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Leather and Chrome (Royal Bastards MC: Detroit, MI Book 2)

Page 10

by Shannon Youngblood

  “There she is, Marcus,” my gangly travelling companion pointed. “She’s in that truck.”

  “Are you sure, Danny?” I questioned. The last thing I needed was to snatch the wrong bitch up off the street. Although, if I did, there were plenty of people willing to pay good money for a raven haired beauty.

  “I’m positive. I’ve been following that prick, Chrome, around ever since he murdered my dad. He’s been to her place half a dozen times, and she was in his motel room until early this morning.”

  “Excellent. We’ll follow her until she stops, and then we grab her. You ready for this?” I asked the kid.

  “I am. That bastard is gonna pay for what he did.”

  I chuckled at his zealous attitude. “Grab the duct tape and the rope. It’s hunting season.”

  Dear Jesus. What the fuck had I done? I cracked open my eyelids but immediately shut them, the sunlight pouring in from the open blinds too much for my hangover to tolerate. I had no idea what time it was, but from the small glance I got of the position of the sun in the sky, it had to have been after ten in the morning.

  I took a moment to try and recall my night. Just as quickly as I tried to bring up the memories, a gasp flowed from my mouth and I bolted upright, looking around for my Angel. The immediate pain raking through my skull forced me back down, but it didn’t stop me from keeping my eyes pried open.

  I had checked into my motel, already three sheets to the wind and gone over to the bar. The next several hours were mostly a blur, until Cameron arrived. I vividly remembered seeing her short hair, but the next section of my memory was black. I knew something else had happened in between the bar and waking up, but what had it been?

  As if the God’s knew I needed reminding, the memories flooded back in. I had woken up, fucked the beautiful creature laying next to me and then told her my deepest and darkest secret. A secret I had never once uttered aloud to another soul.

  I peeked around the room, but Cam was gone. The bathroom door was wide open and the light was off. Some time after I had poured my heart out, Cameron had left me, and truthfully I couldn’t say that I blamed her. I was a shit human and didn’t deserve nice things.

  Slowly this time, I sat up. I needed a shower and a shot, in that order. Once this headache was manageable, I could figure out my next move. I should have been thinking about how to talk to Silver, but the only person I wanted to see was Cameron. Maybe I had been wrong, but when I had told her my story, she seemed to empathize with me.

  I gingerly stepped into the hot shower and let the water pound on every inch of my body. I let our entire conversation replay in my head, and with every second, the anger and rage inside of me began to grow. I could feel my beast pacing just inside, ready to tear someone apart as soon as I let him out.

  How dare she walk out? She had promised she wasn’t going anywhere, and the second I tell her something hard, she fucking bolts. She wasn’t a fucking angel. She was Lillith.

  Grabbing the shower curtain I yanked as hard as I could. The material tore sending shower curtain rings scattering to the floor. I climbed out of the shower and let out my rage on everything in sight.

  Punching the bathroom mirror, I delighted in the satisfying shatter of glass. I smiled viciously as I plucked shards out of my fist before turning to the bedroom. I picked up the bedside lamp and threw it at the television smiling when the screen cracked, splintering to the outside edges.

  “Fuck you!” I screamed as I grabbed the bed and threw it, the one reminder of our three in the morning love making. I walked over to the window and pulled open the blinds. Drawing my fist back I went to strike it when something caught my eye.

  Squinting against the harsh light of the sun, I walked over to the door and yanked it open to get a better look.

  There, right in front of me, was Cameron’s truck, but there was something not right. I rushed out of the room, butt naked and ran to the drivers side.

  The dome light was on, and the drivers door stood open. Cameron’s phone, keys, and purse were on the ground and tiny droplets of blood coated the cement.

  “Cameron?” I cried out, but no sound returned.

  I let out a roar like nothing I had ever heard before, fully letting the monster inside of me come to the surface. There was no more Chrome and Beast. We were one, and we were angry. Someone had taken my Angel, and someone was going to pay for it.

