Evan's Alphas

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Evan's Alphas Page 9

by D. J. Heart

  “Aiden and I had a falling out. If he was behind the abduction of my omega, then that was an act of revenge against me and my mate.”

  Detective Adams smirks, like he thinks he has Peter on the ropes. Peter clenches his fists, nails digging into his palms.

  “Even so, it does put the legitimacy of your challenge against Richard Cruz in question.”

  Peter’s jaw clamps shut, indignation filling him. The detective isn’t there to ask him questions or find any new information, he’s delivering Peter notice that his challenge against Cruz has been brought up for additional review.

  Usually a notice like this would be sent by a messenger, delivered as close to the deadline as possible, but Detective Adams apparently wants to rub it in.

  “And so, I have to inform you that a hearing has been called for the second of next month. This is the official notice.”

  Detective Adams pulls a crumpled up piece of paper out of his pocket, dropping it down on Peter’s desk.

  “Have a nice day.”

  Detective Adams turns, leaving the office like he thinks that he’s won. Peter watches him go, teeth bared in a silent snarl, and waits until the door is closed before looking at the paper and calling his lawyers.

  This is going to be a mess.


  Chad watches David, formerly known as number seventeen, leave with his new alpha. He doesn’t feel as great about the investment banker as he has about some of the alphas, but he passed their background checks and Dawn’s interview.

  David was the thirty-second omega, leaving only one left in need of an alpha. It’s been mostly smooth going, with just one alpha causing a fuss when Chad told him he wasn’t what they were looking for.

  “I can’t wait for this to be over,” Dawn says, leaning against the wall. She looks tired, and Chad feels a little guilty. As they near the end, finding alphas that fit their criteria has become more and more difficult, and Chad knows that he isn’t doing his fair share of the work. It’s not that he doesn’t want to, it’s just that Dawn has skills that he doesn’t.

  He would help if he could.

  “Just one more,” he says, Dawn shooting him a look. Chad grimaces, running a hand through his hair.

  The one omega they have left is Trick, and his attitude is proving less than stellar. Whenever alphas have come to look at omegas, Trick will stand in the corner, scowling at the mirror where he knows the alpha is watching. Some alphas would feel challenged by that and would want to break him, but not the alphas Chad and Dawn have screened for. They all choose the eager omegas. The ones who want new alphas.

  Chad honestly doesn’t know what to do. Should they warn the next candidate that Trick has a bad attitude? Talking with Trick doesn’t help. He promises to be better, to behave, and then he goes out and behaves exactly the same. Chad is tempted to punish him, to force him to behave like a normal omega, but he knows that making Trick pretend won’t actually deal with the issue.

  And he doesn’t feel right punishing Trick, either. The boy has been through hell, and Chad can’t blame him for being wary.

  “We’ll find him someone good,” Chad says, trying to convince himself as much as Dawn.

  Dawn nods, pulling herself together. The more they work together, the more Dawn has relaxed around him, but she still prefers to present herself as professional and calm at all times. Chad can’t blame her. It’s part of what has cemented her excellent reputation and Peter’s trust.

  They head back inside, Evan coming back from meeting Trick just as they step into the office.

  “Did you have a nice visit?” Chad asks, Dawn packing up her laptop and briefcase and nodding goodbye. Chad waves her off.

  “He’s just scared, I think,” Evan says, brow furrowing. “And I think he feels bad that he’s the last one to get picked.”

  Chad’s eyes widen in surprise. He hadn’t thought of that. Of course omegas would feel the same way about being picked last as alphas and betas. No one likes to feel unwanted.

  Chad closes his eyes. He keeps thinking that he’s enlightened, that he considers omegas to be just as much people as alphas and betas, but he keeps coming up short.

  “Oh, and Mark wants to talk to you,” Evan says, suddenly looking nervous. Chad opens his eyes.


  “I was invited to a party. Peter said that it was up to you if I could go. Mark thought that you might have questions for him, so he stayed.”

  Chad is about to ask for more details when his phone rings. It’s Peter.

  “Hello,” he says, looking at Evan and wondering what kind of party he’s been invited to. Wondering who would invite an omega to a party.

  “Chad, we have a problem.” Peter’s voice is all business. Chad straightens, all ears.

  “What do you need?” he asks, ready to fall in line behind his alpha.

  “My challenge with Richard Cruz is under review. They’ve got a court order to freeze all the assets I seized, and for selling off the omegas to prevent a loss of profit to the estate in the event I lose. How many are left?”

  Chad feels adrenaline surge through him. They can’t just take the omegas away from their new alphas, can they?

  “Just one. Trick. Are they going to take the ones we already matched?”

  “No, they can only take the ones we still own. They could show up to seize Trick at any minute, though. Is there any way you can get him signed away to an alpha before they get there?”

  Chad’s brain races, though he can’t think of anything. Finding alphas isn’t easy. He can’t just pull one out of a hat.


  “Does Mark have an omega?” Chad asks, looking at Evan as he asks the question. Evan shakes his head no, looking worried.

