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Closer: Bay City Paranormal Investigation book 4

Page 3

by Ally Blue

  “I guess we both just deal with it better in private, huh?”

  “I guess so.”

  Silence fell. Sam kept quiet. He still felt some measure of responsibility for Amy’s death, since his psychokinetic abilities had opened the portal which allowed the thing that killed Amy access to the human world. It had been an accident, and Sam knew that. But knowing the truth in his mind didn’t stop the tiny shard of guilt from burrowing deep into his soul.

  They sat there until the last of the sunset glow died and the candles had burned low. Beyond the faint circle of candlelight, the sea oats whispered in the breeze and insects sang beneath the pines. Sam drew a deep breath, letting the scent of the ocean dissolve the tension in his shoulders and the back of his neck. He wondered, not for the first time, if he’d ever be free of the guilt of Amy’s death.

  Sam had begun to slip into a doze when Bo stirred and pushed his chair away from the table. He stood, pulling Sam up with him. “Andre, I think Sam and I are going to bed now. Will you be okay?”

  Andre nodded, the movement barely visible in the gloom. “I’m just going to sit out here for a while, if that’s all right.”

  “Of course it is.” Bo glanced at Sam with concern in his eyes. “Okay. Well. Good night, Andre.”

  Andre grunted in answer, his face turned toward the sea and his attention already a million miles away. Sam threw a worried glance over his shoulder at Andre as Bo opened the door.

  “I hope he’ll be all right,” Sam said once he and Bo were inside. “I mean it always seems like he’s doing okay, but it hasn’t been that long, really. Not quite nine months.”

  “He’s still healing. I suppose we all are.” Bo stopped at the foot of the stairs, let go of Sam’s hand and wound both arms around his waist. “I’m glad I have you, Sam. I know I never really shared my grief with you, but you helped me deal with it all the same, just by being there. Just by being in my life.”

  Bo’s solemn confession made Sam feel warm all over. He pulled Bo close and kissed his brow. “I’m happy I could help you, even if I didn’t know I was doing it at the time.”

  One of Bo’s hands slid into Sam’s hair. His lips brushed Sam’s. “Let’s go to bed now.”

  Humming, Sam cupped Bo’s ass in both hands. “Are you tired?”

  “Not really.” Bo rocked his hips, pressing his groin against Sam’s. “It was selfish of me to invite the group out here.” He nipped Sam’s bottom lip. “Aren’t you angry?”

  “I was, at first, but now…” Sam trailed off when he saw the wicked glitter in Bo’s eyes. Oh fuck. Is he asking for what I think he is? “But, now,” he continued, speaking slowly and watching Bo’s face, “I’m even more angry.”

  “I don’t blame you.” Bo dipped his head and bit Sam’s neck hard enough to hurt. “It was terrible of me to use my position as your boss that way.” The tip of his tongue traced a wet path up Sam’s throat. “To tell everyone they could come out here without even asking what you thought.”

  “Mmmmm. Yeah.” Sam raised his chin for Bo’s nips and kisses. “Terrible.”

  Bo lifted Sam’s shirt, fingers skating along the skin over his ribs. “So what are you going to do about it?”

  Grabbing Bo’s braid, Sam yanked his head back to stare into his wide eyes. “I think I need to teach you a lesson. I think you need to be punished.”

  A hot flush crept up Bo’s neck and into his cheeks. His eyes blazed. “Do it.”

  Sam’s knees nearly buckled. He closed his eyes for a moment, trying to get control of himself. When he felt like he could move without his legs giving out, he extracted himself from Bo’s embrace, took his hand and led him upstairs to the bedroom.

  Inside the room, with the door shut and locked and the curtains drawn across the sliding glass door, Sam swept Bo into his arms and claimed his mouth in a deep, possessive kiss. Bo opened to him, eager as ever, needy little sounds bleeding from his lips.

  “Take your clothes off.” Sam let Bo go and stepped back, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms. “Right now.”

  Bo raised his eyebrows at Sam’s commanding tone, but did as he was told. He undressed and stood naked with his hands at his side, his gaze fixed on Sam’s face. The mix of bravado and uncertainty in his eyes made Sam’s insides twist.

  “God, you’re beautiful.” Sam closed the distance between them, took hold of Bo’s braid and let it slide across his palm. “Take your hair down.”

  A sly smile curved Bo’s mouth. “I think my hair is becoming a fetish for you.” Pulling the rubber band off the end of the braid, Bo began unwinding it.

