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Clockworks and Corsets

Page 5

by Tonia Brown

  So, unwilling to face the young man, Gabriella hid behind Magpie.

  “Finally,” the stranger said. “It is so good to have company.”

  “What are you doing here?” the captain asked. Her hand wandered to her gun.

  “Please,” the man said. “There is no need to draw your weapons. You can see I am unarmed.” He stood straight, spread his arms wide, turning in place. He then held out his empty palms. Gabriella noticed that one hand was bare while the other was hidden beneath a crisp, white glove. “Certainly you are not afraid of me?”

  “I fear no man,” Jax snarled. “It is you who should fear me!”

  “Jax,” the captain scolded.

  Jax crossed her arms, adopting one of her many scowls.

  “You’re obviously a skilled warrior,” the man said. “I must admit that yes, I am afraid of you.” He spread his hands apart again before he bowed.

  Jax furrowed her brow at first. This was soon followed by a half grin and nod at the stranger. “That’s more like it.”

  “Who are you?” the captain asked.

  The stranger returned to his full height while clucking his tongue. “Where are my manners? I’m sorry, these years of solitude have left me clumsy as an ox.” He stepped forward, offering a hand to the captain. “I’m Atom Loquacious.”

  * * * *

  “I don’t understand,” Rose said. As she shook the man’s hand, the rest of the crew exchanged confused glances. The stranger was an unexpected surprise in the wild of the jungle, especially since the laboratory was supposed to be deserted. What was even more surprising was his graceful charm. Not to mention the fact that he seemed glad to see them.

  “It’s rather simple,” the man said, pumping her arm for all it was worth. “Atom with a t and an o. Like the eye of the nucleus, not like the first man.”

  “Not that,” Rose said after he released her hand. “I’m sorry if we’re intruding. We didn’t expect you to be here, Doctor.”

  “Captain,” Jayne said. “This man isn’t Doctor Loquacious. He’s too young for starters.”

  “I’m afraid she’s right,” Atom said. “I’m no doctor.”

  “But your surname,” Rose said. “Just who are you, exactly?”

  The man looked to the ceiling for a moment, as if unsure of how to answer the question, before he settled back into a broad grin. “I think the easiest explanation would be that Doctor Loquacious is my father.”

  “Impossible,” Jayne snapped. “Doctor Loquacious didn’t have any children.”

  “That as it may be, it really is the best explanation I can offer,” Atom insisted.

  “Sounds like son of mad scientist,” Jax said. “Talks in circles, like Jayne.”

  Jayne snorted at the remark, but kept quiet.

  “If you aren’t the doc,” Click said, “why hang around here?”

  “I’m under strict orders not to leave the laboratory,” the young man explained.

  “Mr. Loquacious,” Rose said.

  “Please, call me Atom, Captain.”

  Rose couldn’t help her smile. It wasn’t often that she was offered her correct title, much less by a complete stranger. She was still very wary of the man, though she suspected that wouldn’t last long under his silver tongue and agreeable humor.

  “You are the captain of that glorious airship? Yes?” he asked.

  Rose nodded, silenced by his flattery.

  “And this is your wonderful crew?” he asked.

  “Right again,” Rose said.

  To everyone’s surprise, Atom pointed to each member of the crew, correctly identifying them. “The tall one is Jax, yes? Then there is Magpie, and Jayne. And you, my friend, must be Click. It is so wonderful to meet all of you. Please have a seat. Make yourselves comfortable.”

  “Too right,” Click said, making for the sofa.

  Rose grabbed him by the arm to stop the native from making himself at home. She shook her head, trying to free the disjointed feeling Atom’s naming act had given her before she lifted a finger at the man. “How do you know who we are?”

  “Because I’ve been watching you since you departed the ship. There is one more among you? A Guppy? The young woman who worked out the door puzzle, yes?” He narrowed his eyes while he walked around the room, scanning the crew.

  “What puzzle?” Jayne snapped. “That wasn’t a puzzle. It was a joke.”

  “Captain, I’m not liking the sound of this,” Jax complained.

