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Beach Heat: A Hotwife Fantasy

Page 7

by Lexi Archer

  "I'm sorry. I wouldn’t sleep with you if every other male on the planet contracted some mysterious disease that made his dick fall off and you were the only hope I ever had of finding pleasure with a man again."

  "What did you say?" The bigger one asked.

  Oh God. This was it. These guys were going to start something and I’d get arrested in some crappy hole in the wall tourist trap college bar at the hands of a couple of drunk frat assholes who thought wearing popped collars and cheap discount polo shirts made them hot shit.

  "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

  Oh my.

  Something about the rich deepness of that voice sent a thrill through my body. I turned. Two guys stood on the other side of the pool table, and while they were dressed similarly to the frat douches bothering us in some way they couldn't look any more different from the two guys in front of us if they were dressed in grass skirts doing the hula.

  The one on the right was tall with a trimmed beard and a strong jaw. He looked a little bigger than I strictly cared for, with what looked like some extra weight around his midsection. I’m sure that Kristi was going crazy looking at him though. He had the sort of look that drove her wild.

  But the other one? He could be described in one word: Yum. How about another word? Damn. Hell, let's throw in a few words while I'm at it: good God damn.

  He was smaller than the men confronting us though he still had a muscular physique, and there was something about the way he held himself that said he took it for granted that the other men would do whatever he said. I prayed that this delicious hunk of man was the owner of that deep voice and then wondered what the hell I was thinking. I was a married woman! Sure, as Kristi said I was a married woman with a hall pass, but it wasn’t a hall pass I was going to use. Damn it! I was not going to do that! I was not going to give into temptation! I was a good girl!

  Still, I leaned forward with my mouth hanging open hoping he would say something else just so my ears could enjoy the gentle caress of that voice again.

  The skinny guy held up his hands. "Now we were just having some fun."

  The bigger guy holding my arm also looked a little worried and quickly spoke up. "Yeah, we were just having a little fun here."

  He looked between Kristi and me and squeezed my arm. "Isn’t that right?"

  I don’t know if he was trying to be threatening or what, but if he thought he was going to intimidate me with that bullshit then he had another thing coming.

  "Go fuck yourself," I said.

  Kristi looked at me, wide-eyed. I surprised even myself with that line. But I meant it.

  "Yeah, go fuck yourselves," Kristi said.

  Both guys turned bright red, but neither made a move. Apparently the threat of our rescuers was enough to keep them in line. I wondered who or what we were being rescued by that they could scare these two drunken assholes with obvious impulse control issues into submission so quickly.

  The bearded rescuer spoke up. I sighed in relief. He wasn't the owner of that exquisite voice, though he did have a slight southern accent. "Why don't you two get lost and stop bothering these ladies?"

  "We're going," the guy said. He released my arm and they took several steps back, keeping our rescuers in sight until they were on the other side of the pool table. Once they had the safety of a heavy hunk of wood and graphite between them they beat a hasty retreat to the other side of the bar.

  I turned to smile at our knights in shining polos. The sexy one smiled and I melted even as I felt my bikini bottoms get wet. Damn my body betraying me with this stud.

  "I hope those two didn't ruin your night," he said. “Lots of assholes in here when it gets later and people have had a chance to down a few.”

  I blushed. Why was I blushing? It was that damned deep silky voice. Something about it, and something about the handsome man it was attached to if I was being perfectly honest, was driving me wild. I needed to get control of myself. This was just the sort of thing Jake wanted, and I wasn’t giving him the satisfaction of giving into his fantasy after I’d spent so much time telling him there wasn’t a chance in hell I was going to do it.

  "Thank you," I said.

  The bearded one tipped an imaginary hat at us. "Wasn't any problem, m'lady."

  They turned to walk away and I figured that was that until Kristi called out after them.

  "Hold on you two," she said. "The least we can do is buy you a drink for saving us like that."

