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The Fallen Queen

Page 14

by Kate O'Hearn

  “Diana, I need your help, please,” Jake said lightly.

  Diana rose slowly to her feet. She stood taller than him and had electric-blue eyes and striking black hair. Apollo also had blue eyes and dark hair. He stayed on the ground. The other man rose and smiled at him.

  “Jake, is it?” he asked. “I’m Steve Jacobs. I’m from Earth too. Thank you for getting us out of there.”

  “Jacobs?” Jake repeated. “Are you Emily’s father?”

  He nodded, and a shadow passed over his face. “I’m desperate to know what those monsters are doing to her and Riza. My sister is missing too. I fear she’s at another work camp.”

  “I’m sorry, sir, I don’t know where anyone is,” Jake said. “But I do know Pegasus is anxious to get back to her. I’m sure they’ll be here soon.”

  “We are so relieved to hear that he lives,” Diana said.

  Steve added, “We thought for sure they’d killed him.”

  “Almost, but he’s fine now.” Jake looked up at Diana. “Would you come with me, please? I want to give Melissa some more ambrosia, but people are looking at me funny. I don’t want any trouble.”

  “Of course,” Diana said.

  Jake, Diana, and Steve carried ambrosia over to Melissa. “We’re back,” he said to the Fallen Queen. “Are you hungry?”

  “I hurt,” Melissa whimpered.

  Jake looked over at the mess that was her arm. It had been shredded. He had no idea what Melissa’s sister hand done to it, but whatever it was, it was bad. “Maybe if you eat some more, you’ll feel better.”

  Melissa raised her good hand to receive the ambrosia. The moment she did, a couple of Titans stood and walked closer. “You’re not feeding that thing again. We need all that ambrosia. That is ours; we have earned it.”

  “Her name is Melissa, and I helped get that food,” Jake said. “So I’ll give her my share.”

  “I do not care what its name is,” one Titan said angrily. “That ambrosia is for us.”

  “It is for everyone,” Diana said sharply. “She will be fed as we all have been.”

  When two more Titans rose, Apollo approached, followed by Chiron.

  “Are we going to have a problem?” Apollo challenged.

  The Titans stood their ground for a moment, looked at Diana, Apollo, and Chiron, but then backed down. “It is not fair, Apollo; she is one of them.”

  “She was betrayed by them,” Apollo said. “Wounded and abandoned by her kind.” Apollo raised his head and addressed everyone. “I will make this very clear. This human, Jake, freed us. If he wants to give ambrosia to this Mimic, he may, and I will challenge anyone who tries to stop him.”

  There were grumbles of protest, but they faded away.

  “This could be a problem,” Steve said.

  “There will be no problem,” Diana said. “I will not tolerate anyone going against our orders.” Diana turned her fierce eyes on Jake. “You may take care of your friend.”

  “Here, Melissa, eat,” Jake said.

  Melissa turned her head toward him. “Why do they hate me?”

  “They don’t understand,” Steve said softly. “Just give them time.”

  Jake placed the large piece of ambrosia cake in Melissa’s hand. She ate it in one big bite. “Thank you,” she said softly.

  “Would you like more?” Jake offered.

  “No, I’m cool.”

  “Then just lie back and relax.”

  As Melissa settled back, Jake nodded to Diana, Steve, and Apollo. “Thank you.”

  “You are welcome,” Diana said. She leaned closer to Jake. “I just hope your faith in her is not misguided.”

  “It isn’t,” Jake said. “I know it.”

  * * *

  While everyone else settled down to rest, Jake found Angie with the snakes. He retrieved the venom bottle, and together they started to gather more from the snakes. After they finished, Jake stood up and looked around.

  They were in a fully wooded area. The trees were so much like Earth, Jake could almost convince himself he was home. Then he saw the centaurs, satyrs, and Xan resting among the other strange camp survivors, and those thoughts vanished.

  “Are you all right?” Angie asked him.

  Jake nodded. “This just looks like home,” he said.

  “You’ll get back there soon,” Angie said lightly. “We all will.”

