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Mya’s Werewolf

Page 3

by Zena Wynn

  don‘t care about things like race. It‘s the person that counts. Trust me, they‘ll love


  He eased closer until his face was mere inches away. ―Do you love me?‖

  She caressed his face with her gaze. Being an empath allowed her to see so

  much more about him than just what was on the surface. ―Yes, I believe I do.‖

  Which was stupid of her because none of this was real, but how could she not love

  this man created exclusively for her. He was literally her dream man come true.

  A fierce wave of joy and love washed over her as he closed the gap and

  kissed her. One kiss led to another, and then another, until they were making love.

  Unlike the fierce pounding of before, this was a tender affirmation of their feelings

  for one another.


  Afterwards, they spent most of the day talking, getting to know each other

  better. They swam in the ocean, explored the island, and towards evening, went

  back to their pool to play and make love again as the sun began to sink in the west.

  ―We‘d better get back before it‘s too dark to see.‖

  ―There‘ll be another full moon tonight,‖ she told him.

  ―I know.‖

  ―Will you change again?‖

  ―Yes. Are you okay with that? I can‘t promise to keep him away from you,

  now that he‘s had a taste.‖

  ―Your beast is you. I accept all of you.‖

  He swept her into his arms for another lingering kiss at her easy acceptance

  of him. ―Thank you.‖

  As they headed for the cave, she asked, ―Can I watch?‖ Earlier he‘d shifted

  from his human form into a wolf for her.

  He glanced back over his shoulder. ―No, not this time. The process isn‘t that

  pleasant. I don‘t want to frighten you.‖

  She already knew from earlier discussion that when he was in his wolf-man,

  or were form as he called it, he was aware of everything that was happening but

  not always in control of his actions, hence his continued concern for her well



  They entered the cavern and she helped Gabe light the multitude of candles

  spread throughout. When they finished, it gave the place a romantic glow. Still

  dark by her standards but perfect for the Were‘s enhanced vision.

  Gabe left and she settled on the raised platform that contained their

  bedding to await his return. On the cavern floor beneath her was an extremely

  thick, oriental type rug that was a good six-by-eight-feet in size. That‘s what she‘d

  awakened on this morning.

  She‘d asked Gabe why the cave, didn‘t he have a home? He said yes he did

  but his beast didn‘t like to be confined inside of walls. It could tolerate the cave,

  and was happy to do so now that it had a mate. Her safety was of primary

  importance now, even more so when the pups began coming.

  For a moment, she allowed herself to imagine what life would be like if this

  were all real. She and Gabe could stay here during the weeks of the full moon, and

  spend the rest of the month at his home. Gabe was so loving and sensitive, always

  so considerate of her needs. And best of all, he had a sense of humor. She loved

  being with him.

  She loved him. More and more every hour that they spent together.


  Chapter Four

  In the distance, Mya heard a howl and knew it was Gabe. There was no

  answering one. As far as she knew, she and Gabe were the only ones on the island.

  They hadn‘t seen any signs of anyone else when they were walking around, doing

  their Adam and Eve impression.

  He was coming to her, and coming fast. She could feel his determination, his

  lust. He wanted his mate and she was waiting on him. Ready for him to take her.

  Anticipation rode both of them hard.

  It didn‘t matter that she and Gabe the man had spent most of the day

  making love. This was his beast. Still Gabe, but his more primal side, and this side

  of him made her want to do a little howling of her own.

  She felt his presence before she saw him. Looking up, she saw him looming

  in the opening. Over seven feet tall, the head and muzzle of a wolf, chest and arms

  shaped like a man with wicked looking claws at his fingertips, he was covered all

  over in dark fur, sparse in some places and thicker in others. With his legs bent

  out at an awkward angle like a dog standing on his hind legs, he was a sight to



  ― Mate.‖

  ―Yes, your mate,‖ she answered, though it wasn‘t a question.

  ― Mine.‖

  ―I belong to you.‖ Again she answered his statement.

  ― Take,‖ he growled.

  ―All you want,‖ she told him on a needy sigh as she leaned back onto her

  elbows and spread her legs wide in invitation.

  An instant later his snout was buried between her legs. Mya held onto his

  pointy ears and rode his tongue to completion. He ate her like he was starving and

  she was the first food he‘d seen in weeks. She quickly found herself in a pleasure

  zone where sensation rule and logic had no meaning.

  She moaned in disappointment when he pulled away only to catch her

  breath in giddy anticipation when he flipped her onto her belly and mounted her.

  There it was again, that delicious stretching of vaginal muscles almost to capacity.

  The tiny bite of pain coupled with the most glorious ecstasy of sensitive nerve

  endings being stimulated until Mya was nothing more than a screaming banshee

  of sexual bliss.