  What was she doing? Sure Kristi was unattached, but she knew I had Jake waiting for me back at the hotel room. She turned and grinned at me and I wanted to smack her. She was still thinking about that conversation she’d overheard, and it looked like she’d decided part of the wild adventure was getting me to fulfill that fantasy. And once Kristi got an idea into her head it was pretty hard to get that idea back out. Briefly I wondered if Jake got her in on it, but that wasn’t possible. He wasn’t that devious.

  I looked at the hot one with the deep voice and blushed again. I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to just play a game of pool with them. It's not like I was screwing the guy. It was just a drink.

  "Yeah, why don't you join our game?" I asked.

  The one with the beard smiled.

  "I'm not going to say no to a free drink," the sexy one said. "I'm Alex by the way, and my friend here is Ray."

  "I'm Laura, I said. "And my friend is Kristi."

  "Nice to meet you Laura," Alex said.

  "And hello there Kristi," the beard said with an appreciative glance at my friend. To my complete lack of surprise Kristi giggled and I rolled my eyes. I knew it. He definitely wasn’t my type, but to each their own I suppose.

  Alex racked up the balls while I went back to the bar to get a few beers. Beers were cheaper, relatively speaking. We’re talking double the price I would’ve paid back home cheap, but that was what I got for drinking in a vacation spot. When I got back to the table I got a real eyeful. Kristi was leaning over the pool table, cue in hand. That wouldn't have been remarkable except that Ray was right behind her leaning over her and giving instructions, his hands wrapped around hers and his crotch pressed against her ass.

  I didn't see Alex and wondered where he disappeared to when I felt a presence behind me. A strong hand wrapped around my side and I felt his body pressed against mine for the briefest of wonderful moments. He grabbed a beer with his free hand and the momentary contact was gone.

  I fought down the butterflies rising in my stomach. Damn was he hot! This was driving me nuts. I leaned against the pool table and took a couple of deep breaths trying to regain my composure. As I did I felt a buzz from my phone that made me jump.

  I looked at the screen and rolled my eyes. A text from Jake.

  “met any hot guys yet? ;)”

  I looked up to Alex and back down to my phone. Jake wasn’t going to give up. No matter what I did he was going to push this fantasy. Well. He got a little flustered earlier when I started talking like I was actually going to go through with it. Let’s see how he liked hanging around the edges of having his fantasy fulfilled.

  I held my phone up and snapped a quick picture of Alex on the other side of the table chalking up his pool cue. He raised an eyebrow at the electronic click from my phone but otherwise didn’t say anything.

  I texted the picture to Jake with a quick message: “wouldnt u like to know?

  My phone started buzzing like mad almost as soon as I sent the message but I deliberately flicked it to silent and stuffed it back into my back pocket. This was his fantasy. He was always bugging me about it. Let him sit there and stew in his little fantasy scenario for a little while. I planned on enjoying a game of pool.

  I glanced at Alex who was smiling at me now with cue in hand. I smiled back, but that was as far as it was going. A game of pool was the only thing I was going to enjoy.

  Kristi broke the balls and the game was on. Apparently it was decided we were playing a partner's game while I was at the bar and Kristi was le
aving me out to dry because she'd rather flirt with Ray than show solidarity.

  When it came to my turn to shoot I leaned over the table and tried to remember how it was done. I wasn't lying when I said it'd been years since I'd played this game.

  "You're not going to hit anything like that." I suppressed a shudder as Alex's deep voice washed over me from behind.

  Strong hands wrapped around mine and I felt the heat against my body as he leaned over the table pressing himself against me and taking control. God that felt good. His body was firm in all the right places including, oh my God, was that his cock pressing against my ass? There could be no doubt what that rock hard rod was. God that thing felt huge. It felt amazing. I pressed my ass back against him without thinking and nearly dropped the pool cue when I realized what I'd just done.

  That’d give Jake a thrill if he knew about it. I wondered how many texts I had at this point.