  “I don’t know,” Peter says.

  “Evan says no,” Chad says.

  “I trust Mark.” Peter sounds sure of himself.

  “I’ll ask him,” Chad says, hanging up.

  “What’s going on?” Evan asks, body tense and worried. Chad grabs two copies of the contracts they’ve been using to give away the omegas and nods his chin for Evan to follow, leaving the room in a hurry. He explains to Evan as he walks.

  “There’s going to be a hearing to see if Peter was right to challenge Cruz. The investigators have asked the courts to sell off all the omegas now, and just let Peter keeps the money if the hearing goes in his favor.”

  “But they can’t sell them if you’ve found them an alpha?” Evan asks, hurrying after Chad as he makes his way into the lobby downstairs where Mark is waiting.

  “No, so we need to get Trick an alpha before they come for him.”

  “When is that?” Evan asks, the two of them arriving in the lobby. Mark is standing by the door, looking patient and relaxed.

  “Chad, hi. I wanted to talk you about—” Mark starts talking, but Chad interrupts him.

  “Do you want an omega?”

  Mark looks confused. He looks from Evan to Chad, frowning.

  “What’s your stance on omega rights?” Chad asks, not waiting for an answer to his first question.

  “Not as liberal as yours, but I don’t think there’s any excuse to treat them unkindly. I don't support places like this, if that’s what you mean,” Mark says. He still looks confused, eyes narrowed in suspicion as he looks at Evan. “Did Evan say something?”

  “No. Peter’s claim is being challenged and the investigators have a court order to seize all the omegas he claimed. They could show up at any minute. We’ve only got one omega left. Do you want him?”

  Mark opens his mouth, but no words come out. “An omega? I don’t… I never really thought I could ever afford one.”

  “Well, Trick is free and you’re all he’s got,” Chad says, itching to get the contract signed.

  “Trick? You mean the one who doesn’t want an alpha?” Mark asks, looking at Evan.

  “He needs an alpha. It’s you or he’s going back to an omega house… or worse. Will you take him?”
  Mark looks shell-shocked, licking his lips as he thinks it over.

  “I… okay, yes. I’ll take him. How do we…?”

  “Sign here,” Chad says, holding out the contract and a pen. Mark takes it, signing his name with a wide-eyed look. Chad knows how he feels. Getting an omega is something usually reserved for wealthy and established alphas. A virgin omega costs more than a nice house, and is far outside the means of most alphas.

  “And here,” Chad says, holding out his version of the contract. Once it’s signed, he feels better, but he won’t relax until Trick is out of his possession and with Mark.

  “Great. Let’s go get him. What was it you wanted to talk to me about?” Chad asks, feeling pumped up on adrenaline, heart racing a mile a minute.

  Mark and Evan follow. “It was just… Evan has been getting more comfortable with his new friends. I was wondering if he’s allowed to go visit them at home, or attend parties with them. Peter said I should ask you.”

  Chad looks at Evan, who looks hopeful. “He can visit them during the daytime, but if he wants to go to a party, Peter or I have to be there.”

  Mark nods, and Evan looks happy with the answer.

  Trick had been taken from the viewing room and down into the barracks. Chad, Evan, and Mark find him sitting in front of the TV Chad had ordered the nurses to install, playing a video game. He jumps up when they enter the room.

  “Hello, Trick. This is your new alpha, Mark. Mark, this is Trick, your new omega,” Chad’s voice is rushed, his impatience clear to everyone in the room.

  “My what?” Trick asks, eyes wide. He’s sweating, the videogame controller dropping into his lap.

  “Hello,” Mark says, stepping forward. He doesn’t look unsure of himself at all. Where all the alphas Chad and Dawn have found have been gentle and soft, Mark in every inch the warrior. His muscles are sculpted and hard, and he has the cocky swagger of an alpha who knows he can defend his omega when he needs to. Trick looks completely overwhelmed.

  “He’s nice,” Evan pipes up, trying to sound reassuring. Trick’s eyes never leave Mark, and Chad is pretty sure the omega has no idea that Evan said anything.

  “Are you ready to come home with me?” Mark asks, stepping even closer. He crouches down and grabs Trick’s neck, squeezing down. Trick makes a grimace before his face goes slack, relaxing under Mark’s grip.

  “You’re a good boy, aren’t you?” Mark says, rubbing Trick’s chest. Chad watches the display, pulling Evan up against his side and holding him tight. He hopes he’s made the right choice here.

  Trick nods, pushing forward until his face is buried in Mark’s neck, huffing in the scent of his new alpha. Chad is relieved. If Trick has this severe of a response, at least there’s nothing wrong with his instincts.

  As long as Mark treats him well, Trick should be fine.

  “You should get going,” Chad says. “You don’t want him to be here when they come.”

  Mark lets out a growl at the implied threat to his omega, making Trick shudder and press up against his body. Trick wraps his arms around Mark’s massive chest, holding on for dear life.

