressure. Jamie didn’t know how much more she could take.

  “I need you inside me, please, Jack.”

  “Soon,” he said. “You’re almost there.” He replaced his tongue with his finger and in a slow, agonizing rhythm he stroked her…around and around…each deft strike making her hips rise a little higher. He stared at her face, watching her expressions of joy and ecstasy as he continued strumming her without a lick of shame. Heat crept up her neck and face, a sure prelude to orgasm. She cried out and her hips arched, almost of their own will as the wave rocked her. With a deep moan, Jack slowed his pace but continued teasing her mercilessly.

  Jamie panted, lying limp on the bed now, her entire body buzzed and numb. Amazed that he could control her so easi
ly, she blushed and looked away from his bold gaze. She smiled shyly, aware of how she must have looked coming undone so easily. Jamie was a strong woman, but here was this stranger who boldly spread her thighs and tasted her as if he had every right.

  The moment Jack reached up to undo the top button of his shirt, Jamie scooted onto her knees, ready to take over. She smiled when he chuckled and proceeded to undress him quickly. Her patience had worn thin long ago. The last button gave way and she reached up to peel the shirt over his shoulders, letting it pool at his feet beside his already discarded pants and boxers.

  His brown skin, lightly dusted with dark hair, captivated her. She sucked on his nipples, teasing and nibbling, just as he had done to her. His rough moan excited her. While she toyed with him, Jack reached down and took the weight of her breasts in his hands, kneading and pinching her nipples.

  She swirled her tongue around his nipple before she bit down with a measure of force. His sudden jerk and grunt of pain gave her instant pleasure.

  The challenge she saw in his eyes excited her. She took him in hand and stroked his shaft more forcefully, convincing herself that even though he was bigger than a decent man should be, she’d use every inch of him, again. His cock was darker than the rest of his body, which was intriguing and appealing, especially when her fingers looked so white wrapped around him, a stark and beautiful contrast. She kissed and licked around his head, delighted as he groaned and pumped his hips forward. The ache between her legs deepened, pulsing in unison with each stroke of her hand and kiss from her lips.

  Jack skimmed his hands up her arms and gathered her hair in one hand, holding it to the side for a better view. He growled when she gripped the base of his shaft and sucked his head into her mouth, taking him down as far as she could. Her throat tightened, triggering a heady pulse between her legs that she could no longer ignore.

  As he reached for the condoms on the nightstand, Jamie shook her head. “No. I want to feel you.”

  Jack blinked, obviously taken back by her words. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes.” She’d never let a man come inside her before. Never trusted a man enough to take it that far. But she wanted Jack to have her completely. She wanted to feel everything.

  Jack’s eyes seemed to darken with lust and something else, as he gripped her hips and pulled her to him while he remained standing at the side of the bed. Her ass hung slightly over the edge of the mattress. She bit her lip and gasped in pleasure as he guided his naked length along her slick pussy lips, instigating a fevered need to feel him deep. To forget about what waited beyond the door and find ecstasy—raw, naked ecstasy.

  Jamie released a startled breath and gripped the bed linen, that first slow thrust almost painful, as it had been the first time. Her eyes widened and he held still, allowing her body to succumb, and to eventually beg for more.

  Then he fed her the rest.

  They both moaned in unison.

  Filled was an understatement, Jamie decided, as she moved in tune to him. She stared at his piercing eyes while he penetrated her slowly, madly, deeply. She raked her nails along his forearms and met his thrusts, already feeling the rush drawing near.

  Gently, he stroked her inner thighs, applying pressure with the pads of his thumbs. The gesture made something unravel within and the flutter of heat in her belly deepened. His fingers surged higher, still circling, massaging, and driving her wild, until he pressed the pad of his thumb against her clit.

  Jamie closed her eyes and rocked with him, her breath short and sharp, feeling as though she floated above the mattress in a fiery inferno.

  The intensity heightened as Jack quickened his pace, filling her deeply, owning her body. The sound of their bodies smacking together resounded throughout the room.

  He lifted her bottom, raising her higher, thrusting deeper, and it was Jamie’s undoing. She arched and cried out. Jack lifted her higher in his arms and kissed her passionately, still thrusting hard. Sweat beaded off his brows. Three more deep pumps and his hips stilled, his breath quickened, and he found his own shuddering climax.

  It was during the blissful aftermath, as they lay limbs entwined, nothing but the sound of heavy breathing in the room, that her cell phone rang. Jamie’s lids fluttered lazily, not quite back to reality yet, but after the third ring, she jerked up in bed.

  Only one person would be calling, and she didn’t want to answer. How could she explain what happened today while Jack was right next to her? She dared a glance over her shoulder. His eyes were closed, chest moving evenly with each breath.

