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Bowles, Jan - Love Slave to the Sicilian Billionaire [Guilty Pleasures 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

Page 7

by Jan Bowles

  “Ma’am, I’m warning you not to cuss like that, or you’ll be sleeping in a cell tonight. We got one ready and waiting for you, down at the precinct.”

  Ella laughed hysterically. “Oh, Officer Dibble, I’m so scared.” What was wrong with everyone? They all wanted to tell her what to do. Well no more. From now on she was going to be in control. “Look, Officer Dibble, while you’re here, why don’t you make yourself useful, and get me a fucking drink from the bar.”

  “Right, you’re under arrest.” Without warning she was hauled from the booth. Her hands were held behind her back and then a set of handcuffs locked around her wrists.

  “Are you into BDSM, too, officer?” She laughed at her own joke. “There seems to be a lot of it about.”

  Chapter Eleven

  The custody officer spoke in a matter-of-fact manner. “Bail has been set, at let me see, two thousand dollars.”

  “Two thousand bucks? Why so high? What the hell did she do?” Max asked, surprised by the amount. It was so out of character for her.

  An hour ago at Ella’s request, he’d received a telephone call from the precinct, telling him she was sleeping it off in the cells, and did he want to come and collect her. How had this happened? For Christ’s sake he’d only dropped her off a few hours ago to pick up some fresh clothes and toiletries. How the hell did she manage to get herself arrested, and in a sleazy downtown bar, too?

  The custody officer continued, “Causing a breach of the peace, resisting arrest, and public intoxication are all serious misdemeanors. She’s due to appear in court in ten days’ time. I advise you to make sure this lady attends the hearing, sir.”

  “Too right,” Max muttered through gritted teeth. Just wait until he got her home. There’d be some serious punishment meted out. He signed the papers for her release, and then waited for her to be brought up from the cells.

  As soon as she came through the door, he knew something was wrong. She didn’t look worried or contrite. Her eyes burned into his as she waited for her personal effects to be handed back. In his opinion, she looked angry. She certainly didn’t look guilty or remotely ashamed of her actions. Damn it, this was not what he’d expected. This was not the Ella he knew. Why was she so angry? After all, it was him who’d had to go out of his way to come and collect her. Not to mention the significant matter of the two thousand dollars he’d had to put up for her bail. Ella needed a firm hand, his firm hand. He was definitely the right man to deal with a wayward, out-of-control woman.

  “I’ve never known you act like this before. What’s got into you?” he whispered close to her ear. It had been six hours since she’d been arrested, yet there was still a strong smell of alcohol on her breath.

  “I know everything, Max.”

  “What do you know? I’ve no idea what you’re talking about?”

  “Yeah, that’s right, Max, play the innocent, but I know. You don’t have to pretend anymore.”

  Once her possessions had been handed back, Max roughly took hold of her arm and guided her from the building. “You had better stop talking in riddles, Ella, because as soon as you get home, your training begins.”

  “Huh, training. You couldn’t train your way out of a paper bag, Max. I know all about the affair. There’s no point keeping up this charade any longer.”

  Max bundled her across the parking lot to his car, resisting the urge to push her into the Porsche. “Get in and stay there.” He raised his voice, hoping she wouldn’t try and run off. She didn’t.

  When he slid into the driver’s seat next to her, she began screaming hysterically at the top of her voice, “You fucking bastard.” Her fists rained down onto his face and body. Taken by surprise, it took him a while to control her. She struggled like a wildcat even though he held both her wrists, twisting and writhing in his grasp. She dropped her head, and he knew she was just about to bite him. What the fuck was the matter with her?

  Max raised his voice. “Enough, Ella. I’m warning you. What has got into you today? You were just fine when I dropped you off this morning. You only had to pick up some clothes for Christ’s sake.”