  “What do you mean you’ve been watching us?” Rose asked.

  “Ah ha!” Atom shouted over them. He stopped before Magpie and bowed nearly to the ground before he said, “Madam, I am honored to make your acquaintance.”

  “Ain’t you just the bee’s knees?” Magpie asked. Over her shoulder, she added, “Guppy, honey, as much as I’d love to be the object of such affection, I think he means you.” The large woman stepped to one side, exposing a trembling Gabriella.

  Atom rose from his bow, and as soon as his gaze fell upon the young woman, he went quiet. Where he was a whirlwind of words a moment ago, he was now graveyard silent. He stood stone still, staring at Gabriella. She stood just as still, staring right back.

  Neither spoke.

  Neither moved.

  After several seconds of nothingness, Rose cleared her throat. “Atom,” she said, “this is Gabriella Upstairs.”

  “Gabriella,” he echoed.

  Gabriella smiled at the sound of her name on his lips.

  Rose recognized the smile for what it was. She dragged the child halfway across the world to teach her some independence, and the kid had to go and fall for some lunatic living in an abandoned laboratory. What would she tell Daniel?

  Everyone seemed caught up in the chemistry between the pair. They stood in silence, watching Atom hold out his hand, while Gabriella placed her fingers into his open palm. Atom lifted them to his lips, grazing them gently before he looked back to her face again.

  “Gabriella,” he repeated. “The feminine of Gabriel?”

  “Yes,” Gabriella said.

  “Like the angel?”

  Gabriella nodded.

  “Are you an angel?” he asked. His eyes twinkled with unspeakable affection.

  Gabriella giggled.

  “For heaven’s sake!” Jayne shouted, clearly the only one unmoved by the touching scene. “She’s no angel. She’s just a spoiled little rich girl.”

  Gabriella snatched her hand away from him before she went bright red from cheek to cheek.

  Atom took on a severe look while he dipped his head. “I apologize if I made you uncomfortable.”

  “You didn’t,” Magpie said. She shot Jayne a burning look. Rose wanted to applaud Magpie for her defense of Guppy. She knew the woman felt motherly toward the girl as they all did, but Magpie had taken the role to heart.

  “Mr. Loquacious,” Rose said.

  “Atom,” he corrected her while he raised his face to Gabriella again.

  “Yes.” Rose sighed. “Please, let’s get back to the matter at hand.”

  “Which is?” Atom asked, his eyes never leaving the blushing Gabriella.

  “Tell us how were you watching us from all the way in here?” Rose demanded.

  Atom finally turned to face Rose. “I can do better than that. I’ll show you.”

  Chapter 5

  Interlude at the Red House

  In which we have a moment alone with our antagonist.

  Never send a man to do a woman’s job. That had been Ruby’s first mistake.

  No, she thought while she tightened the straps on the counselor’s wrists. Her first mistake was choosing a second rate group of weak willed cronies with no ability to follow-through. Sure, they had killed the president, but little good it did. A new figurehead was in place within hours, and the country ticked on. A little sadder, yet none the worse for wear. All because that two bit hired hand panicked at the last moment, running instead of completing the entire plan.

  This time she w
as sure to succeed. No more toying with political intrigue or long term schemes. All she needed was the product of one mad mind—Doctor Loquacious’s last great work. A weapon of unfathomable destruction. Of unimaginable devastation. Then she would have ultimate control.

  The counselor groaned when she slipped the last cuff into place. Ruby ran a hand down the man’s chest, past his belly, pausing to grope his cock for the briefest of moments, teasing him into an even harder state. Her mind continued to wander while she fondled and stroked him. She should’ve had the entire country in her hands by now, or perhaps, the entire world. Instead, here she was with another handful of what amounted to the brains of this nation! Enraged by the thought, she brought her other hand down, open palmed, on the man’s thigh. The snap of flesh on flesh echoed through the bedchamber.

  “Oh, Ruby,” the counselor groaned while he pulled against the restraints. “You always know how to hurt me just right.”

