Evan's Alphas

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Evan's Alphas Page 10

by D. J. Heart

  The strange alpha follows them into the lobby, where a team of muscular betas in scary-looking padded uniforms is waiting.

  “Now, Mr. Brand. I’m Detective Adams, I’m leading the investigation into your mate’s challenge of Richard Cruz. You have a legal duty to cooperate with me.”

  Chad nods once, crossing his arms and looking belligerent. Detective Adams grins like he’s enjoying Chad’s distress.

  “You’re too late,” Chad says, and Detective Adams’s smile freezes.

  “What?” he asks, voice pitched low and dangerous. Evan can feel a slight tremble in his leash, Chad’s hand clenching down hard, fingers white and bloodless.

  “We don’t have them anymore,” Chad says, shrugging. “We gave them all away.”

  “Where are they now?” Detective Adams growls, looking furious.

  “With their new alphas,” Chad says, voice wavering a little. It’s weird, but Evan isn’t affected by the detective’s dominance in the least. He’s far too used to Peter’s oppressive aura, and he trusts that Chad will protect him. It might be foolish and misguided, but Evan doesn’t have it in himself to be cowed. Chad’s anxiety, on the other hand, has Evan’s stress levels skyrocketing.

  Detective Adams narrows his eyes, then stomps over to the other side of the lobby where he makes a call. At first he looks patient, talking to the person on the other end of the line with a calm voice, but when he doesn’t hear what he wants, he gets visibly angry.

  Adams comes back, and Chad tenses up like he’s bracing himself for an attack. The detective’s lip is curled up in an angry snarl.

  “This isn’t over,” the detective spits out, rounding on one of the betas. “Search the building. He could be lying,” he turns back to Chad with an angry glare. “You wait here.”

  The betas start moving into the building, the detective following them. Once they’re out of sight, Chad grabs Evan’s wrist and pulls him toward the main entrance, almost running as they make their way outside. Evan is relieved that Chad is disobeying Detective Adams and running away.

  Their car is in the parking lot on the other side of the building, so Chad scans the busy road for a few seconds, lifting his hand in the air and hailing a cab. It’s a busy road, and so Chad has no problem finding them a ride.

  Evan gets in the car ahead of Chad, relieved when Chad climbs in after him and the door closes.

  “Where to?” The driver, an older alpha in desperate need of exercise, asks without turning around. Chad gives their home address, then leans back and pulls Evan in under his arm. Chad is pulled tighter than a bow; the way he’s holding Evan’s neck down to his chest and hugging him like a teddy bear is pretty uncomfortable. Evan can deal with it.

  Chad doesn’t calm down until they get home, and after the apartment door is closed and locked behind them. He leans against the door, slumping against it and taking a deep breath.

  “Fuck,” he says, looking at Evan with a tired expression, eyes still a little wild. “That sucked.”

  Evan laughs, startled. “That alpha was an asshole,” he agrees, making Chad snort in turn.


  Chad doesn’t say anything else, pushing off the door, looking around for any sign of Peter’s shoes. He’s disappointed when he sees that Peter isn’t home. Evan knows how he feels. Curling up with Peter, the alpha’s dominance settling over them like a comforting and familiar blanket, sounds really nice right about now.

  Watching Chad walk into the apartment, shoulders hunched, Evan decides to call his other alpha and see if he can’t come home a little early.


  Peter has almost wrapped things up with his lawyers when Evan calls. He excuses himself, stepping out into the hallway to answer.

  “Evan, what do you need?” Peter asks. He hopes that Chad managed to get rid of Trick before the repossession agents came.

  “Hi, Peter. Are you coming home soon?” Evan asks. He sounds fine, and Peter is relieved. If Trick was taken away to be sold into another omega house, Peter has no doubt Evan would be blubbering.

  “I have a lot to do tonight Evan, so I’m not sure. Why? Is everything all right?”

  “I think so. It’s just, I think Chad would feel better if you were here right now. He got pretty upset when that alpha came to take everyone away.”

  Peter takes a second to make sense of what Evan is saying. Evan is calling on Chad’s behalf?

  “What alpha?” Peter asks. Usually repossession agents are betas. The agents are not allowed to engage in violent behavior or confrontation of any kind, which makes the profession wholly unsuited for alphas.

  “Detective Adams, I think he said. He didn’t do anything, but Chad got pretty flustered.”

  Peter sighs. First of all, he needs to figure out why Detective Adams has such a hard-on for fucking with him. Second, he needs to make sure Chad is all right. Chad doesn’t react well to being put in his place, at least not by anyone but Peter, and Detective Adams is exactly the kind of alpha to have done just that.

  “I’ll see what I can do, okay? Can you put Chad on the phone?” Peter asks, rearranging his evening in his head. He needs to finish up with his lawyers, but everything after that can be delegated to someone else.

  “I can go look for him,” Evan says, making Peter pinch the bridge of his nose.

  “Never mind. I’ll try to get home soon, okay? You be a good boy and take care of him for me until then. Can you do that?”

