Discovering Me (Breakneck #4)

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Discovering Me (Breakneck #4) Page 8

by Crystal Spears

  “Son of a bitch! They were bored? They were fucking bored, so you fucktards let them watch over the gate? How could you be so goddamn stupid?” I grit, and by accident, I bite my tongue in anger, and it bleeds inside my mouth. All this blood dripping from my mouth and roaring through my veins should be oozing from these fucking idiots.

  Oh god. Nothing better happen to her. I can’t handle anything happening to Piper. I just can’t. It’s not an option.

  “Winter isn’t to hear about this,” my brother says in a whisper as he dials a number on his phone.

  “Winter better not hear about this?” I question him in shock.

  He can’t be fucking serious. Why are they all so goddamn idiotic?

  We should not even have to be dealing with this, but no, they let Piper and Jinx watch the fucking gate like the idiots they are. We are on fucking lockdown. As if that word alone doesn’t describe the threat that looms.

  “You guys will get her back,” Storm says in a soft, broken voice beside me.

  I try not to lash out on her. I do, but fuck, she, of all people, knows the severity of the situation.

  “Get her back? Get her back,” I scream an animalistic growl. “What if she’s already fuckin’ dead?”

  Piper can’t be dead. She fucking can’t be. I grab at my chest and recall her last words to me.

  “I thought we were real, our friendship was real, and it wasn’t.”

  What if she is lying somewhere, thinking I don’t care about her? What if she thinks we aren’t going to look for her? I can’t, fuck, I can’t do it. What if she has the same things happening to her as she did all those years before we saved her? All these what ifs are too much for me.

  “Storm… tell me she can handle it until we find her. I need you to tell me she’s gonna be alive, and she’s gonna be okay, until I find her,” I plead with a hoarse voice.

  Storm reaches for my arm, digs her fingertips into my skin, and answers me. “She’s alive. I feel it, and I know that Piper is one of the strongest people I have ever met. She got through this once before, and she’ll get through it again. You guys need to be fast. Be deadly and fast, you hear me. Feel that blood rage throughout your veins and use that, use that to fuel you!”

  I close my eyes. My body shakes at the thought of what Piper is dealing with at this moment.

  “Storm, stop. You don’t need to be filling his head with promises you can’t keep,” ZZ chastises.

  “It isn’t false hope. If they are going to traffic them, you don’t have much fuckin’ time,” she screeches, her hands dancing in frantic movement in the air around her. “You don’t have fuckin’ time!”

  Oh god!

  “You don’t know if they will sell them! You’re only fuckin’ makin’ matters worse for him!” ZZ yells.

  I run all the accounts with the Mexican Cartel through my head. They took them to make a point because of the threat we issued against them. They mean business. They don’t want us getting the women back because that proves them weak and us strong. They will get rid of them. It is the smart thing to do in their position.

  “They’re tryin’ to make a point,” I choke out. “They took them, and they’re gonna make Piper and Jinx disappear to prove it.”

  All of this is because Petra was killed, and now his bosses are here to stay. This is fucked up!

  “Storm, you keep your cool around Winter. If she gets wind of this, she’ll go into premature labor,” Berry says as she walks up to us. God! Everyone is worried about my pregnant sister-in-law, but not my best friend who means the world to me or some innocent girl that was thrown into this because of a ten-minute association?

  What the fuck is wrong with them?

  “If I hear one more person worried about just Winer, I’m gonna start fuckin’ tearin’ heads off. That is a motherfuckin’ promise!” I rage with an anger unlike any I have ever felt before in my entire life.

  I understand Winter is in a delicate situation and I care about my niece or nephew, but that is not what is important at this very moment.

  “It’s the truth,” Berry replies.

  “Ma! That’s enough! Go back to the live-in,” ZZ orders.

  Berry says not another word as she turns around and stomps out of the clubhouse with a fitful attitude. She has no reason to be in a shit mood. It’s my best friend, a woman I love, that is fucking gone!