  “Becoming a fetish? Hell, it’s been my perverted obsession since day one.”

  With a soft laugh, Bo undid the last twists in the braid. His hair fell in a silky dark mass around his shoulders and down his back. Moving to stand behind Bo, Sam buried both hands in all that shining hair, lifted it to his face and drew a deep breath. The scents of salt air and shampoo conjured vivid memories of all the times they’d made love. All the times Bo’s silky tresses had brushed Sam’s chest, his stomach, his back, the insides of his thighs. Thinking of it brought a rush of heat through Sam’s body.

  Letting go of his double handful of hair, Sam clamped his hands onto Bo’s hipbones and thrust his clothed crotch against Bo’s bare butt. “God, I want to fuck you right now.”

  Bo turned his head and gave Sam a mischievous smile over his shoulder. “And that would be punishing me how, exactly?”

  “You mean you want my cock up your ass?” Sam blinked, faking surprise.

  “I do, yes. Very much.” Bo ground his rear into Sam’s privates, making them both moan. “But you were going to punish me for my transgressions, I believe. And fucking me is hardly a punishment.”

  Sam bit the insides of his cheeks, trying to hold back his amusement, then gave up and laughed out loud. “No offense, Bo, but you’re terrible at roleplaying.”

  Chuckling, Bo settled against Sam’s chest, his head falling back to rest on Sam’s shoulder. “You’re right. I’d much rather just say what I want. It’s easier, and I don’t feel like quite so much of an idiot.”

  “So what is it you want?” Sam brushed the hair from the back of Bo’s neck, dipped his head and sucked up a mark on the dusky skin. “As if I didn’t know already.”

  “If you already know, why don’t you just do it?” Bo moaned low and rough when Sam’s tongue pressed to his pulse point. “God, Sam. I shouldn’t like it this much when you mark me.”

  Sam stomped down the automatic surge of irritation. So Bo felt uncomfortable sporting a bunch of love bites, so what? They could be seen as less than professional, and Bo was nothing if not a professional.

  But we’re not working right now. And he just said he liked being marked by you.

  “Tell me what you want,” Sam murmured against Bo’s skin. He slid a hand down to cup Bo’s balls. They felt hot and tight against his palm. “I won’t do it until I hear you say it.” He traced his fingertips up the length of Bo’s shaft to stroke the satin skin at the tip.

  Bo’s breath hitched, his hips arching into Sam’s touch. “I…I want you… Fuck, Sam, yes… Want you to…to spank me.”

  If it hadn’t been for the pure need in Bo’s voice, Sam would’ve been tempted to laugh again. He’d known what Bo was going to say—at least he’d been pretty sure, and he’d been right—but it was strange hearing his meticulous, methodical, bordering-on-control-freak lover admit he wanted to be spanked. Surreal didn’t even begin to describe it. Before today, Sam hadn’t seen the slightest indication of this sudden kink of Bo’s.

  Not that he minded. He couldn’t pretend he’d never wanted to turn Bo over his knee. The man could be infuriating at times.

  “Oh. I see.” Sam splayed his free hand over Bo’s left buttock, kneading the firm muscle. “So you want me to paddle your ass?”

  “Yes.” Bo’s voice was a raspy whisper.

  “Like this?” Sam gave the side of Bo’s hip a sharp
smack. Bo gasped, a tremor running up his body, and Sam grinned. “Oh yeah. You like that.”

  “I do.” Bo’s hand clamped onto the back of Sam’s head, forcing his face down for a swift kiss. “I want to explore everything with you, Sam. Just you. No one else, ever.”

  Sam’s chest constricted. Only Bo could make kinky sex play seem almost sacred.

  Lifting his hand to cup Bo’s jaw, Sam kissed him again, taking it deeper this time. Bo’s mouth opened wide to suck Sam’s tongue in. His cock twitched in Sam’s hand, a drop of moisture leaking out to trickle over Sam’s fingers, and Sam nearly came in his shorts.

  Sam broke the kiss, panting. Bo whimpered his protest, and Sam let out a breathless laugh. “Go put your hands on the wall and lean forward with your legs spread.”

  Bo obediently walked over and planted his palms on the pale green wall beside the door. His hair cascaded around him as he leaned forward and scooted his feet apart. He stared over his shoulder at Sam, his face red and his eyes heavy-lidded with desire. His ribs heaved with his quick, shallow breaths.