  Jamie picked up the cell, her eyes still trained on Jack, and lowered her voice. “Yes?” His lids didn’t flicker at all.

  “How did it go today?” Monty asked, his voice high with expectation.

  Jamie’s stomach swirled as the vision of those two men came to mind. She turned away from Jack and whispered, “It didn’t.”

  “What? What the fuck happened?” Monty’s suddenly shrill voice echoed loud through the receiver.

  Her chin quivered and her hand holding the receiver trembled. She cleared her throat, nervous that Jack might hear their conversation. “Uh, now really isn’t a good time, Mom. I’ll call you later.” That man would’ve raped her, but somebody killed him. Somebody came toward her after killing that man, but thank God Jack had heard the commotion and came to her rescue.

  But how did he get past the man with the gun?

  “What the hell is going on?”

  “Nothing,” she said quickly. “I’ll call you first thing in the morning. I promise. Love you,” she added, tasting the bitter truth of that word toward a mother she’d never known.

  Jamie hung up the phone as the weight of her responsibility pushed heavily on her shoulders. The anonymous woman probably didn’t care that Jamie could’ve been killed today. All that mattered was the briefcase. She stared at it and wondered if what was inside would be her undoing. Even if she wanted to know what lay within, she had no code to open it. Maybe she was better off not knowing anyway.

  She glanced at Jack again, only half relieved that his eyes were still closed and his soft snores filled the room. But it didn’t settle her fear that her job still wasn’t complete. There could be hell to pay, and she didn’t know exactly what happened earlier. If Jack saw her come into the alley and heard the shots, how did he manage to get her back here without getting shot at?

  She settled back under the covers and cuddled up to him, needing his warmth and his strength. Their bodies fit together as if by design. That thought scared her. How could she feel safe in his arms and in his bed when she still didn’t really know him? How could she be falling in love with a stranger?

  For a long while she lay there wide awake, wondering if she told Jack why she was here and what was happening, if he’d help her.

  Chapter 8

  As Jack showered early the following morning, Jamie decided she had better call Monty back before the boss lady began to worry.

  A woman answered on the first ring. “Hello, Jamie. What happened with the meeting yesterday?”

  Jamie swallowed hard, sensing something terrible on the immediate horizon. “Where’s Monty?” The woman on the other end laughed, and Jamie realized with dread that this must be the woman who set up the mission, the same voice she’d spoken with when she first took on the job. “Why are you answering Monty’s phone? What have you done with him?”

  “Monty will be just fine as long as you do your part of the job. When I give instructions, I expect them to be followed implicitly.”

  Her hand holding the phone began to tremble as her heart skipped a jagged beat. What had she done? Monty could be in grave danger, and here she was, in Jack’s room, after spending another wonderful night with him.

  She wanted to scream at this woman who put her in this dangerous situation, but instead Jamie forced herself to breathe steady. Freaking out wouldn’t do Monty any good. She’d never forgive herself if he got hurt because
she failed to do her part of the mission, and as much as she didn’t want to explain herself to this woman, she knew she had to. “The wrong man showed up yesterday. I swear it wasn’t my fault. I went to the café at the exact time as I was supposed to and I followed your instructions to the T. A man showed up carrying a bag, we exchanged a few words, and he led me to believe that we had to make the exchange away from people. He and his buddy turned out to be hustlers and they would’ve robbed and possibly raped me—”

  “The briefcase?” the woman snapped.

  Jamie glared at the phone as tears welled in her eyes. Don’t cry now. Lift your chin and show this bitch that you can be tough. “Don’t worry, your precious briefcase is safe. What the hell is going on? Tell me that Monty is okay.”

  “Did you see who shot those men?”

  “No.” Her cheeks heated. “I’ve never witnessed a murder up close before. I fainted, right as the guy was walking toward me.”

  There was a long pause. “What happened when you woke up? The shooter was gone?”

  She lifted her chin and squared her shoulders, although the woman on the other end couldn’t see that Jamie had had enough of this. “I want to talk to Monty.”

  “I’m sorry but that’s not possible.”

  The carefree, posh tone of the woman’s voice made Jamie grit her teeth. “If you don’t put Monty on the phone, then I won’t go through with this!” She never should’ve accepted this mission, especially if it put her best and only friend in danger. If Monty got killed because of her, she’d never forgive herself.

  “Oh, you will, if you want to see your friend alive again.” The sharp tone ripped right through Jamie’s heart. There was no getting away from this now, she was certain.

  The tears she tried to force away slipped down her cheeks. This was getting worse by the minute. “A man rescued me. I’m here with him right now.”

  “Really?” The voice seethed through the receiver. “What do you know about this man?”


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