Discovering Me (Breakneck #4)

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Discovering Me (Breakneck #4) Page 9

by Crystal Spears

  “I want to believe you’re tellin’ me the truth, I do. It would make fallin’ asleep so much easier,” she whispers and looks away.

  I toss my bottle into the trashcan next to the table, use both hands to grasps her face, and turn her attention back to me.

  “Hey, look, I promise to protect you, always, no matter what. I have a feelin’ we’re gonna be good friends, babe. And I protect what’s mine, and bein’ my friend makes you mine to protect.”

  The grip my palms have on her face makes her lips puff up as she responds. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Sniper.”

  I laugh. “I don’t darlin’. Hell, I think you’re my first promise, and I’ll be damn sure to keep it, yeah?”

  Piper brings her tiny little hands up to my wrists and squeezes gently. “Yeah, okay.”

  “I promised her I wouldn’t let anythin’ happen to her again,” I say under my breath for only my brother to hear. “I fuckin’ promised, Braxx.”

  He pats me on the shoulder twice to let me know that he hears me, that he gets it. Before I pick up Piper’s gun to clean it, I look over at my blood brother. “She was my first promise, my only promise.”

  My brother lifts his shades to the top of his head and takes a seat next to me.

  “This waitin’ on Juan to call back is fuckin’ killin’ me. I don’t know how much longer I can hold out before I rip this town apart.” My anger has me in a chokehold.

  Braxxon turns his body towards mine. “I’ll help you find her, but we have to do this with caution. You know this shit, brother.”

  I slam my hands down onto the table. “I fuckin’ know, okay.”

  Now I am lashing out on my brother when it isn’t his fault. Shit!

  Piper has that beautiful spark in her eyes. The one that says, I’ve been through hell and made it back unscathed and I’m still living my life. That special spark. It lights up her face. I’m afraid that, when I find her, her special spark will be gone, and I won’t know how to get it back for her. The human mind takes a lot to heal from tragedy, and she made it back by herself in one piece after years in captivity. What if this finally breaks her?

  “You think you love her, huh?”

  I do love her. I have for a long time. Do I know if it is the once in a lifetime love I’ve always been looking for? No, I don’t know that. I do know it’s a love I want to explore beyond friendship.

  “I’ve always loved her in a way,” I say quietly. I’m not ashamed of my feelings. I’ve always been the more open brother of the club, but I don’t need anyone knowing my personal fucking business. “Am I in love with her? I don’t know, but I know it’s a love I want the chance at. Does that make sense?”

  Over a year ago, I wouldn’t even be asking my brother this question, but he is married now with a baby on the way. For the first time, he is in love and would lay down his life for his wife.

  “It makes sense. Now, if you said some shit like that before I met Angel, I’d laugh in your face, brother, you fuckin’ know it, but now, I’d die for that woman like I’d die for one of you.”

  Everything is messed up in my head. The what ifs and what I might not be able to say to Piper if we don’t find her push every other thought from my mind.

  Shit! That isn’t an option I am willing to explore.

  “I’m losing my shit here, Prez. Losing my fuckin’ shit.” I light a smoke, take a large drag inward, and allow the smoke to fill my empty lungs. It calms the shakes the rack my body from the anger.

  “Honestly, you’re doin’ a fuckin’ bang up job keepin’ it held together.” Braxxon sighs. “I suspect that means you’re gonna turn into a fuckin’ hurricane soon enough.”

  A fucking hurricane won’t have shit on me if I don’t find my girl soon. I’m going to rip through Jamaica, Nevada like a fucking exploding volcano if I don’t start getting answers or clues as to where Piper is.

  “Juan needs to hurry the fuck up,” I growl and stub out my cigarette. Fucking stupid ass nicotine isn’t doing the job now that my mind is thinking of all the possible outcomes. “I don’t know how much longer I can sit here and do absolutely fuckin’ nothin’, brother. I don’t.”

  Pyro takes a seat on the other side of me, and Braxxon lowers his shades over his eyes, gives me one more bro pat, stands, and walks off.

