Beach Heat: A Hotwife Fantasy

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Beach Heat: A Hotwife Fantasy Page 1

by Lexi Archer



  What's A Hotwife?

  1: The Beach

  2: Young Couple

  3: Interrupting

  4: Dinner

  5: To the Hotel

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  More from Lexi Archer

  Bonus Story! Vacation Hall Pass

  1: Hall Pass

  2: Girls' Night

  3: Rescued

  4: Wingwoman

  5: Fantasy Fulfillment

  6: Hot Wife

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  More from Lexi

  Bonus Story! Dani's Secret

  1: Trust Issues

  2: Snooping

  3: Caught

  4: New Obsession

  More from Lexi!

  Beach Heat

  Lexi Archer

  Copyright 2016 Lexi Archer


  Individuals pictured on the cover are models and used for illustrative purposes only.

  First digital edition electronically published by Lexi Archer, April 2016

  Let your fantasies come true with Lexi Archer…

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  What's A Hotwife?

  What is a hotwife? It's more of a lifestyle than a term. Put simply, it's a committed couple who has decided to let the woman stray, usually while the husband watches her straying!

  The term is "hotwife," but really it's much broader than that! Married, engaged, or just dating, the only constant is a committed couple who decides to change the traditional rules of that commitment to allow for a little extracurricular fun!

  There are two things that separates the hotwife from cheating or cuckolding: love and respect. The hotwife couple puts their relationship first. The excitement comes from watching the sexiest woman in the world get it on with another guy in the most intimate and personal live porn performance that's possible for two people committed to one another mind, body, and soul!

  My stories are for the couples who are thinking of opening up their relationships. For the men who fantasize about their wives with other men but could never put that feeling into words. For the ladies who think it would be so hot if their fella watched them with another man. For anyone who's ever had an interest in opening their relationship for a little sharing!

  These fantasies are for you. These stories are yours. I hope you enjoy them!

  1: The Beach

  “I don’t know, I mean do you really think they’ll be okay with your parents?”

  I wiggled my toes in the sand and tried not to sigh. I turned to Kelly and gave her my best smile, but it did nothing to get rid of the worried expression on her face. Sometimes I thought nothing would get rid of that worry.

  Then again I suppose it was fair to say she had a good excuse for being worried. This was the first vacation we’d taken on our own since we had the kid, and it was only natural to wonder if said kid would be okay. Not that it was even really 100% a vacation without the kid. More that my parents were along for the ride staying in a separate room doing the whole grandpa and grandma thing while we were free to enjoy ourselves.

  I was starting to think it’d been a bad idea. It was going to be really annoying if Kelly couldn’t get over her worry long enough to have a good time.

  “Come on Kelly,” I said. “Think about it. My parents raised me and I turned out fine, didn’t I?”

  She turned and smiled. The first genuine smile I think I’d seen since we came down here. That was a start. Not a great start, but it was a start.

  “Are you trying to make me feel better with that line?” she asked.

  I kicked some sand at her. It was something I did just about every time we got to the beach. It had become something of a tradition. She insulted me, I kicked sand at her, then we went and had a great time out there.

  I paused and took a moment to soak in the ambiance of the place. And by soak in the ambiance I mean I was looking at every piece of ass on display out there on the beach. White sand, beautiful blue ocean roaring in the distance, boats going back and forth beyond that, but that wasn’t the view I was enjoying.

  No, this place was full of hotties wearing practically nothing and bouncing around in a most distracting way. My mouth watered as I looked at the buffet of flesh on offer out there. It was a stark reminder of what I was missing out on these days with my office job where just about everyone had let themselves go.

  Hell, I could feel a bit of pudge coming on as well. Having a kid played hell with a gym schedule. I’d already cut back on what I was eating in a desperate attempt to maintain, but I knew if I went much longer without hitting the weights then I was going to be in trouble.

  I looked over to Kelly and smiled. She certainly hadn’t let herself go. If anything she was in better shape now than she had been before she had the kid. She’d been so obsessed with gaining weight that her top priority after taking care of the little one had been getting back in shape.

  Not to mention that her tits were bigger now than they’d ever been which was a nice bonus. It was one of those things they told you about when you got ready to have kids, but it wasn’t something I was fully prepared for until they filled out right in front of me. Yeah, there were definite benefits to having a kid beyond the little bundle of joy that melted my heart while also making sure I hadn’t gotten a full night’s sleep in the past year.

  “Enjoying the view honey?” she asked.

  I turned and gave her my best innocent look. From the way she arched an eyebrow she wasn’t buying that sweet and innocent routine for a moment. Oh well. It’s not like she ever really bought it anyways.

  “Y’know there’s plenty of eye candy out there for you as well honey,” I said.