  “That’s just it, Max. I did a little digging, and I found out Kirk was having an affair with some army slut called Kathy.” She couldn’t hide the venom in her tone. “You know the little tramp, Max. The one he told you about.” Her eyes flared accusingly, connecting with his. “So there’s no need to keep pretending.” She shook her head, and rolled her eyes. “I’m such a fool. To think I thought you actually cared about me. You and Kirk must have had a good laugh, and now you’re just scraping up the stale crumbs that he didn’t want.” Tears began to stream down her cheeks unchecked, and her lower lip trembled.

  Max felt his brows draw together. “Did you say Kirk was having an affair?”

  Ella clapped her hands, mocking him. “Huh, you’re really good, Max, I’ll give you that. If it wasn’t for the fact that you were Kirk’s best buddy and he always told you everything, then I might almost believe you.”

  Ella sounded so sure, but as she said, Kirk was his best buddy. Why hadn’t he known? “If it’s true then—”

  “If?” She sounded incredulous. “There’s no if about it. I saw it with my own eyes, Max.”

  “Saw what? Where?”

  “He had this memory stick hidden in the garage. I connected it to his laptop.”

  “Look at me, Ella.”

  She stared straight at him, but he knew she didn’t really see him. “I mean look at me properly.” He raised his voice. “Just do it, woman.” Reluctantly, she stared directly into his eyes. “I’m telling you now, I didn’t know. This is as much a shock for me as it is for you.”

  Slowly it began to dawn on her, and she replied in a strangled whisper, “You didn’t know?”

  “No, I didn’t. I promise I didn’t.”

  “Promise me you’re telling the truth, Max. Please.” He heard the tremor in her voice. This meant so much to her.

  “Believe me, Ella. Trust me.”

  She closed her eyes and whispered, “Thank you, but if I ever find out you’re lying, I’ll—”

  “I’m not.” Max tenderly brushed the tangled, tear-soaked hair from her eyes. It was obvious that she was deeply upset. Time to step in and take total control. She needed some structure to her life. Otherwise it would spiral out of control. What would she get up to next if he didn’t guide her properly? “Ella you need to always show the greatest respect to your Master. In a D/s relationship we do not have any secrets from one another. We respect each other at all times. The golden rule is we believe what our partner tells us. By not trusting me you have shown the greatest disrespect possible. Disrespect to your Master is not acceptable behavior. It is my intention to deal with this fully when I get you home. This cannot go unpunished. Do you understand?”

  She looked warily at him, and nervously knitted her hands together. “Yes, Max, I understand, but now I know the truth, I shall accept my discipline with good grace.” She lifted her head defiantly, unafraid to hold his gaze. “But just wait until I get my hands on this bitch. Revenge will be sweet.”

  “We’ll see,” he said as he fired the car into life. “Did you manage to pack any clothes?” he asked as he maneuvered the Porsche onto the highway.

  “There are two bags waiting in the hallway.”

  “Right, we’ll pick them up, and then get you home. Be prepared, Ella, your training is about to commence,” he warned, using anticipation to generate a little fear in her mind. It didn’t seem to have the desired effect. All she could focus on was what she’d just discovered.

  “I couldn’t believe it, Max. It was so distressing finding the information Kirk had saved on the memory stick. I feel betrayed. I know he’s dead, but I still feel betrayed. He told her things that are personal to a man and his wife. Intimate things that he should have kept to himself. I’ll never forgive him for that.”

  When he reached her home, Max retrieved the two bags lying just inside the front door. Whil
e he was there he also removed the memory stick from Kirk’s laptop and discreetly placed it in his pocket. He’d look at the contents on his own, later.

  During the twenty-minute drive back to his house, Max couldn’t shake the fact that Kirk had kept his affair with another woman a secret. Perhaps he hadn’t known his best friend as well as he thought. In a way he felt hurt, but he was also glad Kirk hadn’t confided in him. It would have put him in an impossible position with Ella. Maybe Kirk knew all along that he’d always had a soft spot for her? Although he’d never have taken advantage of this while they were married.

  Ella held a hand to her head and groaned as they drove up the impressive winding drive to his home. After parking the car and helping her from it he asked, “Head hurt?”

  She scrunched her eyes tightly shut, shielding them from the late afternoon sun. “You bet. I’ve got a thousand little men with hammers inside my head trying to get out.”

