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Double Shot

Page 7

by Christine d'Abo

  “Fuck off, Josh.”

  “Not yet.” He turned his attention back to Sadie, lifting her left foot from the floor. “I can tell you were enjoying yourself with your face between her legs. I can still smell her pussy. I can smell her on you too.”

  Smell her? Sadie was creeping up to the edge of her comfort levels, though she had the feeling she would be more than happy to jump right over them if Josh and Paul kept doing what they were doing. Paul licked his lips, his gaze roaming up her body, pausing when it reached her breasts.

  Leaning in, Josh pressed his nose to the juncture of her thigh and torso and breathed deep. Sadie fought to keep still, unused to a relative stranger touching her intimately.

  “You were right about her being beautiful. I can’t believe you never made a move before now.”

  Sadie shivered as he pulled the fishnets free, leaving her legs bare. When he didn’t get up, she took a step back and blinked down at him. “Paul thinks I’m beautiful?”

  “Sadie, I—”

  “Shut up, Paul. I was speaking to Josh.”

  “He never told you?” Josh cocked an eyebrow. “I can’t imagine why not.”

  When Josh moved to get up, Sadie held out her hand. “Don’t you dare. You didn’t ask if Sadie says.”

  It was Paul’s turn to chuckle. “Your fault.”

  “I love playing as much as the next man.” Josh clasped his hands behind his back. “What would you like me to do?”

  Without Josh prompting her, it was harder for Sadie to come up with something to say. She bit the inside of her cheek, using the pain to help clear her mind. “Paul, I want you to take Josh’s shirt off him.”

  Josh made a low humming noise in the back of his throat. “I believe the evening is about to get more interesting.”

  “You’re an arrogant ass.” Paul lifted his head. “Sadie, may I?”

  “Oh, yes, you may.”

  Sadie hadn’t given it much thought before now, but the idea of two men together had never struck her as overtly sexy. Not until Paul rose up behind Josh, reached around and unbuttoned his shirt. Both sets of eyes were on her, making her shiver with longing.

  By the time Paul freed Josh of his shirt, Sadie’s mouth had gone completely dry. Paul was light whereas Josh was dark. Where Paul had hair, Josh’s chest was smooth. His muscles were more prominent and his skin tanned. Josh wasn’t normally the type of man Sadie would be drawn to. He was too attractive and normally she’d be intimidated to speak to a man like him, let alone think she had a chance at starting anything sexual.

  But tonight, Josh seemed possible. Tonight, all sorts of things seemed possible. She now had not one but two stunning men on their knees, waiting for her to tell them what to do next.

  Not that she had the first idea what to do with them.

  Reaching up, Sadie pulled out the pins that held her hair up. “Paul, I want you to stand up.” She stopped and reached up to touch her ear. “I want you to stand up and I want you to come over here and kiss me.”

  The grin on his face left little doubt of his approval. “Oh, Sadie, may I?”

  “Yes, you may.”

  She’d expected him to jump right up, march over and kiss her. Instead, Paul slowly got to his feet and sauntered over. He didn’t stand in front of her right away. Instead he walked around until he was at her side. Shoulder to shoulder with her, he leaned over, his lips hovering above her exposed skin.

  “You didn’t tell me where to kiss you.”

  Shitshitshitshit. “I figured it would be obvious.”

  Josh chuckled, but stayed on his knees. “Now, we can’t assume that. We wouldn’t want to break your rules.”

  “Exactly. You might have to punish me again.” Paul continued his slow circle around her. Sadie couldn’t be sure, but she swore his fingers grazed her back above the corset. “Not that I would mind.”

  “I bet you didn’t know that about Paul, did you? He’s flexible when it comes to certain things.”

  Hell no, she hadn’t a clue. Sadie turned to Paul, seeing him for what felt like the first time. “How can you even be remotely interested in me?”

  “How can I not be? When I see you, I feel…” Paul reached up and cupped her cheek. “Tell me. Where do you want me to kiss you?”

  Without thinking, she pointed to the juncture between her neck and shoulder. “Here.”