  “Shut up, Garrison,” Ruby snapped.

  “Yes, ma’am.” He smiled wistfully at her, his cock twitching as if nodding in assent.

  Ruby slipped off the edge of the silk bed sheet, leaving the naked man alone for a moment while she went to her table of implements. She eyed the cat o’ nine tails, the various paddles, the feathers, the oils, the leather straps, and the cotton gags. There was nothing that could cause pertinent markings, nothing that would leave a lasting result.

  “What will it be today, Ruby?” the counselor asked.

  “Whatever I please,” she answered.

  “Of course,” he said. “But if you favor the crop, I wouldn’t mind. Just so you know, I am willing to include a generous tip.”

  She snatched up the leather riding crop with an aggravated huff. Plans for world domination were expensive, so Ruby made her money by the only means she knew. In some ways, it amused her that the very powers that be were unconsciously funding their own destruction by visiting her little bordello. Ruby cracked the air with the crop, sneering when the man whimpered in delight. She turned back to him before she allowed a small smile to surface. The man was at her mercy, rock hard, ready for his weekly lesson.

  Soon she would have the doctor’s weapon, then the entire nation would be at her mercy. Then she would take great pleasure in teaching everyone who was in charge. Ruby supposed it both grated and relived her that Booth took the fall for the assassination. The nation may not yet appreciate her brilliance, but at least she had been far enough from the eye of the storm to escape unscathed when it went to hell. Snapping the crop against her naked thigh, Ruby relished the pain matched by the burning reminder of her failure.

  “Are you okay, Ruby?” the counselor asked. “You seem like you’re somewhere else?”

  “Nonsense,” she lied. “How could I be anywhere else when you’re here?”

  The counselor smiled wide.

  “Are you ready for your lesson?” she asked her client.

  “Yes!” he shouted. “Teach me! Teach me so hard!”

  Ruby looked at the ceiling before she slinked back toward the bed. The counselor drooled. He was all bug-eyed and open mouthed at the hourglass cinch of the lacey corset and thin panties. She paused to snap the crop again. The counselor shivered in what she knew to be anticipation. They had played this game so many times, Ruby knew his every emotion, could predict his every response. Unlike her, the counselor was unable to hide his true reactions, his real feelings. It was a weakness she despised. Ruby crawled onto the foot of the bed, easing her way up the restrained man’s body. She paused to smack his feet with the crop, then his calves, until she loomed over his hard manhood. She pinned his legs under her, sitting on his knees while she leaned over him.

  “Now,” she said, “what do you say?”

  “Please?” he begged.

  Ruby slapped his right hip with the crop. “You know better than that.”

  “Please suck my cock,” he begged. A pearl of desire oozed from the tip of his waiting steel.

  Ruby brought the crop down with a loud crack against the man’s left hip. He groaned and shuddered.

  “Louder!” she screamed.

  “Please suck my cock!” he yelled.

  She struck him again. He yelled the phrase even louder. She worked the crop from hip to hip until each side of his waist was the color of her namesake. All the while, the high paid lawyer screamed, begging for her to take him into her mouth. To suckle him. To stroke him. To please him.

  After a few measly minutes of this, the man was done with the game. He didn’t have to say it. Ruby recognized that broken point in him. His pitiful squirming and shifting beneath her illustrated his vulnerability. She was never surprised by how frail people were. Her own limits were much higher. Much stronger.

  “Please, Ruby,” he said, on the verge of tears. “I can’t take anymore.”

  Ruby nudged his quivering cock with the crop. “I don’t know...”

  “Please, for the love of all that is holy, woman. Just let me come already!”

  Ruby smiled when the blasphemy rolled from the counselor’s lips. She leaned in to engulf the man’s shaft all in one swoop. When the head of his cock touched the back of her throat, he gave a mighty yell and tensed from head to toe. Ruby closed her eyes while his hot need rushed to fill her mouth. She swallowed it all. After a few spurts, a few grunts, and the counselor was done. Ruby pulled away with an audible pop.

  “Oh, Ruby,” he said in a weak voice. “That was amazing, as usual.”

