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Evan's Alphas

Page 6

by D. J. Heart

  “I want you to make me come in less than two minutes, okay? If you can do it, you’ll get a reward when we get home. If you don’t, Chad and I will play by ourselves.

  Evan’s eyes widen, his expression shocked and aroused.

  “Time starts... now,” Peter says, stepping back. Evan sways, then he crashes to his knees, ripping Peter’s pants open and freeing his dick in record time. Peter grins, Evan’s rushed panic turning him on.

  “Good boy,” he growls, his cock sinking down Evan’s throat. Evan is being sloppy and messy, and it’s turning Peter on. Evan’s eyes are wide open, and as he looks up at Peter it’s clear that this is one challenge he intends to win. His expression is almost defiant, and that turns Peter on like nothing else.

  “Fuck,” he growls, knot lodged behind Evan’s teeth, cock throbbing as Evan starts humming.

  Peter has no idea how long it takes him before he’s shooting his load, pulling out so that he doesn’t knot Evan’s mouth, letting Evan drink down his come in big gulps, but he knows that it can’t have been two minutes.

  “Good boy. You get a reward,” he says, pulling Evan up and kissing him hard. Their teeth clash, and Peter can taste himself in Evan’s mouth.

  “Can I…?” Evan asks, humping Peter’s leg. Peter can feel Evan’s little cock on his thigh. It’s kind of hot.

  “If you can do it in less than twenty seconds,” Peter says, knowing that Evan could have done it in ten. Evan goes crazy, burying his head in Peter’s chest, breathing in through his nose and inhaling Peter’s scent, rubbing himself off against Peter’s muscular thigh like some kind of little sex demon. When he comes, hips stuttering, an audible gasp filling the room, Peter’s cock gives an answering twitch.

  “Feel good?” Peter asks, rubbing Evan’s back. Evan just nods, breathing hard.

  “Good,” Peter laughs, tucking his cock back into his pants and pulling on his coat. Rather than take the edge off, all he’s done is whet both their appetites.

  It’s time to go home to Chad.


  Chad leaves the room, feeling sweaty and exhausted, his feet heavy. Whatever he’d imagined would happen when they gave the omegas the heat suppressors, it wasn’t this.

  Seizures, fever, and agonizing pain were just some of the side effects they had witnessed so far, and those were the lucky ones. The ones who’d survived. Out of thirty-six omegas that had been given the suppressors, two had died.

  Gone into cardiac arrest, the doctor said. Their bodies were unable to handle the stress of the synthetic heat blocker.

  “Are you okay?” Dawn asks, coming into the hallway after him. She doesn’t look ruffled; her expression and body language are the same as ever.

  “Don’t you feel bad for them?” Chad asks, not meaning the words to sound like such an accusation. Dawn’s eyes widen and she steps back.

  “Of course I do. You don’t have to be an omega rights activist to know that the way omegas are treated is bad. But we’re helping them. This? What they’re going through now? That’s temporary.”

  “You’re right. Sorry,” Chad says, pulling himself together. It’s just hard, watching people strapped down and screaming in agony. Especially when he is the one who arranged for it to happen. But Dawn is right. They’re helping the omegas, and he needs to remember that.

  “The worst seems to be over,” Dawn says, looking toward the door. They gave all the omegas their doses at once, which in hindsight was a stupid thing to do. But neither one of them expected the side effects to be so severe.

  The notes from the ORC had listed the side effects as negligible.

  “It’s working, right?” Chad says. He’s been watching the omegas ever since they administered the suppressors, and though it’s been a horror show, he thinks it’s working.

  “Yes, it is. Some of them are starting to fall asleep. The nurses are saying we should keep them hooked up to the IVs until the morning, and see how they’re doing then.”

  Chad nods, relieved that some of the omegas at least are finally getting some rest.

  “Should we keep them restrained through the night? I mean, some of them, now that they’re not in heat… they might try to run away.”

  Chad looks at the door, considering. The omegas are being kept in the omega barracks of the downtown location of the Virgin O. The barracks has only one door, and even if they get past that, the lower level of the building can be sealed off.

  “Keep them restrained until they wake up, and if they’re calm you can have the nurses unlock them.”

  They stand in the hallway for a few more minutes, soaking in the quiet, before heading back into the barracks. It reeks of fear, sweat, pain, and heat, though the latter is getting weaker by the minute.

  “Sir, number twenty-eight has passed away. It looks like an aneurysm,” one of the nurses, Chad can’t remember her name, says in a low voice. She sounds apologetic, but that’s probably just because of the rage fit Chad had thrown when the nurses failed to care when the first omega died.

  Chad curses, feeling like he’s going to cry. He holds it together, nodding at the nurse, instructing her to remove the body and put it with the others. There’s an incinerator in the basement, but Chad would rather cut off his hand than burn the bodies there.

