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The Relic: A Savvy Macavoy Story

Page 9

by Amy Shannon

  Savvy stood outside the Natural History Museum and watched as the ambulance pulled away. She nodded to Tim, who hurried over to her. “I thought you were on vacation,” she said. “Who’s with Leonard?”

  “Strick and Harry. Don’t worry. He doesn’t even know I’m here. Sunshine, what is going on here?”

  “Tim, seriously, why’d they call you in?”

  “Because I speak Sunshine,” he grunted.


  “Because you’re involved. Every time you’re involved in something, they call me. Like I’m the Sunshine Rainbow Savvy Macavoy whisperer.”

  “Very fowling funny,” she groaned. “I don’t have my own language.”

  “Just your own attitude. You don’t normally give me crap like you do everyone else, so I’m here. Now, spill it.”

  “First, there’s something missing from his office. I don’t remember quite what it is, but it’s something.”

  “How do you know?”

  “I was here last week. It looks cluttered but it’s his system of organization. A pile that was there on the middle of his desk isn’t there now. He could’ve moved it, but that would be a little weird. I could see moving a few files, but not the whole pile, especially how his office is.”

  “Well, good to know, but why are you even here?”

  “I’m working my case. You know that. You’re the one who said I could keep working while you all take care of Leonard. I should be doing that, since it is my fault for him getting shot, but I also owe Mr. Stein. He’s good for Leonard and he deserves to know…” she stopped. “He’s my client, but that’s private.”

  “I gathered that,” he sighed. “So, you know Mr. Gutenberg?”

  “Just met him when I was here last week. He asked me to come after hours, so I did. He gave Jarrod instructions to let me in.”

  “Jarrod? Oh, right Jarrod Johnson. He’s a good man.”

  “That’s good. I figured that, but it’s good to know. Everyone is suspect. Am I one, too?”

  “I doubt it. Please, be nice to the detectives, will you?”

  “I’m always nice,” she smiled.

  “Yeah, sure,” he kissed her cheek. “You need to answer their questions.”

  “As long as they don’t ask me why he wanted to see me or anything about my case.”

  “So, what will you answer?” Tim crossed his arms.

  “Bring on your detectives. I want to get to the hospital and check in on Mr. Gutenberg. I also need to call Mr. Stein.”


  She smiled. “Tim, I love you, but stop.”

  He motioned for the two detectives to join them. “Detectives Morgan Wells and Lewis Reynolds. This is Sunshine, uh, Savvy Macavoy. Private Investigator.”

  Wells extended his hand and shook Savvy’s hand. “Nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  “I’m sure,” she smiled. “Hope it’s not all bad,” Her eyes noticed Reynolds looking her up and down. “I only dress this way all the time.”

  “Oh, I know who you are,” he sighed. “So, why were you here?”

  “It’s a public building,” She looked at Tim and then back at the detective.

  “It was closed,” he said.

  “Yes, it was,” she crossed her arms.

  “Did you know Mr. Gutenberg?” Wells asked.

  “Yes,” she said quickly.

  “How?” Reynolds asked.

  “He works here,” she sighed. “Listen, I’m working a case and I can’t give you any information. I don’t have it. He asked me to come, so I did. We found him with his head half bashed in,” She turned to Tim. “I’m done now,” She walked away toward the street.

  Tim nodded and focused on the Detectives. “And that was her being pleasant.”

  “What is it with her?” Reynolds crossed his arms.

  “She’s Sunshine Rainbow Savvy Macavoy. A woman of her own unique self. She’s smart, talented and she gets things done. She doesn’t violate her client’s privacy and that’s who she was protecting right now. You don’t have to like her, but don’t put her down.”

  “I wasn’t. Gees, Lieutenant. What’s she got against cops?”

  “Not cops, just NYPD,” he smiled. “She only likes me because I’m married to her father. Now, you know why I was called in.”

  “Yes, sir,” Wells said. “Sorry about that.”

  “Find the guy who hurt Mr. Gutenberg. I better speak with Ms. Jerome before I leave,” He nodded to the detectives, dismissing them.


