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Town of Chance: Believing in Love [The Dare Series 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 5

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “You don’t get it, do you?” he asked, pressing her closer to the wall. She had no choice but to ease back in retreat. But then her back touched the wall and his body pressed nearly against hers. The hand at her waist eased up under the sheer overlay and she felt the skin-to-skin contact and shivered. Her head was tilted back to nearly her shoulders as she held his gaze and he cupped her cheek. The feel of his thumb sliding along her chin and then over her lips had her entire body on fire.

  “Are there any other calendars or pictures we should know about?” he asked and she shook her head slowly.

  When he raised one of his eyebrows up at her in challenge she swallowed hard. His dark eyes and the muscles in his jaw were intimidating. But the size and warmth of his hand against her cheek aroused her, even though she knew he had the capabilities of hurting her if he wanted to. She closed her eyes and willed the bad thoughts away. Then felt his finger trace up and down her throat. “What were you just thinking?” he asked, pressing closer to her.

  She took an unsteady breath.


  “Don’t lie to me. Be honest. What were you thinking?”

  “How you could hurt me.” His eyes widened and then darkened as he squinted at her.

  “We would never—”

  “I know, it’s me. I just can’t help it,” she said and lowered her eyes but he wouldn’t let her. He caressed her chin and jaw and tilted her head back up toward him.

  “I know things happened. You went through something traumatic when Shelby was abducted. Your injuries were hard to recover from. No more headaches, right?” he asked and she shook her head. He caressed from her jaw to her neck. It felt so good, yet she was shaking. She never let a man this close to her. She willed the fearful thoughts from her head best she could.

  “Eliza, I’m always here for you. To protect you, to talk to about anything. You know that, right? I mean despite you telling Max you didn’t want us as your guardians.”

  She lowered her head and his hand fell from her cheek and neck. She felt the loss. Her heart pounded inside of her chest. She was confused, and annoyed with herself. So badly she would love to give in to this attraction she felt. To know what it was like to be kissed by a man, caressed and pleasured by one.

  “God, I wish you would tell me what you’re thinking right now.” She felt her cheeks turn a nice shade of red.

  “We should head back.” She started to turn but then he pressed her back against the wall and caged her in. He clutched her chin and jaw.

  “Damn, baby, I hope you were just thinking of me when you blushed. Maybe the way my hands might feel, or my mouth as I explored this sexy little body.” Her lips parted, she was shocked and then he leaned closer.

  “Easy now, sweetheart. Easy,” he said and pressed his lips to hers.

  All that fear, the anxiety of letting a man touch her or get close enough to kiss her disappeared in a matter of seconds. It didn’t matter that he was so mature, more experienced and commanding. Instead she opened her mouth wider to his kisses as he explored her deeply and kissed her breathless. She felt his large hands roam over her hip to her ass and pull her against him. The solid, rock hard chest of muscles collided against her sensitive breasts, making her moan into his mouth. His hand was bigger than her ass, or at least it felt that way. She absorbed everything about Parker. The feel of hard, thick muscles against her thighs, and how he encased her much smaller frame where she felt lost in his embrace. When his hand moved from her hip to her breast she pulled back and gripped his shoulders.

  She felt his thumb trail over her nipple. Jesus. It singed her skin. She gasped.

  “Holy shit, Eliza,” he said, sounding breathless. She didn’t know what to say, and then he gave her a wink and his expression firmed.

  “Things are going to change, honey.”

  “Change?” she asked as he reached up and ran his thumb along her lower lip to fix her lip gloss. He slid his hand down her arm and took her hand. It was so tiny compared to his large hands.

  “Let’s join our friends before I do something crazy,” he said to her and began walking her from the hallway and back to the crowd.

  Do something crazy? Like take me right here against the wall? Explore my breast with your mouth and bring me more of the pleasure your kiss and small bit of exploration did? Yes. Oh God yes, Parker.

  She held on to his arm, felt the muscles, the power he emitted as he proudly headed through the crowd and people moved out of the way. “Something crazy? What do you mean?” she asked, tempting her dangerous thoughts.

