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Beach Heat: A Hotwife Fantasy

Page 11

by Lexi Archer

  The sound of the shower curtain opening brought me out of the world of digital betrayal and back into the real world where I'd have to deal with a very pissed off wife any moment now if she stepped out into the hall and saw me holding her phone. Part of me wanted to confront her right then and there and figure out what was going on, but no. No proof, and I'd never get a chance to touch that damned phone again if she caught me sitting in bed with phone in one hand and cock in the other.

  I fumbled and nearly dropped the thing in my hurry to get it back on her nightstand. Crap. I put it back but it was still open to those lingerie shots. Dani wasn't stupid. If she picked her phone up and that was the first thing she saw then it would be obvious what I was up to and I was a dead man.

  "Honey? What are you doing?" her voice floated out from the bathroom. God she sounded hot. Even hotter than usual, actually, since I knew she was probably standing in there completely naked toweling herself off.

  "Just reading babe," I said. Miraculously my voice didn't crack.

  Yeah. Reading. Well it wasn't a total lie.

  Frantically I closed out the photo gallery and killed it just to make sure she wouldn't open it up and have her little alleged love notes to that Nick asshole pop up first thing the next time she opened her gallery. I switched back to her texts and practically threw the phone down on the nightstand, flinching at the sound it made as plastic clattered against wood, but it couldn't be helped.

  I reached for my laptop before realizing I was supposed to be reading. Damnit. Why did anyone ever bother snooping on their spouse if it was this stressful? Any more of this and I might keel over from a stress-induced heart attack before the anger-induced heart attack got me. I snatched a book from my night stand that had been sitting there gathering dust for months.

  As though sensing danger to her precious Dani swooped through the bedroom door a moment later looking absolutely amazing with those long legs and her incredible ass barely covered by a towel at one end and breasts that looked like they were sculpted by the gods barely covered by that same towel at the other end. I couldn't help myself. I stared, transfixed. Even after a year of marriage I still wanted to jump her bones every time I saw her. Long wet hair flowed down over her shoulders sending rivulets of water down her shoulders to parts of her body I'd kill to be able to touch so closely. The towel made a quiet swish-swish as her hips swayed seductively underneath as she padded around the bed to her nightstand.

  Now was the moment of truth. I could do this. It was the same game of "ignore the hot girl" I played every time I went to the mall with Dani, only this time the hot girl I was trying not to stare at was Dani.

  I concentrated on the book in front of me, but my entire mind was obsessing in equal parts over the peripherally amazing view of Dani's incredible body that had my cock stretching my boxers to the point that they might shred right there and the peripherally terrifying view of Dani leaning down to pick up that goddamned cell phone.

  She looked.

  And swiped.

  Shit. She'll see a new text from that guy but no notification.

  "Good book?" Dani asked.

  I flipped a page and grunted something noncommittal. Not that I was reading the page, but it'd be pretty damn obvious I wasn't reading if I stayed on the same page the entire time she was in the room.

  "I'm surprised you're reading when you've got that stupid laptop right there," she said.

  I grunted again because I didn't trust myself to say more. A confusing maelstrom of emotions raged. Blood rushed to my head making me feel lightheaded with rage at the thought of what she might've sent to that asshole even as blood pulsed through my cock as that rage mixed with a confusing thread of arousal at the thought of my perfect little wife acting like such a perfect little slut.

  What the hell was wrong with me?

  "I'm going to dry my hair," she said.

  I did look up at that. I didn't trust myself to keep a straight face looking at her, but I wasn't going to miss an opportunity to watch her walk out of the room wearing that skimpy little towel that revealed just the barest hint of the bottom curve of her exquisitely hard-on inducing ass. Damn. It was only slightly ruined by her having her face buried in the phone thumbing away, probably to the jerk, and barely watching where she was going.