  “I have no doubt in my mind that Piper will make it out of this. Her friend, on the other hand…” Pyro trails off, shaking his head back and forth. We all seem to be doing that a lot lately.

  I want to lash out at my patch brother and ask how the fuck does he know she’ll make it out of this okay. They don’t know Piper like I do. None of them do. She struggled and dug deep to get past the shit that happened to her, but as a human, I am trying to think about the girl, Jinx, as well. She is as straight as they come, an honest to god good girl, and her only hope for survival is to be as strong as I pray Piper is being.

  “Pyro, this shit is so fucked up. She was taken right from our fuckin’ gates with over two hundred motherfuckers here!” I pick up my girl’s gun and start to clean it, hoping it cools me down some.

  “That’s part of why this is burnin’ you up, brother. She was stolen right out from under our noses. I get it,” he says.

  He gets it? He doesn’t get fucking shit. He lost Lana, yeah, I understand that much, but they fought back. Piper and Jinx couldn’t fight back. They had rags over their faces in the matter of seconds. My girl would have kicked and screamed for help if she had been granted only a few more milliseconds.

  “I can’t talk about this anymore, brother. I can’t,” I grit through my teeth as I scrub the barrel of Piper’s gun.

  They have only a few more hours before I paint this fucking city blood red.


  Chapter Sixteen


  My stomach grumbles, and I know we’re beyond the full day mark now. Our bodies are becoming slack of energy, and I know dehydration is close by. If we do not get some liquids in us, we are going to be in some trouble. They have not brought us anything to eat, either. This tells me they don’t care if we live or die. It also means we were a warning of what is to come if the brothers don’t give these guys whatever it is that they want. This is a further example of why I wish Sniper would be more forthright with me when it comes down to club business.

  My bladder feels full, but it isn’t. I am not peeing, so it could either be from the stress, or we have been here longer than my body and brain can process.

  “Piper…” Jinx whispers. “Are you awake?”

  I roll over to my other side and face her in the dark room. “I am,” I whisper back.

  “I’m really cold,” she says with her teeth chattering together.

  It is sad that I am cold, too, but I respond to it as if I am used to it, proof of how long I went mistreated in captivity.

  “You’re wearin’ a T-shirt. Roll up into a ball and tuck your knees and arms inside your shirt,” I say softly. I listen to her rustle about and get situated. “It won’t help much, but it will some.”

  Assholes had to take our pants. They want us cold, miserable, and fucking dying.

  “You think the guys are looking for us,” she questions.

  Deep down in my gut, I believe they are. At least I want that thought to be true, so I answer the same question she has asked a dozen times. “They are.”

  The loud laughter above us quiets down, and I know we are about to get our second visit from one or more of the men upstairs. I hurry and demand that Jinx follows my directions.

  “Roll over in your ball, and no matter what, don’t say a word. I am gonna take the attention off of you and put it onto me,” I hiss.

  All right, Piper. Time to get an academy award for best acting. Game face on, Piper. Game face.

  When the light floods the basement as the man opens the door, I use it to check on Jinx to see if she has followed my directions. I sigh quietly when I see her rolled up in a ball, facing towards the wall.

nbsp; The door shuts, my light disappears, and the man stomps down the steps.

  “Are you a fish?” he asks with a thick accent.

  I’m glad I won’t have to look into his face. At least the darkness of this basement has one advantage to it.

  “No! I’m not a goddamned fish. So if you expect a struggle, you ain’t gonna get it, motherfucker!”

  There you go, girl. Make him angry. Keep his attention solely on you and away from Jinx.

  The footsteps get closer to me, and before I can brace myself for what is to come, a boot lands on my rib cage and the breath escapes my lungs. I wheeze as another blow lands on my head. I cannot scream because the air has been forced out of me. The chain around my ankle pulls as I writhe around in pain.

  My tormentor drops to his knees and rips my panties clean off me. I hear Jinx whimper. I want to yell that I am not doing this for my health and she needs to shut the hell up, but I can’t make a sound as the man wraps his hands around my neck and rams his cock into me. No sounds escape from me. I am far beyond that.

