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Charlie Page 16

by Elin Peer

  It surprised me that she didn’t show more trust in him. Conor was the most trustworthy person I knew. If he’d married Sandra and not told anyone, there had to be a logical explanation for it.

  Clearing his throat, Conor leaned back in his seat with a bored expression. It comforted me that he didn’t seem the least bit worried when he asked the detectives, “Who hired you to investigate Sandra’s death and what video evidence would you be talking about?”

  “We can’t tell ye who hired us, but it’s someone who cared for Sandra.”

  “She killed herself and left me a suicide note. I still have it.”

  “Would ye mind showing it to us?” Kit asked.

  Conor got up to fetch the letter from a folder and handed it to Kit. After reading it, she placed it on the desk and took a picture with her phone.

  Conor kept a standing position next to his chair. “You didn’t answer my question about what video evidence you’re talking about.”

  “Oh.” Kit looked up. “We’ve contacted all the stores in the street of the bar to see if they have video surveillance cameras, and some of them did.”

  “From seven years ago?” Conor scoffed. “That sounds unlikely.”

  “Ye’re right. It’s unusual since most stores delete it after a month or so, but it turns out that one of the owners in that street is a bit of a voyeur, and so anal about his surveillance that he saves snippets from all the way back to when he first got his shop. When we reached out to ask about that night, he happened to have a tape and he said it contains a man carryin’ a child over his shoulder out of the bar. He saved it because it was the same night a woman died in the bar and he always figured there was a connection. Accordin’ to him, he tried to tell the police back then, but they weren’t interested.” Kit leaned forward. “The bloke wouldn’t stop talkin’ when he understood that we’re quare interested.”

  Conor leaned on his desk. “Let’s see the tape and you’ll see that I wasn’t that man.”

  The tall detective hadn’t said much, but he brushed his left eyebrow, and turned his head. “We’d love to show it to ye, but my son and business associate got delayed in the airport. Ye see, he went to pick it up himself.”

  “Then why didn’t you wait for him? Why come here late at night and bring up traumatic memories for us? If you had only waited for the tape, you would see that I wasn’t there.”

  Kit looked at her father. “He has a fair point, Da. I told ye we should have waited.”

  The older man shrugged. “Why wait to do tomorrow what ye can do today? I thought the witness sounded credible and it does no harm to ask questions. I’ve done this for a while, ye see, and in cases like this, it’s usually the husband who is behind the murder.”

  Conor squared his shoulders and spoke with a deep authoritarian voice. “You two are out of your mind. Sandra was a depressed and paranoid woman who committed suicide. There was no murder. Please leave my house immediately.”

  “As you wish.” The old man moved to the door but the red-haired woman gave me a curious glance as if I might have details from the night Sandra died. Just before the two of them exited the room, she gave me another glance and I thought I saw a small and very satisfied smile on her face. But that couldn’t be, because their investigation was a waste of time and all their accusations that Conor was connected to Sandra’s death had been shot down by him.

  “Wow.” I exhaled noisily. “I can’t believe they just came in and insinuated that you killed a woman.”

  He moved behind his desk and sat down. “I guarantee that it’s some disgruntled former member who is trying to get back at me for asking them to leave. People get emotional and vindictive when their dreams come crashing down.”

  “But to accuse you of murder. That’s just crazy. I can’t believe how calm you are about it.”

  “That’s because I know I’m innocent. Now do you see why loyalty means everything to me? Critics, haters, and jealous people will do anything to get you down if you’re successful. With great power come enemies; it’s the way of life.”

  “Maybe you should think about hiring security. I’ve never lived in a place that didn’t have armed security before. My grandfather always feared someone would try and rob us, or kidnap one of us to get a ransom.”

  “Hmm… I’ll think about it.”

  “Okay.” Getting up from my chair, I walked around his table to hug Conor. “Don’t let them get you down. Once they see the video you’ll be cleared.”

  “Yes.” He hugged me tight. “Sleep well, my friend.”

  “Same to you.” My eyes locked onto his and I gave him a reassuring smile.


  Stirring the Pot


  I woke up early and untangled my body from River, who had crawled down from her own bed to sleep with me last night.

  Tiptoeing through the house, I entered Charles’ room and whispered his name.

  “Charles, wake up. It’s me.”

  He was on his side facing the wall, his naked back uncovered and the rim of his briefs visible.

  Getting into his queen-sized bed, I snuggled up against him and it made him jerk awake.

  “It’s me.” I let my hand slide up his thigh and smiled when he turned around to hug me tight.

  “Mmmm, come here, my lovely Saffron.” His voice was hoarse from sleep. “Did you have nice dreams?”

  “River, Nathan, and I talked until midnight and then I slept cuddled up with River. That girl is the sweetest.”

  “I know. She’s cuteness overload. Too bad about her mom.”

  I soaked up the scent of his cologne mixed with his natural smell that worked like a direct link to my libido. My hands drifted up his chest while his hands pulled at my shorts.

  “Did I tell you, I’m a big fan of morning sex?”