  Savvy knocked on Mr. Stein’s door and when it opened, she glared at her brother. “Friend, what the heck are you doing here?”

  “Oh, Oscar and I are back together,” he said.

  “Oh, well, I didn’t know he lived here, too.”

  “He doesn’t. We were visiting his father, well, we wanted to tell him about us. Uh, Sunshine, how is Leonard?”

  “He’s resting at my place, so don’t even bother him right now.”

  “I won’t,” he said as Oscar joined Friend in the doorway.

  “Who’s this?” he eyed her up and down.

  “My sister. Sunshine. You know, she’s helping your father.”

  Oscar grunted slightly. “This is what my father thinks can help him? I guess he does like the unique,” he muttered. “Friend, we need to go now. You have some things you need to do for me and I want it done now.”

  “Uh, yes, of course,” Friend sighed. “I’ll see you, Sunshine,” The two men headed out of the doorway, leaving the door open.

  Savvy watched Friend and Oscar walk toward a sedan parked on the street. She shook her head, wondering why Friend was back with that man. Something didn’t feel right, but she had to focus. She knocked on the open door. “Mr. Stein? Mr. Stein?” she scanned the storefront and noticed one of the cases was smashed.

  “Oh,” she watched as he slowly limped into the storefront, holding on to the counter. He wiped his eyes with his handkerchief and then quickly placed it in his pocket. “Ms. Macavoy, what is it?”

  “Are you all right?”

  “Oh, well, yes, I suppose I’ll be fine. What can I do for you? It’s not Leonard, is it?”

  She closed the door behind her. “So, that was your son?”

  “Yes, Oscar. He is… well… I don’t know. I can’t get into it. I love my son, but he can be trying at times. But Leonard is all right?”

  “Yes, he’s staying at my home until his new apartment is completed. He insisted that I work your case, so that’s what I’m doing. Uh, Mr. Stein, Mr. Gutenberg was attacked at the museum.”

  He gulped heavily as he grasped the counter as his legs almost collapsed under him. Savvy quickly hurried to his side. “Let’s get you in your home so you can sit down,” She held on to him, leading him to the door that entered his home. She helped him sit down. “Where is your cane, Mr. Stein?”

  “Oscar broke it,” he gently wept. “He was angry, and he broke it.”

  “Do you have another one?”

  “A cheaper one. That one was hand carved. It was a family heirloom. I’m sorry, Ms. Macavoy. I’m not in a good way right now.”

  “Well, I’m here to help you. He broke that case in the store room, didn’t he?”

  “Yes. He didn’t realize it was empty,” he sighed. “He came to tell me he was back with Friend. I don’t why Friend is with him. He can be a bit controlling. I think he’s using Friend, not sure if it’s to get information on you, or for some other reason.”

  “Will he hurt my brother?”

  “He already did, before Friend and I were together. But I can’t be with Friend. I just can’t. So, Leonard is better?”

  “He wants to see you, when you can,” she smiled. “He takes his exam tomorrow. Strick and I are driving him to the exam in Albany tomorrow. He’s probably studying like crazy, though I know he’ll pass it with flying colors.”

  “I hope he’s doing well. Tell me about Mortimer.”

  “He was attacke
d, and I don’t know if he’s going to make it. The ER doctor told me it was touch and go and I can’t see him until he’s out of surgery if he makes it.”

  “Oh, it’s all my fault. I saw him today.”

  “I heard you saw him today, but it is not your fault.”

  Adler sighed heavily. “Ms. Macavoy, I asked Mortimer if someone else had contacted him about the skulls. The one I’m missing and the other one.”

  “Other one? Which one? You had several in your collection.”

  “There is one other one that is not in my collection. I keep it in a safety deposit box. Or, I did,” he sighed.

  “Why didn’t you say something?”

  “I’m sorry. It was in the bank and I didn’t think it could be stolen or taken, but then, I worried.”

  “Mr. Stein,” she sighed. “Is it missing?”

  “Not yet,” he sighed. “I don’t trust the bank any more. I don’t know who I can trust and if I can go on with my collection. I don’t know what to do. It is my livelihood. My life’s work.”