  “Damn. You’re a wet dream come to life, you know that?” Sam sauntered forward, doing his best to play it cool. Though he’d never played dominance and submission games before, instinct told him Bo needed him to be calm and in control. He caressed Bo’s exposed ass, loving the way the smooth skin jumped at his touch. “Such a pretty ass. And it’s all mine.”

  “Yours.” Bo moaned, his head falling forward as Sam stroked his hole with one fingertip. “God, Sam, please.”

  Giving no warning, Sam lifted his hand and dealt a light slap to Bo’s butt. Bo yipped, more in surprise than pain, Sam thought. Sam smoothed his fingers over the spot he’d hit. “Good?”

  Bo nodded. “Harder.”

  Sam bit his lip. “Damn, I love it when you say ‘harder’ to me.”

  He smacked Bo’s ass again, hard enough to make his palm sting. Bo gasped, fingers curling against the wall. “God.”

  Sam frowned. “You okay? I’ll stop, just say the word.” He stared at the red handprint on Bo’s butt cheek and hoped he wouldn’t want to stop.

  The frantic look Bo aimed at him eased his mind considerably. “No! No, don’t stop. Do it again.”

  Sam obliged, marking the other buttock this time. Bo’s pleas for more continued, devolving from words into eloquent gasps and moans. Sam watched, fascinated, as the skin of Bo’s ass turned a raw, fiery red under one open-handed blow after another.

  The intensity of his own excitement shocked Sam. He never would’ve thought he’d be this turned on by spanking his lover, but there it was.

  Bo’s obvious enjoyment was probably what did it. Nothing excited Sam as much as seeing Bo lose himself in pleasure.

  Sam finally had to stop, his palm burning and nearly as red as Bo’s rear. Laying his other hand on Bo’s ass, he raked his gaze up and down Bo’s body. Bo was shaking all over, his breath coming short and fast. Precome dripped from the tip of his prick onto the floor. His butt felt hot to the touch.

  “Sam,” Bo moaned, arching his back to press his ass into Sam’s hand. “Fuck me.”

  The suggestion went straight to Sam’s cock, which lurched against the confining briefs. He kissed Bo’s shoulder blade. “Gotta get the lube. Don’t move.”

  Bo nodded. “Hurry.”

  Sam didn’t want to take his hand off Bo’s backside, but he had to if he wanted the lube. His psychokinetic abilities didn’t allow him to fetch objects with his mind. He’d tried. It never worked.

  Moving reluctantly away from Bo, Sam hurried to the bedside table, yanked the drawer open and fished out the half-empty tube of lubricant. He bounded back to his former position behind Bo and plastered himself to Bo’s back, his arms winding around Bo’s waist. “Miss me?”

  “Uh-huh.” Bo wriggled in Sam’s embrace. “In me. Now.”

  Sam smirked into Bo’s hair. “Bossy.”

  “Can’t help it.” Bo bumped his ass hard into Sam’s crotch, making his vision blur. “God, please!”

  Closing his eyes, Sam grabbed Bo’s cock and squeezed hard, tearing a growl from his throat. “Fuck, I love it when you beg.”

  He opened his eyes again, let go of Bo’s cock and stepped back enough to unbutton his shorts and slide the zipper down. He pulled his cock and balls free, mindful of the zipper. Flipping open the lube, he coated his fingers, shut the cap and stuck the tube in his back pocket. He didn’t bother to warn Bo, just slid one slick digit through the ring of tight muscle into his rectum.

  “Oooooh, God,” Bo breathed, his hole clutching hard at Sam’s finger. “Yes. Yes. More.”

  Sam inserted another finger and started pumping them in and out. “Bend over some more.”

  Groaning, Bo did as he was told, bending forward until his forehead rested on the wall. His anus clenched and relaxed as Sam stretched him. His body trembled. Sam could see the gooseflesh raising the fine dark hairs on his arms.

  Sam reached between Bo’s legs to stroke his prick with his free hand. He kept his gaze glued to his fingers in Bo’s ass. So fucking hot.

  He pressed deep to nail Bo’s gland. Bo keened and clawed the wall. “Fuck, Sam. Please.”


  Tugging his fingers free of Bo’s hole, Sam retrieved the lube from his pocket, opened it and squirted a generous amount into his hand. He closed the cap and tossed the tube on the floor with one hand while slicking his cock with the other. Spreading Bo’s cheeks, he positioned the head of his prick at the stretched hole and pushed.

  They groaned at the same time as Sam’s cock slid deep into Bo’s ass. Sam hung onto his control by sheer force of will. As always, the hot grip of Bo’s body felt so good it was almost painful.