  I fight back because he doesn’t want someone to lay there. He gets his kicks from the struggle. Jinx may have screamed, but she didn’t use her strength to fight back. Even though the pain from my ribs sears inside me and my head weighs a ton from the blow, I kick and scream, and the chain rips the skin on my ankle.

  “You got bite, lady.” He chuckles as if he is funny.

  I’ve got bite? I’ll show him bite. I turn my head and bite with all my might. My teeth tear at his flesh. He roars and punches me in the jaw, ripping my mouth from his skin. Tears gush from my eyes, and I grip the side of my face where the bone is cracked under the skin of my cheek. It’s time I take my own advice to Jinx and check out. I’m going to die here in this basement. I won’t survive another round of this, I know that.

  Oh god! I am not going to be able to force a happy moment. Not with him tearing into me. I remove my hands from my face and start to scratch at his chest. I claw and claw and I can feel the blood drip down my fingers from the skin scraped from his body.

  His dick grinds into me. A blood-curdling scream rips from my throat, and my jaw aches from the stretch of my roar. I count the thrusts in my head over and over again. I repeat numbers because I can’t hold a steady count. I give up at pump number thirty-four. When being sexually assaulted, I have learned it best to think of something else, happy memories, counting, anything else. But it is not working this time around for me. I don’t know why, and the tears continue to flow down my face.

  “Yeah, baby. Oh, your pussy is tight. It squeezin’ me.”

  Bile rises in my throat with his words. I am forever soiled now. There is no way I will ever be able to forget this moment. I do my best to block out his grunts and the sound of my skin as it rips. The scars I once put behind me are open, and the rips that were once healed are no longer. My past has come back to haunt me as this man brings memories back that I once had hidden in the depths of my brain.

  How will I survive this time around? I do not think I will able to. There is no way. I am forever damaged now. A person can only take so much, and this, this is my too much. No man will ever want me after this. I am forever ruined. Even if I could get past this, my mental state might not allow it.

  “Yous fuckin’ dry bitch!” he roars and wraps his hands in my hair and jerks.

  My mouth hurts too much to respond or yell that I am dry because I am being raped.

  My entire body aches with pain, and deep down, I am angry he has ruined all that I have repaired in myself. I do the only thing I can do as he continues to rip me to shreds. I close my eyes and start to count the minutes that go by.


  Chapter Seventeen


  Night of the Ecstasy

  “C’mon, Snipe, give me what I want, please,” she begs as she wraps her legs around my waist and her ass scoots along the green felt of the pool table.

  Fuck, do I ever want to give her want she wants. I have wanted to fuck my best friend for almost a year. And that is a long time to have a set of goddamn blue balls from one woman. But I am afraid if we cross that line, there will be no going back. Shit will change between us, and that is not something I am willing to risk, and as if she can read my thoughts, she pleads more.

  “Please, Sniper, just tonight. Fuck, just give me tonight,” she pleads again.

  She is fucking killing me. My best friend wants me to fuck her, and hell if I don’t want to do just that when she rubs her sweet pussy against the bulge in my jeans. I am so fucking done for. My mind is no longer thinking about our friendship being ruined at all. It is purely focused on giving us both what we want.

  “Hold on tight, darlin’,” I growl as I lift her in my arms and ignore everyone else in the room.

  My hands grip her ass so tight that I can almost feel the bare skin beneath my fingertips as I walk us out to the parking lot.

  Once I sit her down on the picnic table, I unfasten my jeans, and free myself. Piper is staring at my cock, and I enjoy her eyes being on fire for me. It does something strange to me. I can’t figure out what yet, and I don’t want to.

  “Let’s get these pants off of you, darlin’. They’re in my way, and shit do I want to eat that pussy I’ve been fantasizing about!”

  In my half drunken state, I drag her pants down to her ankles and throw her legs over my shoulders so that she is secured around me. I then lower my body down, let my knees hold me up, and move my mouth to her center.