  After everyone had rested and eaten again, groups were formed. Some were sent out to seek another source of food and water, while others were organized to be security patrols and defense. A third group started to work to clear out two caves that were selected to hold the large group.

  Jake stood with Steve, Joel, and Angie. “I’m not sure what I should be doing. I’m not as strong as everyone else, and I don’t know this world.”

  “I know what you mean,” Joel said. “Paelen’s out there working like a machine. I do have this arm that’s strong, but the gravity here is so heavy, I get tired quickly.”

  “Me too,” Jake agreed.

  “Joel, you’ve been hurt and are lucky to be alive,” Steve said. He turned to Jake. “And you already have a job. You have to look after Melissa and show Joel and me how to milk those precious snakes.”

  “We will,” Angie said proudly. “They’re really sweet.”

  As they chatted, the three tall Xan approached. Once again, Jake’s eyes were locked on the strange, entrancing beings. They were almost identical in appearance, and yet Jake knew they were women. “Thank you for freeing us,” one of them said softly.

  “Yes, thank you,” another said. “We are in your debt.”

  Their voices were as beautiful as they were. All they needed were wings, and Jake would have been convinced he was talking to angels.

  “Um, it—it was nothing,” Jake stammered.

  “No, child, it was everything,” the first one said. “We have been in that cage for an eternity.” The Xan bowed her head and offered her hand. “I am Ezmi.” She pointed to the others beside her. “This is Mila, and Jili. We no longer recall our home or our people, but we will be joyous to return there.”

  “Xanadu is really cool,” Jake said.

  The three Xan smiled at Jake’s comment. “Then we shall be grateful to return and see how cool it is.”

  They nodded again and drifted away.

  To Jake it looked like they were floating. He turned to Joel and Steve. “Are you guys sure they’re not angels? Tryn told me they were beautiful, but I mean, wow!”

  “I know,” Steve said. “It takes a while to get used to them. Riza is the same, but with a wicked sense of humor.” He sighed heavily. “I just pray we can free Riza and Emily before their memories are wiped like those three.”

  Jake saw the pain in their eyes. Tryn had told him that Joel and Emily were especially close. Not knowing what the Mimics were doing to them must have been agony.

  As the seemingly endless day passed, two caves were prepared to house the escapees. Jake went into one of them and marveled at the change. Somehow, the workers had managed to make rough beds. There was a cooking area with a way for the woodsmoke to be vented, and even a store of water that had been put in some of the emptied ambrosia containers. There was also a small area to house the snakes.

  “This reminds me of Robinson Crusoe,” Jake said to Steve as they walked in together. “Like we’re stranded on an island or something.”

  “It sure does,” Steve agreed. “I just hope the others come from Titus or Xanadu so we don’t have to wait here too long. Those Mimics are going to be furious when they discover we’ve gone. They may come after us.”

  “And we shall be ready if they do.” Diana approached carrying two long spears. She handed one to Steve. “We have started to prepare weapons using the venom,” she said. “We can only hope it works.”

  “It does,” Jake said. He looked around the cave. “So where does Melissa sleep?”

  Diana inhaled. “Unfortunately, the others refuse to share the caves with her. She
must remain outside.”

  “But they carried her here. How can they be so mean now?” Jake cried.

  “They carried her because Chiron and I ordered them to and because of what you did for us. But there is only so far you can push an Olympian or a Titan. Sharing the cave is asking too much.”

  “But that’s not fair!” Jake protested. “She’s hurt—we have to protect her.”

  “I am sorry, Jake,” Diana said. “But there is nothing more I can do. To be honest, I do not trust her and would not feel comfortable with her in here either.”

  “Fine,” Jake spat. “If you don’t believe me when I say she’s safe, then you don’t trust me either!” He stormed out of the cave.

  Jake couldn’t believe these Titans and Olympians. If Astraea and Tryn had been there, they would have done anything they could to protect Melissa if he asked them to. He walked across the clearing and over to the Fallen Queen, questioning his high opinion of the Titans. They were behaving just like everyone else on Earth with their own prejudices. It seemed like nothing he could say would ever change their opinion.

