Discovering Me (Breakneck #4)

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Discovering Me (Breakneck #4) Page 10

by Crystal Spears

  Without warning, I ram into her, and she sings my praises as I pound my cock inside of her. Her pussy milks me for everything I got.

  “Fuck me harder, Sniper, fucking harder.” She tries to yell but it comes out garbled from her face being smashed into my mattress. The site nearly undoes me.

  I reach under her and start rubbing her clit with my thumb as my dick continues to assault her. I have to grit my teeth together and force myself not to come. Piper with her ass in my hips and my cock buried in her pussy is almost more than I can handle for much longer. I chant her name as loud as I can, over and over again. I can’t seem to fucking stop myself from roaring her name.

  She is an aphrodisiac to my cock.

  I will never be able to get over her cunt. I know it. Deep down, I fucking know it.

  “Sniper, I’m gonna come,” she mumbles underneath me.

  Thank fuck. I don’t know how much longer I can hold out with her pussy squeezing my dick as if it’s the end of the fuckin’ world.

  “Now,” I yell and my nuts release into her as her walls spasm around my dick.

  We don’t move. We pant until we can’t hold our position any longer, and that’s when I pull out and collapse beside her.

  “Well…” she mumbles as she tosses over.

  Well. We just fucked shit up.


  Chapter Eighteen


  We get a call from Juan about where some of the Cartel members are hiding out. And I itch to kill those sick fuckers after I find Piper and her friend Jinx. One way or another, I will get my revenge, and it will be anything but a kind way to die. Those fuckers will regret the day they took my best friend from me. A woman I fucking love.

  “Sniper, brother, you gotta keep your head while we’re out there.” ZZ sits down and warns me.

  Fucking easy for him to say. He is not the one who has a woman out there, having god knows what the fuck done to her. I am sick of my brothers saying shit that makes it sound like all is right in my goddamn world. All is not right. It is all kinds of fucked up.

  When you steal from me, you better damn well make sure your ass hides because when I get a hold of you, you are fucking done for.

  “I swear on my fuckin’ patch, if someone says somethin’ about my head one more time, I will fuckin’ put a bullet in ‘em, and yes, that includes you, too, ZZ. Yeah,” I hiss through my gritted teeth.

  How could they be so fucking stupid? I am being perfectly rational, all things considered. I will be damned if the only chance I have at falling in love with a woman is ruined because she was taken from me. Do my brothers really know that little about me? Even if my love for Piper was not one I am willing to explore, they know better than to expect me to sit here and do fucking nothing. I make jokes, I play around, but I am not playing around with this shit.

  “I get it. You care about her, but if you don’t think shit through, you might ruin your chance at findin’ her alive,” he says to me.

  I jump up, grab him by the throat, and seethe with this new anger that has invaded me. “Do not fuckin’ suggest anythin’ about her bein’ dead to me ever fuckin’ again,” I roar and shove his body away. “Brother or not, I don’t give a fuck.”

  Zig Zag shakes his head but does not lash back out at me. He gets up and walks away.

  “That was uncalled for, Perseus.”

  She did not fucking call me by my given name. “You aren’t supposed to be in here, Luce. Go the fuck away and don’t ever fuckin’ use my name again.”

  I am beyond the limit that I can handle. I cannot take any more bullshit from anyone. I never knew caring about someone as much as I care about Piper would be this fucking stressful. It doesn’t help that, in my gut, it feels like I won’t see her again, or if I do, she won’t be the same when I get her back. None of those is options. There is no if. I have to keep reminding myself of that. And I will do everything in my power to make sure I help her get her normal self back. She has done it before, so I know she can do it again.

  Of course, I understand that she will be forever changed by what has happened, but I will do my best at helping her heal and get her life back. Fuck. I am so conflicted about all of this. She healed on her own the last time, but our friendship wasn’t there then.

  “Lighten the hell up. You’ll get her back,” Lucy snorts.

  It takes all my might not to swing around and lash out at her. If I did not have a sexual past with her or a friendship with her, I would treat her as if she were a one night stand when she said that to me. Instead, I am going to take the high road and walk away. Our Prez is giving us the eye that it is time to go anyways.