  All night long he took her and she accepted him. He locked inside of her

  over and over again. There was an underlying desperation to his actions, as though

  Gabe the Were realized this was their last night together and he was trying to


  make it last as long as he could.

  Mya herself was feeling the same sense of urgency. She had to make it last,

  make it count. There would never be another opportunity to experience this. She

  had to imprint him on her brain, sear the memory of him, of their time together,

  into her memory banks.

  Neither soreness nor tiredness had any place here. Nor did sleep. It was only

  as the last faint moonbeam gave way to the rising sun in the east that they fell into

  an exhausted slumber.

  Mya roused with the sure knowledge that her last day had arrived. Like

  sands in an hourglass, time was rapidly dwindling at a rate faster than her eye

  could see. At five p.m., her fantasy would officially end and it would be time to go.

  From the angle of the sun shining through the opening, it was already midmorning.

  She turned to find Gabe lying there watching her. ―Why didn‘t you wake


  ―You were tired and I like watching you sleep,‖ he explained.

  She had to remind herself not to get angry. Gabe didn‘t know what was at

  stake. He thought this was real. He didn‘t know that he and their relationship was

  a figment of her imagination brought to life by the staff of Fantasy Island Vacation



  For a minute, depression overwhelmed Mya and she blinked back tears

  before Gabe could see them. Not willing to waste any more precious time, she

  rolled to him and put her arms around her neck. ―I love you so much
,‖ she softly

  told him. ―So very much,‖ she finished in a whisper.

  Then she proceeded to show him with her body just how much he meant to

  her. It wasn‘t supposed to happen like this. Love shouldn‘t be able to grow to this

  intensity over a weekend‘s time. How was she going to live without Gabe? How

  could anyone expect her to return to her mundane life and leave behind what she‘d

  found with this man, this werewolf?

  He was so much more than she‘d ever dreamed of when she created her

  fantasy. She didn‘t envision unruly rusty-brown hair that continuously flopped

  over magnetic gray eyes when she was answering her questionnaire. She didn‘t

  imagine a man who could make her laugh one moment and the next amaze her

  with his deep insight. She couldn‘t have known how awesome it would be to have

  a man totally focused on her pleasure, in and out of bed, expecting nothing in


  How could she have? Who knew something like this could exist in real life?

  And that right there was the problem. It wasn‘t real, but to her heart and mind it

  was. Dear God, it was more real than anything she‘d ever experienced in life.


  Later, as she lay cradled in his arms, he asked, ―You want to go swimming

  again today?‖

  ―Not really.‖

  ―Are you hungry? We haven‘t eaten yet and it‘s way past breakfast time,‖ he

  said as he languidly stroked her hair.

  ―I‘m not really hungry.‖

  His hand stopped. ―Is everything okay? You sound down. Last night was too

  much for you, wasn‘t it? I should have tried harder to reign him in.‖

  Mya realized she needed to get her act together if she didn‘t want him

  suspecting something was wrong. She shook her head, then admitted, ―I‘m still a

  little bit tired. As much as I enjoyed last night and would repeat it again in a

  heartbeat, I‘m not used to this much sexual activity.‖

  Gabe lifted her and put her to the side, then stood. Extending a hand out to

  help her up, he said, ―Come on. You need to eat. I‘ll feed you and then we‘ll go back

  to the pool to bathe. Sound good?‖

  ―Yes.‖ Mya raised her hand and allowed him to pull her to her feet.

  The island offered an abundance of fruit and nuts for their culinary delight.

  They picked the fruit right from the trees. She gorged on mangos, bananas, and

  other tropical fruits and nuts, and quenched her thirst with coconut milk and

  water straight from a mountain stream.


  ―If I ate like this everyday, I wouldn‘t need to exercise to lose weight. The

  pounds would melt away,‖ Mya told him as they finished their cliffside picnic.

  His gaze roamed over her. ―I like you just the way you are. Don‘t lose an

  ounce.‖ He looked ruefully at himself. ―Now me, on the other hand, I‘m skinny

  enough as it is. I worked hard to gain what little muscle I have and can‘t afford to

  lose any of it.‖

  Mya gave him the same looking over that he gave her. Licking her lips, she

  told him, ―I happen to think you‘re perfect the way you are.‖

  ―Really?‖ He managed to look both doubtful and hopeful at the same time.

  ―Mmm…‖ She crawled over to him. ―Shall I show you again how much I love

  your body?‖

  ―Well, if you think it would help,‖ he murmured with a wicked glint in his


  Mya took her time, starting with his feet and working her way upward. She

  hadn‘t lied. She loved everything about him, from his big hands and feet to every

  proportioned bit in between. When she reached his cock, she gave it extra loving


  After she finished, Gabe felt duty bound to express with his hands and

  mouth how much he loved and appreciated her body in return. Sated, they went

  and frolicked in the pool, washing the fruit juice and other fluids off of each other


  and making love again in the water.