  Savvy took her hand in his. “I may just work for you, but I’ll do whatever I can to help you,” She gazed into his eyes. “I need to ask you something.”

  He nodded without saying a word.

  “Does Oscar hurt you physically?”

  “It’s not his fault,” he gulped. “I was not a good father to him. I hid who I was from his mother for 40 years. I got involved with Friend after they broke up.”

  “Does Oscar have access to this place? I mean like keys or anything?”

  “Yes,” he sighed. “I cannot leave here. This is, uh, was my father’s building. It’s now mine.”

  “Is it Oscar’s?”

  “He has keys. That’s all. He’s not on the deed. I didn’t even put it in my will. Of course, he can fight it, unless I have someone else to leave this all to.”

  “It’s not my business, but I would assume between the building and your collection, you have a pretty good estate, right?”

  “I guess,” he sighed. “I like what I do. I have some in savings and some money I live off, but I mainly get money from my profits, when the items aren’t stolen.”

  “What are your intentions with Leonard?”

  “I like him. I care a great deal about him. I don’t want him to see me as weak.”

  “And he was thinking the same thing about you,” she smiled. “Mr. Stein, I’ll do more than help find your missing dictator. If you wish to go to the bank and remove anything from your safety deposit bank, I’ll be glad to go with you. As for Mr. Gutenberg, it wasn’t your fault he was attacked.”

  “I’m sorry, Ms. Macavoy. I do want to clean out my box at the bank. I think I should move my money as well. Oscar is getting more unpredictable. He doesn’t have access to my accounts, but he knows where I bank. He knows all the wrong kind of people. I’m afraid he’ll try to take what’s mine because he thinks I owe him or something,” He sighed heavily. “I can’t go anywhere. I don’t have my cane.”

  “Where is your cheaper one?”

  “In the closet over there,” he pointed.

  She stood up and walked over to the closet door and opened it. She pulled out the black cane, with soft grip handle and walked it over to him. “Where is the broken one?”

  “In the store room,” he smiled as he held on to the cane.

  “Well, right now, I want you to come with me. We’ll go to the bank and you can stay with us tonight. Later, you can figure out what you want to do. I don’t want to leave you here when he can just come back. Even if we simply change the locks for you, we’ll do that.”

  “I don’t know how to thank you.”

  “Want me to help you pack a bag?”

  “I need my black bag. It’s in the kitchen. I can’t put you out,” he said. “Your home isn’t big enough for me.”

  “Oh, it’s plenty big. Well, Strick and I live upstairs, and Leonard is staying in my room downstairs. There is an extra room downstairs, or you can stay upstairs with Strick and I. Leonard’s new place won’t be done for quite a while.”

  He slowly stood up as he held on to his cane. “One night will be fine.”

  “Good,” she headed toward the kitchen and grabbed his bag. She flung it over her shoulder and headed into the living room. She slowly followed Mr. Stein into the store room. As he locked the door to the living quarters, she noticed his cane broken in two pieces on the floor. She picked up both pieces and put them in her bag. She and Mr. Stein left the storefront. “Are you sure everything is locked up good?”

  “Yes, I changed the pin code for the security alarm,” he pressed the button on the key pad. “I can’t leave my home, but just for tonight will be fine.”

  “Mr. Stein, uh, Adler, will he get physical with my brother?”

  “I don’t know. He’s not like that all the time. I don’t know how he can be a nurse and then turn around and hurt someone. I raised him, I thought I raised him to cherish life, not take it away,” his voice broke slightly.

  “We’ll go to the bank and then to my place. Don’t worry. You’ll be safe,” she led him down the street to where her car was parked.


  Savvy led Mr. Stein into her kitchen from the back door. “Leonard?”

  He slowly stood up. “Adler, is everything all right?”

  “I’m fine,” he sighed. “May I please sit?”

  “Yes, of course,” Savvy pulled the chair out for him. “You two rest and talk. I’ll make some coffee.”

  “I did. It should be about done,” Leonard said. “Uh, Strick is upstairs. He told me you were bringing Adler here but didn’t say why.”