  I marched back into the hotel room to find my phone, punching in Silver’s number. After one ring it went to voicemail. I rage screamed again and almost threw my phone against the wall. Ending the call, I scrolled through my contacts until it came to TBone and hit send. This time, someone answered.

  “We’re not supposed to talk to y--” I cut TBone off.

  “Where is your sister?” I snarled, panting heavily, my nostrils flaring.

  “How should I know?” TBone responded.

  “Her truck is at my hotel, but the door was left open, her bag and keys discarded on the ground surrounded by drops of blood,” I said through gritted teeth.

  “Wait what?” TBone shouted. “What did you do to my sister, Chrome?”

  “Fuck you TBone,” I screamed. “I would never hurt your sister.”

  “You son of a bitch, if you laid a fing--” TBone’s shouting cut off and another familiar voice took over the conversation.

  “Where are you?” Silver asked.

  “Motel 9, next to Slingers,” I responded.

  “Don’t go anywhere,” He said, hanging up the phone.

  Where exactly the fuck was I going to go? I hastily pulled on my jeans and grabbed a t-shirt from my bag. I had roughly fifteen minutes before Silver and the gang showed up. I needed to go across the parking lot to get my bike and be ready to ride.

  My rage had subsided a small amount when I heard the roar of my brother bikers. I knew that some of them probably weren’t here for me, but had come along to support TBone, but I couldn’t wrap my head around all of my brothers already hating me. It was too much to bare. As custom, Silver led the pack into the parking lot, followed closely by TBone, Derp, Flapjack, Dumpster, Pappy, and Barnie.

  “Thank you for coming,” I gruffly said when they approached me.

  “Of course Broth--” Derp said, immediately shutting up when he received a scathing look from Silver.

  “When did you notice this?” Silver asked, pointing at the scene.

  “Two seconds before I tried calling you,” I snapped back.

  “So she’s been gone less than three hours.”

  “How the fuck would you know?” I asked, my temperature rising again.

  “Cameron came to see me at seven this morning.”

  The comment had me taking a few steps back. “She did?”

  He nodded but didn’t elaborate.

  “Who the fuck would want to take my sister?” TBone interjected himself into the conversation, pushing past the crowd and getting up in my face.

  “Back off,” I growled.

  “Fuck you, Chrome,” he spat.

  I wanted to back hand him across the parking lot, but I took a few breaths to calm the anger rising in me. He was upset his sister was missing and he was taking it out on the one person he could. Me.

  “That’s enough TBone,” Silver hollered, his commanding voice rocking through the Bastards.

  TBone immediately submitted, his body backing away from my personal space, but his eyes were alight with a rage that looked similar to my own.

  “Is there anyone you can think of that would want to harm Cameron?” Silver asked, bending down and running his finger through one of the drops of blood.

  “No,” I growled.

  “Anyone who would want to harm you?” He asked, raising his eyebrow, his insinuation clear.

  “This has nothing to do with my brother,” I seethed. “He doesn’t even know I exist.”

  That was enough to have Silver’s mouth open in shock.

  “We’ll talk about that later,” he said, shaking his head. �
��Right now, I need you to think, Chrome. Who else would be trying to get to you through Cameron?”

  My head pounded. The adrenaline coursing through my body at discovering Cameron was missing was depleting, and the hangover from hell was making itself known.

  “I don’t fucking know,” I whispered tight lipped.

  “What about that dead dude from the other night, Chrome?” Derp chimed in.


  “Dead dude?” Silver asked, more calmly than I would have imagined.

  “I would have told you had you not--.” I tried saying but Silver cut me off again.

  “I told you, we will talk about that later. Tell me about the dead guy.”

  He was right. The longer we sat here chit chatting about who was right and wrong regarding my past, the harder it would be to find Cameron, and she was the only thing that mattered.

  “I rode up on these two guys harassing Candy.”

  “The girl bunking with Trisha?” Silver asked and I nodded.

