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Hot Girlz: Hot Boyz Sequel

Page 6

by Monteilh, Marissa

  The next afternoon, Friday the 13th around four-thirty, Venus was just leaving a conference in Beverly Hills, headed toward the door when she answered her phone.

  “Yes, honey?”

  “Are you still at the Screen Actors Guild event?”

  “Yes. The volunteerism conference.” She detected a rush in his voice. “What’s going on?”

  “The alarm went off at the house.”


  “The alarm company just called. I thought you were there already. Where’s Cameron?”

  “I don’t know. You think maybe he set it off?”

  “I don’t know. You call him. I’m headed home. Call me if you find out anything.”

  “I’m leaving here now.”

  “Bye.” He clicked off.

  Venus immediately switched over to dial Cameron. “Cam, are you home?”

  “No.” Loud music played in the background.

  “Where are you?”

  “I’m at a friend’s house. Why?”

  She spoke louder. “The house alarm went off. Your dad’s headed there now, and so am I.”

  “Oh, no. I don’t know what happened.” He paused and said to someone, “Turn that down, I’m talking to my mom.” He then said, “I left early this morning, right after you guys left. I set it and headed out.”

  She said, “I’m sure it’s just a false alarm.”

  The music was lower. “Yeah, it happened once before last year while I was there. It just went off by itself.”

  “Okay, listen, I’m headed home now. I should be there in like thirty minutes or so.”

  “I’ll go by there, too.”

  “No. Let your dad go first.”


  She just had to ask. “Are you at Candy’s house?”

  “Yes,” he replied slowly, as though maybe he should not have.

  As she rushed to her car and pressed the button on her key, she said, “Anyway, I’ll call you back.”

  Cameron said, “Later.”


  While Venus was a couple of minutes from home, Claude called again. “What was it?” she asked without even saying hello.

  “The police are here.”

  “Okay.” She waited for more.

  “Someone did break in. The front door was wide open. They took every television we had. And, it looks like they have our jewelry that was on the dressers in the silver jewelry boxes.”

  “Oh, shit! What about the safe?”

  “The safe was untouched. Or at least maybe they couldn’t crack the code. And they didn’t take any computers, thank God.”

  “Oh my. I can’t believe this.”

  “See, I’m telling you. It’s time to move.”

  “Claude, I’m sure this was completely random. These things happen everywhere.”

  “Well, if I had to guess, I’d say that Candy girl had something to do with it. Most times when flat screens are taken, it’s because someone came into your house and dropped a dime. I don’t trust her. I’ve just got a funny feeling.”

  “I’m sure we’ll find out. Once the police do their job, we’ll know.”

  “I’ll be outside when you pull up. And I’m telling you, tomorrow, we’re taking the day off and heading out to Laguna to find a place. I printed out some listings this morning. I can’t believe this.”

  “I’m pulling up now. Hanging up.” She saw two police cars and an unmarked car in front of the house, one parked next to Claude’s car in the driveway, which was his second car, a black Audi A8. She parked in front of the house next door and got out, running up to Claude who had just come outside. “Oh my, God. I still can’t believe it.”

  He hugged her. “I know. Where was Cameron?”

  “He’s at a friend’s house.” She stood next to him, watching another police car pull up.

  “Candy’s house?” Claude’s arm was around her waist.

  “I don’t know.”

  He removed his arm and turned to face her. “Venus, where is he?”

  “Yeah, he’s at her house. He’s been there since this morning.”

  He looked like he wanted to say something, but instead he said, “I’ve gotta pick up Skyy.”

  The police officer who pulled up approached with his partner. “Are you the homeowner, Sir?”

  “Yes. I’m Claude Wilson. You two can go on in.”

  “Thanks.” He looked at Venus. “Ma’am.”


  Venus heard the officer say to his partner, “That’s Mason Wilson’s brother.”

  The other officer looked back.

  “Claude, I’ll go get Skyy.”