  He walks over to number twenty-eight, looking down at the little omega with a feeling of having failed. Most of the omegas Peter claimed as part of his spoils have names, but some of them don’t have anything but a number. Like cattle.

  Chad wonders what went wrong for alphas to go from caring for and treasuring omegas to this.


  Chad goes home a few hours later, exhausted and wanting nothing but to curl up in Peter’s arms, holding Evan in his, and sleep.

  “Hey, how did it go? Is Trick okay? Can I go see him tomorrow?” Evan asks the minute he comes out of the elevator. Peter comes out a second later. Peter is grinning, though his expression falls when he sees Chad.

  They’ve known each other long enough to know when the other is feeling down.

  “Trick is fine,” Chad says, giving Evan a hug. He squeezes maybe a little too hard, making Evan oomph. “He’s sleeping. Maybe you can see him tomorrow. We’ll see.”

  “Can’t I just come with you in the morning? We could—”

  Peter comes up behind Evan, hugging the omega against his chest, putting a hand over his mouth and shutting him up.

  “Why don’t you go take a shower, and then we can sit and watch TV for a while before we go to bed. I’ll call down for some pizza and beer. Sound good?” Peter asks, eyes sympathetic.

  That does sound good.

  “Thanks,” Chad says with a small smile, heading into the apartment. Peter might frustrate him sometimes, but in moments like this Chad doesn’t know how he would ever live without him.


  Evan feels like he’s missed something. He waits until Peter removes his hand from his mouth, looking up. Chad has gone inside, and Peter looks troubled.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks.

  “Chad is feeling a little down. He’ll tell us about it later,” Peter says, pulling Evan back into the apartment.

  “Down? Do you think something went wrong with the suppressors?” Evan asks, worried.

  “I don’t know. I’ll call Dawn and see what’s going on. You can order the pizza and beer for us.” Peter kisses Evan on the forehead, and walks toward his office. Evan goes to the living room and sits down. He hopes that nothing bad has happened.

  Taking his phone out of his pocket, Evan sighs. After the blowjob and rutting in Peter’s office, Evan had been convinced they were going to go home for more sex. Except Peter had wanted to wait for Chad.

  Evan has a feeling he won’t be getting knotted tonight. Then again, maybe fucking Evan is exactly what Chad needs to make him feel better.

  Evan calls down to the concierge and asks him to order pizza and send up some beer, listing the Pizza place Chad likes and all his favorite toppings.
br />   “Yes, sir,” the concierge says, and Evan thanks him and hangs up.

  Now he just has to wait for Peter or Chad to tell him what’s going on.


  Peter sits down behind his desk, sinking into his comfortable leather chair, and picks up his phone. He calls Dawn and asks for an update. When she’s done talking, Peter is certain that Chad will be okay.

  It’s unfortunate that the side effects of the suppressor are so severe, but that they work at all is a blessing.

  Hanging up, Peter heads into the living room to join Evan. The omega is sitting on the couch, knees drawn up to his chest, watching TV as he bites on his thumb. When Peter comes into the room, Evan looks up with an anxious expression.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “The suppressors worked, though there were some side effects. Everything is fine, now though.” Peter doesn’t mention the fact that three omegas died.

  “Then why is Chad so sad?” Evan asks, furrowing his brow.

  Peter sits down next to Evan, resting a hand on the omega’s thigh.

  “He’s probably just tired. He’ll feel better in a little while. Just don’t bug him and let him tell us what’s bothering him at his own pace.”

  Evan bites his lip and nods, leaning into Peter’s body.

  “Did you order the pizza?” Peter asks, feeling hungry.

  Evan nods.


  Chad dries himself off and leaves his towel on the floor, slipping into an old T-shirt and a pair of comfy sweats. The hot water did him good, and he already feels more relaxed.

  “Hey,” he says, walking into the living room. There are three boxes of pizza spread out on the coffee table. Peter hands him a cold bottle of beer.

  “Feeling better?” Peter asks, leaning forward and wrapping an arm around Chad’s waist, pulling him down to the couch between him and Evan.

  “Yeah. Just tired.” He turns to Evan. “There’s nothing to worry about. Transitioning out of heat was pretty rough on the omegas, but they’re all sleeping now. I think they’ll be fine once they’ve had some rest.”

  Chad hopes it’s true. He and Peter haven’t told Evan about the omegas that have died of their heats while they’ve looked for a solution, and he has no intention of telling him about the ones that died today.

  “Good. Thank you for helping them,” Evan says, trying to push his way in under Chad’s arm. Chad laughs, lifting his arm to accommodate his young omega. Evan leans into his side, resting his head on Chad’s chest.

  Chad doesn’t respond, other than to lean down and kiss Evan’s forehead. He hopes the omegas he’s helping will end up as happy and well-adjusted as Evan.

  Peter gives Chad a soft smile, bumping his shoulder. Chad smiles back.

  “Okay, I’m starving. I think we should dig in,” Peter says, leaning forward and opening the middle pizza box, putting two slices on a paper plate and handing it to Chad before serving himself and Evan.