  “The driver pulled a gun on me, but he missed mostly. The kid in the passenger seat went to take a shot but hit his dad instead.”

  “You let the kid go?” Silver asked in disbelief?

  “He was pathetic, Prez,” I said by way of explanation. “He spent ten minutes on the ground in the fetal position crying like a little baby back bitch.”

  “Do you think he could have been the one to take Cameron?” Silver asked.

  “Doubtful,” I snorted. “Cameron could have beaten his ass with one hit.”

  “Then this kid obviously had help. The blood spots on the ground look like she was hit with something, and if this Danny kid knocked her out, and he’s as little as you say he is, he wouldn’t have been able to get her into the car on his own.”

  Silver belonged on that fucking crime show where they profiled serial killers.

  “So, who would that fucker be working with?” TBone asked me.

  The answer hit me like a sack of grains. “Marcus.”

  “Candy’s pimp?” Silver asked again, trying to get up to speed.

  “That’s the one, and I know exactly where that little fucker is probably at,” I snarled, my eyes filling with red.

  “Good,” Silver said before turning to the group. “Derp, go check Chrome out of the motel and pay the manager double for the damages and to keep his fucking mouth shut. Throw your bike in the back of Cameron’s truck and meet us back at the clubhouse. Everyone else, let’s ride.”

  Silver didn’t have to tell me twice, I was on my bike and speeding out of the parking lot before Silver had uttered his last words.


  My head felt like it had been split in two, and the ground below me was cold and hard. I tried to move my hands to feel my head, but they wouldn’t move.

  Why wouldn’t my arms move?

  “Ah. Raven has awoken,” an unfamiliar voice said from above me.

  I tried opening my eyes, but all I could see was darkness. I was blind folded. “Where am I?” I asked wearily, my voice unsteady and weak.

  “That’s none of your business, whore,” another voice sneered just as a steel-toed boot clobbered me in the stomach, a loud crunch echoing around us.

  I curled up in the fetal position, gasping for breath. The man had broken my rib. Perhaps more than one. I fought for breath, and fought even harder to not let panic take me in its grip. I needed a level head if I was going to get out of this alive.

  Once my oxygen had returned, I opened my mouth to speak. “Why are you doing this?”

  “Let’s just say this is payback for your boyfriend stealing one of my whores,” the first man responded calmly.

  “What?” I asked, completely confused.

  “Candy,” the second man scoffed.

  Candy? Candy? Where had I heard that name?

  Oh my God. Candy was the name of the girl Chrome had ditched me for the night of the party. That didn’t sound right though. Chrome didn’t seem like the hooker type.

  “I don’t understand,” I wheezed out.

  “God, you’re a dumb fucking bitch, aren’t you?” The second man taunted me.

  I could feel my anger rising. Name calling was not my kink.

  “Why don’t you untie me and I’ll show you who the real fucking bitch is here?” I taunted the man back.

  Big mistake.

  The man landed another solid kick, but this time to my face. My head flung back, and I could immediately feel the blood pouring out of my nose, my lip swelling just as quickly.

  “Danny. Calm yourself,” the first man chuckled. We won’t get a good price for her if you permanently damage her.

  “Fuck this bitch, Marcus,” Danny whined. “I want to fucking kill her.”

  A shiver ran through my body. Was this how I was going out? I really fucking hoped not. I didn’t know how long I had been out, the attack coming suddenly and swiftly as I got out of my truck. My mind raced with a million different scenarios.

  Chrome could still be sleeping for all I knew, and if he wasn’t, did he even realize I was gone? The man named Danny didn’t seem smart enough to dispose of my truck, but this guy Marcus did. However, they had attacked me in broad daylight, deciding to leave my truck as they had found it. I had no idea if Chrome or anyone would know I was missing, and the thought put the fear of God in me.

  “You can fuck her if you like, Danny, but there will be no killing.”

  Danny seemed to ponder a moment before finally blurting out yes.

  “I’ll be back in an hour. Don’t you dare fuck her up anymore than you already have, Danny, or I will put a bullet between your eyes.”