  “Oh, well, you two talk. I’ll be back down in a few minutes. I need to speak with Strick,” she set Mr. Stein’s bag on the floor and went upstairs with her bag. “Strick?”

  Strick walked out of the shower, with a towel wrapped around him. “Hi, Sunshine,” he grinned.

  She wrapped her arms around him. “I missed you and don’t call me Sunshine.”

  He laughed slightly. “You are my sunshine,” he kissed her mouth softly. “So, is Mr. Stein here?”

  “Yes, he’s downstairs with Leonard.”

  “Oh, all right. Uh, Angelica did call, and I told her you’d call her tonight when you got home.”

  “I’ll do that in a little while.”

  “Savvy,” he led her over to the sofa. “What’s going on?”

  “Mr. Stein needs to stay here tonight. His son… well, he hurts him sometimes. I think that’s why he uses a cane. Oh, that reminds me. You’ve done woodworking, right?”

  “Yes, I haven’t done it in a while. Well, since last year, since I’ve been so busy on cases and taking care of you,” he smirked.

  She reached into her bag. “Oscar broke Adler’s cane. It’s not just a cane, it’s handcrafted and important to him. I think he’d have it whether he needed to use it or now. Is there a way you can fix this for him?”

  “I think so,” he said. “Yeah,” he took the cane pieces from her hand. “I think so. My tools are in the basement, but I can do that, after dinner.”

  “Sounds good, thank you so much,” she smiled, lightly tugging on her braid.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, just tired. And, I have no idea where he’ll sleep tonight. He can’t sleep with Leonard. The bed is too small.”

  “He can sleep on the sofa here, it’s a pullout, remember?”

  “Oh, I guess,” she smiled. “I was hoping for a little private time with you.”

  “Well,” he smiled. “You’re overdressed,” He stood up, taking her hand.

  “I guess I am,” she kissed him softly as she thumbed the waist of his towel, letting it drop to the floor.

  He scooped her up and carried her over to the bed in the far corner of the one room apartment.

  An hour later, Savvy and Strick headed down stairs. Strick looked at Savvy, “I’ll be in the basement,” He headed toward the door that led to the basement, carryin
g the two pieces of Adler’s cane.

  She smiled at Leonard and Adler. “I’m sorry I didn’t come down right away.”

  “We understand. Harry and Tim said they’d bring dinner,” Leonard said. “Harry wanted to check in at the bar.”

  “All right. Adler, you can sleep upstairs on the pull out,” Savvy explained. “Tomorrow we need to get up early to drive Leonard to the bar exam. Did you want to stay here? Tim said he’s staying around here to answer our phones and take messages.”

  “Would I be able to drive up with you?” Adler asked.

  “If you want,” Savvy said. “After the exam, we were going to get some dinner before we came back here. I have some research and reading to do on your case, so Strick is going to drive so I can read. Is there anything else we can do for you?”

  “No, thank you. You took me to the bank and that helped. I guess I need to figure out what to do next.”

  Leonard patted his hand. “Anything I can do, let me know.”

  “You’re recovering, and you worry about your exam. I need to figure out if I want to stay in my own home and shop or move somewhere, I don’t even know where.”

  Leonard’s eyes smiled. “First decide if you really want to move. Oscar can find you wherever you go. I want you safe.”

  “You need to be safe, too. That maniac shot you,” Adler gulped.

  “And he’s still in jail, without bail,” Leonard said. “Tim told me. I guess we have to talk to the DA in a few days or something. Tim said this case got attention because of you, Savvy.”

  “Bull,” she said. “The cops don’t like me too much, so I doubt that.”

  “Well, I think Angelica made a call or something,” Leonard said.

  “Oh, fowl. I need to call her,” she stood up and poured herself a cup of coffee. “Excuse me for a few minutes. I’ll go in the other room to call her. Let me know when dinner gets here. Adler, you can stay with us for as long as you need,” She headed with her Anti-NYPD mug through the red doors. She sat behind her desk and picked up the phone on her desk. She dialed. “May I speak with Angelica?”

  “Uh, she’s not in right now,” the man said.


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