  The moment she was out of the room the book was down on the nightstand and I was booting up my laptop. So she was surprised I wasn't on my "stupid laptop?" So she thought deleting a few pictures and texts would be enough to throw me off the trail and cover up her little indiscretion, whatever the hell it was? Well I was no idiot, and it was time to spend some time on my "stupid laptop" proving it.

  I opened a browser and did a search for file recovery utilities.

  2: Snooping

  I faced away from Dani in the dark pretending to sleep. The plan depended on staying up well into the night to make sure she was in a deep sleep. Not that I would've been able to go to sleep anyways as pumped as I was with that same mixture of anger, arousal, and now a thread of nervous fear that wormed its way in between the other two.

  What if I was imagining things? What if I was just being a paranoid asshole? What if it was nothing and I was one of those crazy jealous husbands you always hear about?

  What if I wasn't crazy but she caught me before I found any evidence?

  I looked at the clock on my nightstand. Past midnight. Dani usually went to bed pretty early, but I wasn't taking any chances tonight. Slowly, ever so careful not to disturb the bed or the covers too much, I turned over. It was dark, but there was plenty of ambient light from the various electronics in the room, and besides my eyes had long since adjusted.

  Dani lay on the bed next to me with her dark hair falling down across that beautiful face. An elfin nose and gorgeous lips that were parted ever so slightly made me want to lean in and kiss her right there. Not that I was going to do it. Y'know, the whole trying not to wake her up thing. One hand was under her pillow and the other was at her side. She'd tossed the covers off at some point in the night and lay there in a skin tight pink spaghetti strap tank top that perfectly molded itself to her gorgeous breasts. I could tell she wasn't wearing a bra as I could just make out the swell of her nipples pressing outward as her tits rose and fell with the steady rhythm of deep sleep. The tank top had ridden up as she slept exposing her taut stomach which led down to a pair of shorts that barely covered the gentle swell of her ass.

  My cock pulsed as I took in the sight of my beautiful wife. And gave an involuntary twitch as I thought of another man taking in that same sight and maybe more. What was wrong with me?

  I looked past her tousled hair to her nightstand. After midnight. If I was going to do it then it had to be now. I felt like my stomach was twisting and doing acrobatics that would make those Cirque du Soleil people we saw on our honeymoon green with envy, but I had to do this.

  I had to. I spared one more look for Dani, sitting there looking so innocent and so sexy at the same time.

  Dani, if this is all in my imagination then I'm so sorry.

  A nagging voice in the back of my mind told me I wouldn't have any reason to be sorry.

  Careful not to disturb the sheets too much, painfully aware of every breath Dani took, every tiny shift in movement in the bed, and feeling like the sound of my own frenetic pulse beating wildly in my ears would wake her up at any moment, I gingerly stepped out of bed and made my way around the bed.

  There were none of the usual clothes, or anything else for that matter, strewn on the floor this night. I made sure to clean the room and clear it of all potential obstacles I might stumble over in the darkness before going to bed. Dani even remarked about how odd it was that I was cleaning for a change, but whatever. I even wore socks to bed that night figuring that socks on carpet would be quiet enough to not be heard.

  Dani took in a deeper breath than usual and I froze. I peered through the darkness at her face looking for any sign that she might be waking up o
r, terrifying to even ponder, was already awake and wondering where I was. But no. The regular breathing of deep sleep returned after a moment.

  I rounded the bed and moved with a level of quiet that would make a cat hang its head in shame for banging around so loudly its entire life. I crept along Dani's side of the bed with the kind of stealth that governments spent billions of dollars of R&D money on achieving. And the entire time I felt like my heart was going to thud out of my chest as my hand finally clasped around Dani's phone. The cold hunk of plastic felt like it was on fire as I pressed it against my stomach to prevent the sudden light from waking Dani. I flipped the phone to silent and crept out of the bedroom.

  I was less heedful of making noise now that the objective was in hand, making my way down the hall to the living room where my little bargain basement mobile computer forensics lab was set up.