  “Brother,” I seethe. “If anything happens to her…”

  He puts his phone up to his ear. “Juan, Piper and a redhead named Jinx were fuckin’ taken by the Mexicans. Do what you can, no cost spared,” he orders and then hangs up the phone.

  “Brother, it’s Piper. As long as she can keep her smart mouth in check, she’ll make it through this.” ZZ tries to reassure me.

  Yeah, if she can keep her mouth shut. My entire body has not stopped shaking since I got the news that a woman I cherish was taken. She was supposed to be safe here, on the compound, and she wasn’t. I walk out of the clubhouse to the office building and flop down in the chair that sits next to the desk where Piper’s gun rests. Why wasn’t it strapped to her? She knows better. God, if one hair on her is harmed, there is no telling what I will do.

  And for the first time in my entire life, I’m scared. I am downright fucking petrified. That girl means everything to me. She is my ALL.


  I tilt my head to the side as Storm walks in and sits in the other chair. “I’m sorry. But if they want to make sure we know they mean business, the window to find Piper and Jinx is very short,” she chokes. “The window is short. Do you understand?”

  Do I? Of course I fucking do! My beautiful, snarky best friend will disappear, and I will never see her again if we do not hurry and find her.

  “Forty eight hours. That’s pushing it, Sniper. She’s been gone for six hours…”

  Is that all we have? Jamaica isn’t that big of a town, but it is big enough to hide two people for two days and even longer.

  “Storm, transport. How will they do it?”

  Any other time I would hate asking questions that would bring up her past, but we have two women’s lives on the line here.

  “The cameras showed the chloroform that made them pass out. She’s probably just now waking up, if, and that’s a big if, they dosed her with enough.”

  God dammit!

  “Where would they keep her? What type of room?”

  I need details. The more knowledge I have, the more my brain can start to map out all the possible places I need to start turning over and burning to the ground.

  “Basements, attics, and blacked out rooms. Those kinds of areas would be the first places to look. Oh, and warehouses. Ones with hardly any attention drawn to them.”

  My mind is working overtime, and I have already lost track of the number of places my brain is throwing at me.

  “If anything happens to her, Storm… I can’t deal, babe, I fuckin’ can’t,” I choke. “We didn’t leave off on good terms.”

  I hope she knows I will come for her. I won’t stop until I find her.

  “Sniper, look at me. You need to calm the fuck down, I’m freaking out too, but you do her no good if you can’t get your fuckin’ head together, all right?”

  I bring my hands up to my face and scrub at my eyes as Piper smiles, and the first time I met her filters in my memory.

  I throttle my lady down, kick the stand, and climb off. As I make my way to the house that shelters all these new women in our lives, I adjust my cock.

  “It can’t be that big to where you need to grab yourself,” a woman says to me.

  Well, ain’t she a beautiful little smartass. “Oh, darlin’, it’s big enough. Want to find out?”

  Oh hell. Me and my mouth. She was just rescued from a sex club, and I’m making sex jokes. What the hell is wrong with me?

  “Oh, get your boxers out of wad. I’m Piper, by the way,” she says with a sweet smile that could light up the sky.

  Well, if she has a se
nse of humor…

  “Babe, I go commando. My junk barely fits in my jeans,” I tease her.

  “Put your money wear your mouth is. Drop ‘em,” she dares me.

  Is she for real?

  “I can read minds, ya know,” she jokes. “I am for real.”

  I give her a dumbfounded look of disbelief.

  “I’m jokin’, but that’d be cool. But seriously, don’t say you can barely fit your jeans and not show proof. C’mon, drop ‘em.”

  She asked for it. I undo my belt, unbutton my pants, unzip my zipper, and drop my pants.

  “Well…” She coughs. “That’s a really large dick. You can… you can put it away now.”

  I chuckle and pull my pants back up, redo my buckle, and walk towards the little woman. Her beautiful green eyes laugh at me as I stand in front of her and she looks up at me.

  Her little hands go to her hips, and she makes a tough little stance. “Your big size doesn’t intimidate me.”

  “Which size, darlin’? My build or my cock?”

