Beach Heat: A Hotwife Fantasy

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Beach Heat: A Hotwife Fantasy Page 2

by Lexi Archer

  And Kelly noticed it, the little minx. I was lying back on my towel pretending to be asleep, but I stared through my sunglasses and watched my wife blush under that gaze. Oh yeah, this was going to a very good place. Maybe my chances for having some fun like old times weren’t completely dashed after all.

  The girl plopped down on her towel just a few feet away from Kelly. I was really interested now so I decided to risk turning on my side so I had a better view of whatever was going on between my wife and this new couple who’d decided to join us. Sure I was taking a risk and maybe letting her know that I was awake, but I figured it was a risk that was well worth it if this really was the opportunity I’d been waiting for ever since we arrived.

  Kelly looked over at the couple and it was pretty obvious she was interested just a little. At least it was obvious to me. I was a student of my wife’s moods. I’d seen her hitting on couples and girls and guys in just about every combination imaginable over the years, and I could see that hunter’s instinct coming out once more as she looked over this young fresh meat next to us.

  I just wish I knew whether she was staring at the guy or the girl. The guy seemed like he was decently good looking. I’d never been seized by the desire to get with a guy before, so I wasn’t really a good judge of what was and wasn’t attractive on that score. What I did know, though, was what Kelly liked, and it seemed that this hunk of lean muscle who wasn’t too big and wasn’t too small would be just what the doctor ordered to get my wife to let loose and act a little wild like she did in the good old days.

  “So are you two down here on your honeymoon or just for spring break?” Kelly asked.

  Well then. Apparently she was going to take this further. I was also interested in why she thought they were down here on their honeymoon. I hadn’t seen anything that would make me think they were newly married. Then again I was also doing my best to hide the fact that I was checking them out and checking out my wife checking them out, so I didn’t have the best view.

  “Oh my god, how’d you know that?” the girl asked. “We’ve been down here for a couple of days now but I didn’t think it’d be that obvious!”

  “Well you guys have that just married glow to you,” my wife said. “I’m not really that great of a detective, though. I just saw that both of you have white lines on your ring fingers where your wedding bands would go. Figure that means you’ve been out in the sun but you had new rings on.”

  “Amazing,” the girl said. “First I thought you were psychic, but now it’s like you’re Sherlock Holmes or something!”

  Kelly grinned. “Nothing quite that dramatic. Just observant, is all. So how are you enjoying your trip to the beach?

  “It’s been pretty damn fun so far,” the guy said. “Definitely much better than going down all the shops they have on the beach walk.”

  “Hey. You said we could do whatever I wanted on the honeymoon, and I wanted to go shopping,” the girl said, a touch of defensiveness creeping into her voice. Though it wasn’t enough to override that newly married glow Kelly mentioned.

  If anything that fact had me more intrigued than before. It was one thing to see a hot young couple out here on the beach that we might play with. It was another thing entirely to know that hot young couple was also a newly married couple. We’d been in that position once with an older couple to show us the ropes when it came to sharing one another, but we’d never been in the position to be that older couple before.

  Though it rankled me just a little to think that we’d be the “older” couple at all in this equation. I didn’t feel that old and I was just a little into my thirties. Kelly definitely didn’t look or feel old. She felt just as hot now as the day I first asked her to go out with me. Still, I had to face facts. We were probably a good decade older than these two. If they were married then they must’ve gotten hitched right out of college because there was no way they were much older than university age.

  That made me the old man. The dirty old man who suddenly had his eye on another man’s wife. I still didn’t know if anything would happen, but I knew from long experience that with Kelly on hand to reel them in it was certainly a possibility. One I was more than open to.

  “You’re a good man,” Kelly said to the guy. “That’s a good bit of advice for anyone starting out in your marriage. Keep your wife happy. I just wish my husband would take that advice more often.”

  She giggled, but I didn’t give in. I knew exactly what she was doing. She probably suspected that I wasn’t really getting any sleep over here. She was trying to get me to do something that would give that away. Well I had no intention of giving up the game yet. I wanted to see what else my lovely wife would say to this young newlywed couple. I wanted to see if she would do all the usual things she did when we were trying to reel another couple in.

  If I was “awake” while she did any of that then she might just be doing it to make me happy. If I was lying back in the sand catching a nap while she did it, though? Well then she only had herself to blame if she got turned on to the point that she decided to get wild after all.

  “So have the two of you been enjoying yourselves outside of the shopping expeditions?” Kelly asked.

  The guy looked her up and down again with a fresh appreciation. I’m sure he was thinking of all the honeymoon activities he’d like to get up to with my wife. Hell, I’d be more than happy to let him as long as I got to watch. I wouldn’t necessarily even want to have any fun with his blushing bride, though that would be icing on the cake.

  “It’s been a pretty good time,” the girl said. “Going out to dinner. Hitting the beach. Going shopping. Other stuff.”