  I lower my shades before I open the door and wait beside my bike for the rest of the guys. I packed my guns hours ago. Now I want to shoot them. Well, I want to kill some fuckers. Shoot my guns means I want target practice and I don’t fucking need target practice. I am called Sniper for a reason.

  “Ready for blood, brother,” Braxx asks as he straddles his bike.

  “Fuck yeah I am.”

  Let’s do this fucking shit.

  And motorcycle after motorcycle roars out of the compound and down the streets that surround the compound. Not all the bikes could fit in the parking lot, and it is a bloody miracle no bikes have been harmed. The Cartel didn’t mess with the bikes because it is child’s play compared to taking people from us.

  When we pull up to the first stop on Juan’s list, the quiet lets us know something is up at this location. We shut our bikes off at the same time and the eerie silence is a giant red flag. These guys make shitty criminals.

  “ZZ and Pyro,” Braxxon says and motions with two fingers for them to go in first. “Sniper gets first dibs. Only wound. He has to work out some aggression and torture these fucks for some answers.”

  Damn right I do.

  Pyro stands to the side and ZZ kicks in the door and then pushes back against the wall to clear the doorway. When no gunshots are fired, he goes in first with his pistol aimed. Still no gunfire and whoever is in there waits for us to enter. We line the walls with our backs and scoot along the hallway of the old abandoned restaurant. I am calm before the storm. My mind is clear and my focus is on the kill, and even though I have not laid eyes my prey, I am clear as crystal.

  Pyro whistles low and points to the glass wall of a booth. A reflection of two men glares back at us. A bullet whizzes past ZZ’s head, and I laugh out loud. If the idiot is going to use a silencer, he should at least know how to use the damn thing. ZZ isn’t even mad they shot at him. He chuckles alongside the rest of us. Braxxon aims at the booth and shoots low to wound them. Their pussy ass cries echo around the room. Pyro and I round the corner and aim at their heads. They drop their weapons and grab at the bullet holes in their bodies as they speak Spanish to one another.

  I really have to learn fucking Spanish. This is ridiculous.

  “Get the fuck up,” I say with an even tone. “Now. Don’t make me fuckin’ repeat myself.” I shove my silencer into one temple. “Up!”

  Pyro does not need to repeat my words. The one he has his gun pointed at follows my orders and his buddy’s movements. They make this too easy. What a shame. I guess I will have to torture them even more for making my job too fucking easy.

  “My show, Prez?” I ask my brother.

  He snaps his fingers at ZZ to pull up two chairs from a nearby table, and Pyro and I shove the two fuckwads down. They beg and plead in a language we don’t fucking understand. All of us look at one another and our thoughts are the same. These fuckers are the pussy members. The weak little fuckers. The diversions.

  We are being stalled for some reason.

  “You think they are having trouble getting Piper and Jinx out in time and these idiots are to distract us and keep us here longer?” Pyro shakes his gun at the two of them.

  I believe he is on to something. The Cartel knows we have this town under lock and key and we run this shit. What if they are worried that Juan and other people
are on our payroll and are afraid we will catch them moving the women?

  I know it is a tough needle in a haystack idea, but fuck, we have a handful of chapters here. All roads are being monitored.

  “Kill them fast. We gotta get back and fuckin’ figure this shit out,” Braxxon orders.

  Pyro and I shrug and pull our triggers at the same time. When blood splatters my leather cut, I look up towards the ceiling and vow that I will slice someone’s arms off for the mess this caused my fucking clothing. I fear I am losing touch with my humanity. Losing someone you care about will do that to you, I suppose.

  “Sniper… my man, your head’s all fucked up,” ZZ coaxes.

  No shit. I have not felt anger like this in my entire life. Something has to be said for it. I guess you really don’t know what you have until it is gone. When she was taken, the very thin good graces I held were stolen right along with her.

  “I’m gonna get her back,” I mumble as I walk out the door into the sun while I lower my shades over my eyes. Berry is going to be pissed that she has to clean this blood out of mine and Pyro’s clothes. ZZ says one day she is going to up and leave us all.