  “Yes,” she agreed. She reached behind her to pull free the pitiful excuse for restraints.

  “Let me make love to you,” he said.

  Ruby shook her head. “Not today.”

  “I want you. I need you.”


  “Please, Ruby. I want to make you as happy as you always make me.”

  Ruby eyed him. The only way a man like the counselor could ever make her happy was if he got down on bended knee to swear his fealty to her. She imagined he would do just that and more, some day. Today was not the day to find out. That day would come soon enough. When she freed his wrists, he reached up, pulling her into his arms. He buried his face into her cleavage.

  “I could give you such pleasure,” he murmured, his breath warm on her breasts.

  “I’m sure your wife would appreciate that.”

  The counselor’s body stiffened at her words. He lifted his head until he was eye to eye with her. He furrowed his brow, as if hurt. “Why are you so cruel?”

  “Because you pay me to be. Now get dressed, Garrison, I have another client in an hour.”

  While the counselor dressed, Ruby glanced at the meeting notes he had brought to her. She could hardly wait to inspect them closer, to see if there was anything useful said behind closed doors this week. Later she would add them to her ever growing collection of White House transcriptions.

  “That last page has all the names of the candidates for the next election,” the counselor said.

  “That’s years off,” she said, then almost bit her tongue in two. It never paid to let on how much she understood about what was going on. Better he assumed her interest was a hobby and nothing more.

  Thankfully, the counselor seemed oblivious to her understanding. “Things move fast in the political arena.” He waved his undone tie at her.

  “I can’t thank you enough for the notes,” she cooed while she worked his tie into place.

  “No problem.” He cocked his head at her, clearly amused. “I admire a woman who takes interest in politics. It’s...well, it’s downright charming.”

  Ruby’s nostrils flared at the insult, but she held her tongue. “Some of us women just like to know what the great men in our nation are up to. That’s all. Again, thank you for the notes. I know you risk so much getting them to me.”

  He caught her up in his arms again. “Ruby, honey. I would risk just about anything for you.” He pushed his lips to hers.

  Ruby smiled under his sloppy kiss. That kind of submission was
what she liked to hear. “I know. I’ll see you next week.”

  The counselor nodded, then left her alone so he could return to his wife, his job, and the pathetic play he called a life. While she watched him go, she mused on how everyone was, at heart, just an actor. Some people just understood their place on the stage better than others while some changed their parts as readily as clothes. Ruby had been disappointed by more than one performance in the past. This time she had chosen her actors more wisely, giving them each such suitable roles.

  Like Bloody Rose Madigan and her crew of merry widows.

  Ruby returned to her bed, smiling at her own ingenuity. Hiring the all female crew to retrieve the weapon was a stroke of brilliance in this new scheme. Ruby needed Doctor Loquacious’s invention, Rose Madigan needed work. One hand washed the other, and the men of the world were none the wiser. So what if they were? What was more innocuous than an airship crew of women? Who would suspect they carried cargo that would change the very power structure of the world?

  A weapon so powerful that it could level an entire city in less than a minute.

  The very idea of it made her want to come. Ruby dropped down to her bed, spreading her legs for her own satisfaction. She ran her hand under the triangle of fabric that covered her dripping sex. Closing her eyes, she envisioned a new America with her at the head. The promise of power was the only thing that could ever satisfy her. Her fingers fluttered over her slick clit. She groaned at the thought of the weapon, and how close she was to ultimate control. When her orgasm came, she rode it slow, trying to hang onto the high for as long as she could. Then it was over. She was back in her bedchamber, just another whore ready to turn her next trick.

  Ruby clutched herself with a sigh while visions of world domination danced in her black heart.

  Chapter 6

  Open Arms, Empty Airs

  In which we find the laboratory as vacant as our coffers.

  In the low lamp light of the laboratory, Rose squinted at the massive mirror mounted on the stand. Before her was the image of The Merry Widow, tethered to the beach almost five miles away. Rose tapped the glass before she shook her head again. “I don’t understand how it works.”


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