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The Relic: A Savvy Macavoy Story

Page 13

by Amy Shannon

  “I love you, too,” he headed down the hall toward the room they were staying in.

  She opened the refrigerator door and pulled out the orange juice. She poured herself a glass and drank it down as the front door opened again. She jumped slightly as Rain walked into the apartment. He hung up his corduroy jacket on the coat rack and turned around. He grabbed his chest as he jumped slightly. “Sunshine, you scared the rainbow right out of me.”

  She laughed slightly. “You and your fowl language,” she smiled. “I was just getting some juice. You were out late.”

  Rain poured himself a glass of juice and drank it down. “Fresh squeezed, the best. So, why you here? Strick and you have a fight or something?”

  “No, my Agency is a crime scene. Strick is here, taking a shower. Uh, Leonard is here, too, with his man-friend.”

  “Oh,” he sighed. “I’ve been meaning to come and talk to you.”

  “About what?”

  “About my part in paying off that Ryan guy. I heard he shot Leonard.”

  “Yeah, but he’s doing better. The crime at the Agency tonight had nothing to do with that,” She poured herself another glass and then sat down on one of the bar stools that were near the kitchen island.

  Rain sat next to her. “Sunshine, I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to get in Leonard’s business, but I heard that this guy was a homeless drunk and probably using him for money or whatever.”

  “I’m not so mad about that right now. Rain,” she patted his hand. “I did want to talk to you. Not about Leonard, or anything personal, but about antiques or collections. I didn’t realize you were into it, well so much that you’re opening your own shop.”

  “I’m calling it Rainbow Antiques. After you and my favorite swearword,” he laughed. “It started out as a hobby and then something to keep money in the bank. You know me, those rainbow jobs and nothing to show for it.”

  She smiled. “We all need to find our way. I’m glad you found yours.”

  “Yeah, just starting as buying and selling and a lot of research.”

  “What type do you collect?”

  “Pretty much anything eclectic. You know, I like unique pieces. Uh, I heard that Friend got himself into some trouble. He was trying to sell some pieces that were unique. Pieces that had to do with death and evil. I don’t handle that stuff, but I know some who do. You know an Adler Stein?”

  “I’m familiar, why?”

  “I never met him, but I heard he has a great collection. It’s divided into different parts of history. Sometimes, he even lets museums borrow his stuff.”

  “You ever hear of anyone else that wants the same kind of stuff, but maybe will do whatever it takes to get it?”

  “Yeah,” he sighed. “I’ve had to deal with some, trying to pawn off stolen goods. A woman, uh, I forget her name, she contacted me because she wanted to sell a skull. She said it was Hitler’s or something, but I turned her down. I don’t know if she found another buyer, but…” he looked at her. “This is for a case?”

  “Yeah and I can’t get into details, but I will tell you that Mr. Stein is Leonard’s man-friend and he’s also my client. I’m trying to locate that skull.”

  “Oh,” he sighed. “Like I said, I turned her down. I don’t know where else she would be able to sell that, or anything related to that.”

  “She had more items?”

  “Yeah, that was just one of the pieces,” he sighed. “If I knew…”

  “It’s all right. I don’t know much about the business. Strick worked a case where items were stolen from a pawn shop, but this case is more about the money rather than the work itself. I think.”

  “Depends on who is selling and who is buying.”

  “Any insight you can give me,” she sighed. “It is late. We can pick this up tomorrow.”

  “I’m up, so if you want, we can talk. It’s been awhile.”

  “You’re right,” she smiled. “Let me just check in on Strick and I’ll be right back,” She headed down the hallway, looked in the room, where he was asleep, on the bed, in just his towel. She covered him lightly and kissed his forehead. “Good night, my love.”

  “I love you, Savvy,” he whispered in his dream state.

  “I love you, too,” she walked out of the room and joined her brother again.


  Savvy wearily rubbed her eyes and rolled over, smiling at a sleeping Strick. “I love you so much,” she whispered. “Marry me.”

  He opened his eyes and smiled. “I thought you’d never ask.”

