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Western Pleasure (Colorado Cowboy Series)

Page 5

by Mascaro, Christina

  “Fine,” she followed him out of the room, barefoot and still looking absolutely beautiful. Her hair hung down over her shoulders, her nipples still semi-hard and poking through her tank. Logan grabbed her, thumbing over their erectness through the cloth, his hands running over her body, lingering at her waist.

  Logan tipped her chin up, staring at her. “I expect you to get back to work soon,” he winked at her, turning on his heel and leaving her cabin.

  Zoë watched the door close, sitting down on her couch. “I’m not sure if I’m in love, or if that totally sucked,” she murmured to herself.

  Chapter Five

  Zoë took another sip of her wine, closing her eyes and enjoying the warmth. It wasn’t a cold night…but the chilly air was warded off with every sip she took in.

  Amazingly enough, the small town of six thousand offered two wineries. As small as they were, it was fun to sit down next to the river in her Adirondack chair next to Logan, sipping Colorado wine and snacking on cheese with crackers.

  She never thought she could feel intoxicated after a few sips of several different wines, but after three or four samples she needed to sit down. The night had been a good one.

  Her first relief came when Logan offered to drive her to town. He ditched his cowboy hat and wranglers and threw on a sweater and jacket. Instead of cowboy boots he had on chukkas, and he opened the passenger door for her to a sporty looking Subaru. She almost laughed out loud; she had never seen a sporty looking Subaru before. But she was relieved: she may have loved the cowboy look, but a man who could ditch the pickup truck and have some class made her heart skip a beat.

  They had a light dinner at Poppy’s, a wonderfully tasteful casual Italian restaurant downtown, and walked to the wine tasting gallery. Even though it was summer, the sidewalk trees donned white Christmas lights, and she had to admit that it was the perfect setting for a romantic walk.

  Like a gentleman, he had taken her hand and led the way to their destination, and the night was bordering on close to ten.

  “I need to get home soon and let Charlie out,” she slid a glance over to him, taking another sip of her wine. Logan put his glass down, and stood to his feet.

  “Absolutely,” he took her glass from her and helped her stand to her feet. “Did you have a good time? Hopefully got to see a little bit more of Estes?” He led the way back to the car. The car ride was quiet, the winding road back to the lodge dark and edgy.

  There was nothing but granite faces until the little valley opened up, the only twinkling lights belonging to his small ranch. Slowly the cabins were coming to life, more and more workers filling in the empty spaces. Guests were already scheduled to start arriving within the next few days. She was slightly nervous to begin the summer season. She felt she had to impress Logan even more now that there was something at stake.

  He drove the car around the lodge to not eat up front row parking, and as soon as Charlie could spot them through the window, he began his high-pitched bark. Zoë opened the door to her cabin, no longer worried about locking it. She clipped Charlie to his leash and he sat down excitedly, waiting for her to show the way. It was a quick walk around the cabin and toward the horses. She was used to walking him toward the back of the pastures, away from the guest homes. When they arrived back to the cabin, she unclipped him and grabbed a chewy off the counter; handing it over and watching him run to his bed.

  She glanced around and saw that Logan had removed his jacket and sat down on the couch, waiting for her. “I didn’t know you were going to wait for me,” she blushed. “I would have come back sooner and made it short,” she shrugged out of her coat and sat down next to him.

  “I didn’t know you wanted it to be over so soon. Besides, we haven’t had a chance to say goodnight.” Zoë gave a small smile, propping her head on her elbow, trying to figure him out.

  “I don’t get it,” she started, her eyes flickering between his lips and mouth to his hands. “Do you or don’t you want this?”

  Logan was quiet and slow to respond. He pushed her hair away from her face, his fingers tracing the curve of her cheek and down a trail across her neck to her collarbone. “Can’t we just let this go where it’s meant to go?” He leaned forward and kissed her neck, moving upward to suckle just under her jaw.