  “No, you didn’t.” I smiled at him. “But it just means we have another thing in common. The only thing I’m not a fan of is kissing with morning breath.”

  “All right, then I won’t kiss you on your mouth.” He turned me to face away from him, planting kisses down my neck and shoulder while pulling my butt against his crotch. I almost purred at the feeling of his massive morning wood pressing up against me.

  I could hear the sound of foil being ripped as he found a condom and put it on.

  Sliding his fingers inside me, he muttered into my ear. “Mmm, I love how warm and wet you are for me.”

  “That’s because I crave to feel you inside me.”

  “You do?”

  “Uh-huh.” It came out as a moan. I wanted to bond so tightly with him that if I ever had to make an ultimatum and make him choose me over the cult, he wouldn’t hesitate. Charles might be introverted and shy, but he was a fiery lover and with a hand around my throat, he kept me right where he wanted me while taking his time to go slow, fast, circle his hips, and whisper dirty things in my ear.

  “Ahhh…” I was pushing back against him and molding my body to his.

  “You have no idea what you’re doing to me.” He bit my shoulder. “I can’t lose you, Liv. Promise that you’re really mine.”

  “I’m really yours.” My eyes were closed and my head leaned back against him. With all of my heart, I wanted to be with Charles. “This is amazing.”

  “Yeah? You like being fucked by me?”

  “I love it.”

  “Good, because we’re doing this every morning from now on.” We could hear people waking up in the house and someone on light feet running upstairs, probably River.

  Our bodies had found a perfect rhythm and worked in harmony like we’d been lovers for years.

  “God, Liv. Yes! Take every inch of me. Do you feel it?”

  “Yeess.” We were panting and chasing that place of euphoria we’d been in yesterday when we made love and when it finally came, Charles had to cover my mouth to dampen my screams while growling against my neck.

  “Fuck, yes… I’m coming, Liv.”

  With my insides crampin
g around him, I grabbed his hand, closed my eyes, and felt the purest sensation of connectedness that I’d ever experienced with a man. I wasn’t screaming anymore and he removed his hand.

  He moaned in my hair. “I’m never letting you go.”

  We kept spooning for a few minutes, until he pulled out of me and tied a knot on the condom.

  “Have you ever had sex without a condom?” I propped my head up to look at him.

  “No. Have you?”

  “Yes. In long-term relationships.”

  He lay back down and let his fingers run up and down my arm. “Part of me hates that someone else had you for a long time, but at the same time I wonder if they helped make you the amazing woman you are.”

  I played with his earlobe. “You’ve had other women too.”

  “Yeah, but nothing serious.”

  “Who were they?”

  “Older women, mostly.”

  “How old?”

  Charles looked at me. “Are you sure you want to know?”

  “You’re twenty-nine, it’s not like I expected you to be a virgin. You can tell me.”

  “All right.” He sighed. “When I was sixteen, one of our housekeepers and I began an affair. She was a hot-blooded Latina whose husband had been in a work accident that left him paralyzed from the waist down. She never pretended to love me, but she taught me about carnal pleasure and allowed me to experiment with her. Carmen was twenty-eight at the time.”

  “How long did it last?”

  “It was daily while I lived at home and after I started college it slowed down to whenever I was home on vacation. But then she and her husband moved away when I was twenty.

  “And after her?”

  “There was a personal trainer at my gym. She was in her thirties and going through a divorce. I was a fun distraction, I suppose. I’ve never been good at connecting with women my own age, but older women, they…”

  “They what?”

  “They are more aggressive and know what they want. With them there was never any pressure of going on dates or trying to impress them with my dance moves. They didn’t want my kids, money, or my love. All they wanted was to have fun without a commitment. It would be a bottle of wine, some casual talk, and sex. That was it!”

  “But you said that you loved morning sex. That would imply you’ve spent the night with some of your lovers.”

  “There were a few weekend trips with the divorcee.”

  “Oh, I see.”

  “Are you sure that you’re okay hearing about this?”

  “Of course. I want to get to know you better. I can only do that if you tell me about your life.”

  Charles kissed my left breast and sucked on my nipple. “Well, in my case, I don’t mind that you have a past, just as long as you agree that I’m your future.”

  Warm smiles and unspoken promises passed between us and then he rolled over to sit on the edge of the bed, reaching for his clothes.

  “I couldn’t sleep last night.”

  “Why not?” I watched him put on his shirt.

  “Something crazy happened after you went to bed. I was with Conor when a couple of detectives came to question him about Nathan’s mom, Sandra. She used to be a member of the mastermind group.”

  My whole body stiffened and I was happy he had his back to me and couldn’t see it.

  “It was a father and daughter, as Irish as you can imagine. Red hair and strong brogue.”

  “What did they want to know?”

  Charles turned to me. “They more or less insinuated that Conor had been involved in Sandra’s suicide. It turned out that Conor and Sandra were married and from the way Ciara reacted, I’d say that she had no idea.”

  “Conor was married to Sandra?”


  “That must have been a blow to Ciara. I mean, Conor and she have two boys together, but he hasn’t married her.”