  Chad eats his pizza, closing his eyes and moaning at how good it tastes. Evan laughs.

  It’s been a weird day, but Chad knows that it was all for the best.


  It takes an entire week before Chad is willing to let Evan come visit Trick.

  “Okay, he’s right through there. The last bed on the right. I can’t come in with you—we need to minimize their exposure to alphas so that they don’t go into heat again—but I’ll be waiting out here,” Chad says, leading Evan into the lower levels of the downtown Virgin O building.

  Evan hadn’t realized that the omegas were being kept in the barracks of the Virgin O. It’s not the one he was sold to, but the layout is the same, and as they walk through the doors and into the lower level, Evan feels his chest constrict in panic.

  He doesn’t like it here.

  “Are you okay?” Chad asks, spinning Evan around so that they’re face to chest, Chad’s large hands squeezing Evan’s shoulders.

  Evan nods.

  “Yes. I just don’t… I don’t like it here,” he says, looking up into Chad’s eyes. The alpha’s expression is sympathetic.

  “I’m sorry, but this is the only place Peter and I own where we could house this many omegas safely. Do you want to leave?”

  Evan shakes his head. He can do this, and he wants to talk to Trick. Make sure the omega knows he isn’t forgotten.

  “No, I want to see him. It’s fine. Thank you for bringing me.”

  Chad nods, his right hand sliding up to give Evan’s neck a squeeze. Evan lets the touch calm him.

  “You ready to go in?”

  Evan nods, Chad stepping back to the other side of the room, a pretty young beta nurse smiling at him and opening the door. Looking back at Chad, Evan steps inside.

  The room is exactly the same as the one where he was kept during his time of captivity. The same rows of beds, the same windowless walls. When the door closes behind him, Evan gasps, feeling like he’s going to hyperventilate.

  There’s an unfamiliar omega on the bed right in front of him, staring at him with wide eyes.

  “You’re new,” the omega says, sitting up on top of his sheets. Evan looks around, unsure what to say. He doesn’t know this person. Looking around, he realizes that the eyes of every omega in the room are on him.

  “I’m here to visit Trick,” he says, voice weak.

  “Why?” the omega asks. He’s not hostile, just curious.

  “He’s my friend,” Evan says. “I wanted to make sure that he’s okay.”

  The omega looks suspicious, but he doesn’t say anything else. Evan hesitates, then makes his way down to the end of the room. He sees Trick sitting on the last bed, legs folded in the lotus position, looking tired and alert.

  “Evan,” he says, like he’s tasting the word, drawing it out. “With the knights in shining armour. I remember you.”

  Evan stops at the foot of the bed, studying Trick. The omega has dark circles under his eyes, and his skin is pale, but he isn’t in heat, and his eyes are clearer than Evan has ever seen them.

  “Hi, Trick. Evan says, smiling carefully. After hesitating a second, Evan moves onto the bed and sits down across from Trick, mirroring his pose. “How are you doing?”

  Trick watched him for a second, then he starts laughing.

  Evan is confused.

  “I’m not in heat anymore,” he says, no trace of a smile lingering on his face after he stops laughing. “How are you? Still with that big he-man who rescued you?”

  Evan nods, feeling out of his depth.

  “I’m sorry they had to put you in this building. I know it can’t be fun to be here even after you’ve been rescued, but as soon as you get a new alpha you can leave.”

  Trick just stares at him, eyes wide.

  “New alpha?” he asks, blinking. He sounds worried. Evan freezes, wondering why Trick sounds so confused. Chad and Dawn must have told the omegas what they were doing. Right?

  “Didn’t they tell you what the plan was?” Evan asks, looking to his left. The omega on the bed next to them is listening to their conversation, legs pulled up to his chest and chin resting on his knees. He looks just as confused as Trick.

  “They haven’t told us anything. All I know is that they gave us a shot so that we stopped being in heat. What do you mean, new alpha?”

  Evan doesn’t understand why Chad and Dawn haven’t explained to Trick and the others what they are doing. He wonders if he’s allowed to, or if there’s some reason for keeping them in the dark. Trick is staring at him, hand lifted to his mouth, nibbling on his fingernails.

  Not wanting to go back out and ask Chad if it’s okay to tell them, Evan decides to just go for it.

  “They’re finding everyone new alphas to bond with,” Evan says, keeping it simple.

  “Really?” the omega to his left asks, sounding hopeful. Evan nods.

  “Yes. They haven’t told you this?”

  The omega shakes his head. Evan turns to look at Trick, surprised by the angry expression h
e finds on his face.

  “What’s wrong?” Evan asks.

  “What if I don’t want a new alpha?” Trick snarls, clenching his fists.

  Evan doesn’t understand.

  “You don’t want to bond again?” Evan asks, shocked. He gets that alphas can be assholes, but Trick needs one. Omegas can’t survive without an alpha to take care of them.


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