  Pleasure coursed through her chest and emanated down her arms. She tilted her head to the side, making it easier to ask for more. He didn’t deny her that, his tongue flicking out against the saltiness of her skin.

  “Zoë, I don’t think I’ve ever wanted a girl more,” he slid his hands under her shirt, his fingers pinching and grabbing at her flesh. He pressed forward, forcing her to lie back, and he pulled her shirt over her head. With her hands over her head, her breasts looked full and round, her lacy bra throwing a shadow on her hard nipples.

  Zoë wasn’t sure if it was the wine or Logan, but the moment her shirt was off and he was staring at her, she felt a tightening in her belly, heat filling the space between her legs as she became light-headed. Her hands rested on his neck and ran over his shoulders,

  and her fingers wadded up his shirt, pulling it over his head. She let it slide to the floor and proceeded to wrap her arms around him.

  The feeling of his bare skin against hers was overwhelming. The first time they had made love it was fun; the second time she had an insatiable need that she wanted filled. It was like an addiction that she had tasted for the first time. Her hand ran down his shoulders and back, over his bare skin, her fingers kneading the muscles at his lower back.

  His mouth connected to her breasts, and his fingers pulled at her bra, pulling down the cups and flicking his tongue over the darkened nipples. Zoë sucked in her breath and arched against his lips. His fingers grazed over their hardness, pulling her bra down around her ribcage, scorching a trail of need down her sides to her hips.

  His kissing took on urgency, his breathing hard. Logan looked at Zoë, her eyes shut, her lips parted slightly, her chest rising and falling with excitement. He reached down to unbutton her fly, peeling back her jeans. He pulled them off and reached for her gray panties, already moist between her thighs.

  His fingers brushed over the lacy edges and then pushed the panties to the side, his finger grazing and parting the soft lushness, running across the slick folds of her heat. Zoë lifted her hips and pushed up. Logan pushed his lips over hers and his tongue swept into her mouth.

  “Do you mind being on the couch?” he asked her, pulling his pants off hurriedly. “I just don’t know if I can wait,” he collapsed on her, his knees spreading her thighs.

  “I just need you inside me,” she begged, her hand reaching for his arousal. Logan groaned at her touch, her fingers stroking and encircling him. She wasn’t heavy handed or urgent, her touch was light, and his blood was coursing fast and hard, throbbing for release.

  He removed her hand and thrust himself inside of her, unable to go slower. Zoë shuddered and gasped, her arms squeezing him closer. Her knees squeezed and her legs wrapped around his waist, and she lifted her hips, determined to feel every inch of him.

  She could feel his length moving within her and she felt herself slipping fast. His muscles were clenched and taut as he held himself for her, and she could feel herself straining to hang onto herself.

  “Zoë, are you ready?” Logan breathed raggedly, holding onto her hips. She buried her face in his chest, and ground her pelvis against his, nodding. He pressed his face into her neck and held her hips still. His breathing was hard, ragged, and she could barely tell whose heartbeat was going faster.

  He pulled out and rolled out on his side, wedging himself between her body and the couch cushions. Her body was flushed, stretched out and beautiful with the musk of sex. He jumped off the couch and went to the bathroom. Zoë sat up, reaching for her panties. She picked up his clothing, putting it on the coffee table so they wouldn’t be a tromping ground for Charlie. He emerged, and Zoë glanced at his semi-erect shaft and his backside, which was toned an
d well muscled.

  “Do you want me to stay?” He asked her huskily, sitting down next to her. “Only if you want to,” she replied shyly, her cheeks burning.

  “That’s not what I asked,” he gave her a gentle kiss just below her earlobe. Zoë was embarrassed, but bit her lower lip.

  “Yes, I would like you to stay,” she answered, putting her hand on his bare knee. Logan pulled her to her feet and led her to the bed, pulling back her covers and climbing into bed first. Zoë turned the television on for noise, and slid into bed next to him.