  With two of my fingers, I spread her lips open and blow on her clit. She moans, and I do it again. When she is writhing around, I stop teasing and bring my mouth down onto her. My name sings from her lips as I lick and suck on her pussy. I have never tasted anything like her before, and shit if I don’t want more and more.

  I shove two fingers inside and pump as I clamp my teeth down on her clit and gently pull. A small gasp escapes her, and the man inside of me roars to life.

  “Sing for me some more, Pipe,” I mumble against her skin. “Let me hear you.”

  And hell if my darlin’ doesn’t follow my orders.

  When she begins to come undone and her creamy thighs squeeze my face, it is more than I can handle. I stand, grab my cock in my hand, and shove inside of her. Piper’s pussy squeezes my dick so hard that I think that I will lose it right there on the spot, and I will waste what might be my only chance with her. No way will this night have a repeat performance.

  “God, Sniper, right there. God, please, please don’t stop,” she cries as I pound into her.

  The slapping sound caused by her juices only hardens my dick more. I have never fucked such a wet pussy in all my life.

  “Damn, I have seen your dick, baby, but, fuck!” she yells.

  Goddamn, her pussy is milking me. “Show me those gorgeous tits, babe. Now,” I roar through clenched teeth. I have to see all of her, and this fucking picnic table is not going to allow that.

  When she lifts her shirt and pushes her bra out of the way, the moonlight streams down onto her pierced nipples, and I am done for even more.

  “Fuck, babe, when you get that done?” I hiss as I pump harder into her sweet, tight little pussy.

  She giggles as I lift her into my arms.

  “We’re taking this somewhere inside. I need you all the way naked, darlin’, like all the fuckin’ way.”

  I don’t stop fucking her as I walk us to the live-in. Okay, more like run our asses in there, and when Piper scratches my back, I let out a lion roar. I am so fucking turned on by her, it is fucking goddamn unreal.

  The door slams behind us and my jeans are hanging by a thread at my knees as we traipse up the steps and into my room. When I kick the door shut, I walk us over to my dresser and sit her down, lift her legs from over my head, and pull her jeans completely off as she tugs her shirt over her head. When her bra hits my carpet, all is fucking lost. Those silver barbells glistening at me are my new Kryptonite. I lift a finger and gesture for her to sit up, an
d when she does, I bring my mouth down on her right tit and suck that pretty little pierced nipple into my mouth as my cock beats inside of her like a drum.

  “Sniper, harder!” she pleads, and without lifting my mouth from her delicious flesh, I do as she begs.

  I have never felt something so good. I peek at her face as I suck on her and I have never seen such a beautiful site in all my life. She looks gorgeous. Her eyes sparkle and her mouth smirks upwards. Best feeling in the world.

  I lift my lips and bring them to hers. I shove my tongue inside and fuck her with my mouth. “Taste yourself,” I mumble.

  When her tongue tangles with mine, it is unlike anything I have ever felt before. It is as if our bodies are made to connect in every single, fucking away. The feeling is so intense that I jerk away from her mouth and I continue to fuck her relentlessly.

  No sex should ever be this fucking good. God fucking dammit!

  “We’re moving to my bed, darlin’,” I growl as I jerk her upwards and into my body.

  When she is secure around my waist, I stop and ram into her hard. I repeat the process when her sweet little moans urge me to continue. It has never felt this good fucking standing up. Why does everything about her have to be so fucking perfect? This shit is killing me. I move us over to the bed, toss her to the mattress, and make a gesture with my hands for her to flip around.

  I need to see that luscious ass in the air. I have to slap it. No, I need to slap it as I fuck her so hard she sees black.

  “I want that ass up, darlin’. I want it touchin’ the motherfuckin’ sky,” I hiss through gritted teeth as I yank on my cock. I can’t seem to help it. Seeing Piper completely naked and at my mercy makes me want to do shit I never do, like fucking jerk my chicken.

  “Look at that,” I tease and slap at her beautiful round ass. “So fuckin’ pretty and I can see your pussy peekin’ at me, too.”


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