  “That there is,” she said, lowering her glasses to look out over the beach for a moment. Hot girls didn’t need to be sneaky about checking out guys. That’s what dudes were going for when they came to the beach wearing practically nothing, after all.

  “Are you thinking what I’m thinking babe?”

  Kelly turned to me with a smile, but it quickly turned back to that frown that I hated so much. Damn it. What did I just say to bring the frown back? I should’ve kept my big mouth shut, but I couldn’t help myself.

  Back before we had a kid, when it was just the two of us against the world, we’d regularly have fun on vacation by bringing someone else along for the ride. I’d always gotten off on the idea of sharing Kelly, and eventually she’d warmed up to the idea of sharing me as well. Girls, guys, didn’t matter for her, though I’d always been strictly into having my fun with other girls. It always made for very interesting vacations, particularly around spring break when there was a never ending supply of hot people on the beach with loose morals and a little too much alcohol in their system.

  Obviously all of that had come to a stop as soon as she got pregnant. Actually it had come to a stop even before that when we were trying for another kid. Partly because it just seemed wrong to do that sort of thing when we were trying to start a family and partly because there was always the small chance when having that sort of fun that the question of who was actually the father could come up. Especially when she went off birth control and went into super fertility mode.

  I’d hoped when we started planning this vacation that we might have a little bit of that fun just like old ti
mes. There was nothing hotter than sharing my wife, after all, only there was that damned frown that I hated so much.

  “I don’t know honey,” she said. “Do you really think that’s a good idea? I’m a mother now, after all. Is that really the sort of thing parents do?”

  I put an arm around her and luxuriated in the feel of her tight body pressing against me as I guided her out over the warm sand and towards all the nice hot people in their bathing suits running around and having a good time in the water. I hoped that a little time out there in the sun looking at everyone having fun would remind her of the good times we used to have.

  “Have we really changed just because we’re parents now?” I asked.

  Kelly bit her lip as we put our towels down in a nice spot that was right in the middle of the action. I saw her looking out over the beach and taking in everyone out there having a good time. I could see the wheels turning in her head, but I wasn’t going to say anything to interrupt those wheels and their turning. No, if she decided she wanted to get up to some of the fun we used to get up to then I wanted it to be because she wanted to. Not because I badgered her into doing it.

  As if on cue a group of exceptionally attractive girls walked by in their bikinis. Definitely college girls down here to have a good time. They wouldn’t have that booze in their hands otherwise. They giggled and at least one of them turned to give Kelly the sort of once over that would’ve had my wife walking over to ask for the girl’s number in days gone by.

  She didn’t do anything of the sort this time around, but she did lick her lips and follow the girls as they moved past us. The one who’d given her a look even turned around and gave her a smile. Hell, I wasn’t immune to the effects as they moved past either. I was imagining my wife buried between that girl’s legs licking a hell of a lot more than her lips. It was a sight I loved, and it had been too damn long since I’d seen anything like that.

  I had to do a bit of adjusting. Otherwise it was going to be pretty fucking obvious to everyone on the beach that I was dealing with an embarrassing situation between my legs. It’d been so long since we explored our wilder fantasy life that even the thought of seeing my wife letting loose was enough to drive me wild.

  “I know what you were thinking about,” I said.

  “You’re terrible,” Kelly said. “Those girls have to be at least ten years younger than us!”

  “Maybe. Probably more like seven or eight years younger than us. Most of them had drinks, after all.”

  “That doesn’t mean anything out here and you know it,” she said.

  I had to give her that. This was a notorious party spot, it was one of the reasons we came back to this particular Florida beach again and again. That and it was cheap. Before we were old enough to drink one of the best strategies we’d found for getting a bit of booze was to rely on the kindness of others. More specifically the kindness of people who were over the drinking age who were willing to share their bounty with us if we were willing to share a little bit of booty with them.

  It was a strategy that always worked well. Also a strategy we hadn’t needed to employ for the past eight years since we were both over the legal limit, as they said, but we still shared a bit of the booty. That was part of the fun with these vacations, after all.

  “You know you were thinking it,” I said.

  “Thinking what?”

  “How much you wanted to be on top of that girl? You wanted to rip her suit off and run your hands all over her, and you know it. How long has it been since you did a bit of the old seduce and destroy with a girl?”

  Kelly looked down to hide a blush. I figured that was a good sign. That blush meant she was turned on and she was a little embarrassed. We both knew the last time she had fun with a girl. A pretty young intern who’d worked at her company the summer before we decided to get pregnant. Goddamn had that been a fun summer. Sort of like the last hurrah before we got in a family way, as the oldsters used to say when I was growing up.

  I reached out and put a hand on her chin. Pulled up until she was looking me right in the eyes. The blush was still there, but I could tell it was more from being turned on than from embarrassment. There was no mistaking the way her chest was rising and falling. The way her nipples pressed out against the thin strips of cloth that were the only thing protecting her modesty up top.