  “Here. Take my car. I think they parked too close to you. You’re blocked in.”

  “Okay. Be right back.” She took the keys from Claude and walked to the driver’s side, getting in his Audi. Right away, Venus saw Claude’s briefcase on the floor of the passenger side. Something inside told her not to. But as soon as she backed up and pulled off, waving to Claude as he went back in the house, at the very first stop sign she leaned over and simply clicked it open, noticing file folders and a few envelopes. She flipped through the letters, some looked like the ones from the mailbox that day, and there it was. The letter Owen sent her. Only it was just the envelope. Empty. The letter he had written Venus about her so-called freaky past and real intentions, was missing.


  Later, Venus had taken Skyy next door to their neighbor’s house until the investigators and alarm company representatives left.

  Venus was at home, looking around to see what all was missing, thinking about the violating creepiness of knowing someone had been in their house to burglarize them. And also thinking about where Claude could have put that letter, as it was obvious now that he read it.

  She heard her phone ringing. It was on the kitchen table next to her purse. She ran to it, picking it up. “Yes, Cam.”

  Cameron’s voice was mad. “You told Dad where I was?”

  “Calm down. He asked. I had to.”

  “Man.” Cameron reacted sighing.

  “Cam, don’t worry about that. I think we’re gonna go ahead and move to Laguna Hills. And, I’m seriously thinking about working from home, doing something else so I can be home with Skyy. You can work and go to school out there. This could be a blessing in disguise. Let’s all take this and turn it into something positive. We’ve been through too much, coming so far since the days after I married your dad when you and I had such a hard time. We’ve got to focus on our family.”

  “All I know is I need my own place. I just need enough money to get in a place and then I can move on. Maybe I’ll ask Uncle Mason if I can live in the spot where Grandma and Grandpa lived that he owns. You know, their old condo in Fox Hills.”

  “Cam, I don’t think you should live anywhere other than home. And Mason’s kept that place for sentimental reasons, but I actually heard he might sell it. The first thing you need to do is make your own money. Your dad and I can’t loan you any money. For your own good, you need to get a job.”

  Cameron sounded distracted. “Hold on. Wait. Mom, I’ll call you right back.”


  She heard him say with irritation, “What?” The call ended.

  Venus watched Claude wrap things up with the alarm guy who reset the codes. She noticed Claude now had his briefcase in hand.

  She headed upstairs and into their bedroom, placing her cell on the bed and then examining the top of the dresser, inside some of her drawers, purses, and other items.

  Right away, she thought to look for the black velvet ring box that she kept in the back of her lingerie drawer.

  “Dammit,” she screamed, frantically rummaging through her panties, baby dolls, and teddies.

  It was gone.

  The box that she kept her heart-shaped emerald ring in was missing.

  She let out a high-pitched wail. “Claude!” just as her phone rang.

  “What?” he replied boisterously f
rom downstairs.

  She hurried to the bed to pick up her phone and pressed the screen. “Cam,” she yelled just as loud.

  “Mom. Candy just admitted it to me. It was her. She had someone break in. I’m sorry.”

  It was truly Friday the 13th at Claude and Venus Wilson’s home.



  “. . . her husband having had sex with Colette.”

  The Friday morning air was dry and hot, although it was barely eight o’clock.

  It was a week later.

  August 20th.

  A court date.

  Torino, wearing a gray suit and maroon tie, was behind the wheel, and Sequoia, wearing a little black dress with pumps and a blazer, sat in the passenger seat as they headed downtown. He took the exit from the 110 Freeway, and though few words were spoken along the way, he spoke up, out of the blue, sounding just as blue. The topic was an obvious one.

  “We were unmarried. That boy is not my son.” He kept his eyes on the road.

  “Lighten up. You sound like you’re rehearsing for the witness stand.”

  He said nothing.

  “Look at it this way. This is just way overdue. It’s a shame you and her couldn’t do this on your own without the courts.”