  She held her breath as her arm came in contact with his naked chest. Paul increased the contact as he dipped his head and licked a small circle on the skin where she’d touched, before placing a small kiss in the center.

  “There’s more to you than I think you see.” The whispered words were for her ears only. “You always hold back, worried about someone else. I love that about you.” Paul lifted his head, but she avoided his gaze and kept her eyes fixed on Josh, still on the floor. “I want to prove to you that you’re someone worth caring for.”

  “But I’m boring.” She sure as hell wasn’t as adventurous as Paige, and Ian had the market cornered on getting attention. “You do things that are edgy. I’m not normally like that.”

  “Edgy isn’t everything.” Paul kissed the spot again, this time flicking her ear on his way back up. “Besides, this is your fantasy.”

  Her gaze traveled across Josh’s body once more. Paul was right. This was her chance and she’d be damned if she was going to back out now. God only knew if she’d have another opportunity like this again.

  “Josh, I want you to come up here and kiss my other shoulder, like Paul did.”

  Josh’s answering grin gave him a dangerous edge. “Sadie, may I?”

  But he was already on his feet and by her side when she finally managed a weak, “Yes.”

  “Now you said I have to kiss you exactly like Paul.” Josh wrapped an arm around her body until she could feel his hand pressed close to where Paul touched her. “Which is a little unfair as I couldn’t see exactly what he was doing.”

  “Shall I tell him what I did?” Paul rubbed small circles into her back with his fingertips. “Would you like that?”

  “Yes.” She bit the inside of her cheek.

  “That’s my girl.” Paul tipped her head forward until Sadie’s head rested on his chest, fully exposing her throat to Josh. “The first thing I did was lick her skin. She has this taste to her, like coffee and sugar. I can’t get enough of it.”

  Josh slid his hand to cup the back of Sadie’s head. “I can smell her too. It makes my mouth water.”

  “A small circle, like you’re taking that first sip of wine.”

  Josh did as Paul instructed, sending the butterflies in her stomach into a full riot mode. His tongue was wider than Paul’s and was able to tease more of her skin at once. Sadie leaned more into Paul and wanted to cry at the way he touched her, the care in his caress. Maybe she was reading too much into things, but right now she didn’t care.

  “Then I placed a gentle kiss in the middle.”

  Josh hummed in the back of his throat before doing as instructed.

  It was too much for her. Before she let her reason take over, she reached up and put an arm around each of their heads.

  “Kiss me properly now. On the mouth. Both of you.”

  Josh moved in first, claiming her lips in an all-consuming manner that told her as much about his restraint as the depth of his passions. She turned in his arms and devoted her undivided attention to the man, she could feel the hardness of his cock pressing against her. She moved a hand down and grabbed hold, squeezing his covered shaft as hard as she could.

  He threw back his head and moaned at the same time Paul pressed against her back.

  “You’re most definitely poking the bear there, Sadie,” Paul whispered, reaching out to run a hand down Josh’s shoulder. “He’ll get out of control if we’re not careful.”

  “Good. Because if one, or preferably both of you don’t get me on that bed and strip me naked soon, I might have to try my luck out in the club.”

  Paul growled. “Over
my dead body.” He picked her up from behind as Josh moved forward. The move could have been choreographed as they shifted her up, positioning her to wrap her legs around Josh’s waist. Held open and forced to hold on to whatever she could to support her weight, Sadie wasn’t ready for when they both latched on to her neck and shoulders, kissing every inch of bare skin they could.

  Somehow they made it over to the bed without falling over. Paul sat her on the edge, but refused to let her lie back.

  “Sadie, may I take your skirt off?” Josh asked, leaning in to place his hands on her waist but doing nothing more.

  Sadie nodded and lifted her hips, enabling Josh to slide the fabric down. Now clad only in the thin black panties and the corset, she squirmed out of their grasp and wiggled her way to the middle of the bed.

  “Off.” She moved her hand in a way she’d seen Ian do more than once. “I want to see what I’ve been missing out on all this time. Naked. Both of you.”