  “I know. It’s weird.” Getting up, Charles closed his pants. “But either way, the detectives had it wrong and they left when they couldn’t prove anything.”

  “No wonder you couldn’t sleep. What if there’s something to their accusations?”

  “There’s not!” Charles’ tone was firm. “I shouldn’t have told you. Now you’ll have a bad impression of Conor but he’s the kindest, most thoughtful guy you’ll ever know. He’d never do anything to hurt a person. Especially not a member of his group. We’re family to him.”

  “If he didn’t do it, he’ll have nothing to worry about.” I picked up my shorts and t-shirt and changed the subject. “I was hoping for a shower.”

  “It’s down the hallway. Come on, let me show you.”

  When I was in the bathroom with the door locked, I let the water run and called up Kit.


  “You were here. Charles just told me.”

  “Aye, my da and I stirred the pot last night. We told Conor that there’s a videotape to prove he was in Liverpool the night Sandra died.”

  “But I thought you didn’t have that tape.”

  “We don’t. It disappeared with Jim when he tried to blackmail Conor, but we came up with a story about a shop owner who has a security tape.”

  “You lied?”

  “Aye, but it’s more like getting’ creative and puttin’ a bit of pressure on the target. Ye’d be surprised how many times it helps the investigation along. Criminals get stupid when they’re paranoid.”

  “But if you think he’s a killer why would you provoke him? What if he comes after you?”

  “Me?” Kit got quiet.

  “Yes, Kit. If he made Sandra kill herself, what makes you think he couldn’t do the same to you? I swear, I’m not staying one second longer in this house than I have to. Not when I know what he’s capable of.”

  “Ye’re in the house?”

  “Yes. Charles moved me in here last night. I’m sleeping with the children. I was going to text you, but I haven’t had a moment to myself.”

  “This is excellent. Keep yer ears and eyes open and report back to me.”

  “That’s the plan. But I have to take a shower now. Just be careful, Kit.”

  “Aye, and the same to ye.”

  I showered in record time to compensate for the minutes I’d been whispering on my phone with Kit.

  At the breakfast table, only the children, Conor, Charles, me, and five of the residents were present.

  Conor was quiet and ate without conversing.

  “Is something troubling you,” one of the Portuguese twins asked him.

  I expected him to say it was nothing, but he put down his cup of coffee and pushed his plate of toast away. “Yes, something is troubling me.”

  Right away, everyone around the table fell silent.

  “It seems that the timing of my session on how to deal with haters and critics was the universe sending me a reminder that I need to be strong and that trouble is coming. As you all know, I firmly believe that our souls have lived many lifetimes and that we’ve each experienced events that were designed to teach us about forgiveness, grace, patience, love, and other virtues. I’ve never been afraid of dying as I know it’s not the end, but merely the beginning of a different life.”

  I listened intently, drawn in by his calm voice, which was low and yet filled the room.

  “Rumors are circulating that I was somehow involved in Sandra’s suicide.”

  Nathan dropped his knife and stared at Conor.

  “The only armor I have against these nasty lies is this letter that Sandra wrote to me before she decided to move on to her next life.” He held up a piece of paper that had been next to his plate and passed it to Nathan, who sat across from him. “I want you all to read it so that you’ll see that Sandra was sick from depression and had given up on life.”

  Nathan’s eyes ran over the letter before his hands fell down.

  “Can I see it?” Atlas held a hand to Nathan’s back and took the letter when Nathan put it down on the table. One by one everyon
e at the table read and passed the letter along. When it reached me, I read it in silence like the others.

  Dear Conor,

  I’m so sorry to write you this letter. I know you’ll be disappointed that despite all the hours of friendship and support that you’ve given me over the years, it still wasn’t enough.

  Somehow, I thought that coming back to Liverpool with Nathan would be better, but it’s been worse. If anything, it has proved to me what a useless mother I am.

  Nathan deserves more than what I can ever give him.

  We’ve talked about this.

  My mind is sick and darkened by demons that make me see things that aren’t real. I even imagined that you and Nathan would hurt me when I know that the two of you are the only ones who love me despite all my flaws.

  Please forgive me for asking you this one last favor. Love Nathan as your own son. He will be without parents but with you to care for him, I know he’ll have the best father he could wish for.

  Remind him often that I loved him and that I’ll see him in our next lifetime.


  Tears were streaming down my face as I imagined Sandra scared in her room, watching Conor hold a knife to Nathan’s throat and forcing her to write this vile letter to save her son’s life.

  Conor gave me a sad look. “Yes, it’s tragic to read her talk about demons in her sick mind, but at least, I’ve kept my promise to her and raised Nathan as my own.”

  Nathan sat with his shoulders slumping low and his chin shivering like he was fighting his tears.

  “Ciara has already confirmed to the gardas that I was here the night Sandra died, but it worries me that cruel people would rip open this sad and dark chapter again when we worked so hard to close it behind us. That’s why I was quiet this morning.”

  With his having Sandra’s letter next to his plate it seemed to me like he had just been waiting for someone to ask what was wrong. He had planned this speech.


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