  “What?” she touched his cheek.

  “I will marry you,” he smiled. “I was just hoping I could ask you.”

  “Oh, I ruined something, didn’t I?”

  “Never,” he pulled her close to him, kissing her softly. “Savvy, be my wife and I’ll be your husband, forever.”

  “Yes,” she smiled as she rolled him on top of her. “Strick?” her eyes pleaded with her.


  “No one is paying attention to what we’re doing in this room,” she smiled. “Just you and me.”

  He pulled her shirt over her head and slowly made love to his fiancé.

  An hour later, Savvy and Strick had taken their shower and headed out to the kitchen. Tim was dressed in his police uniform, pouring a cup of coffee. “Coffee?” he smiled.

  “Definitely,” she said. “Are Leonard and Adler up yet?”

  “Not yet,” he said. “Rain was here but left. He said you two talked late last night?”

  “He gave me some information that may help my case,” She smiled, taking the cup from his hand. “Thanks.”

  He poured another cup and handed it to Strick. “The Agency is still a crime scene, but they hope to clear out of there by ten or so. Then, of course, it’ll need to be cleaned up. You need me to contact crime scene cleanup for you?”

  “Nah, I’ll take care of it,” Strick said. “I need to make sure that construction is still going to continue, and I have an errand to run, most important errand.”

  “Strick?” Savvy raised her eyebrow.

  “It’s a secret, my love,” he smiled.

  “I see someone feels better than last night,” Tim smirked.

  “You have no idea,” Strick said.

  “Morning,” Leonard walked into the kitchen and sat on a stool. “Adler is still asleep. He’s not feeling too well right now. Is it all right if we stay here today, at least until he feels better?”

  Harry walked in the door carrying a basket of baked goods. “I got what I always get for you, just extra. And yes, you two can stay here as long as you need to. I’m going to check in on the construction and if there is anything you or Mr. Stein need, just let me know. I’ll be working downstairs most of the day, but if you need me, just call me,” He sat down at the island as Tim handed him a cup of coffee.

  “Thanks, Harry,” Leonard said. “I do appreciate it. Uh, Savvy, how is Mr. Gutenberg? Adler was concerned.”

  “He told me he was getting better, so I hope that’s the truth,” she sipped her coffee, and grabbed a donut out of the basket. She started tearing it apart, popping a few pieces in her mouth.

  “Uh, Harry, I did want to talk to you, in private in a little while if you didn’t mind,” Strick said.

  “Oh, sounds important,” he smiled. “Any time.”

  Savvy kissed Strick’s cheek. “I have some work to do, so I’ll be out for a while. I’ll meet you at the Agency later,” She drank down her coffee, and grabbed her bag, heading out the door.

  Tim glanced at his watch. “Oh, crap, I’m late,” he kissed his husband and grabbed his bag and travel coffee mug, heading out the door.

  Leonard shifted his eyes toward Harry and then Strick. “I best be seeing how Adler is doing.”

  “Uh, no, wait,” Strick said. “I need to talk to you both. It’s important.”

  Harry poured himself a cup of coffee, and then refreshed both Leonard’s and Strick’s cups. He sat down on one of the bar st
ools. “So, what’s this about?”

  “Savvy and me. I–I-I uh asked her, well she asked me, but I was going to ask her,” he sighed. “Fowl.”

  Leonard snickered. “Fowl?”

  Strick shook his head lightly. “I’m sorry. We want to get married. She asked, and I said yes, but I was going to ask her. I swear.”

  Harry laughed and patted Strick on the back. “Well, that’s wonderful. Congratulations. Now, you are right.”

  “Right about what?” Strick said.

  “Well, yes, you’re right about marrying my daughter, but we definitely need to talk.”

  “Oh, if you don’t want…”

  “No, just listen. Strick, it’s obvious that you love her, probably from the minute she let you into her home.”

  “She has this way about her and she just knew she could trust me. I don’t know how. I mean, of course she can trust me, but she just knew it before I proved it. Well, I hoped I proved it.”