  I tried to pull away, but he held me firmly in place as his other hand ran up the length of the cue and surrounded my hand. My breath caught as his hand brushed my wedding ring and I heard a soft deep chuckle that sent another bolt of pleasure coursing through my body.

  He leaned down and whispered in my ear. "Now now. Don't fight it."

  Whatever. I leaned forward and decided to just enjoy the moment. It's not like a little flirting would hurt anything, right? Okay, so maybe it was more than a little flirting with some strange man's cock pressed against my ass, but I could use it in the dirty talk the next time Jake and I had sex.

  I closed my eyes. What was wrong with me? First I wasn’t going to do anything related to that fantasy and now I was texting pictures of some strange college guy to my husband and thinking about how this experience would go great with our sexy times dirty talk later?

  Like I said. Whatever. I was going to enjoy myself. It didn’t mean anything. Following his direction I hit the ball. To my surprise it actually slammed into another ball which went into the pocket I was aiming for. How about that?

  "See? That's all there is to it. Just loosen up and sink the ball."

  If there was a double entendre in that statement I chose to ignore it. I needed to get through this "little adventure" as Kristi was calling it in one piece. And without jumping all over this handsome college stud. I’d enjoy myself, get a few stories, and head back to our hotel like nothing happened.

  Where I’d have to deal with a very excited Jake, but as ramped up as I was feeling right now a little personal time with my husband would be just fine.

  The game continued. Kristi was all over Ray who seemed happy enough to have her hanging all over him. And who could blame the guy? If I had some hot college stud hanging all over me I’d be excited too.

  Oh wait. That was already happening. Damn it. Why didn’t I go back to the hotel with my husband? Going out with Kristi was always trouble.

  Alex kept up with the not-so-subtle flirting. Apparently feeling my wedding ring wasn't much of a deterrent, though he didn’t say anything about it beyond that chuckle, because he was right next to me every time I made a shot. Even if I tried hiding on the other side of the table he was always magically there the instant I leaned over the table and gave him an excuse to press his cock against my ass.

  Fuck did that thing feel amazing when he was grinding it against my ass.

  I'd forgotten the appeal of having someone interested in you after so many years of being spoken for, and to be perfectly honest the notion that he wanted me so badly that the pesky little fact I was married didn't deter him was kind of a turn on. Especially coming from a guy who could make me wet just by whispering in my ear.

  And judging by how soaked my bottoms already felt I couldn't take much more whispering.

  But it wasn't appropriate. I had to push him away when one of his whispers turned into a nibble at my ear that nearly made me gasp. And his hands were getting a little freer with every new "lesson."

  So it was with a mixture of relief and disappointment that I watched Ray sink the eight ball for the win.

  Kristi squealed with joy and jumped up and down sending her bikini-clad tits bouncing, a fact that wasn't lost on our new friends. She surprised me by jumping, wrapping her legs around Ray, and planting a kiss firmly on his mouth. In another moment they were practically dry humping each other with Ray leaning against the table for support.

  I felt Alex next to me. His arms wrapped around me and held me against his firm muscular body. Which would have been quite nice if not for my decidedly not single status. I tried to pull free but he held me in place and leaned down to whisper in my ear again.

  "Don't let it bother you. There's no harm in losing."

  This guy had been teasing me and working me up for the past half hour, getting me so close to the edge with a combination of that amazing body and that orgasmic voice that I was ready to go over the edge just from the vibration of the sound system, and he thought I was upset about losing a stupid game?

  And the way he was pressing himself against me? Oh yes. I'm sure he was extremely concerned about how I'd react to losing and that was the only reason he was standing there grinding his cock against my ass.

  Not that I was exactly complaining about him standing there grinding his cock against my ass. Details.

  "Please let go," I whispered.

  I wanted to scream in frustration as he complied and unwrapped his hands from around my waist. I couldn't help but imagine what it would have felt like if he'd run his hands up to cup my tits. I got even wetter imagining his hands moving down lower as he whispered to me in that orgasmic voice.

  But no, it was better this way. It was good that he could take no for an answer.

