No Enemies, No Hatred
Page 39
Lu Xun, 139–140, 189; on massacre in Beijing (1926), 10; Wild Grass, 118–119; “Confucius in Modern China,” 196
Lu Yuegang, 26, 209
Ma Chengfen, 5
Ma Dasheng, 45
Ma Yinchu, 137–138
Mai Tianshu, 230
Mang Ke, 41, 43; Stars Exhibition and, 44; as open letter signatory, 206
“Many Faces of Communist Party Dictatorship, The” (Liu Xiaobo), 313, 328, 330, 333, 334–335, 336, 337
Mao Dun, 139, 140
Mao Yushi, 85
Mao Zedong: Cultural Revolution and, xiv–xv, 69, 170; conditions during dictatorship of, 22–24; land and, 32–33; Great Leap Forward and, 33, 67, 247; death of, 39, 42, 319; Lin Biao and, 39, 195–196; influence of, 43–44, 45, 168; revolutionism of, 49, 69, 128–129; power and, 54–55, 67; nationalism and, 63, 64–70; economy and, 64–65, 67–68; “Farewell, Leighton Stuart,” 66; foreign policy of, 66–70, 82; Third World theory and, 68, 234; “Talks at Yan’an,” 128–129; Lin Zhao and, 134, 135; illness of, 142; private life of, 150; Confucius and, 195–196, 200; on class struggle, 323. See also Anti-Rightist Campaign; Quotations of Chairman Mao
Market economy, 238, 302–303, 323
Marketization: globalization and, 168–169; definition of, 223
Martin-Liao, Tienchi, xxi
Marxist humanism, 43
“Massacre” (Liao Yiwu), 11, 286, 287
Massacre in Beijing (1926), 10
Master and slave, jungle ethic of, 237
Materialism, 50, 150
May Fourth movement, xvi, 42, 63, 302; slogans for, 63; Confucius and, 195–196, 200
McCain, John, 271
Media: control of, 55, 203, 297; on patriotism, 74; influence of, 77, 79–80; black kiln child slavery scandal and, 99, 101, 104–105; Weng’an incident and, 108–109; on public opinion, 216; websites of, 218; on achievements, 235
Mengzhou book case, 212–213
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 120, 124
Mian Mian, 158–159, 181
Migrant labor, 101–102
Military: growth of, 233–234; control of, 306
Mimosa (Zhang Xianliang), 153
Missionaries, 66
Mo Shaoping, 209
Modern world, challenges of, xvi
Mozi, 197
Music, 40–41, 81, 152, 179
Muzi Mei, 159–160, 171, 172–173, 181, 182
Nail house, 86, 219
Nan Huirong, 212
National People’s Congress (NPC): black kiln child slavery scandal and, 102–103; Tiananmen Mothers’ open letter to, 206; constitution and, 314, 323–324
Nationalism, 52, 62–70; ultra-, 45, 64, 73, 83, 198; Mao Zedong and, 63, 64–70; on Internet, 64, 75, 79; Chinese culture and, 118, 121; sex, hate and, 165–168; Confucius and, 188; as governing strategy, 224–225; as policy, 232, 234, 236, 237; Olympic games and, 246–248, 254–255
Nationalization: of economy, 22; of land, 32, 88
NATO, 81; missiles, Chinese embassy struck by, 76
Needham, Joseph, 77
NetEase, 166, 246
New China Daily, 319
New China News Agency, 108, 109
New Confucians, 192–193, 198
New Left: on corruption, 169; on The Rise of the Great Powers, 230–231
New Three Principles of the People, 49
Nie Shubin Case, 219
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 119
“Night of Rain and Snow, A” (Wan Zhi), 41
9/11, 64, 78
1989 movement: participants in, 6–7, 10, 11, 293; instigation of, 72; official term for, 323
“1980 Proposals for Political Reform” (Xu Wenli), 41
Ning Hao, 181
Nobel Peace Prizes, 81; Liu Xiaobo and, xiii–xiv; winners of, xiv, 80, 271
Nonviolence, xv, 25
“Notes on The Analects” (Zhou Zuoren), 194
Nuclear weapons, 68, 235
Obama, Barack, 270–273
Observe China (website), 328, 329, 334
October Revolution, 63
Olympic games, 72, 76, 107, 211, 233, 235; China Central Television on, 245–246, 248; gold medal syndrome and, 245–255; Hu Jintao and, 246, 247; Internet and, 246; Wen Jiabao and, 246; nationalism and, 246–248, 254–255; costs of, 250; politics and, 252–253, 252n1; reform and, 253; Soviet Union and, 254; Tibet and, 263
Olympics First Net (website), 219