  A door scratched along the floor and then slammed close, and I knew I was in trouble. The calm smart man had left me alone with the dumb enraged one, and I would make no bets that he didn’t plan on beating me up any further.

  Just as I predicted, another hard hitting kick to my ribs sent me careening across the floor.

  “You’re nothing but a stupid cunt, aren’t you, Cameron?” Danny sneered while I coughed and choked, trying desperately to fill my lungs with air. “Let’s see how good this little pussy is.”

  I closed my legs tightly, but it was no use. My hands were tied behind my back and I was laying on them, and my strength was depleted. One light punch to my already broken ribs was enough to have me gasping and loosening my hold.

  “That’s right, baby,” Danny cooed, “Open up those whore legs for Daddy.”

  Danny’s fingers traced the line of my jeans as he straddled my hips. I wanted to buck him off, but the pain shooting through me was too much to bare. If I moved much more, I was going to pass out from the pain. Maybe it would be a blessing. My eyes rolled back as I prepared to let the darkness take me, but Danny had other ideas.

  A swift slap to my face brought me back to the here and now, just as Danny unbuttoned my jeans and pulled down my fly. I knew I should have put on panties this morning.

  “You really are a fucking whore,” Danny belly laughed. I heard the familiar sound of a blade being flicked out of its sheath and although the blindfold kept me from seeing, I closed my eyes anyways.

  I felt the dull cool slide of metal from my hip and down my right leg, the sound of ripping jeans echoing off the wall. Danny repeated the process on the other side exposing me to his view.

  “What a pretty little cunt you’ve got here, bitch. I can’t wait to destroy it.”

  “That tiny little pecker couldn’t destroy a fly,” I spat, fury building deep inside of me, overriding the pain.

  “Bitch!” Danny screamed, backhanding me across the face.

  I looked back at him and spit blood in his general direction. I heard him wipe it away and then the unmistakable sound of a fly being lowered. Fear, pain and anger warred within me. This man was going to rape me if I didn’t do something soon.

  An idea popped into my head and I decided to go with it.

  I lifted my head just a little bit, and I laughed. My ribs screamed out in
pain, but I continued to laugh. Danny punched me in the gut, and still I laughed.

  “Shut up, you stupid cunt, or I’ll cut out your tongue.” Danny’s voice had raised two octaves, his pride wounded by my laughter.

  When his dick pressed into my dry pussy, I laughed again, “Are you even in?” I asked.

  Danny didn’t respond, instead covering my mouth with his hand as he rutted on top of my like a limp pup. I continued laughing behind his palm, tears streaming down my face. I had just about run out of bravado and adrenaline.

  Just then, a series of bangs sounded right outside the door Marcus had left, and the voice of my savior boomed all around me.

  “You’re a fucking dead man.”

  Danny scrambled off of me, whimpering, and I listened intently as Chrome’s boots pounded against the floor towards his target.

  A pair of hands removed my blindfold and my restraints and sat me up, and I blinked rapidly. I would thank whoever had given me my sight back, and movement back, but first I wanted to watch Chrome rip this man apart.

  “I gave you a chance, Danny and you fucking blew it, and now, you’re going to fucking die.”

  Danny pleaded and begged, but it was useless, and when Chrome looked back at me, his eyes black as night, my heart leaped from my chest.

  “I love you,” I mouthed at him.

  Chrome smiled a wicked and sinister smile and turned his attention back on his prey, whose neck was being held by one meaty hand.

  “Silver,” Chrome called out.

  Behind me, Silver walked over to Chrome and took over holding Danny upright. I watched as Chrome pulled a small pocket knife out of his back pocket and carefully flicked it open.

  I wrapped my arms around the middle of my body, my ribs crying out in pain, but there was no way I was going to miss a second of this. Chrome grabbed Danny’s eyelid and with one fluid movement sliced upwards, cutting off the thin flesh. Danny screamed, and a little ball of joy formed inside of me.


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