  When he reached Melissa, she appeared to be asleep and was whining softly with each breath.

  “They don’t underssstand our connection to her,” Nesso said. “We will help her even if they won’t. Jake, Melissssa is important. We must protect her.”

  Jake reached up and stroked Nesso’s smooth scales. “They’re so stupid. She hasn’t done anything to them, but they hate her. They probably don’t even like the snakes and are just using them for the venom.” He looked angrily back at the caves. “We’re not spending one night in there with them.”

  “If I am with you, that isss all I need,” Nesso said.

  Her calm voice soothed Jake’s anger. “Thanks, Nesso. So we’ll just find our own cave.” He searched the area for Angie and found her sitting beneath a tree surrounded by the snakes. There was a large group of them settled in her lap. He sat down near her. “We have a problem. The Titans won’t allow Melissa in either of the caves. She has to stay outside.”

  Angie looked over at Melissa and said nothing.

  Jake stood up quickly. “You’re just like them, aren’t you? You don’t trust her either. I thought you understood. Fine, I’ll help her on my own!”

  “Jake, wait!” Angie rose and ran after him. She caught him by the arm and turned him around. “Please don’t be mad at me.” Tears rose in her eyes. “I’m sorry, it’s just that I’m scared of her.”

  Seeing Angie’s tears, Jake lowered his head and pulled her into an embrace. “I’m not mad at you, Angie. It’s just, well, I’d hoped you’d understand that she’s not like the other Mimics. I know she’s big and scary-looking, but she’s a kid, just like you and me. And she’s in pain. If you’d experienced what Nesso and I had, you’d see she’s as gentle as those Xan.”

  Angie looked over at Melissa. “You’re sure she’s safe?”

  “She’s as safe as me and Nesso,” Jake said. “I don’t care about everyone else, but it really matters to me that you believe me.”

  “I do believe you, and I want to help. Please, let me come with you.”

  Jake pulled her closer. “Of course. We’re a team, you and me.”

  “And me,” Nesso added.

  Jake chuckled softly. “Always you, Nesso.”

  * * *

  Before they left, Jake and Angie settled the snakes into their nest of soft tree boughs in the cave. Every time they started to walk away, the snakes followed.

  Angie bent down and stroked several of them. “I’m going with Jake for a while. You all need to stay here to be safe. I promise we’ll be back.”

  All the snakes looked up at them as their tiny tongues flicked in and out of their mouths.

  “They will ssstay,” Nesso said.

  Jake and Angie walked back to Melissa. “I think she’s asleep,” he said softly.

  “No, I’m not,” Melissa said. “I heard what you said, Angie. Please, don’t be scared of me. You, Jake, and Nesso are my only friends. It hurts me that you don’t like me.”

  “I’m sorry, Melissa,” Angie said softly. “I didn’t mean to.” For the first time, Angie reached out and actually touched Melissa’s good hand. “We are friends, always.”

  Melissa sighed heavily. “Thank you.”

  “Melissa…,” Jake started.

  Melissa cut in, “I know they don’t want me with them and that you are leaving to find us a new home.”

  “Wow, you’ve got really good hearing,” Jake said.

  “I hear everything,” Melissa said.

  “So you know that Nesso and I are going to stay with you.”

  “And me,” Angie added.

  “No,” Melissa wept. “I don’t want you to leave the others. You belong here. I should have died. Why did you save me?”

  “Don’t talk that way,” Jake said. He took her large hand in both of his. “You survived the fight because you are stronger than you know. I don’t want you to die. Neither does Nesso or Angie. And you won’t. We’re going to find a quiet place, just for us. Then you can recover.”

  “This isn’t right. Jake, I’m just a big loser with a capital L. I shouldn’t be alive. I’m a Fallen Queen.”

  “Stop saying that. I told you, you’re Melissa and you’re our friend. We’re not going to let you die. So just stay here and rest. We’ll come back, and then we’ll all go together.”

  Before Melissa could say more, Jake and Angie walked away from the makeshift camp and started to search along the base of the tall mountain. There were enormous trees that shot way up into the sky, and bushes with colorful berries. But remembering what Tryn had said about alien worlds, Jake didn’t eat anything.