“On Freedom of Speech” (Hu Ping), 41, 43–44
“On the Feasibility of Benevolence and Righteousness: A Review of Li Ling’s Stray Dog” (Wu Si), 192
One country, two systems policy, 256–258, 260, 264–265
One-party rule, 300, 315
“Open Letter to the Communist Party Committee of Peking University—You Must Deal Seriously with the Anti-Party Speech of He Weifang!,” 231
Open letters, 205–207, 217
Open Magazine, The, xvii
Opium War, 62
Original sin, 123
Ossietzky, Carl von, xiv
“Outline of China’s Land Law” (Communist Party), 32
Outstanding Democracy Activist Award, statement of thanks for, 292–299
Pan Xueqing, 322, 328
Panchen Lama, 265
Paper tiger, 65, 68
Patriarchal society, China as, 168, 171
Patriotism, 62–84; of youth, 52–53; historical conditions of, 67; Deng Xiaoping and, 70–73; media on, 74; background to rise of, 74–80; as violence, 81–84; definition of, 258. See also Nationalism
Patten, Christopher, 260
Peking University, 7, 8, 52, 53; Lin Zhao at, 134, 135, 136; Li Ling at, 189; Qian Liqun at, 192; open letter signatories from, 206; He Weifang and, 231
Pengshui Poem Case, 211–212, 217, 219
“People from All Parts of Society Come Together to Announce Charter 08,” 336
People of the Law magazine, 213
People’s Commune system, 32–33, 38, 88
People’s congresses, 102–103
People’s Daily, 47, 64, 140, 166, 253–254
“People’s Daily Reading Group” (chat room), 183
People’s Liberation Army (PLA), 182, 262
People’s Literature, 41, 151
“Perils and Panics of Fifty Years” (Li Shenzhi), 297
Persecution, victims of, 23, 24, 211
Petition and complaint movement, 38
Petition system, 34, 111, 217. See also Open letters
Petőfi, Sándor, 294
Planes, midair collision between, 78
Plum in the Golden Vase, The (book), 157
Poems, 41; to Liu Xia, xix, 288; topics of, xix; Pengshui Poem Case, 211–212, 217, 219
Poetry magazine, 151
Political humor, 177–187; in post-totalitarian dictatorship, 184–187; in Soviet Union, 185
Politics, xvi; erotic carnival in society and, 168–173; Olympic games and, 252–253, 252n1
Popular culture, 151–152, 155, 185, 225–226
Pornography, 152, 156, 160, 170, 174
Post-totalitarian era: communism in, 47, 49–51, 53–56; youth in, 47–57; political humor and, 184–187
Poverty, 93
Powell, Colin, 272–273
Power: Mao Zedong and, 54–55, 67; righteousness and, 129–130; money and, 163–164; separation of powers, 305
“Practice Is the Sole Criterion for Testing Truth,” 41
Pretty-girl economy, 161–165
Pretty-girl writers, 151, 157–161, 167–173, 181
Prison: Liu Xiaobo in, xiii–xiv, xvii–xviii, xx–xxi, 10, 11, 156, 286–287, 300–301, 321–322, 324–325, 338; Liu Xia’s visits to, xvii, xxi; Tiananmen Massacre and, xvii, 9–11, 286–287; Liao Yiwu in, 9, 11, 286; writers in, 209, 296; for words, 211–220
Private property: loss of, 32, 89; protection of, 85, 90, 93, 308
Privatization: of land, 31, 32–33, 85, 88–90, 93; definition of, 223
Pro-democracy movement,
xvii, 71, 205, 226, 257, 301
Project Gold Shield, 203
Proof of Man, The (film), 40–41
Property Law, 85, 93
Prostitution, 163–164, 169–170
Pu Zhiqiang, 209, 311
Public opinion: on Internet, 207–208, 211–213, 215–220, 218n1, 234; in low sensitivity cases, 215–220; media on, 216
Public servants, public control of, 306
Pursuit (film), 40–41, 152
Qian Liqun, 192
Qianlong, Emperor, 235
Qiao Liang, 78
Qin, First Emperor of, 199, 211, 318
Qin Hui, 193, 209
Qin Zhongfei, 211–212
Qincheng Prison, xvii, 11, 156, 286
Qingming Festival, 135
Qiong Yao, 151
Quotations of Chairman Mao, 193, 292
Racism, in United States, 271–272
Raise the Red Lantern (film), 156–157
Random Thoughts (Ba Jin), 138, 141
Reagan, Ronald, 272
Real estate, 223–224
Recall of officials, 280
“Recommendations on Abolishing the System of Re-education-through-Labor,” 205
Records of the Grand Historian (Sima Qian), 192