  She giggles. “Both.”

  Oh, she is good!

  “I’m Sniper, darlin’,” I introduce myself.

  “I know. I remember your name from the other day. Well, I told you I’m Piper,” she says in a quiet voice as she lifts one hand off her hip and sticks it out for me to shake.

  I look down at it and grin. Where did this little peach grow up? Bikers don’t shake hands.

  “Sniper,” someone says, snapping a finger in my face.

  I shake the fog out of my mind and look over at Storm.

  I’ve got to get her back.

  “I think I love her, Storm,” I confess.

  Shit! Where did that come from?

  “Of course you do. You two are best friends,” Storm says with an implied ‘duh’ in her tone.

  That is not at all what I mean. Oh fuck, this is so messed up. She’s gone, and that’s when I think I might fucking be in love with her?

  “No… I want to be with her.”

  I do, right? That’s what I’m feeling deep inside of my gut.

  “You’re in love with her.” Her loud scream hurts my ears.

  My heart speeds up and my palm sweat, and with my already boiling blood, this can’t be good for a person’s health.

  “I don’t know if I’m in love with her, but I know I love her and I want to be with her. Isn’t that enough?”

  Fuck! We have to find her. There can be no other outcome.

  “Yeah, Sniper, it’s enough. Now get back in there with the brothers and find our girl!”

  I jump up, light a smoke, and do my fucking best at calming my nerves so I can find my woman.


  Chapter Fourteen


  I tear off a small piece of my t-shirt at the bottom rim and do my best to shove it between the metal around my ankle. I think we’ve been here for a day or so, and my skin is already bleeding. At least I think it’s been a day or so. I rip another small piece off and gesture for Jinx to hand me her foot. She scoots as far as she can and stretches her leg, and I shove the fabric down inside the best I can.

  Jinx stopped the waterworks a few hours ago. When we hear footsteps above us moving towards the door to the basement, my hands begin to shake.

  “Act like you’re sleepin’. Do it now, and don’t make any noise,” I hiss in a strangled voice.

  I turn around, lie down on the cold, damp floor, and close my eyes as tight as they will close. The door squeaks open, and footsteps pound against the wooden steps. I listen, concentrating to see if more than one set of footsteps descend.

  “Despierta de una puta vez, perra,” he screams and the sound of his foot connecting with Jinx’s flesh causes me to jump. “Wake the fuck up, bitch!”

  Jinx screams in agony, and I’m helpless at the onslaught of what happens next. With slow, cautious movements, I turn over and squint my eyes to gain some sort of insight.

  “Déjame ver si eres pelirroja todo,” he chuckles with sick intent. “Let me see if you are redheaded all over!”

  This does not sound good. His chuckle forces goose bumps to breakout all over my arms. Her screams grow louder as his punches echo around the cemented walls and floor. I can no longer hear the small trickle of water that drips down from the leaky pipe. All I can hear is the sound of Jinx’s screams as he rapes her. I decide right there and then that this will be the only time it happens to her. I will make myself known, and I will take the rest of the abuse and the rape. I’ll make sure their attention is on me.

  “Vete a la mierda como un pez muerto!” The guy roars in a fit of rage. “You fuck like a dead fish!”

  “Yous a fuckin’ fish!” he repeats in English.

  Her screams grow louder and louder until they are deafening. I want to scream, to force him to direct his attention to me, but I fear it will only result in his assault being worse for her.

  He finishes, and her screams become muffled sobs into the ground as he turns her over and pushes her face forward into the cemented ground. When I see the shadow of his head turn towards me, I close my eyes and pray with all my might that he did not notice me watching him.

  When he kicks Jinx one more time and spits on her, the urge to scream almost overpowers me, but I stuff it down deep inside of me and save it for later, for when it will be of some use.

  His footsteps proceed up the stairs, and I listen for the sound of the door to click shut.

  “Why didn’t you stop him,” she cries out.