  “What about over there?” Angie said.

  “Where?” Jake asked.

  “There.” Angie pointed. “Look.”

  Jake couldn’t see what Angie meant until she ran ahead and disappeared behind a large boulder. She reappeared again. “It’s big enough for Melissa. Come and see.”

  Jake reached the cave and saw it was well concealed behind the boulders. Inside, the ceiling was high, and the walls were wide. There was plenty of space for Melissa.

  “This is perfect!” Jake said excitedly. Then his mood dropped. “But how do we get her here?”

  “The ambrosia has healed most of her cuts—it’s just her arm that’s still a mess. She might be able to walk.”

  “How?” Jake asked. “You’ve seen her. Her body is really long and round. How is she supposed to move? And please don’t say we can roll her like a bowling ball.”

  “A what?” Angie asked.

  “Never mind.” Jake rubbed his chin and went back out of the cave and looked around. “Well, the terrain isn’t that rough; maybe she could walk, if we help her.”

  “We will,” Angie agreed.

  It was a short trip back to camp. So their cave wasn’t so far from the other two caves and a source of food. But they’d be far enough away that they wouldn’t have to worry about the Titans turning on Melissa.

  “We’re back,” Angie said lightly as they approached the large Fallen Queen. “And we’ve found the perfect place for all of us to stay.”

  “It isn’t far,” Jake said. “Do you think you can walk?”

  “If it means leaving here, I will try.” Melissa leaned forward and cried out as she moved. But with a lot of straining, she made it to her feet. The Titans and Olympians around them stared in stunned silence as Melissa rose to her full height. Jake gazed up at her and realized she had to be at least four times his height. Her torso looked even pinker than it had earlier. Whether that was a good thing or a bad, he couldn’t tell.

  “Wow, you’re really tall,” he said to her.

  “Am I?” Melissa said.

  “You betcha,” Jake said. He reached out and touched her lower abdomen. “This is where I am.”

  “I’m not tall; you’re short,” Melissa teased.

  Jake gasped at the first humor fro
m the Mimic. Then he laughed. “I’m not short; Angie is.”

  “No, I’m not,” Angie cried. Then she laughed as well. She looked up at Melissa. “I think you’re beautiful.”

  Jake looked at her, searching for lies, considering what she’d said earlier. But he saw no trace of deceit or fear in her face.

  Melissa’s wounded arm hung limply at her side, but she reached down with her good arm and offered her hand. “Where do we go?”

  Jake reached up and took it. “I’ll lead you; it isn’t far, and the walk should be easy for you.”

  Melissa’s steps were uncertain as she moved her bulky body. But when Angie stood on her other side and placed her hand on the Fallen Queen’s stubby leg, Melissa’s steps became a little more confident.

  “That’s it,” Angie coaxed. “You’re doing fine.”

  As the others watched them moving away from the camp, Paelen and Joel approached.

  “Where are you going?” Joel asked.

  “Away from here!” Jake said angrily. “I thought the Titans and Olympians were tolerant of others, but I was wrong. But then again, they didn’t like my friend Tryn because he’s silver, and me because I’m human, so I guess I should have expected this.”

  “It’s not their fault,” Melissa said softly. “I am their enemy.”

  “No, you’re not,” Joel said. “You haven’t done anything.”

  “Thanks, dude, but to them I have,” Melissa answered.

  Joel stopped and repeated softly, “Dude?”

  Jake explained about the mind-link and the California connection. “So we’ve found a cave where we’ll stay. At least until Melissa is well enough to go farther.”

  “Let me help you,” Joel said.

  Jake noticed Paelen staring up at Melissa with a strange expression on his face. “What?” Jake challenged.

  Paelen looked at him. “Her back is moving.”

  “Yeah, like we’re walking…,” Jake said.

  “No, I mean it’s moving,” Paelen repeated. He pointed up. “Look.”

  Jake and Angie looked up at Melissa’s back. Paelen was right, there was rippling beneath the pink skin.


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