Red classics, 178, 179, 181, 182
Red Guards, 69–70
Red Sorghum (film), 153–154
Re-education through labor: Dalian reeducation labor camp, xviii–xix, xxi, 287, 322; campaign to abolish, 219
Reforms, 37–46; Deng Xiaoping on, 37, 42–44, 82; reform and opening policy, 37, 50, 72, 93, 152, 211, 265, 278, 302, 314, 322–323; economic, 37–38, 82; logics for understanding, 37–38; thought, 139, 141; factors spurring, 227; Olympic games and, 253; financial and tax, 308; keywords for, 316
“Regulations Concerning Expropriation and Management of Urban Residences” (State Council), 89, 90
Religion, freedom of, 307–308
Ren Wanding, 41
Ren Xuean, 229
Republicanism, 304
“Requiem” (Liao Yiwu), 11, 286, 287
Residential surveillance, xx, 301, 324, 327
Responsibility system, 33, 36, 88
Revolution of 1911, 63, 302
Rice, Condoleezza, 272–273
Rights-defense movements, 22, 26–28, 45, 93; problems generating, 108–109; open letters and, 205–207; prison for words and, 215–218
Rise of the Great Powers, The (TV series), 228–232, 259
River Elegy (TV series), 230–231
“Rockin’ and Rollin’ on the New Long March” (Cui Jian), 179
Rogge, Jacques, 249, 250–251
Rumor-mongering, 315
Sakharov, Andrei, xiv
Sarcasm, 55–56, 150; of Wang Shuo, 179–181, 184
SARS epidemic, 103, 105, 208, 209, 297
Scar literature, 40, 41, 141
Science and Civilization in China (Needham), 77
Segao (sex-writing), 181–182
Self-defense, of Liu Xiaobo, 313–320
Self-enlightenment, 39
Self-governing organizations, 280
Self-immolation, 86
Self-strengthening movement, 301, 302
Separation of powers, 305
Sesame-seed-sized functionaries, 95
Sex, 150–174; on Internet, 151, 159, 160–161, 165–168, 173, 181–182; steady rise in exposure of flesh, 151–161; in films, 152, 153–154, 156–157, 163; on television, 155, 159–160, 162, 165–167; Western culture and, 158, 162, 168; youth and, 164; female body banquets, 164–165; nationalism, hate and, 165–168
Sex literature, 151–161, 168–173, 181–182; schools of, 161. See also Pretty-girl writers
Shang Baojun, 327, 328
Shanghai Baby (Wei Hui), 158, 172
Shanghai Cooperation Organization, 233
Shen Congwen, 139, 140
Shu Ting, 153
Shu Yi, 138
Sima Qian, 192, 194, 318
Sima Tan, 194, 246
Sinocentric worldview (Sino-centrism), 65, 118
Sister Hibiscus (pen name), 181, 182, 209
“Sky, The” (Mang Ke), 41
“Skynet Center for Missing Persons, The” (website), 183
Slander, 315, 330
Slave-wage system, 33
“Smash the Old World, Create a New One” (Red Guards), 69
Social modernization, 42
Social security, 308
Society: change in regime and, 21–29; bottom-up transformation of, 26–28; ways in which moneymaking is good for, 49; patriarchal, 168, 171; erotic carnival in politics and, 168–173; economic miracle’s impact on, 226–227. See also Civil society
“Song of the Lute Player” (Bai Juyi), 160
Souls of the dead, xvii, 293–294
Southern Metropolis newspaper, 96
“Southern Metropolitan Case,” 217
Southern Metropolitan Daily, 216
Southern Weekend, 100, 216
Soviet Union, 21; under Khrushchev, 42, 186; October Revolution and, 63; China’s relations with, 65, 67–68, 77, 80, 233–234; political humor in, 185; Olympic games and, 254
Sports, 235, 249–250. See also Olympic games
Spring and Autumn period (770–476 BCE), 191
Stars Exhibition, 41, 44–45
State Council, 89, 90
State ownership of land, 33–36, 85–93
“Stories of the Editorial Office” (Wang Shuo), 180
Stray Dog: My Reading of “The Analects” (Li Ling), 189–192, 198–199
“Strong Nation Forum” (chat room), 166
Stuart, Leighton, 66
Su Xiaokang, xv, xix
Suicides, 85, 87–88, 139, 140
Sun Danian, 218
Sun Dawu, 209, 218n1
Sun Hui, 8
Sun Lanyu, 212
Sun Yanlin, 95
Sun Yat-sen University, 231
Sunzi’s Art of War, 80
System hegemony, 81–82
Szeto Wah, 257, 260