  I have no answer for her because the state her mind is in, she wouldn’t understand anything I say. I have dealt with such situations in my past, and I know that I would have only made matters worse. All I can do is console her and tell what I plan to do. Anything else she won’t stand to hear. She will think I was only saving myself, when in fact I am about to save her, and I can only hope that it will work.

  “Listen to me very carefully. I’m not gonna give you answers because you won’t believe them. This is what you will do from here on out.” I take a deep breath and sit up to move as close as I can towards her. “When they come back down, you roll yourself in a ball and you breathe evenly. Make sure they think you are asleep. I will be alert, awake, and very mouthy.”

  My heart pounds with the knowledge of what this will cause for me, but I can’t let her go through anymore of what happened to her moments ago.

  “I am gonna direct all the attention to me. I won’t be screaming, pleading, or begging them to stop. I won’t even be fighting it when the time comes, do you understand? He referred to you as a fish. That means that guy wants a willing participant. I’m gonna give it to him, and you are gonna lay in your ball and not say a goddamn word. Got it?”

  I hate to sound cruel, but she doesn’t realize what I am about to give her. She is going to be getting peace of mind while she is trapped here. He didn’t like her laying there screaming and crying, so I know what this particular asshole wants.

  “You’re just gonna take it? Are you out of your mind?”

  I hope one day she will come to see what I plan to do for her, but I can’t explain it to her right now. She is hurt, scared, and violated in a way no woman should ever be.

  “You’ll understand one day, when we get out of this.”

  She snorts in between her sobs. “You’re fucking stupid. We’re not getting out of this.”

  I want to disagree with her, but if Sniper can’t find us, we are as good as dead. So I say the only words that I can. “I can hope.”


  Chapter Fifteen


  “All the women, and yes, even you Red Ladies, you’re not to leave the fuckin’ live-in. Do I make myself fuckin’ clear?” Braxxon roars, his voice rippling with anger.

  I ignore everything, even the noise and chaos of the brothers as they rustle around me. I have two concerns right now. My first is to clean and prep all of my guns, and my second is to kill every last motherfucker responsible for Piper getting
snatched. Those fucking prick sons of bitches signed their own death warrants when they took her, and I cannot wait to issue that motherfucker.

  When I am satisfied that my barrels are as clean as possible, I inspect the firing pins and all my mechanisms to ensure they are working properly.

  “You about done?” my brother questions.

  “Never. Them fucks are dead,” I growl as I blow in the barrel, peer inside, and lay it down when I see that my favorite baby is ready to kill. “I love that girl, and they fuckin’ took her.”

  If so much as a hair on her pretty little head is harmed… FUCK!

  “I’m seein’ red, brother, blood fuckin’ red,” I growl.

  Sweet, snarky beautiful Piper was kidnapped, and god knows what is happening to her again. The promise I made to her last year rushes back into my mind.

  Piper and I sip our beers as we lay on the picnic tables and stare up at the sky. The sound of night filters all around us.

  “You asked what my biggest fear was the other night. Do you remember askin’ me that,” she questions.

  Of course I asked her that. I always ask her things that take her out of her comfort zone. It’s my way of getting to know her on a level that no one else does. Maybe I’m a glutton for punishment, or maybe I really want to be close to this woman because she lives life so fucking freely after all the shit she went through.

  “I do,” I say as I gulp down half of my beer.

  “My fear is that I’ll get taken again. Deep down I know that it’s almost a once in a lifetime thing and that the odds are good in my favor…” She trails off as she sits up and looms over me with a lone tear streaming down her face. “But I don’t think I’d come out of it alive or unscathed next time, Sniper.”

  I sit up and she scoots a little further away. Is this her automatic reaction to being close to a man? I don’t know. I do know I don’t want her to fear me.

  “Piper, we don’t know one another that well yet, but have you not learned anythin’ ‘bout my club? You’re in. Darlin’, we ain’t gonna let anythin’ happen to you, all right?”

  Her green eyes stare at me, like really stare. The sort of gaze that peers beyond your soul to see if you’re telling the truth or not, and it should freak me the hell out but it doesn’t.


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