  He turned to look down into her eyes and let his tongue peek out and lick his lower lip. “Like throw you over my shoulder, head out of here and take you back to my place to bed,” he said and she was shocked, scared, totally at a loss for words. But then she felt the desire rush through her body and straight to her cunt. She was in big trouble here and one look at his brothers who had their eyes locked on her, and she knew she was in over her head. One inexperienced woman against four older, more experienced Special Ops men was definitely a dangerous spot to be in.

  * * * *

  Parker couldn’t stop touching her. When they joined their friends he kept a hold on Eliza Grace’s waist as she spoke. When she discussed the calendar and other photo shoots she was doing he couldn’t help but to squeeze her hip bone or let his palm lay snugly over her belly. He was acting dominant, possessive and his brothers were still keeping their distance. But then Burker walked over and took position next to her. “You look pretty tonight, Eliza,” he said to her and Parker eased his hand from around her waist. She turned to look at him. Was it because she felt the loss of his touch? Or was she waiting for him to give the okay to let his brother be close to her next? Whatever that expression was, it fed his ego, hardened his cock and had him thinking of ways to get Lynch and Tazer to stake a claim with him to Eliza, tonight.

  * * * *

  Burker drew Eliza’s attention away from her friends to focus on him.

  “That’s a nice top you’re wearing. Did you get it at one of the boutiques you’re modeling for?” he asked, but by her facial expression perhaps he sounded a bit harsh or maybe like he didn’t really like the top.

  What he hadn’t liked were men talking about her body and complimenting how good she looked. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He was jealous. But he had no right to be. She wasn’t exactly their woman. Yet.

  She looked down at it and ran her hand along the front. It was sheer and from where he stood in front of her earlier he could see her belly ring and her tan skin.

  “I did. I was doing a catalogue shoot and fell in love with it. It’s totally my style.”

  He reached out and ran his hand along her waist and under the sheer material. Her lips parted, her belly tightened under his palm and thumb. He stroked her skin.

  “It’s pretty, sexy and classy like you. A lot like the cover up that barely covered that tiny bikini you were wearing.”

  Her eyes held his and he took a sip from his beer. She swallowed hard and then looked down and then back at him shyly.

  “How is work? Anything new going on?” she asked.

  He thought about the woman who was abducted that they were asked to find. “Just some side work for some friends of ours.”

  Someone bumped into Burker and he stepped closer to Eliza. He used the opportunity to wrap his arm fully around her and immediately felt how feminine she was. He inhaled her shampoo and the scent of her light perfume.

  “How about you? What have you been up to besides posing in calendars in a bikini and very tight dress?” he said to her, not hiding his displeasure about it.

  She turned to look at him. His hand slid along her waist as she faced him and his thumb brushed the underside of her breast. She opened her mouth to speak and then gasped, perhaps feeling the spark he felt too. Someone else bumped into Eliza Grace and she pressed her hands against his chest. He turned her toward the bar then reached up and cupped her che

  “You looked incredible in those pictures,” he whispered and she swallowed hard.

  “I don’t know why everyone is making such a big deal about it,” she said and looked away. She stepped back and Kenneth showed up along with Shelby, Bender and Sam Pace.

  “So, you didn’t think to maybe warn us about the calendar?” Kenneth asked her. She looked at Burker and he raised one of his eyebrows at her. She exhaled and then Shelby interrupted, giving her a hug.

  “You look gorgeous and those pictures in the calendar, hot,” Shelby said as she hugged her.

  Burker squinted his eyes at Kenneth, who gave him an angry expression and then Bender and Sam shook his hand hello. “You didn’t have a clue either, huh?” Bender asked him.

  “Nope, and we’re pretty pissed off about it,” he said to Bender then his attention went to Eliza Grace as Shelby Ann pulled her toward Caroline and Missy Ann.

  “So, your plan of action?” Kenneth questioned Burker as Parker joined them to shake hands hello.

  “Your cousin hasn’t exactly changed her mind about us being her guardians,” Burker said to him.

  “Well, help her to change it,” Kenneth countered.

  “Making any progress?” Bender asked and then took a slug of beer from a bottle of Bud Parker passed him. Sam grabbed a few more and passed them out then joined them. Burker watched Eliza Grace, and she looked up and caught his gaze. He watched her intently until Missy Ann grabbed onto her arm and started talking to her. He watched her walk further and further away, but then he caught sight of Lynch and Tazer. They would watch over her too.