  Chad doesn’t say anything else, and after a few seconds Mark rises out of his crouch, lifting Trick up with him.

  “I’ll call you tomorrow,” Mark says, heading for the door. Chad and Evan follow him all the way outside, through the employee back door, and it’s with relief that Chad watches him load Trick into the backseat of his car before taking off.

  “That’s all of them,” Chad says, moving back inside. He’s still got Evan pulled in tight under his arm.

  They were just in time.


  Evan can’t believe that Mark is Trick’s new alpha. It’s just too weird.

  “So will he still be my bodyguard?” Evan asks, wondering how that will work. He can’t imagine that Mark will want to spend all day with him when he’s got his own omega at home. Then again, Evan is his job. It’s not like he can just stay at home all day.

  “I don’t know,” Chad says, shrugging. He’s got his arm wrapped around Evan’s neck, Evan’s shoulder tucked into his pit. It’s hot and clammy, and there’s a part of Evan that wants nothing more than to bury his face in the sweaty pit and soak up the concentrated scent of alpha. “Not for the next two weeks, at least. Do you think he’ll be a good alpha for Trick?”

  Evan thinks about it, turning his face slightly and resting his head against the mound of Chad’s pec. “I hope so. He’s nice to me, at least. Do you think he’ll let me visit Trick, sometime?”

  “I don’t know. I’ll ask him, but you have to respect his answer. Okay?”

  Evan nods. It hits him then, that all the omegas have found new alphas. He grins, looking up at Chad.

  “You did it,” he says, letting his pleasure shine through in his voice. Chad beams, puffing out his chest happily.

  “Mr. Brand?” Nurse Tanner says, coming up behind them. Her voice is urgent.

  “Yes?” Chad asks, turning toward her.

  “There’s a detective and some people here to see you,” she says, sounding nervous. Chad goes tense. These must be the people who have come for the omegas.

  “Take them to my office,” Chad says, frowning when Nurse Tanner doesn’t immediately go off to do his bidding. The indignant expression on his face would be funny of the situation weren’t so serious.

  “The detective… he said you had to come to him. He was very clear on that.”

  Evan can hear Chad gritting his teeth, but the alpha just nods and sets off. Evan and Nurse Tanner follow, struggling to keep up.

  “Jane, do you have a car?” Chad asks, stopping and turning on Nurse Tanner and Evan. Nurse Tanner—Jane—nods her head yes.

  “Would you drive Evan home? I don’t want them seeing him,” Chad says, body language aggressive and tense.

  “Sure, no prob—”

  “No, wait. It’s best he stays with me. They might be watching the exits to make sure we don’t sneak anyone out. He should stay with me.” Chad pulls out his phone, looking frazzled, dialing a number and holding the phone up to his ear. “Mark, you on your way home okay? No one stopped you?”

  Chad waits for an answer.

  “They’re here. Just wanted to make sure they didn’t try to hold you up. Congratulations on your new omega.”

  Chad hangs up without waiting for Mark to answer, taking a deep breath. Evan is getting stressed just looking at him.

  “Evan, come here. Jane, could you get a collar and leash from downstairs? I don’t want there to be any confusing about who Evan here belongs to.”

  Nurse Tanner nods, rushing ahead of them and making her way down into the lower level. Chad grabs Evan’s wrist, walking toward the lobby with a determined gait. Nurse Tanner catches up with them when they’re at the end of the hall, winded and carrying a sleek black leather collar and matching leash.

  Chad takes the collar, not asking permission before fastening it around Evan’s neck, winding the end of the leash around his palm three times.

  “You okay?” Chad asks, like he’s just now remembering that Evan might be having feelings about all this. Evan nods, wanting to be supportive. He doesn’t mind wearing a leash and collar for a few minutes, not if it makes Chad feel safer.

  “Good. Such a good boy,” Chad growls, pulling Evan closer. He sounds half feral, and Evan worries if he’s in any state to deal with a crew of hostile people.

  “Are you okay?” he asks, lifting his hand and putting it over Chad’s. He gets a deep breath and a shudder in response.

  “Yeah. Let’s—”

  “Mr. Brand,” an alpha barks, coming into the corridor through the door leading into the lobby. Chad spins, a low growl bubbling up from inside his chest, baring his teeth. Evan puts a hand on Chad’s lower back, trying to calm him, but it doesn’t work.

  “What?” Chad growls.

  “Please come into the lobby while we search the premises. We have a court order instructing you to hand ov
er any and all omegas formerly belonging to Richard Cruz.”

  Chad keeps growling, but the strange alpha just stares him down. Evan holds his breath, wondering what Chad is going to do. The unfamiliar alpha is bigger than Chad, and the way he radiates dominance has Evan worried.

  It’s pretty clear that Chad is no match for him. Evan wishes Peter were there.

  “Come into the lobby, Mr. Brand. That’s an order,” the alpha growls, taking a step closer and pulling up to his full height. Chad’s swallows his growl and nods angrily, stomping past the bigger alpha and yanking on Evan's leash so hard he almost stumbles.


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