  My legs shook as I plugged her phone in. Tremors ran up my legs and through my body as I pulled up the two utilities I downloaded earlier in the evening, one designed to recover lost photographs on a phone that crapped out and the other designed to "recover lost text messages after a catastrophic failure" if you believed the advertising. I figured that particular company's bread and butter was more likely to be people trying to do exactly what I was trying to do, but they couldn't come out and say it.

  I started the programs and waited for what seemed like an eternity in silence while they scanned the phone. My ears twitched at every tiny sound that might indicate Dani was stirring in the bedroom. All it would take was Dani waking up and realizing I wasn't in the bedroom with her. If she found me before I had proof then I could kiss any chance of ever seeing her phone again out the window. Hell, she'd probably try and turn it around on me and make me look like the asshole.

  Well, to be fair I was acting a little like an asshole, but I figured the ends justified the means in this case.

  A car drove by in the street outside and I nearly jumped out of my skin. The computer dinged which nearly caused me to piss myself. Stupid, stupid, stupid! Trying to be covert and not even bothering to mute the damned computer.

  The texts came up first. Text probably loaded faster. That made sense. Some were garbled and they were all arranged by phone number rather than by name but that was cool. I knew Asshole's phone number. A quick Find for that number and presto, I was looking at all those "deleted" texts.

  Asshole: u wanna get lunch?

  Dani: sure whos goin?

  Asshole: i was thinkin u and me

  Dani: lol funny

  Asshole: im serious!

  Dani: do u think my HUSBAND would like me having lunch ALONE with single MALE coworkers?

  Asshole: i dunno, does he have something to be worried about?

  Dani : ur a pig ;)

  Asshole: newayz i figure what hubby doesnt know cant make him mad rite?

  Dani: ...maybe

  There was some boring back and forth after that. Chit chat about people they worked with. Nothing I was interested in for sure until, jackpot! I had to suppress a shudder. My cock didn't bother suppressing the growing hardness in my boxers.

  Dani: u r bad!

  Asshole: u know u love it

  Dani: that elevator was full!

  Asshole: so?

  Dani: so what if someone saw u?

  Asshole: we were in the back n no one was watchin

  Dani: they couldve seen u! i was so nervous!

  Asshole: but they didnt.

  Asshole: admit it. that made u hot

  Dani: asshole :-p

  Asshole: guilty ;) btw do u always wear lace?

  My hands shook as the conversation went back to the mundane day to day chatter of office work. What the hell happened on that elevator? Lace? Dani was a big fan of lace all right. I knew firsthand. Some of my favorite outfits of hers were the expensive bits of lace lingerie that I occasionally bought or that she picked up from time to time on lunch. Dani always loved showing off her tight little body in a new bra or thong she just bought. Heck, Dani loved showing off her tight little body period. I saw the little thrill she got when she debuted a new bikini at the beach and every guy within a half mile radius turned to stare. Now it looked like she was loving showing that body off to this Nick guy as well.

  My eyes flicked to the next conversation.

  Asshole: c'mon

  Dani: no :p

  Asshole: why not?

  Dani: because! ;)

  Asshole: no one has to know but u and me

  Asshole: and the changing room mirror ;)

  Dani: grrrrrr

  The timestamp on the texts jumped forward by about an hour. Probably her lunch.

  Media message sent IMG_791

  Asshole: oho, what's this?

  Dani: shut up :p

  Media message sent IMG 797

  My pulse quickened. One of the deleted pictures. What the hell was she sending this guy?

  As if on cue the window for the image recovery utility started flashing in the start bar. I was smart enough to mute the computer this time. I felt like I had a fever there was so much blood rushing to my face and so much heat radiating off my body. I opened the image recovery utility, scrolled down, and... yes! And shit. The delete button wasn't enough to save her, and all my nagging suspicions were correct.

  Talk about a classic glass half full/half empty situation.

  My heart leapt and my cock jerked as I clicked through the pictures. I flipped the windows so they were side by side and I could read the texts as I scrolled through the pictures.

  Media message sent IMG_797.