  Leonard took Strick’s hand. “She loved you from that moment. She’s good at reading people and she loves you. You were family from the minute she brought you into her… our home.”

  “Thanks. I just wanted your blessing and I could also use your help.”

  “Whatever it is,” Leonard said.

  “I have to do the ring thing, but I wasn’t sure what to get her or whatever. She is quite the unique woman.”

  “Then make her something,” Leonard said. “You did wonders on Adler’s cane. You can’t even tell that it was broken.”

  “I only know wood work,” he leaned back as he sipped his coffee.

  “Rings are rings because they are eternal. It doesn’t matter what they are made from as long as they are lasting. Something that lasts forever,” Leonard kissed his cheek. “You have my blessing,” He stood up and headed down the hall toward the bedroom he was sharing with Adler.

  “How do I do this?”

  “One step at a time. You make her the best engagement ring ever. Once this case is over and before she gets swamped with the next case, sit down with her and set a date. It doesn’t have to be quick but don’t wait forever either. You two love each other and her mothers would be so happy for both of you.”

  “I hope so. What about her brothers?”

  “Don’t worry about them. I don’t know what to do about Friend, but I’m sure Rain will be there. Breeze and Midnight may also come. I’ll talk to them. I know she’s mad at them for what they did to Leonard, but I bet they went on what Friend had to say.”

  “They may have done something that wasn’t great, but it did allow us to see Ryan’s true colors. He shot Leonard and would’ve shot Savvy.”

  “Let’s finish our coffee, and together, we’ll check out the Agency. I’ll help you today and, hopefully, we can get the construction moving so it doesn’t delay anything else. I think Leonard and Adler could use some privacy. I can’t imagine what Adler is going through, losing everything.”

  “Almost everything. Not what is important,” Strick said. “And his case led him to finding Leonard.”

  “And all of us,” Harry smiled. “All of us.”


  Savvy flung her bag over her shoulder and walked up the three flights of steps of the apartment building. She put on her black leather gloves as she approached the door. She knocked on the apartment 3-B door. When there was no answer, just as she expected, she felt around the top of the door jam and lifted the mat. There it was, Avery Simone’s key. Savvy used the key to enter the apartment, taking the key with her and closing and locking the doors behind her. She knew she had to be quick before the police got a search warrant to search the victim’s apartment. She quickly eyed the cluttered apartment, filled with boxes and files. She recognized a pile on the table that was in the kitchen and as she walked toward it, she stopped when she saw the photographs in frames on a bookshelf. Oscar kissing Avery. There was another frame of a photo of Oscar, that she noticed had a crease in it. She opened the frame carefully and pulled out the photo. Friend was in the bend part of the photo. Interesting. She put the photo back in the frame and set it on the desk.

  She pulled her camera out of the bag and snapped photographs of the entire apartment and then she stopped in front of the kitchen table. On top of the files that Simone beat Gutenberg for, was a list. A list that she needed to link everything together. She photographed the list and then each of the files and the information inside the files.

  She turned quickly when she heard something drop. A white and orange tabby cat nuzzled up against her ankles. She opened the cabinets until she found the cat food and then she opened the can to feed the cat. She walked around the apartment and noticed an opened empty silver case, lined with red felt. She noticed the imprint in the felt and some small fragments. She photographed the box and opened her bag, pulling out a plastic container. She used tweezers and placed the fragments inside it. She noticed blue and red flashing lights from the street were rotating in shadows on the walls. She quickly put everything in her bag and as she was leaving the apartment, she noticed a notebook on the desk by the door. The top page was missing. She grabbed it and placed it in her bag.

  She opened the door slightly, noticing the shadows of officers walking up the steps, so she hurried out of the apartment, placed the key back under the mat and headed in the opposite direction down the hall. She noticed the exit to the roof at the end of the long hall and another exit leading to the back of the building. She took the exit door that led to another set of steps and down to the back of the building. Savvy followed the alley behind the building and continued walking to the street. She headed to her car.

