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The Vilcabamba Prophecy: A Nick Randall Novel

Page 25

by Robert Rapoza

  “Yes, that’s right. I believe he’s in the energy business, nuclear energy to be specific.”

  “Do you have any other information on him? Any proof to support your claims of what happened in this underground facility?”

  Randall shook his head. “No, I don’t.”

  “But he had mercenaries working for him and a base located in our jungles, not far from the mountain?” Acarapi asked.

  “Yes. We were all at his base at one time. It’s located somewhere in the area I showed you earlier. A rather large base in fact, with a helipad and multiple buildings. I’m sure if you sent a helicopter or airplanes to the area they would be able to spot it from the air.”

  A disdainful smile crept across Colonel Acarapi’s face. “We did, Mr. Randall, and we could locate no such base.”

  Randall realized that he had to contain his emotions and curtail any response to the Colonel if they wanted to go home. Instead of speaking, he simply nodded his head while holding the Colonel’s gaze.

  “Wait here and I will have my men escort you to the vehicles that will take you back to your College.”

  “Colonel, what about George? Will we be able to see him soon?”

  He nodded. “He should be released in a day or two, according to the doctors. Here is how you can contact him.” The Colonel reached into his shirt pocket and produced a small note with the name and phone number of the hospital and room where George was recuperating.

  Acarapi was good to his word. Several unmarked SUVs sat waiting outside the building, ready to take them back to the college.

  The ride to the University was uneventful, and Randall was grateful for this small bit of fortune. Phil slept while Randall looked out the window, once again contemplating all that had happened. Sam asked quietly, “Are you okay, Dad?”

  Randall looked away from the window, smiled, and took his daughter’s hand. “I am now. How are you?”

  “I’m good, glad we’re heading back home soon.”

  “Me, too.”


  “I’m just wondering how Francisco was able to convince the army that he knew George and had worked with him before. I always knew he was sharp, but this one takes the cake.” Randall glanced over to see a crooked smile on his daughter’s face. “What?”

  “Remember when you were spinning your yarn for Tom in the helicopter?” Sam asked.

  Randall’s brow furrowed.

  “I texted Francisco about George and told him to be ready for a call.”

  Randall smiled and kissed his daughter on the forehead. “That’s my girl.”

  Chapter thirty-eight

  At the University, Francisco was waiting for them as the Escalade pulled up in front of the administration building. Randall could see him standing with his hands folded behind his back, the top button of his shirt undone, and his tie loose. Randall waived as they pulled up; Francisco smiled back. As the door of the SUV opened and Randall exited, Francisco walked up to him.

  “Good to see you back safely, old friend.”

  “Glad to be back. Did you hear about Mike?”

  Francisco nodded slowly, closing his eyes as he did. “I was very sorry to hear about him. He was a fine young man.”

  Randall nodded in agreement, “Did you contact his mother?”

  “I did.”

  “How is she?”

  “My friend, she has taken the news as well as she could. As well as any of us could take such news.” Francisco put his hand on his friend’s shoulder. “I am very sorry for your loss, but you cannot blame yourself. These men who accosted you were trained killers, and I’m shocked that Monica was working with them.” Randall could hear the sincerity in his friend’s voice, and it offered him some comfort.

  “I’ll call Mike’s mother myself as soon as I can and make arrangements to pay my respects.”

  As the two men spoke, Sam slipped out of the SUV and Phil followed closely behind her. They slowly came up by Randall’s side, not wanting to interrupt the two of them.

  “Sam, I’m so happy that you’re alright!” Francisco said, giving her a big squeeze. “You too, Phil,” this time extending his hand to Randall’s helper.

  “I’m sure you’re all exhausted, why don’t we go into the lounge? We’ll find something for you to eat and drink. Come!” Francisco put his arm around Sam and led her and the others into the college’s administration building. It was Saturday, and the campus was relatively quiet.

  The faculty lounge was beautifully appointed. Large, overstuffed chairs and couches were arranged to create intimate meeting spaces. Beautiful local art hung from the walls, and several flat screen televisions were hung strategically to allow resting faculty to watch while they ate or sat in the comfortable seating. Upon entering the lounge, Phil spied the couches and made a beeline for them.

  Seeing Phil speed for a sofa, Sam followed, taking the couch opposite him. Falling into the soft padding she closed her eyes. The exhaustion was finally hitting her hard, and as she sat, she wasn’t sure she would be able to get back up without some assistance. Randall and Francisco walked over to two overstuffed chairs set at ninety-degree angles to each other. Francisco waited until Randall sat before sitting himself.

  “Tell me everything. What did you find?”

  Francisco was sitting on the edge of his seat, leaning forward in anticipation. Randall could see the excitement in his eyes. He looked like a small child waiting to see what kind of goodies his parents had gotten him for his birthday.

  “It was real, Francisco. Vilcabamba was enormous, and the intricate artwork was incredible.”

  Randall went on to tell his friend about the details of the underground city, and their incessant battles with Dumond, who, Randall explained, managed to escape from the volcano before it erupted. This fact seemed to unsettle Francisco, who withdrew into his thoughts after Randall revealed it. However, his mood quickly brightened.

  “And the inhabitants of Vilcabamba, did you meet them?”

  Randall sat back into his chair, a pensive look on his face.

  “I’m not sure. I think I did, but it might have just been a dream.” Randall went on to explain his meeting with the creatures but how he woke up in the cavern with a lump on his head and no proof in hand.