Taiwan: independence of, xviii; Chiang Ching-kuo and, 21, 28, 48, 274; relations with, 78, 79, 81, 82, 233; popular culture from, 151; government of, 264, 274
“Talks at Yan’an” (Mao Zedong), 128–129
“Tall Tales of the Journey to the West,” 180–181
Tang Yaoming, 78
Tang Yijie, 206
Tankman, 8
Tao Li (first wife of Liu Xiaobo), 124
Television, 70; and films from Japan, 40–41; series, 70, 228–232, 235, 259; sex on, 155, 159–160, 162, 165–167. See also China Central Television; specific programs
Teng Biao, 209, 311, 332
Teng, Teresa, 40, 152
Terrorism, 64, 78
Testimony (Liao Yiwu), 286, 287
Thatcher, Margaret, 260
“Their Crimes Must Be Punished Severely” (Wenhui Daily), 140
“Thick Black Theory” (Li Zongwu), 75
Third World theory, 68, 234
Thomas Aquinas, 25
Thought: control of, 23, 24; liberation of thought movement, 39, 41–42, 151; reform, 139, 141
Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality (Freud), 153
“Three Minutes of Passion” (Huang Jianxiang), 178
Three Represents, 49
Tiananmen Mothers, 5, 12, 134, 297; Witnessing the Massacre and Seeking Justice, 3; open letter to National People’s Congress, 206
Tiananmen Massacre: black hands and, xvii, 9–10, 11, 206, 259; Liu Xiaobo and, xvii, 3–4, 11–12; prison and, xvii, 9–11, 286–287; souls of the dead and, xvii, 293–294; Transcripts, 3–12; government-imposed lockdown after, 4; cover-up after, 5–6; intellectuals and, 6, 9; victims’ ages, 6; tankman and, 8; Communist Party purge following, 49; world opinion on, 71; campaign testing loyalty after, 170; youth after, 179–180; regime’s characterizations of, 259; hunger strike declaration and, 277–283; as human rights disaster, 301, 302, 315
Tibet, 107; Hu
Jintao and, 262–264, 266; Wen Jiabao and, 262–264, 266; Dalai Lama and, 262–266, 273–274; Olympic games and, 263; during Cultural Revolution, 265
Tie Ning, 158
To, James, 260
“To an Oak” (Shu Ting), 153
“To Change a Regime by Changing a Society” (Liu Xiaobo), 21–29, 313, 316, 328, 330, 333, 336, 337
Today magazine, 40, 41, 43, 153
Tong Qinbing, 206
Totalitarian rule, pillars of, 23–24
Tourists, 126, 237
Tragic Case of the Fanglin Elementary School, 208
Transcripts (of Tiananmen Square victims’ families), 3–12
Travel policy, to Hong Kong, 256–257
Truth: undermining lies, 297–299; in reconciliation, 309
Tsinghua University, 8, 9, 193
Tung Chee-hwa, 257, 258
24-character ditty, 317
Tyranny of mind, 23
Ultra-nationalism, 45, 64, 73, 83, 198
Underworld economy, 101–102
United Nations, 81; human rights covenants, 301, 318, 323; Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 301, 317; Council on Human Rights, 309, 318; Security Council, 309, 317, 318
United States: China’s relations with, 52–53, 64–68, 77–83, 233–235; in Korea, 67, 79; views of, 229, 231, 238; Obama and, 270–273; civil rights movement in, 271–272; racism in, 271–272
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 301, 317
Unrestricted Warfare (Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui), 78
Velvet revolutions, 187
Vietnam, 67, 80
Village committees, 38
Violence: culture of, 22; of class struggle, 38; patriotism as, 81–84
Wałesa, Lech, xiv
Wall-jumping software, 218
Wan Zhi, 41
Wang Anyi, 153
Wang Binbin, 103
Wang Dongji, 103
Wang Furen, 206
Wang Ganchang, 206
Wang Guangmei, 155
Wang Guangyi, 181
Wang Jian’gang, 185–186
Wang Juntao, 9
Wang Junxia, 235
Wang Lixiong, 273
Wang Meng, xv, 138
Wang Nan, 5–6, 7
Wang Ping (pen name), 216–217
Wang Quanjie, 97–99
Wang Ruoshui, 206
Wang Shuo: sarcasm of, 179–181, 184; “Stories of the Editorial Office,” 180
Wang Weiping, 8–9
Wang Xiangsui, 78
Wang Xiaobo: Golden Age, 154–155; humor of, 180
Wang Xinlei, 104
Wang Xizhe, xviii
Wang Yang, 219
Wang Yi, 9, 209
Wang Zhen, 179
Wang Zhengjun, 95
Wang Zhengsheng, 5
Wang Zhongxia, 332–333
Wang Zifeng, 212