  “Yes, Peter. I’ll try,” Evan says, sounding adorably determined. Peter smiles.

  “Okay. Good, I’ll see you in a little bit.”

  Peter hangs up the phone, stepping back into his office. His lawyers are huddled around his desk, heads bent low as they talk among themselves.

  “So, everything set?” Peter interrupts.

  “Yes, Mr. Tank,” his chief counsel says. “Our case is rock solid. We have the wrangler on record saying that Mr. Cruz told them to keep your omega hidden, and the beta who works at the pet store will testify that she saw Richard Cruz come in and talk to Chad while they observed your omega playing with the puppies.”

  Peter frowns. Kelly, his chief counsel, doesn’t sound like they have a rock solid case.

  “And the problem is?”

  Kelly fidgets. “Well, that’s just it. Even if Mr. Halsted was responsible for the theft of your omega, Mr. Cruz knew about it and didn’t do anything. That’s more than enough justification for a challenge. We don’t understand why they’re holding a hearing.”

  “I’ll have someone look into it,” Peter says, having wondered the exact same thing. “Was there anything else?”

  “No, sir.”

  Peter nods and sends the whole team on their way, packing up his briefcase before picking up the phone. He calls Dawn and asks her to look into Detective Adams and why the hearing was approved, reminding himself to increase her bonus this year, and then calls McCorkle to hand over the work he was planning on doing to prepare for their bid on the military contract. Since McCorkle will be the one handling things, he has every incentive to do a good job.

  Business at the office wrapped up, Peter headed home.


  Peter says goodnight to his driver before heading into the building, nodding to the doorman as he holds open the door, freezing when he sees Detective Adams standing by the front desk, arguing with the concierge.

  “I’m sorry, Detective. I can’t let you up without a warrant,” the harried beta is saying, Adams glowering at him like he’s personally offended.

  Peter frowns, not impressed by the bullying behavior.

  “Detective, can I help you with something?” Peter growls, making himself known. Detective Adams rounds on him, his lips pulling up in satisfaction. It makes Peter’s blood boil, and if the man weren’t law enforcement, Peter would beat the smirk off his face.

  He still might, to be honest.

  “You can hand over the omegas you stole from Richard Cruz, or what’s left of them,” Adams says,
walking toward Peter. The concierge watches them with a wary look, inching back.

  “And are you working as a repossession agent now, Detective Adams? That’s quite a step down,” Peter says, looking down his nose at the other man.

  “They’re waiting outside,” Adams growls, no longer smirking.

  “And you’re here because?” Peter asks, crossing his arms and looking at Adams like he might a misbehaving child. Adams bristles.

  “Just making sure you don’t try anything.”

  Peter grins. Adams actually thinks he could take Peter, if it came down to it? His confidence is seriously misplaced.

  “Well, we don’t have any omegas. We gave them all away,” Peter says, dismissive, walking past Adams and toward his private elevator.

  “Not all of them,” Adams calls out, smug. “You’ve still got Chris Peters.”

  Peter stops walking, wondering who the hell Adams is talking about. Then it hits him. Chris Peters is what Cruz—or as it turns out, Aiden—had renamed Evan. Peter turns, wondering if Adams is really this stupid.

  “What’s your stake in this?” Peter asks, studying the detective. Adams narrows his eyes, squaring his shoulders.

  “I’m just doing my job, Mr. Tank.” Adams takes a challenging step forward, making Peter’s blood boil. The fucker has the gall to grin. “Now are you going to hand over the omega?”

  Peter has Adams on the floor in two seconds flat, and he’s just about to snap the impudent alpha’s neck when he gets control of himself.

  “Fuck you! I’m going to fucking kill you for this!” Detective Adams roars, not an ounce of submission in his body even though Peter has him pinned.

  “You’re not as tough as you think you are,” Peter says, making his voice calm and bored. He wants Adams to know just what he thinks of him—that he isn’t worthy of Peter’s anger.

  “You’re under arrest!” Adams growls. Peter can’t help it, he laughs.

  “You’re in way over your head, Detective. If you keep this up, I will kill you. Do you understand?”

  Adams growls, low and angry, trying to wriggle out of Peter’s grip. He doesn’t stand a chance.

  “Do you understand?” Peter asks, shifting his body so that his knee is crushing down on Adams’s throat.

  “Yes!” Adams gurgles when Peter increases the pressure.

  Peter brings his fist down on the back of Adams’ head, knocking him out. He gets up, looking down at the limp form of his unexpected nemesis. Resisting the impulse to finish the job, he walks to the elevator. Once the doors close, he dials his lawyers.

  By the time the elevator reaches the penthouse, Kelly is already in the process of making sure Evan is not listed as a part of the Cruz estate. Peter hangs up the phone, takes a deep, calming breath, and heads into the apartment.

  Evan comes to greet him as he’s stepping out of his shoes, looking nervous.

  “Did you see the detective downstairs?” Evan asks, bending down and taking Peter’s shoes and putting them in the closet where they belong. “He called up and said Chad had to let him in, but Chad said no and hung up on him.”