  Dani pulling the strap of her black lace bra down her shoulder with one hand while she took a picture with the other.

  Media message sent IMG_799.

  Dani arching her back with the strap dangling at her side and her hand reaching behind her back.

  Media message sent IMG_801.

  Dani shrugging off her bra but still covering those glorious tits with one arm.

  The pale swell of her breasts pressed up under the pressure from her arm as she stared into the mirror with a look that made me want to jump through the computer monitor and fuck her right there in that changing room. I reached down and stroked my cock through my boxers, wondering if someone else got a chance to fuck her pretty close to that spot after she got back from her lunch break. I reached inside my boxers and ran a finger lightly up and down the shaft as my eyes darted between the texts and the pictures.

  Media message sent IMG_804.

  The bra was completely off. One milky white tit was covered by the phone and the other by her hand, though she'd spread her fingers apart slightly so I could just barely make out her pink nipple through the gaps in her fingers.

  Asshole: c'mon baby, send the rest

  Dani: u prick :p hold ur horses

  Asshole: oh i'm holding something all right

  Media message received IM_402.

  Huh. Well that picture didn't leave anything to the imagination as to exactly what Asshole was holding at that moment in the conversation. Now I wasn't one to take much of an interest in a cock other than my own, but I couldn't help but wonder whether or not that dick had fucked my wife shortly after this picture was sent. What Dani looked like sliding down the shaft. If she made the same little squeals she did when I pressed the head of my cock against her tight pussy. Whether they used a condom or if Asshole just exploded inside Dani filling her with his seed.

  Dani: o ur bad!

  Asshole: ;)

  Asshole: now be a bad gurl 4 me :)

  Dani: hold on :p

  Media message sent IMG 805.

  Dani stood in the changing room looking at the mirror with the phone held up in one hand, the other at her side, and her beautiful tits, those perfect globes that turned up ever so slightly as they swept to those pink tips that I'd sampled more times than I could remember since we started dating and which I thought were closed to any man but me, displayed for all the world to see. Those soft and succulent nipples strained ou
t towards the camera.

  Media message sent IMG_810.

  This time she had her head thrown back and her mouth opened wide. I knew that look all too well from all the times I'd seen her lose control with me and the reason for her loss of control was apparent. Her free hand was down the front of her panties as her lush red lips formed a perfect "O" as she stared into the camera. She was gone. My wife was putty in this asshole's hand.

  Noise from the bedroom brought me out of my voyeuristic little digital world and back to reality.

  "Ryan? Where are you?"

  3: Caught

  I pondered options for the briefest of moments. Lie and say I was getting a drink? Try to bring her phone back in the room and hope she didn't notice it was ever gone? Sit on what I'd just discovered until I had more time to digest everything and think it through? The last thing I wanted was a confrontation while I was so keyed up that I wasn't sure if I wanted to punch something or fuck something.

  Well, judging by the way my cock was still throbbing it, at least, was sure that we should be fucking something. And no, no matter how mad I got I could never raise a hand against Dani.

  Now Asshole on the other hand...

  All that worrying was a moot point anyways. That moment's hesitation was enough to take the decision out of my hands.

  "Ryan? Where's my phone?"

  What was I supposed to say to that? "Oh it's right here honey along with a few dozen undeleted pictures of you stripping for the guy at work I'm not supposed to worry about and some texts that pretty much prove he's very much something I should be worried about. Come on in and grab your phone but I'll be keeping the evidence."

  Yeah, that would go over well.

  Instead I simply didn't respond. More shuffling from down the hall in the bedroom as she no doubt grasped in the dark for the familiar shape of her phone resting on the nightstand and came up with nothing. A click and faint light spilled down the hall from the bedroom.

  "Ryan! Do you have my phone?"

  Still I didn't respond. I was too busy copying and pasting everything I'd just resurrected from the digital ashes of her phone's memory so that I'd have a record of everything in a minute when she inevitably marched into the room and snatched it out of my hands.


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