  “Looky what I found,” ZZ says as he marches outside. “The little fuckheads had a half of kilo on them. I wonder if they robbed their boss?”

  Fucking drugs. I love blow just as much as the next person, but I will never be a tweaker.

  “Good, we’ll use it as payoffs for info.” Braxxon snatches it from him and shoves it into his saddle bag and then turns around to smack ZZ in the shoulder. “Wave it around in the air for all to see, brother. As if the blood on Pyro and Sniper ain’t enough,” he laughs.

  “My bad.” ZZ chuckles.

  The sound of ZZ laughing after his loss is another hill he has defeated. If only I had my reason to laugh again. Time is ticking by too fast, and if I don’t get her back soon, she’ll be gone forever. When the reality of that hits me, my eyes do something they have never done before. They threaten to spill droplets of salt water.


  Chapter Nineteen


  I sit at the bar of the clubhouse and twirl this stupid strip of photos in my hands. Well, I used to think it was ignorant, but now that I think about it, deep down I know it isn’t. I wouldn’t have shoved it in my wallet to begin with if it was. I stare at the beautiful, goofy face Piper was making in the photo and then I look at myself. I was full on laughing in the three photos on this strip. It was during one of the lockdowns, and Piper insisted I get her off of the compound, so I did. She dragged my biker ass all over the Jamaica Mall. I admit, at the time, I acted miserable but I wasn’t. I was actually having fun that day, but I wasn’t about to let her know. I slide my thumb over her face and slump further down on the barstool. If I don’t get her back, there is no telling what I will do or what I may become without my best friend, a woman I love, a woman I very much want to explore love with.

  “Sniper,” a voice behind me whispers.

  I don’t bother to hide the strip of photos when Lucy sits down next to me. She isn’t supposed to be in the clubhouse. She is supposed to be over at the live-in, but by her tone, I assume she wants to apologize to me. So I let her sit down and wait for her to speak.

  “She’s really pretty,” she says as she stretches her hand towards the snapshot. I jerk it out of her reach. This may be all I have left of Piper if something does happen. I will be damned if I let anyone touch it.

  “I have to tell you somethin’, and you might very well kill me for it,” she sighs.

  Her statement gets my attention. The word kill coming from Luce has my curiosity piqued. “Go on,” I say as I tuck the mall members into my wallet and my wallet into my back pocket.

  “I… shit, Sniper! Don’t look at me that way. Your face already spells you want to blow my head off, and this is hard enough to tell you.”

  I suspect she is going to own up to what she might have said to Piper. And it is about fucking time. Piper has never truly cut me off before.

  “Spit it the fuck out, Luce,” I growl and tilt my shades to the top of my head. I want her to see the anger in my eyes.

  “I may have led her to believe that we are closer than what we really are and that maybe we sleep together on a regular basis—”

  I jump up and the bar stool makes a screeching sound as it flies across the floor. “You fucking did what?” I roar.

  My hands fly to my head and I pull my hair. It finally makes sense. Piper kept going on and on about how our friendship was a fraud and how she thought she didn’t mean more to me than what she really does.

  “You have no fuckin’ idea what you did. That girl is the fuckin’ sun in my eyes! The shit she’s been through and the smile she still has is a fuckin’ bloody miracle. Our friendship is nothing, and I mean not a fuckin’ inch to the miles long that Piper’s and my friendship is. Do you know she is the first girl I have ever cared about?” I growl and pace at the same time.

  Lucy stands up and directs my attention back to her. “You cared about Christina…”

  Christina! Fuck that bitch. I thought I cared about her. Big fucking difference. That was all false. My brain tricked me into something I desperately wanted.

  “Are you really that fuckin’ idiotic, Luce? Really?”

  This isn’t happening. Piper is not laid up somewhere thinking she means jack shit to me. This fucking cannot be happening.

  “You said so yourself,” Luce exclaims.

  What the fuck. Anyone with eyes can see the difference between the shit I had with Chris and the connection I have with Piper. It is on an entirely different playing field.