  Charlie jumped up, circled a few times, and tested the new bed friend, walking on Logan’s legs. Logan started laughing. “Let me guess, he shares the bed with you?” He nudged the dog to an empty spot.

  “Guilty,” she nodded. “He makes a pretty good bed mate,” she patted next to her, encouraging him to lie down. Logan threw his arm around her, grinning. “That might be changing pretty soon,” he whispered into her ear.

  Chapter Six

  Zoë got up the next morning and stretched in her bed, smiling and thoroughly pleased. Logan was on the bed next to her, sleeping on his side. She crawled out and Charlie jumped down, his tail thumping so loudly on the wood floor she thought Logan would wake.

  “Alright, hungry?” She pulled on some slippers and got Charlie his bowl of food. She felt bad for neglecting him for the past few days, but he didn’t seem phased. In fact, he seemed to enjoy and respect Logan’s company: with the exception of losing his prime spot on the bed.

  She put his bowl on the ground and started to pick up the scattered clothing and mess they made. It was still early; only six o’clock and she didn’t need to be in the office until nine. She quickly freshened herself up and put on her coat and shoes. It would be a good time to take Charlie out for a little bit of a walk.

  Clipping on his leash, she made every stop and exception that he wanted. They were gone almost thirty minutes when they returned, and Logan was just washing up.

  “Hey, this is the first time I think I ever got up and the girl was gone,” he teased. She let Charlie go, and he immediately started sniffing at Logan’s jeans and shoes. Logan squatted down, giving him a hard rub down and scratch on his belly, something the dog rolled over for and seemed to smile at.

  Zoë was thoughtful, watching him without his shirt on, his muscles sinuous. He straightened out and saw that she had straightened his clothing out. He pulled his shirt on and sat down on the couch, pulling on his shoes.

  “I wanted to let you know I’ll be gone for the next two days,” he watched her carefully. At first, she didn’t seem phased. “Okay. Where are you going?” She sat down at the kitchen table.

  “I’m going to New Mexico to pick up some horses,” he paused. “With Holly,” he finished. Her features were unchanged, but he could see her movements stiffen.

  “Oh, well. Okay. That shouldn’t change anything for me.” She shrugged, standing up, grabbing a rag and wiping the imaginary crumbs off the small kitchen counter.

  “No…I wanted to let you know because guests are starting to check in. You’ve been doing an incredibly great job, and as your boss, I wanted to let you know that if a problem arises, you’ll need to handle it, or figure it out, or whatever,” he crossed the void space between them, but didn’t touch her. “I also wanted to tell you because I know how Holly is,” he looked inside her refrigerator.

  “Hungry?” She raised an eyebrow.

  “Kinda, but we’re leaving at seven thirty,” he glanced at his phone, noting the time. “Holly is your barn manager, and you’ve known her awhile,” Zoë shrugged.

  “Yes, and I don’t have any attraction toward her. I never have,” he said, trying to affirm it for her. “I know Holly is very flirtatious. She’s been playing that same game with just about every guy that she thinks may be worth her time.”

  Zoë turned, leaning against the sink. “Logan, you are free to date who you like. You haven’t lied to me, and I know that you’re not looking for love, and frankly, I’m not sure I want another relationship just yet.” Zoë shrugged. He didn’t look pleased with her answer. He remembered saying that, but he wasn’t sure he meant it. The thought of Zoë not being interested in him bothered him. The sex was great, but if she wasn’t interested in more than that herself…was he just not worth it?

  “I didn’t say I wanted anyone else,” he cut her off, back-peddling slightly.

  “Logan, it’s okay. You go do what you have to do,” she gave him a weak smile. “If something is supposed to happen between us, it’ll happen. Right?” She asked. He gave half a nod, reaching for the front door.

  “So, you’re not looking for a relationship?” He took a deep breath, sighing heavily. Zoë shrugged again, each time her shoulders rising and falling more emphatically.