  Francisco waived his hand in disregard, “It doesn’t matter, the discovery of Vilcabamba will still change the way the world looks at human history. You encountered an ancient underground city with technology beyond anything we would expect from the time period. You now have concrete proof to support your ideas and challenge prevailing theories! Once we publish our findings, everyone will want to fund our research!” Francisco was on a roll now, his exuberance overflowing his bucket of containment. Randall hated to burst his balloon, but he had no choice. He had to bring his dear friend back to earth.

  “There’s just one problem, old buddy. We don’t have a shred of evidence.”

  The expression on Francisco’s face morphed once again, this time into a frown. Deflated, he plopped back down into the chair.

  “No proof at all? How could this have happened?” Francisco stood up and began pacing the room. “I realize the eruption probably destroyed or concealed most of the city, but surely some artifacts have survived. Once the magma cools we can launch another expedition, this time with armed escorts. We can uncover the remains of the ruins and bring back proof!” Francisco thrust a finger into the air to emphasize the point. Glancing down at Randall, he noticed his friend shaking his head from side to side.

  “It’s gone, Francisco. There’s no way anything survived the eruption and the lava flow. Besides, without any proof, who’s going to support us?”

  Randall watched as Francisco sat back into his chair, mouth hanging open for a few seconds. For a moment, he seemed ready to say something, but he caught himself and sat back once again. His eyes were locked on a section of floor directly in front of him, his shoulders sagging under the unseen burden that was suddenly thrust upon them. Randa
ll stole a quick glance in the direction of Sam and Phil. Sam was now laying on the couch, while Phil lay motionless on the sofa next to her. Both were fast asleep. It was the first peaceful moment they had had in some time and Randall had no desire to disturb either of them. He turned back to face his friend.

  “Francisco, I know this must come as a blow, but I’m okay with this. I now know that my theories aren’t crazy and, more importantly, I got Sam back.

  Randall could tell his old friend was still in shock, “Are you alright?”

  With a slow determination, Francisco pushed himself back into his seat, sitting upright. His eyes brightened and he nodded, appearing to be having a silent conversation with himself. He finally looked back to Randall.

  “Whatever happens from here, we will confront it together, my friend. We have been through rough times before, yes?”

  Randall smiled and nodded to Francisco. “We certainly have.”

  Francisco sat back in his chair and propped his chin on his right hand. Randall could see that he was deep in thought. Finally he turned to Randall. “We still have unspent funding from your benefactor. His most recent donation was deposited about a week ago, and it was substantial. Perhaps your research should turn in another direction.”

  “Maybe, but I’m not sure I want to use any more funding that came from Francis Dumond.”

  “Well, this is a matter for us to discuss later. In the meantime, I’m sure you must be hungry. I see Sam and Phil have decided that sleep is more important than food at this time, but would you like something? Maybe a strong drink?” His mouth drew into a big smile as he finished the sentence.

  “Yes to both, especially the drink. Do you have a blanket for Sam and Phil?”

  “Of course! I will retrieve them, along with that drink. While I’m at it, I think I’ll fetch something for myself!” Francisco shot out of the chair theatrically and walked briskly to the door. As it closed slowly on its hinges, Randall stood and walked over to his sleeping daughter. Seeing her asleep on the couch brought back warm memories from a time long ago. Sitting down gently next to her, he brushed her hair back from her face and gave her a small kiss on the head, just as he had done when she was small. As he stood back up, he felt a rush of blood to his head and became dizzy. The lack of sleep and physical exhaustion had finally caught up with him.

  His body tired and battered, Randall walked slowly and carefully back to the chair he had occupied and sat down heavily on the cushion. It was a very soft and comfortable chair, he thought as he slowly found himself losing consciousness. “Very comfortable indeed.” The words seemed to float into space as Dr. Nicholas Randall drifted off to sleep.

  About the author

  Robert Rapoza is the author of THE VILCABAMBA PROPHECY, a 2015 Adventure Writers Competition Semi-Finalist, which will be released on April 10, 2016, by Ravenswood Publishing. THE VILCABAMBA PROPHECY, an action packed thriller set in the Peruvian jungles, is the first adventure of archaeologist Nick Randall and his daughter Samantha Randall.

  His second thriller, OPERATION ICE HAMMER, continues to follow Nick’s exploits as he is joined by his son Johnathan. This recently completed work finds Nick and John searching for clues that lead them from the sunny Bahama Islands to the frigid Antarctic continent. The third book in the series, THE DEVIL'S HEART, is a work in progress with an anticipated completion date of March 2016.

  Born and raised in Southern California, when not writing novels, he enjoys hanging out with his wife Holly, daughter Heather, son Ryan and dog Bandit. He and his family enjoy the outdoors, taking bike rides along the beach and camping along the California coast. A die hard Red Sox and Patriots fan, when not watching sports, he also enjoys coaching his son Ryan, a pitcher and 1st baseman.

  A member of the Southern California Writers Association he was recently selected to the 2015-16 Debut Authors program of the International Thriller Writers Association and will be among several new authors featured at the Debut Author session at this July’s ThrillerFest in New York City.

  The ideas for his novels are drawn from his interest in archeology and science and his love of adventure stories. Bob has always been drawn to these topics and is fascinated by the technology utilized by ancient civilizations. This interest has provided fertile ground for his entertaining books. History is rich with mysteries waiting to be solved and Bob enjoys asking questions about these mysteries and offering ideas about what they might mean.

  Bob is represented by Mark Gottlieb of the Trident Media Group.

  Learn more about his books at




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