  I stop pacing and push up right into Lucy’s body with my chest and peer down at her. “You better hope I find her, alive, because if I don’t, our past won’t save you from my motherfuckin’ wrath,” I seethe.

  Lucy’s mouth opens and closes as if she is this little lost guppie who can’t find her goddamn words.

  “I’m sorry,” she yells as I retreat before I fucking kill her.

  I don’t bother to swing back around, and I don’t waste words accepting or denying her apology. It means little to me.

  “She’ll be reprimanded, Sniper. I’m sorry,” Dizzy says quietly as she passes me.

  I snort. Why the fuck aren’t these bitches over in the other building? Times have changed. Braxxon has ordered them to the live-in, and yet, here they are all up in my motherfucking space.

  I stomp into the Chapel, shut the door behind me, and wait for my brother to get off of the phone. He holds his hand up and nods into the phone. Why do people fucking do that? The person on the other line can’t fucking see your dumbass. Another human flaw. Proves we are all just a bunch of dumbfucks living until we aren’t living anymore.

  By the time I sit down, Braxx hangs up the phone.

  He holds his hand back up to stop me before I can say a word while he lights a smoke, inhales, and then lowers his hand.

  “What’s the news?”

  My brother points down at the map. I didn’t see on the table when I came in the room. Big, red circles mark six locations.

  “Pipe and Jinx are at one of these locations,” he reveals.

  “We have the man power. Why aren’t we out there getting her?” I clench my hands into tight fists.

  “I already know what you’re askin’. The brothers are splittin’ up. Some are stayin’ at their posts. The rest will meet us back here and then I will assign locations for each group. If we hit them at different times lookin’ for her, brother, they will move her. We have to hit every place at the same time. Yeah?” he questions.

  I exhale a sharp breath, lean against the back of my chair, and tilt my head up. I am aggravated, worried, and fucking angry. My girl is more than likely starving, and who knows what the fuck she has gone through.

  “Don’t let what I’m about to say piss you off.”

  Oh great. Those words don’t reassure me at fucking all. I tilt my head to the side in a
motion to tell him go on, spit it out.

  “See those two small bags right there?” He points to two duffel bags.

  My face has to read confused because that is what I am. Straight up confused.

  “They have clothes in it for Piper and Jinx.”

  Okay, now I am fucking stupefied.

  “Pyro is taking Jinx to Berry’s house, and you’re taking Piper to your house,” he instructs.

  Why would we fucking split them up? They will need one another after whatever it is they have gone through.

  “Pyro will have Akela and Ripley escorted over there when he calls them. You, on the other hand, know Piper the best, so you’ll be alone with her. I will be sending the Doc to both locations. That’s who I was on the phone with. Asshole raised his rate. He said he’s sick of doing house calls for hurt women, and frankly, so am I. This shit has to stop, bro. Women didn’t get hurt around us before last year.” He sighs as he taps his Zippo against the wooden table.

  “We didn’t really care about women until last year, so maybe we didn’t notice women were getting hurt.” I offer up the truth to him.

  My brother gives me a rare look, and I know I am only to witness it because no one is around, but the look is sad and laced with regret.

  “I have shit here under control. When, and I ain’t saying if, because we are getting them back, tonight in fact, but when we do, you take all the time you need with her. Understood?”

  I bite my lip. What is my brother’s meaning? She’s Piper. She’ll bounce back from this quicker than Winter did after her kidnapping. But hell if I say that to my brother. He would have my balls cut off if I said anything about Winter. I guess it goes to say I’d do the same for Piper, too.

  “Now go make sure you have all the guns and ammo you will need for this raid and for protection once you get to your house,” he directs.

  When I stand, my brother says something I have never heard him say to me. “And Sniper?” I look over at him. “I love ya, brother,” he says with a serious tone.

  I walk over to him, clasp his outstretched hand, and jerk him out of his chair. I hug my brother in the first family hug we have ever shared. When we pat each other twice on the back, we loosen our embrace, and I say the same words to him. “I love ya, too, blood brother.”


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