  “Well, if you insist on drinking alone in seedy bars, you’ve only got yourself to blame. I can’t believe you managed to get yourself in such a state.”

  He watched her becoming defensive. “I can’t help it, Max. I felt hurt. I wanted to escape for a while, and alcohol seemed the answer.”

  Max opened the front door and led her through. “Go and take a shower. It’ll help you sober up fully.”

  “I’m sure you’re right.” She held out her hands to take the bags he was carrying. “I’ll take those.”

  “No, I’ll bring them along in a moment.”

  She nodded, and began walking from the entrance hall, toward her bedroom, then abruptly stopped and turned. “I know I’ve upset you, but I just felt sure you knew about Kirk’s affair. I’m sorry if I misjudged you.”

  “At least you’ve come to your senses now.” He realized she’d been hurt and had lashed out because she thought he’d taken advantage.

  “Max? What are you going to do?”


  “You said you would punish me.”

  “I am. I am also not going to tell you what it will be. This is your first lesson, Ella, and as such, a harsh one to learn. It is what it is. Now go and take your shower.” Max kept his voice even and strong.

  “Okay,” she answered meekly. He guessed she was getting worried now. Well, that was the whole point. At least it would focus her mind on something other than self-destruction.

  Chapter Twelve

  When Ella had finished showering and dried herself, she went to her bedroom to put on some clean clothes. Her freshly packed bags were nowhere to be seen. She returned to the bathroom, noticing that even her dirty clothes were missing. Perhaps Max was still angry with her, and he’d decided against bringing them to her bedroom. If that were the case then she’d have to collect them from the entrance hall herself.

  After wrapping the damp towel around her body, she hurried down the corridor to the entrance vestibule. It was a pleasant, tranquil space, with a small fountain in the center, and relaxing views over the inner courtyard. She could just make out Max sitting by the pool. His chest was bare, and his hair appeared damp from a recent shower. He certainly looked magnificent and all-powerful in the greenery and shrubbery of the inner sanctum.

  When she realized her bags were nowhere to be seen, she decided it might be best to return to her room and keep a low profile. She’d already caused enough problems today, without adding any more. Perhaps, it would be best to keep out of Max’s way. Maybe then he would forget about her punishment entirely. The old adage, out of sight out of mind, entered her head. The anticipation was winding up inside her like a tight elastic band. Any minute now and it would spin out of control.

  Ella took a deep breath and returned to her bedroom. She carefully closed the door to the corridor behind her, trying not to make a sound. She was surprised to find the glass door to the courtyard wide open, and Max standing there. Her stomach knotted in anticipation, and she gasped, holding a hand to her mouth. “Max, you startled me.”

  His bright, silver-gray eyes held hers. “I saw you in the entrance hall. Why didn’t you come outside?”

  “I haven’t any clothes to put on. What have you done with them?”

  “You don’t need any clothes. Perhaps you didn’t join me because you are worried about the punishment you have yet to receive?”

  Ella opened her mouth to speak, but Max raised an index finger before she had a chance. “Remember, we should have no secrets from one another. Have no doubt that I will know if you lie.”

  “I wanted to keep a low profile, Max. I was hoping you’d forget about the discipline.”

  He smiled and moved closer. When he was within reach he stretched out his hand and untied her towel, letting it drop to the floor. “Good girl, telling the truth will always make me act more favorably toward you. Now I want to see what belongs to me.” Ella felt glad she’d shaved her pussy. His gaze devoured her naked body, and then he stared right at her. “The Master is pleased with how you present yourself. You will always be mine.”

  “Yes,” she whispered. Her whole being felt out of control and aroused. The way Max looked at her sent delicious shock waves coursing through her body. She wanted him to take control. She wanted to feel every part of his soul directed at her.

  He smoothed his hands up her arms and tenderly brushed the hair back from her shoulders. His fingers glided over her neck, and he leaned in and kissed her throat. “This is for you,” he murmured, producing a black velvet choker and securing it around her neck. He smoothed it in place and then stepped back to admire his handiwork. “The slave collar suits you, my pet. I bought it this morning.” He motioned to his own neck. “The charms are the initials of my name, MD. See how they intertwine together. They are my mark, and symbolize my dominance over you.”