  She put her bag in the trunk of her car and then walked around the block back to the apartment building. She scanned the officers and noticed Tim was there. She walked toward Tim and he nodded to her. “Tim, oh, I didn’t realize you all would be here,” she smiled.

  “Sorry, you can’t go in there, it’s the victim’s apartment.”

  “Of course not. I had a lead that brought me here. Uh, since this is Simone’s apartment, did you talk with Mr. Gutenberg yet?”

  “Two of my detectives were heading there this afternoon,” he sighed. “Something you want to tell me before I find out myself?”

  “Off the record,” she smiled. “The files that were missing from Gutenberg’s office may be upstairs. He uses blue folders. Also, photographs may show a link or something. Oh, I think that she owns a cat. Probably want to make sure it’s taken care of. Sorry, I have to go,” She stood on her toes and kissed his cheek. “I best be going. Oh, is my Agency back to normal or what?”

  “We cleared it, but Strick said he’d get it cleaned up. Harry was going to help him or something.”

  She waved and headed back around the corner to her car.

  She glanced at her watch as she pulled up to the large iron gate. “Yes, it’s Savvy Macavoy,” she said into the speaker.

  “Yes, ma’am,” the disembodied voice said as the gates began to open.

  Savvy parked her car in the parking spot that Angelica appointed for her. Savvy grabbed her bag out of the trunk and headed across the cobblestone to the front door. The door opened before she could even knock. The man-servant nodded to Savvy. “Ms. Margolis is in the parlor.”

  “Thank you,” Savvy headed inside the vast mansion and directly to the parlor.

  Angelica slowly stood up and kissed her cheek. “I’m so glad you called. I was worried about you. I saw on the news about that terrible thing at your Agency. Your home.”

  Savvy waited for Angelica to sit on the sofa and then she sat down next to her, setting her bag on the floor. “You were prepared,” she smiled, pointing to the tea set on the coffee table.

  “I was happy you called. I would’ve called but my doctor had me on pain medicine. It makes me feel weak and tired. I stopped taking it today. I can deal with the pain.”

  Savvy took Angelica’s hand. “So, how is your hip?”

  “Just bruised, but sore. I hope th
ey catch that woman.”

  Savvy opened her bag and pulled out her cell phone. She scrolled through her gallery of photos. “Is this the woman who banged into you?”

  “Looks like her, you caught her?”

  “More like she was shot trying to hurt Strick. He had to shoot her,” she sighed.

  “Oh, dear,” Angelica gulped. “That is so awful. I hope he is all right.”

  “He will be. He had to take a long walk,” she sighed. “And this morning, I proposed to him.”

  Angelica hugged Savvy. “That is so wonderful. I am so happy for you. He is a wonderful man, isn’t he?”

  “Yeah, he is,” she smiled. “We’ll talk about details after this case.”

  “It’s gotten to you, hasn’t it?”

  “From all different directions. Now, I want to enjoy our tea. I do have some questions regarding my case that you may be able to answer, but right now, I just want to relax and enjoy our tea.”

  Angelica smiled. “I’d like that and of course, anything I can do to help, I will. And…” she smiled.


  “When you get married, you can do it here. On the grounds.”

  “Oh,” Savvy thought about the crypt in the far end of the grounds. The one that housed her late husband, Arthur. It was his missing corpse that brought Angelica to Savvy’s door.

  “I know what you’re thinking, but I was thinking in the rose garden, on the other side of the house. You know, it’s near the pool that I never use.”

  “I’ll talk to Strick when we start making plans. It sounds lovely.”

  “Good and anything you need, I’ll help you. Will you be wearing something other than sandals?”

  “Well, the usual weddings at the commune were nude weddings,” she smiled at Angelica.

  “Uh, maybe can we arrange that,” Angelica smiled weakly.

  “No, definitely not. I do not care to see my brothers in the nude, maybe some of your man-servants, but definitely not my brothers,” she laughed.

  “Oh, they are quite handsome,” Angelica laughed. “Oh, do you mind that I help you? I know you have Leonard as your best friend.”


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