  A modesty that was even less protected this time around than on previous trips because she insisted on wearing one of her old bikinis rather than buying something new for this trip. I could get behind that. She wanted to make sure she still had it. She wanted a goal in mind every time she hit the gym and worked out. The only problem with that goal? The rest of her body was definitely in shape and petite enough to fit into her old suits, but there were her tits. They were huge these days, and there was no hiding the way they strained the ability of that suit to contain her.

  Not that I was complaining. No, I wasn’t complaining one damn bit. She could head out to the beach wearing nothing but floss and I’d think that was absolutely wonderful. Not that there was much chance she’d wear something like that. Not when we had to stop by my parents’ hotel room to hand off the kid.

  “I know what you’re thinking,” I said. “And you shouldn’t be ashamed of what you want. You never were before. Why start now?”

  “It just seems wrong,” she said.

  “Well it isn’t. It never was before and it isn’t now.”

  Kelly looked up and smiled. Leaned up on her tiptoes and brushed her lips against mine. “You always have such a way of convincing me when you want me to get down and dirty with other people. You know that?”

  “What can I say? I have a silver tongue when I’m motivated by greed and horniness.”

  “Right. Well let’s just say that I’m open to opportunities if they present themselves, but that’s all,” she said. “Sound good?”

  “That sounds perfect,” I replied.

  It was more than perfect. We were on a heavily populated beach at the height of spring break and my parents had made it clear they didn’t want us coming back and bothering them while they were enjoying time with their new grandbaby. With Kelly looking the way she looked in that bikini and all the people out here staring at her openly, hell with the way some of the girls were staring at me, I knew it was only a matter of time before we got an offer of some sort.

  All I had to do was sit back, relax, and let things happen. This was going to be too fucking easy, and I was so fucking excited that we were finally getting back in the saddle!

  2: Young Couple

  An hour later I was starting to wonder if anything was going to happen after all. Usually when we met other couples or even someone we just wanted to bring in as a third we were out on the beach meeting people or splashing around in the water. This time around, though, it seemed Kelly was more than content to sit back and soak up the sun. No beach volleyball. No going up to random guys and asking them for a drink. No talking to pretty girls who walked by and were pretty obvious about checking us out.

  It was enough to make me growl in frustration. It was enough to make me wonder if she knew exactly what she was doing when she told me we’d have to see where things took us today. Maybe when she said that she knew she was going to sit back and enjoy the sun while not enjoying all the other fun that was on offer out there on the beach.

  Damn it.

  “So do you maybe want to go out and do something?” I asked.

  “I don’t know honey,” she replied. “I’m having fun just sitting here getting a tan and watching the sights. It’s been so long since we were out at the beach that I feel like we need to get our bearings before we try anything crazy.”

  Well at least she was still mentioning doing something crazy. I suppose that was something, even if I did still feel the urge to scream in frustration. My cock was rock hard and it was difficult to get comfortable because I was constantly adjusting things. So I laid back, adjusted my sunglasses, and decided if we weren’t going to enj
oy ourselves then I’d just get some rest here in the sun and maybe watch the sights for a little while. There were certainly plenty of scenic views to enjoy out here on the beach.

  In fact I didn’t have to wait long at all for one of those scenic views to walk right in front of me and pause for a moment. A pretty girl who looked to be either in college or just graduated from college. She wore a bright blue bikini that sparkled in the sunlight and covered a body that just wouldn’t quit. She was a goddess, though of course she didn’t hold a candle to my wife.

  Of course I was a little biased when it came to extolling my wife’s virtues. Still, this girl was a hottie. And she seemed unassuming about that hotness. She stood there looking around with a big wide brimmed hat covering her head and seemed completely oblivious to all the male eyes that landed on her just by virtue of standing there.

  Including my own, which I suppose made it a good thing she was so ignorant of everyone drooling over her. Otherwise I might’ve been embarrassed.

  That look reminded me of Kelly way back before we started our little sharing experiments. She’d been more or less oblivious to guys checking her out as well, once upon a time. That had changed pretty damn quick once we started exploring this fantasy more thoroughly, though. Now it seemed like she could spot a guy checking her out from anywhere in a room or clear across a beach. It was a skill she’d honed to a fine art and I loved it!

  This beautiful young creature wasn’t alone. A guy strode up next to her. He looked attractive enough. Muscular. Obviously the kind of guy who took good care of himself. Spent more time at the gym than he did going up for seconds in the buffet line which seemed like the only exercise some of the people at my office ever got.

  “How about this spot?” the girl asked.

  “Looks good to me,” the guy said. He looked down at my wife and my cock twitched as he gave her one hell of a once over. It was a good thing his girlfriend couldn’t see what he was doing, because he was being pretty fucking obvious about checking out my wife!


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