  Ella tentatively felt the velvet collar. “Thank you, Max. I like it.” No one, except them, would know it was a slave collar, and she guessed that was why Max had chosen it.

  “Good, while we’re in full role-play, you will call me Master until I direct you otherwise. I also have something else for you, too. Place your foot on the bed.” Ella did as he commanded, and watched Max secure a gold chain around her ankle. “Thank you, Ma…Master.” It, too, had the initials MD decoratively intertwined together. The initials were in exactly the same style as on her choker and perfectly matched the tattoo on his hip. It jingled like a bell as she placed her foot back on the floor. It suddenly dawned on her. “Will you want me to have a tattoo just the same as yours, Master?”

  “In time, yes. But only if we reach a mutual understanding.”


  Max smiled and brushed her lips with his thumb. “Believe me, Ella. You will wish, perhaps even beg to wear my permanent mark, along with a more permanent slave collar.”

  Ella decided a little appeasement might go a long way to reducing what Max had in store for her. “Is there anything else I can do for you, Master, before I receive my punishment?” This role-play was fun, and exciting, too. Even though her head still throbbed from the alcohol, she’d never felt so alive.

  “Yes, tomorrow I will take you to have this pierced.” He rubbed a finger over her clit. She knew her pussy had gone wet. “You naughty girl. I can see this type of play turns you on. Now choose a safeword.” Max stared into her eyes, and she swallowed hard at the intensity she saw there.

  “What would you suggest?”

  “A stoplight system is generally used. So ‘yellow’ would mean ‘slow down, I’m not keen on this,’ and ‘red’ would mean, ‘stop whatever you’re doing.’”

  “Then I will choose red as the safeword.”

  “Good. Now come.” He took hold of her hand. “It is time to show you the playroom.”

  The cool evening air seemed to caress her naked body as she stepped from the bedroom into the inner courtyard. Her ankle chain tinkled with each step she took as Max led her along the path until they arrived outside the playroom. At least she knew what to expect.

  He drew
back the opaque glass partition and she entered. It looked totally different. The lighting had changed. It was more brooding and dark, with just some subdued tones of red, splashing pools of color onto the floor and ceiling. In the center stood a piece of furniture with red leather padding. To her it looked like a vaulting horse, only slightly smaller. Did Max want her to do some gymnastics in the nude? Was that how he got his kicks?

  Ella watched their reflections in the multiple mirrors surrounding her. She looked incredibly small against Max’s larger frame. As she moved closer to the red leather horse, she saw thick leather straps attached to all four legs. She knew then that she wouldn’t be jumping over it. Quite the opposite in fact. She had no doubt Max was going to secure her to it. Her mind went into overdrive. Did she trust him enough? He’d given her a safeword. Surely she should just see how it all panned out. She could always call a halt if things started to get out of hand. After all, she’d created this punishment by thinking the worst of him in the first place.

  “Lie over the sawhorse,” he directed. The tone of his voice was totally uncompromising. Disobeying was not an option.

  Ella did the sensible thing and followed his instruction. There was an uncomfortable ridge made of stainless steel forming a backbone down the center of the soft padding. The cool leather caressed her flesh as she straddled the horse, making her legs spread wide open. As she moved into position, the raised section of steel pressed between her pussy lips, pushing them apart. It felt so good. Her womb contracted with pure pleasure as Max secured each ankle to the horse, holding her legs firmly in place as he buckled the leather straps. Stretching her arms slightly, he then buckled each wrist to the front legs of the horse, making sure that the restraints were not too tight. With her head to one side, her cheek rested comfortably against the red leather upholstery. She saw herself in the mirror. Prostrate and open to his darkest desires. He looked so tall beside her, and so incredibly masculine. Her heart beat so fast she could barely breathe. Feeling completely exposed and vulnerable, she let out a tight moan. “I’m a little frightened, Master.”


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