  Paul hesitated for a moment, but Josh quickly pulled the front of his pants open. “I love a woman who knows what she wants.”

  “It’s scary seeing her naughty side finally coming out to play.” Paul yanked the button to the side, opening up his pants.

  Neither of them wore underwear, making the time before Sadie got her first glimpse of naked cock negligible. Josh was thick, uncut and mostly erect by the time he pushed his pants to the floor. Paul wasn’t as thick, but his shaft was cut and longer than the other man’s.

  “I hope the reality is living up to the stories.” Paul cocked an eyebrow.

  “I’ll let you know.” She did her best not to lick her lips.

  With the two of them stripped bare, Sadie had the pleasure of watching them as they joined her on the bed. They reversed their earlier positions, Paul now claiming her front while Josh moved in behind her.

  “I think you are still dreadfully overdressed.” Paul thumbed the top of her corset. “And as beautiful as you are in this thing, I have been dying to see you out of it.” He stopped what he was doing and glanced up into her eyes. “That is, if you want to.”

  Being asked if she wanted to get naked with Paul was the equivalent of asking a bird if it wanted to soar.

  It didn’t mean she was completely comfortable with the whole thing. She’d never considered herself beautiful, though the guys she’d gone out with in the past never complained. Paige had once accused her of being too self-critical. But whenever she’d looked in the mirror, she couldn’t see what everyone told her they did.

  Maybe none of that mattered.

  The way Paul and Josh were staring at her, perhaps she had simply been blind to her own appeal to men. Because she knew Paul, knew what he valued in the people he spent time with. And while she’d never been the center of his world before now, she did trust him to tell the truth.

  Sadie met Paul’s gaze, pushed aside her doubts one final time and nodded.

  He helped her sit up and Josh went to work pulling the tiny hooks free from their loops. As the fabric loosened and Sadie slowly regained the ability to take a deep breath, Paul leaned in and kissed the tops of her breasts.

  “Your skin is soft.” Another kiss, this one at the top of her cleavage. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to see you naked. Feel you on top of me.”

  Josh finished the hooks in a fraction of the time it had taken Sadie to do them up. He slid his hands beneath, cupping her now-bare sides, but didn’t slip the corset off. Paul’s breathing started coming out in slow, deep pants as his gaze roamed over her.

  This time Josh’s chuckle had Sadie arching back against him. “I think he’s going to have a heart attack.”

  The heat from her naked back pressed against Josh’s chest was thrilling. The smell of soap and arousal had her breathing spinning out of control. “I wonder if he’s going to take it off me?”

  “I am right here.” Paul leaned in and nipped at her collarbone. “I’m enjoying my present.”

  “I bet you’re annoying as hell on Christmas, too.” Josh ground his cock against her ass. “If you don’t do something soon, Paul, I’m going to take matters into my own hands.”

  “Do you trust me, Sade? I promise if you say the word, I’ll stop instantly.”

  “I don’t care.” Her skin tingled from the lack of contact. “Do what you want. I trust you.”

  Paul let loose a growl. “Josh, hold her arms up high. I want to see everything.”

  Josh rolled onto his back, taking Sadie with him. She was propped up on his body, her ass on the bed between his legs. Josh took her wrists and held them up high. The corset nearly fell off then, but Paul pressed his hands to her breasts to keep it in place. He waited until Josh started sucking her ear before dragging the corset down her breasts, inch by inch, until they were fully exposed.

  Tossing it aside, Paul stared down at her. “Fuck me. Sadie, you’re—” He leaned in and, without another word, sucked one of her erect nipples into his mouth. He was covering her lower body with his, fully trapping her between the two men.

  It was perfect.

  They were everywhere—hands running trails up and down her body. Their mouths kissing and licking her skin, teasing her sensitive places. The feeling of their cocks pressing against her had her pussy wet, clenching at the emptiness and needing something to fill it soon.

  Paul released her nipple, only to replace his mouth with his fingers, and moved up to kiss her. His fingers squeezed and pulled as his lips devoured hers. Josh turned her face to his for a kiss. The two men were the same, yet different in many ways. Josh was as intense, but kissed in a more relaxed manner. His tongue was more questing, his touch more teasing. Where Paul had a purpose, Josh was simply exploring.