  The girl blushed at that last bit and I felt my cock getting rock hard at just the thought of the other stuff her and her husband must be getting up to in the evening. I thought back to my honeymoon with Kelly. Oddly enough we hadn’t actually done anything on the wedding night. We’d been too tired to consummate anything after the long day, but we’d certainly made up for lost time every other evening no matter how tired we were. It had been a whirlwind of fucking and spending and generally indulging every desire we could think of.

  It had also been really fun to indulge in the blushing bride fantasy. Once we told a guy that we were there on our honeymoon and that my wife was interested in having a little bit of playtime that was all she wrote and we were off to the races when it came to new sexual experiences.

  Again I found myself wondering if I was about to experience one of our older fantasies from the other side. That would be interesting, to say the least.

  “So how’s the other stuff going?” Kelly asked. “I remember we were so tired that we couldn’t even do anything on our wedding night, plus we had an early flight out to Hawaii the next morning that sucked.”

  “Oh God yes!” the girl said with a giggle. “I know just what you mean. I wanted to pass out and forget all about the world that night.”

  “Um, do you really think this is something you should be talking about with a stranger?” the guy asked.

  “Oh hush James,” she said. “It’s not like we’re ever going to see them again. Besides, with the way you’ve been staring at her I figured you wouldn’t mind if we talked about sex.”

  My eyes nearly bugged out at that. Okay then. Apparently this bubbly petite package of pure sexiness was more observant than I’d given her credit for! She turned and grinned at her husband, James I guess, and he in turn blushed and looked away. I guess he didn’t think his wife was as observant as she actually was either.

  “Go easy on him,” Kelly said with a giggle of her own. “After all, I’d hate to have to point out how you’ve been checking out my husband ever since the two of you pulled that whole song and dance about whether or not you wanted to sit next to us.”

  This time it was the girl’s turn to blush. “You knew we were faking that?”

  “Don’t worry,” Kelly said. “I don’t mind. I was more than happy to see the two of you decide to sit down n
ext to us. I think my husband was too, weren’t you honey? You can stop pretending to be asleep now so you can stare at this poor girl’s tits.”

  I figured that was as good a cue as any to pull my sunglasses down. I looked at each of them in turn and grinned. “Nice to meet both of you.”

  The guy looked me up and down as though he almost thought I’d be a challenge. Well then. Talk about a bit of hypocrisy. More than happy to check out my wife when he thought she didn’t realize what was going on, but not happy about another guy checking out his wife? Then again, it was entirely possible he was going through the same thing I did when Kelly and I first started exploring this fantasy. Maybe he was into the idea of his girl with another man, but he wasn’t willing to admit it just yet.

  Either way I figured that was something we could work with.

  “Nice to meet both of you,” I said. I leaned forward and held out my hand. “I’m Eric.”

  “Nice to meet you Eric,” the girl said with a trailing look that took in my entire body. Oh yes. Kelly wasn’t the only one she was interested in. Which was only right since I stayed in damn good shape, but I was also used to people coming along for the ride because of my wife. It was one of the many advantages of having an insanely hot wife that I wasn’t going to complain about, because what sort of fucking idiot actually complains about that sort of thing?

  “I’m Samantha,” the girl said. “And this guy behind me is James, obviously.”

  “And I’m Kelly,” my wife chimed in. She looked down at me and smiled. “So what would the two of you say to maybe having dinner with us tonight? I think it might be a little fun to get together with another couple while we’re on vacation.”

  “That sounds great!” Samantha said.

  “Sure, I could go for that,” James said, though he seemed a bit unsure. I wonder if he suspected what I already knew.

  When my wife said she wanted to get with another couple while we were on vacation she was saying that as much for me as for them. She was talking about getting together in a far more intimate way than they probably realized. I couldn’t wait to see where this evening went!

  3: Interrupting

  “Do you think this outfit looks good?” Kelly asked from the bathroom.

  A moment later she stepped out of the bathroom and my breath caught. Because I was so damn busy laughing. The outfit she wore definitely wasn’t what I expected. A big hoodie of mine that she liked to wear to bed from time to time, and nothing else. At least it looked like there was nothing else going on beneath it.

  “I don’t know babe,” I said. “I think if you show up in no pants like that it might tempt that James guy away from the table. You wouldn’t want to do something like that.”

  “Wouldn’t I?” she asked with a glint in her eye that I was more than familiar with. Oh yes. The old Kelly had been awakened. She was on the prowl tonight, and I couldn’t fucking wait to join her on the prowl.

  I walked up to her and put my arms around her. She turned around so she was facing a mirror smiling back at me. The kid was still with the grandparents. Stopping by to check in on them had been the first order of business when we got back to the hotel, but they had everything in hand. Not that I was surprised. They had a lot of experience with kids and grandkids, after all.

  That meant we were completely free to do our own thing tonight. Though I did worry about taking the luscious Samantha and her husband back to our place. There was the off chance the parents might need to talk to one of us and decide to just come down to our room rather than calling us first. That could cause things to get pretty damn awkward pretty damn fast.

  “What if I told you I was more interested in that Samantha chick?” Kelly asked.

  “I’d say I don’t care which one of them you’re into as long as the four of us get to enjoy some quality time together later tonight,” I said.