  Peter grins. “Good. You don’t have to let him in without a warrant. Where is Chad now?”

  “He’s in the gym,” Evan says, looking adorable. Peter pulls him in for a hug, surprising him and making him oomph.

  “You’re a good boy, you know that?” he says, rubbing Evan’s back. That Adams thinks he can take Evan away from him… Peter would like to see him try.

  “Thank you,” Evan says. When he pulls away he’s smiling happily, a light blush coloring his cheeks.

  “I’m going to talk with Chad. Why don’t you go sit in my office and work on your drawing, okay?”

  Evan’s smile falls a little, the dismissal clear, though he nods and doesn’t offer any complaint. Peter claps him on the back, then sets off to find Chad. He turns, not wanting Evan to feel bad.

  “I’ll come get you in a little while, okay?”

  Evan grins, nodding his head. He looks much happier.

  “Sure, I’ll wait.”

  Having taken care of Evan’s feelings, shaking his head at what a softy he’s become, Peter heads toward the gym. He wonders what kind of mood he’ll find his mate in. If it’s what he expects, he knows exactly what Chad will need to feel better.


  Chad stops punching the bag, freezing when he hears the door open behind him. He turns, expecting to see Evan nervously biting his lip and wanting to know if Chad is okay, and is surprised to see Peter standing in the doorway.

  Peter just stares at Chad, taking in his sweaty skin and the tense way he’s holding his body.

  “You did a good job, taking care of all the omegas before Detective Adams got to them,” Peter says, walking into the room with a confident swagger. Chad can’t help but flinch at the name of the alpha that’s had him so on edge the past few hours, but Peter pretends not to notice.

  “Thanks,” Chad says, the praise making his stomach flutter. Peter watches him, like he’s assessing him, taking off his suit jacket and rolling up the sleeves of his dress shirt. Peter’s forearms are thick and muscular, biceps bulging under the fabric of his sleeves.

  He looks strong. In control. If it had been Peter dealing with Adams today, thing would have gone a very different direction.

  “Did you see the detective in the lobby?” Chad asks, feeling embarrassed that he didn’t go down and deal with the intruding alpha himself.

  “I took care of him,” Peter says, unbuttoning the top two buttons of his shirt. Chad stares at Peter’s big hands manipulate the tiny buttons, gaze shifting up to finding Peter’s eyes boring into his own.

  Chad recognizes that look. He shudders. Peter can’t mean to start a scene now, can he?

  The small smirk pulling Peter’s lip up when he sees Chad’s realization says that he can.

  “Who is your alpha?” Peter asks, walking closer. Chad takes an involuntary step back, Peter’s word infused with the full authority of his dominance. It feels like he can’t breathe.

  “You are,” Chad says, forcing the words out. Peter grins, proud and possessive.

  “And are you going to be good for your alpha?”

  Peter grabs Chad’s chin, tilting his head up, squeezing Chad’s cheeks as they stand chest to chest. Chad tries to nod, too overcome to speak, but Peter’s hold on his chin prevents it.

  “Yes, alpha,” he says, the words coming out like a moan.

  “Good boy.”

  Chad closes his eyes, surrendering to Peter’s control. It feels amazing, like he can finally let go and relax. Peter will catch him no matter how hard he falls.

  Ten minutes later, Chad is lying on the bed, naked except for the leather straitjacket Peter got him for Christmas. His cock is rock hard, but his arms are trapped, and no matter how much he wants to, he can’t reach down and jerk himself off.

  It’s wonderful.

  “You’ve been a very good boy today,” Peter says, sitting on the edge of the bed. Chad feels a spark of pleasure shoot down his spine and into his balls at the words. When Peter puts his big warm hand on Chad’s thigh, sliding it down so that Chad’s balls spill over the flat of his hand, Chad forgets how to think. Just a little higher and Peter’s hand would be on his cock.

  “Yes, alpha,” Chad moans, spreading his legs wide for his alpha. Peter laughs, a dark little sound, and Chad’s whole body shudders.

  “And good boys deserve a reward, don’t they?” Peter flips his hand, cupping Chad’s balls and rolls them around in his palm.

  “Y-Yes, alpha!” Chad is so close to coming his knot is throbbing.

  “And I know just the thing,” Peter says, and before he knows what’s happened, Peter is sliding a padded leather blindfold over his eyes.

  In the dark, the intensity of Peter’s hands on his skin is multiplied tenfold. Every brush of Peter’s fingers send sparks shooting through Chad’s body, his balls aching for release.

  “Wait here,” Pet
er says, sounding amused as he gets off the bed. Chad tenses up, not liking being left on his own, but Peter is gone less than a minute. When he comes back, Chad breathes a sigh of relief.

  “Come here,” Peter says, confusing Chad. Then, when he feels the bed dip near his feet, he realizes that Peter is talking to Evan.

  Like always, the thought of Evan seeing him like this, bound and helpless, makes Chad feel a flush of erotic shame. He loves it.


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