  Paul moved back in, but this time Josh didn’t pull away. Sadie could feel them together, their breath mingling as she lost track of whose mouth and lips and tongues connected. When she opened her eyes, she realized they had also shared a kiss. Rather than being freaked out, she found it perfectly natural. The man of her dreams had kissed another man.

  Now they were about to share her.

  Sadie placed a kiss on each of their noses. “Which one of you is going to fuck me first?”

  Chapter Seven

  “I think if we make Paul wait any longer, he’s going to come over your stomach.” Josh ran a hand through Paul’s hair. “We can’t have that now.”

  Paul closed his eyes and smiled softly. “My imagination is my own worst enemy tonight.”

  While this had started out as fulfilling Sadie’s fantasies, she knew Paul was also living out a fair share of his. “What do you want? What is it that you keep playing out in that head of yours?”

  “This isn’t about me.”

  “Bullshit,” Sadie said as Josh chuckled again. “You looked like I’ve given you all your Christmases, birthdays and a few Easters at once when I said I wanted you and Josh together. I can’t even pretend to come up with something beyond having the two of you here. Tell me what you want.”

  “You’ve finally picked one worth keeping.” Josh nuzzled her neck. “She’s perceptive and beautiful. Tell her what she wants to know.”

  “This wasn’t what I’d intended.” Paul shook his head, but Sadie could tell he wasn’t going to be able to resist the offer. “I wanted this to be about you, Sade.”

  “Trust me, it is. I’m about to have sex with the man I’ve wanted since my best friend introduced him to me ten years ago. I’m also going to live out my deeply buried desire to have a threesome. All you’re doing is filling in the details. Now tell us what you want us to do.”

  In a blink Paul rolled off her and onto his back. “Ride me.”

  Josh finally let go of her wrists, freeing Sadie to make her way over to Paul. “Condoms?”

  “Under the pillow.” Josh pulled a handful out. “Be prepared.”

  “The bastard Boy Scout.” Paul laughed as Josh swatted his thigh.

  Sadie took one of the packets and ripped it open with her teeth. Holding it
out, she smiled, tipping her head to the side. “May I?”

  Paul ground his teeth and nodded. She’d never put a condom on a man before. Most of the guys she’d been with were more than happy to take care of that part of the arrangement, pouncing on her when they had the opportunity. The slick gel made it a bit challenging to roll the condom down, but she loved being able to feel him, hot in her hands.

  Not knowing what to do with the excess gel, Sadie reached between her legs and smeared it across the entrance to her pussy. Large hands bracketed her hips, as Josh helped her get into position above Paul’s cock.

  There was a pause as she hovered above him. She was shocked at how tightly wound Paul was. How the sweat covered his face and chest, making his skin glow. Josh was still behind her, but in that moment Paul was the only thing that mattered. He nodded, encouraging her with a tiny buck of his hips.

  Her pussy stretched to accommodate his girth as she settled into place on his cock. She wanted to remember every detail as they came together, but her mind raced and it was difficult to breathe, let alone think. A ripple of pleasure raced out from her core as her clit rubbed lightly against his pubic hair, dragging a sigh from her lips.

  Without saying a word, they began to move together, rocking gently against one another, adjusting to the sensations. She was having sex with Paul. Finally.

  Josh reached up and cupped her breasts with his hands, each one fitting perfectly into his grasp. He teased her nipples, pinching and pulling at them until she was unable to think.

  The three of them began to move. Josh helped Sadie lean forward, letting Paul wrap his arms around her. It was Sadie’s turn to suck on his skin, biting and licking what she could. She pressed her face to his shoulder and moaned as he picked up the pace of his thrusts.

  At first, Josh’s touches were almost cautious as she and Paul found their rhythm. He began to knead and squeeze her ass cheeks, pulling her apart as he moved, spreading her wide. Paul’s thrusts pushed deeper into her. Her clit pounded against him with every thrust, and her arousal grew to nearly unbearable heights.


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