  “It’s okay. I’m actually relieved to be able to prove I’m not the father.”

  Sequoia turned and looked at him. “Torino. This is not the Maury Povich show.”

  “Funny.” He didn’t laugh.

  “Kyle Jr. needs to know.”

  Torino just looked straight ahead.

  “With Colette, anything is possible.”

  “I know. I’m just going with what I believe will be the best case scenario for Kyle Jr. For him to be with the mother and father he’s known. And honestly, what would be the best case scenario for us, too, is to move on and get this behind us, for our sake, and for TJ’s sake.”

  “I’m still amazed that any woman would do something so desperate to keep a man, to have a child just to get him to stay.”

  “It didn’t work. Even if she did tilt her ass back on the toilet and insert some sperm. Still doesn’t mean it’s my child.”

  ‘True.” Sequoia looked out of the passenger window and could see the parking lot for the courthouse. “So what happens after today? I mean so, you go in and deny that you’re the father and they order a paternity test?”

  “That’s what Attorney Phillips tells me.”

  “And Colette’s given them all of your information? Like, how would she know all that? Your income and everything.”

  “They’ll request it, I guess.”

  “I still say she’s in dire straits. And Kyle’s mighty quiet.”

  “He has been for years. What would he be saying right about now?”

  “I was wondering about that. What man is gonna be okay with his son’s mom, his woman, suddenly just deciding to seek child support from someone, when he thought he’s been the father all along?”

  “What makes you think he believes he’s Kyle’s biological dad? He might have his own doubts. No telling who the father is.”

  “Yeah, but who else was she seeing? You never mentioned that Colette was cheating before that night she ran to Kyle after you two argued at the club.” Sequoia waited. “Oops, can’t believe I just asked that. Duh.”

  “Yeah. I don’t put anything past her.” Torino’s phone rang. He put it on speakerphone. “Yeah.”

  “Good morning, Torino. It’s Attorney Phillips.”

  “Good morning.”

  “You almost here?”

  “Yes, we are. My wife and I are parking now.”

  “Good. Come up to the seventh floor and I’ll be in the hallway just as you come off the elevators.”

  Torino said, “Got it. See you in a minute.”


  The courtroom was full. Every seat was taken and a few stood in the back. It was a large room with the judge’s bench, bailiff, stenographer, and the judge’s assistant, who handed him file after file, keeping the cases moving along.

  Sequoia was in the seat right next to her husband. She wore just enough sexy as though it were her intention to mess with Torino’s ex. More than a few times, she had looked over at the plaintiff, Colette Berry, from the other side of the room, taking in the rare view of the woman who had caused so much trouble.

  The older male judge said, “Case number 2164C2010. Berry versus Wilson. Are all parties in the courtroom today?” The brass nameplate before him read, THE HONORABLE JUDGE STEVEN GARRETT.

  “Yes, Your Honor. I’m attorney Royal Phillips representing Torino Jesse Wilson.” The attorney and Torino stood.

  “Yes, Sir. My name is Colette Berry.” Colette was unrepresented. She stood as well, all two hundred plus pounds of her. And a prematurely graying Kyle Brewer, Sr. was right by her side. His eyes were as hazel as ever.

  As Colette stood tall, Sequoia gave a quick sigh of relief. It was almost as though the fact that Colette no longer looked like the quintessential model brought Sequoia pleasure. She wondered how Mercedes could have possibly put Colette to work nowadays anyway. She just couldn’t stop staring, no matter how hard she tried.

  “You may come up to the respective microphones before me,” the judge announced.

  Torino and his attorney approached and stood side-by-side.

  The way six foot-tall Colette began to walk, you would have thought it was one of Mercedes’s fashion shows because even though she was thicker than a Snicker, she wore a tight crème colored pantsuit and worked it like she was back on the runway in 2004, wearing high, spectator pumps, excusing herself all ladylike as she stepped past each person seated in her row, approaching the microphone like she was about to do a fancy Tyra Banks spin move, flinging her golden, flat ironed hair from side-to-side. She held on to a file folder and a white leather satchel. Her caramel eyes matched her skin. She managed a quick look back at Sequoia.