  Mya looked at the angle of the sun in the sky. ―Let‘s go back to the cave and

  take a nap. After last night, we deserve one.‖

  ―Sounds like a good idea. Tonight‘s the last night of the full moon. You‘ll

  definitely need your rest,‖ Gabe agreed.

  They walked back to the cavern and Gabe climbed up on the platform and

  lay down. Mya settled beside him, cradled in his arms. Her heart breaking, she

  held in the tears, waiting for Gabe‘s breathing to even out, signaling deep sleep.

  When she could wait no longer, she eased from under his arm, waited a moment to

  be sure he didn‘t wake, and left the cave.

  Traveling quickly to the pool, she retrieved her red bikini and wrap she‘d

  washed and laid to dry on a rock for just this moment. The strings on the bottoms

  were ripped, but she managed to make it work. Dressed again for the first time

  since she arrived two days ago, she made her way to the rendezvous point, a small

  dock on the rocky side of the island. There was a speedboat and a small crew

  waiting. A short, dark skinned man in a pair of white pants and a flowery shirt

  was pacing back and forth on the floating dock when she arrived.

  ―Ms. Anderson, we were just about to send someone searching for you,‖ her

  escort said.

  ―I‘m sorry. It took longer than I expected to get here,‖ she told him, casting


  an apologetic look at the rest of the small three-man crew.

  ―No problem. You‘re here now. Did you enjoy your vacation?‖ he asked as he

  helped her onto the boat.

  ―Very much so,‖ she told him.

  ―Good, good. Put on the life jacket and settle down. We‘ll have you home

  before you know it.‖ He untied the rope securing the boat to the dock and then

  hopped on board and made his way to the front.

  She did as instructed and sat at the back of the boat, face turned toward the

  rapidly retreating island. Watching as it grew smaller and smaller, she let the wind

  blow away the tears making slow tracks down her face.


  Chapter Five

  Mya called in sick Monday morning. There was no way she could go in and

  pretend her heart hadn‘t been ripped to shreds. Not when she‘d broken down into

  inconsolable sobs during a grocery store commercial, all because they‘d panned the

  produce department. It was the bananas that set her off. After a crying jag that

  lasted more than an hour, there was no way that she could go in.

  Tuesday she forced herself to go in despite the dark circles under her eyes.

  In her job as a call center customer service representative, no one would see her.

  Her coworkers she put off with the excuse of a weekend virus. Her lie served two

  purposes. It kept people from bothering her, afraid she might be contagious, and it

  provided a convenient excuse for her wan appearance.

  She took her calls with the same proficiency she normally used but her heart

  wasn‘t in it. Her mind was back on the island with Gabe. She hated that she didn‘t

  have any pictures of him. No electronic devises of any kind were allowed on

  Fantasy Island. The only memories she had were those in her mind. Even the

  mating mark on her shoulder faded the moment she was back on U. S. soil.

  She couldn‘t help wondering how Gabe felt when he wok
e to find her gone.


  Had he searched for her? If so, for how long? He‘d been so lonely. He was so happy

  to find her, his mate, and so uncertain of his welcome. So fearful of being rejected.

  How had her disappearance affected him?

  God, she had to stop tormenting herself like this. Gabe wasn‘t real. For all

  she knew, he‘d vanished as soon as she boarded the boat. One thing she knew for

  sure, he wasn‘t an actor paid to play a part. She wasn‘t sure how they‘d done it, but

  that much she knew for sure.

  Let it go, Mya, and get a grip. It was one weekend out of your life. Forty-eight hours.

  You’re more logical than this.

  No matter how many times she gave herself the same pep talk, it didn‘t

  work. She, who had never been in love in her life, had fallen and fallen hard. She

  didn‘t know if she‘d ever recover. How was any other man supposed to measure


  At twelve-fifteen, she logged off of the system and put her headset down. It

  was lunchtime, but she didn‘t have an appetite. She went into the large break

  room, sat at one of the two-seater tables in the corner, and pulled out a book. It

  was a steamy romance, and before this weekend she would have been all into it.

  Now it was just for show. As long as she appeared to be reading, no one would

  bother her.

  She‘d been staring miserably at the same page for five minutes when a deep,


  vaguely familiar voice asked, ―Is this seat taken?‖

  Mya shook her head no and indicated that he could take the chair. She

  certainly wasn‘t using it. The chair made a scraping noise on the floor as it was

  pulled away from the table. Instead of hauling it off as she expected, the person sat


  ―I noticed you weren‘t eating anything. If you forgot your lunch, I‘m willing

  to share. There‘s more than enough here for two,‖ he said.

  She sighed. Couldn‘t he see all she wanted was to be left alone. Finally

  glancing up from her book, she said, ―That‘s alright. I‘m really not…‖ Mya stared in

  shock. ―Gabe?‖


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