  Bo turned his head to pin Sam with a dazed stare. He licked his lips, getting a strand of ebony hair caught in his mouth in the process. “Move,” he whispered. “Fuck me.”

  The desperate need in Bo’s voice sent a wave of heat through Sam’s blood. Clamping his hands onto Bo’s hipbones, Sam started thrusting in a strong, steady rhythm.

  Sex with Bo was always incredible, but for some reason Sam found this particular scenario unbearably exciting. Maybe it was the contrast of his own fully clothed state with Bo’s nudity, or the way Bo muttered half-coherent curses and praises and pleas for Sam to fuck him harder, to never stop. Sam didn’t know. One thing he knew for sure, though—the sight of Bo’s flaming red buttocks, the way they framed his hole with Sam’s cock pistoning in and out, was by far the most erotic thing Sam had ever seen.

  A shudder rippled through Bo’s back muscles when Sam reached around and started jerking his prick. “Sam. Yes, God, ’s good.”

  Leaning forward, Sam planted a hand on the wall beside Bo’s and molded himself to Bo’s back. “Come now.”

  To his surprise, Bo did, a breathless litany of “oh God, oh God” falling from his lips. Warm semen flowed over Sam’s hand. Bo’s insides convulsed around Sam’s shaft, ripping his orgasm from him. He let it take him, closing his eyes and burying his face in Bo’s hair as he shot deep inside Bo’s body.

  “Oh, my God.” Bo laid both forearms on the wall with a contented sigh. “That was fantastic, Sam.”

  “Mmm. Was, wasn’t it?” Sam laid his clean hand on Bo’s butt. “You okay?”

  “Fine.” He wriggled his bottom against Sam’s hand. “My ass feels hot.”

  “It is hot.”

  “So you keep telling me.”

  Sam snickered. “Not that. Although it really is the hottest ass I’ve ever seen.” He stroked the overheated skin. “Your butt is actually much warmer than usual.”

  Humming, Bo tilted his head back to rub his cheek against Sam’s. “From the spanking?”

  “I assume so.” A sudden idea struck Sam. He peeled himself off Bo’s back and pulled out of him, hissing when Bo’s hole clutched at the sensitive head of his prick. “Don’t move.”

  Sam sank to his knees, wiping his sticky hand on his shorts. Bo ducked his head to peer a
t Sam from beneath one arm, a lecherous grin on his face. “Are you going to do what I think you are?”

  Sam laughed. “Shut up.”

  Whatever Bo had been about to say next was lost in an undulating groan when Sam licked a wide, wet path up one crimson buttock. “Ooooooooh. Damn, that feels good.”

  Sam agreed, though his mouth was too busy to say so. He licked at the other cheek, then planted open-mouthed kisses along the edge of Bo’s crease. The hot skin cooled beneath his lips and tongue. Above him, Bo practically purred.

  Leaning sideways, Sam peeked around the bend of Bo’s hip to catch a glimpse of his face. Bo’s eyes were half-closed, his mouth curved into a lazy smile. “Mmm. Don’t stop.”

  “Wasn’t planning to.”

  Spreading Bo’s ass cheeks, Sam lapped up the stream of semen dribbling from Bo’s hole. He traced the loosened opening with the tip of his tongue, savoring the mingled tastes of Bo and himself. The ring of muscle fluttered and clenched at the soft touch.

  Bo gasped when Sam’s tongue wormed itself inside him. “Jesus, Sam. You’re killing me here.”

  Retrieving his tongue, Sam leaned over to give Bo a blankly innocent look. “I thought you didn’t want me to stop.”

  Bo groaned. “I don’t. But you’re going to have to. My legs aren’t going to hold me up much longer if you keep that up.”

  “Ah. Okay.” With one last flick of his tongue across Bo’s hole, Sam pushed to his feet, wrapped his arms around Bo’s chest and pulled him upright. “It’s late, and we’ll need to get up early if we want to get a run in before it gets too hot. You ready to hit the sack?”

  “More than ready.” Bo turned in Sam’s embrace and kissed his chin. “I really am sorry I asked everyone out here without consulting you, Sam. It was selfish of me.”

  Smiling, Sam lifted a hand to caress Bo’s cheek. “To be honest, it kind of was. And I wasn’t happy at first. But you were right. It didn’t make any sense for them to drive back and forth to Mobile when we’re staying not five miles from the fort.”

  Bo nodded. “Thank you for being so understanding. I promise I won’t let their investigation interfere with our time together.”


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