  “I don’t think we’ll need to worry about that,” she said. “You should’ve seen the way Samantha was looking at you. I was surprised she didn’t hop on top of you and fuck your brains out right there on the beach.”

  “Oh yeah? What about the way both of them were looking at you? Both of them probably had to stay seated for awhile to make sure no one could see how turned on they were.”

  Kelly sighed. I frowned. “What’s wrong?”

  “I was just thinking about how the two of them are out here on their honeymoon,” she said.

  “What’s the problem with that?” I asked. “I mean we were off on our honeymoon once upon a time, and you know what happened there.”

  “A lot of very satisfied guys and girls is what happened,” she said. “And that wasn’t all just me, you know. You never give yourself enough credit when we’re out on the hunt.”

  “That’s because you’re just so fucking incredible,” I replied. “So what’s the problem with them being on the honeymoon?”

  “Well if they’re on their honeymoon then that means they get turned on at the drop of a hat, and looking at the two of us was probably more than enough to get them good and turned on.”

  I thought back to the bikini Kelly wore out on the beach. Even thinking about it was enough to get my cock to rise, so I had no doubt Samantha and James were equally intrigued by my wife’s attire. Samantha, at least, also seemed intrigued by what I was wearing. Or what I wasn’t wearing, as it were.

  “So you think they might go back to their room and fuck like rabbits before we go out to meet them? Ruin the mood before we even get a chance to see if we can get them in the mood with us?”

  “Something like that,” she said. “So what do we do about it?”

  “Well you have her phone number. Why not give her a call and see if she wants to go shopping somewhere with you before we all go out to dinner?”

  Kelly looked up at me and cocked an eyebrow. She also got a huge grin on her face that I loved.

  “You’re evil, you know that?”

  “What can I say? I figured it was a decent enough plan.”

  “Decent and evil,” Kelly said. “But I like it.”

  She went over to dig through her purse and pull out her phone. She flipped the speaker on and made a shushing motion with her fingers against her lips to tell me to be quiet. She didn’t need to tell me twice. I could only imagine what was going on over on the other side of that phone call. Was it my imagination, or did it seem to take them a little longer than seemed strictly necessary to answer?

  I’d call James a lucky bastard, but I was the lucky bastard who got to be with my wife so it’s not like I could be that annoyed with him for bagging his own hottie. Besides, if this evening went as well as I hoped it would then I might get my own chance to enjoy the blushing bride before the night was over. One could hope and dream, at least.

  The phone rang a couple of times, the line crackling with static. Phone reception wasn’t the greatest out here. Too many people trying to access the network at the same time made for slow going, and it only got worse as the day wore on and more and more people were slamming the network trying to get their plans together for the evening.

  Finally it went through and I heard a slightly breathless voice on the other end. Samantha. My mind raced as I thought of all the reasons why she might be breathless just from hanging out in the hotel room with her brand new husband. All the scenarios running through my head were giving me one hell of a hard on!


  “Samantha? This is Kelly. From the beach?”

  “Oh hi Kelly!”

  It was hard to tell, but I thought I could hear a guy groaning somewhere in the background. I could sympathize. I almost felt bad for interrupting James’ fun. Almost. He had been a little standoffish back at the beach, after all.

  Kelly played it up as though nothing was wrong, though from the smile on her face she knew exactly what she was doing. Hell, for her purposes getting that James guy all worked up but not letting him blow his load was probably exactly what she was going for. If he was worked up and ready to b
low that meant more fun for her later in the evening when things reached their inevitable conclusion.

  At least I hoped that would be the inevitable conclusion. Things were still up in the air, after all.

  “Listen, I know this is short notice but I’m getting kind of stir crazy here in our hotel room. What would you think to going out and doing some shopping together before our dinner date?”

  I licked my lips as she referred to it as a “dinner date.” The double meaning wasn’t lost on me, but I knew exactly what Kelly was capable of. I wondered if the double meaning was lost on them at all.

  A pause on the other end. I thought I could hear fragments of a whispered conversation and then an even sharper whisper and all the sound was cut off. It was pretty easy to figure out what was going on there. James didn’t want to go out. He wanted to continue the fun they’d started when they got back to their room. I imagined him thinking about my wife as he ran his hands all over his wife. I wondered if he’d been thinking of me running my hands all over his wife as he did the deed.

  A guy could dream.

  It was clear he didn’t want that conversation overheard, though, and so we were left in silence as the call stayed open and we both stared at the phone in anticipation. This was one of those make or break moments when trying to seduce another couple. James was the lynchpin of this entire evening. He seemed hesitant back at the beach even if he was more than happy to check out my wife. If he got his rocks off now then he’d be far less inclined to be adventurous later. I’d seen it often enough with other couples that I knew the drill.

  Finally the call came back on. “Kelly? You still there?”

  “Sure am,” Kelly replied.

  “I talked it over with James and we’d love to go shopping with the two of you!”

  I grinned. Kelly reached out and gave me a silent high five. We wouldn’t want that sound traveling through to the other side of the call, after all.


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