  Wasn't it?

  I looked over to Kristi and Ray. It looked like Ray was taking a page from the playbook that had just been running through my imagination. One of his hands was up inside her mesh top squeezing Kristi's tits through the thin material of her bikini while the other was down the back of her short shorts caressing her ass. I shuddered as I imagined Alex doing the same to me. Little sparks flew in front of my eyes and my knees very nearly buckled as I felt a familiar rush in my pussy that stopped just on the edge of absolute pleasure.

  Shit. I needed to get out of this place before I did something I’d regret later. Before the temptation in front of me had me seriously considering Jake’s fantasy.

  Kristi finally came up for air and disentangled herself from Ray's arms. She took him by the hand and brought him over to me. Uh-oh. I didn't like the look on her face. That look always meant trouble.

  "So it's still pretty early and Ray mentioned they had some booze back in their hotel room," Kristi said.

  Crap, crap, crap. This was not happening.

  4: Wingwoman

  "Don't you think we should be getting back to our own hotel room?"

  Kristi grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the pool table where we wouldn't be overheard.

  "Come on Laura, I need this."

  "You want me to go back with you to some strange guy’s hotel room? No way."

  "Laura… They're nice enough. And they did save us earlier."

  "No way."

  "I don't see what the big deal is."

  "I'm married," I said. "I can't be your wing woman no matter how hot the guy is because of Jake!"

  There was a sudden twinkle in Kristi's eye. "So you do think he's hot? I knew it!"

  I blushed and slapped a hand to my mouth. Did I really just say that out loud? Maybe the whiskey was getting to me.

  “Besides,” Kristi said with a thin smile playing across her face. “Something tells me Jake would enjoy it if you went back to their room. Something tells me Jake might even appreciate it if what I heard was right.”

  I groaned and rolled my eyes. “You weren’t supposed to hear that.”

  "But I did! Come on Laura. Just think of it as another part of our adventure. It's not like you have to fuck the guy, no matter how much you want to." Kristi winked. “No matter how much Jake
wants you to.”

  I smacked her on the arm. I glanced at Alex who smiled and made me feel weak in the knees. The words flew out of my mouth before I had a chance to think about them. "Fine. I'll go with you."

  Kristi raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

  I glanced at Alex again. I was going back to their room to help my friend. I wasn’t going because he was so damned hot and knew all the right buttons to push to turn me on. I definitely wasn’t thinking about Jake’s fantasy and how tempting it was starting to sound.

  Kristi giggled and turned to give Ray a thumbs up. He broke into a grin. Alex had a smile of his own plastered across his face. Except that smile wasn't the same as the eager grin of his friend. It was quiet.



  It sent a shiver running down my spine straight to my pussy.

  As we walked out of the bar I pulled my phone out to check my text messages.

  “who is that?”

  “whats going on?”

  “cmon baby tell me!”

  “im going wild here!”

  Multimedia message received IMG_0741.JPG.

  That one was a picture of his hand holding his cock showing me just how wild he was going. I rolled my eyes but I couldn’t help but smile. And seeing my husband’s cock was enough to send another thrill running down my spine. To send a fresh wave of arousal coursing through my pussy. In a way that was a relief. It was nice to know that my husband was still turning me on too, not just this muscular stud we’d run into at the bar.

  I looked up at the muscular stud and he smiled at me. I held up my phone and cocked an eyebrow at him. I was about to take his picture when I had a better idea.

  “C’mere,” I said.

  Alex was more than happy to oblige. He moved in next to me and I decided to get a little naughty. There was just something about feeling his body next to me that made me start thinking the craziest things.

  “Put your arm around me,” I said.

  I held out the phone and took the picture. I double checked that it was a good one. If anything was going to convince Jake that this whole fantasy was ridiculous then the sight of his wife wearing a halter top with no bra snuggled up to some strange muscular frat type would do it. I sent the picture and waited for a moment. The phone buzzed again.


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