  Sequoia still stared whether Colette looked or not. She imagined her husband having had sex with Colette. And knowing that she herself was not the only one in the room who did made her stomach ache.

  Torino only looked straight ahead.

  The judge said, “Attorney Phillips. Your client has been named in a child support case. The petitioner, Ms. Berry, has asked for assistance from the court in establishing paternity.” He wrote as he spoke. “We will grant Ms. Berry’s request as part of the requirement that paternity be determined prior to moving on to the custody phase of this case.”

  Colette spoke up as though she was asked to. Her voice was high-pitched and she spoke fast. “Your Honor, I’ve also asked that my only child, my son, Kyle Jr.’s, name be changed.”

  The judge looked at her with a stern face. “Ms. Berry, I understand that you do not have the benefit of a lawyer, although I do suggest that you obtain one. I won’t assume that affordability is an issue for you, but there are pro-bono attorneys whom you can seek out and retain.

  “Now, here’s how it works in this courtroom. You will not speak unless a question has been asked of you, or unless I inquire as to whether or not you have anything you’d like to add, is that clear Ms. Berry?”

  “Yes, Sir.” She looked down at her file folder, covered her mouth and gave a short cough. She sorted through papers using her fingertips, with her long, pink-and-white French nails.

  The judge continued, “We will not jump the gun and move ahead to consider anything, including last name, custody, or support until we establish paternity as required by law.” He looked at Torino. “Mr. Wilson, for the record, you are denying paternity of Kyle Chad Brewer, Jr. Is that correct?”

  Torino replied. “Yes, Your Honor.”

  “I am therefore ordering you to a laboratory, to be chosen by you from a list we will provide, to obtain testing through a DNA buccal swab within the next thirty-days. Ms. Berry, as well, you will need to bring Kyle Brewer, Jr. to a laboratory that is also from that list for testing within the same thirty-day period. The results wil
l be sent to me and I will announce the results on, let’s see . . . that will be September 28th. That’s a Tuesday, at 8:30 in the morning in this courtroom. From there we will proceed depending upon those findings. If the test is negative, the case will be closed, and if it is positive, and if confirmed that Mr. Wilson is the father, I will proceed to the next phase and order child support, and also issues of custody and name change will be addressed at that time. Is that clear?” He looked at Torino first.

  Attorney Phillips whispered in Torino’s ear. Then Torino said, “Yes, Your Honor.” Torino’s head nod accompanied his words.

  Then the judge looked at Colette.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “And I see that back-child support is requested. Is that correct, Ms. Berry?”

  “Yes, it is.” She tilted her head to the side.

  “Has Mr. Wilson paid any monies for this child, or spent time with the child?”

  She fingered the strands of her wispy bangs. “No. Sir.”

  “Is it your claim that the child was conceived in California?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Colette shifted her weight from her left leg to her right.

  “Okay.” He began writing again. “Please see the clerk for the list of court approved laboratories, and this case will continue on September 28th. Any questions?”

  “No, Your Honor.”

  “No. Sir. I understand.”

  “See you back here then.” He closed the file and handed it to his assistant, taking another file in hand. “Next case.”

  As the judge read the names and file number of the case to follow, the attorney walked over to get the list of laboratories from the clerk. Torino stood back, waiting for Colette to gather her papers and step away first. She did slowly with just as much flavor as when she entered. She didn’t look at Torino, but simply stepped down the aisle toward the door with Kyle hurrying up to position himself right behind her.

  By the time Torino and Sequoia made their way to the door and exited the courtroom, Colette and Kyle were standing right outside the door.

  Kyle could be heard saying something to Colette about her forgetting to get the list.


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