  “I have had a run of terribly bad relationships. Divorce was terrible. I got married a virgin, and after my divorce it was like one bad, terribly, horrible guy, one after the other. I made up my mind that when I got to Colorado, looking for a man was crossed off my list,” her voice was strong and her mind seemed made up. “A relationship is the last thing on my mind,” she repeated.

  Logan opened the door and stood in the doorway. He gave a glance off his shoulder, and seemed a little sad. “At least we’re on the same page,” he told her, shutting the door.

  “What the hell is with you having the stupid last word,” she muttered, crossing her arms. Charlie jumped on her, his paws resting on her thighs. He seemed to understand her frustration, sat down next to her and leaned his weight against her calf. She looked down at him, giving him a sad smile. “At least I know you love me,” she knelt on the ground and gave him a kiss on the head.

  The day went by agonizingly slow. Logan and Holly had driven off before she had eaten breakfast, horse trailer in tow. They were using Logan’s company truck, sharing the bench seat.

  Zoë couldn’t help but be jealous when she imagined Holly next to him, her hand stroking his thigh until he became hard. She imagined the truck pulling over to the side of the road and Holly straddling him, unbuttoning his fly…Good God, you need to stop it! She scolded herself. Once those images came into her mind they would never go away for eternity.

  She couldn’t understand it. Never in her entire life had she imagined her ex flirting or having sex with another girl. She had never imagined any of her dates fornicating with another lover. Yet, here she was, and it made her sick to her stomach to think about Logan doing that with Holly. Or any other girl for that matter.

  It was too late and the images were stuck. She closed her eyes shut, rubbing her forward, willing them away. It wasn’t working, and the only thing she could do was try and get through the day. Jealousy was something that she had always suffered, but her imagination had never been that active.

  She regretted saying the things she did, and she regretted even more that she pictured what she had. When she got into the office, the phones were ringing and more than once she had snapped at the staff. Logan had obviously hired and re-hired staff that had no idea what hospitality was.

  Frustrated, her day ended with a tired note. She locked up her door and was getting ready to leave the lodge with the night attendant, when Josh stood at the front desk, waiting for her to turn around.

  “Hey, let’s grab a beer.” He asked with a cheerful grin. She stood, her inner debate going wild. She needed a night to have a drink, forget about Logan, forget those awful images, and to have a little fun. “Is that a yes or a no?” Josh asked her, confused. She had apparently taken too long in her thoughts.

  “Yeah, I guess. Let me make sure Charlie is fed,” Zoë disappeared to her cabin. It took her a half hour to feed and walk him, make sure he had enough toys and chewies to entertain himself, and then she started her car. She did not want to be stranded tonight by Josh, and she wanted to be the one in control. Better she drive. Josh seemed like a bit of a heavy drinker anyway.

  They went to a bar called the Rock Inn, and it was definitely like
no other bar she had ever been before. It was definitely homey and a mixture of locals and tourists. The front half seemed to be some sort of sports bar converted to a log cabin sort of structure. The back half looked like a dance floor covered with tables and decorated with animals.

  Not quite sure what to make of it, she took a seat at the bar and noticed that there were several other staff members lingering around, talking. Josh immediately ordered a round of shots, and the bartender set down a glass in front of her.

  “What is it?” She gave an upward glance at Josh. “Soco Lime,” he grinned. “Ready?” He challenged.

  What the hell. Zoë grabbed the glass and raised it up to cheer him. They swallowed it back quickly.

  “Wow, you hold your liquor well. Don’t know many girls who can do a shot,” Josh slammed his empty glass on the bar. Zoë set hers down, ordering a drink that was more her speed. “No more shots?” Josh pouted. “No more shots,” she smiled wryly.

  “Okay, okay. Now, is that a rule because you don’t do shots, or is it a rule because you’re trying to play a ‘good girl’ for the boss?” He teased. Zoë’s face turned red.


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