  * * * *

  “Oh my God, what did Parker do? What did he say to you in the back hallway? You came out holding hands,” Missy Ann asked her.

  “He was upset about the calendar and pictures.”

  “I bet he was. The four of them are pissed and so are your cousins,” Shelby Ann said to her.

  “They’re acting crazy. What’s the big deal? It wasn’t like they didn’t know Eliza was modeling,” Caroline said to them.

  “It’s because they want you for themselves, Eliza. They don’t want to share you with anyone,” Missy Ann told her.

  “What? Why would you say that?”

  “Come on, Eliza Grace. You know they want you, but they have been giving you time to adjust to them and to dating,” Caroline said to her.

  Eliza Grace felt the tears hit her eyes. “They know about the attack?” she asked them.

  “They were there to see you after those guys hurt you when they took me,” Shelby Ann said to her.

  “She doesn’t mean that attack,” Missy Ann said and then Caroline smiled softly.

  “I don’t think they know about what happened to you in college,” Missy Ann said.

  “Shoot, unless Kenneth and them informed them. But why would they do that?” Shelby asked.

  “Because they were all for them being her guardians. They didn’t bat an eye when Parker stated that over and over again to the doctors at the hospital,” Caroline added.

  “That’s great. It’s just another reason for them to treat me like a sister, like a responsibility. So they feel an obligation to protect me from some guys that are drooling over my pictures? Really? I don’t think so. I don’t need this,” she said and then started to walk away. She caught sight of Tazer and Lynch and as Caroline and Shelby told her to wait, it drew attention from the other guys.

  “I need to use the ladies’ room,” she said, heading with Missy Ann through the crowd and down to the hallway. But before she made it there, two guys from earlier stopped her and Missy Ann.

  “Hey, Miss September, that was a great picture of you by the car,” the one blond said to her.

  “Thanks,” she said and then started to walk past them when the other guy stopped her by placing his hand on her shoulder. She froze in place and looked at his hand and then him.

  “Want to remove that, please?”

  But he looked past her and then released her shoulder.

  “We just wanted to buy you a drink. Maybe hang out a little,” he said to her, eyeing over her breasts and her body.

  “No, thank you.”

  She turned to walk away with Missy Ann.

  “We’ll wait for you,” he called out to her but then she locked gazes with Tazer and Lynch.

  “Take a hike,” Tazer said to the two guys.

  “What?” the one guy said to him.

  “Unless you want to meet your maker, I suggest you stay clear of her, and get lost right now,” Lynch said, and he looked very angry.

  “Come on, Missy,” Eliza said and they went into the bathroom.

  “Oh my God, Lynch and Tazer are so freaking intense. I think they’re your guardians whether you accept them or not,” she said and fixed her hair in the mirror.

  Eliza Grace thought about that a moment. She thought about Parker’s kiss and Burker telling her how sexy, beautiful and classy she looked. Then she thought about the expressions on Lynch and Tazer as they spotted the two guys talking to her. God, they were so intense and intimidating. They towered over her, were filled with muscles and those older, experienced expressions that seemed to weaken her defenses and make her feel vulnerable and unable to handle one of them, never mind all four. That thought made her feel like she was losing her breath, and suddenly a panic attack came on.

  “Eliza Grace? Eliza, what’s wrong?” Missy Ann asked her.

  “Oh God, I’m freaking out right now.”

  Missy Ann chuckled.

  “I would be too, but girl, I am so damn envious of you right now, it isn’t even funny. You’re gorgeous, sweet and deserve good men who will treat you right and love you and protect you. But you can’t get that if you keep pushing those perfect men away.”

  “Perfect? You think they’re perfect? They’re scary, older, experienced, and I’m so not experienced. I mean, come on, Missy Ann, that kiss from Parker was my first real kiss.”

  Missy Ann’s mouth gaped open. “Get out of here.”

  “Nope. Truth,” she replied and Missy Ann smiled.

  “Well, then you’ve got nothing to lose and nothing to compare it too. So follow your gut. Come on. If we don’t head back out, those guys may push their way in here.”

  Eliza Grace chuckled. “Great.”

  “Hey, be strong and be in charge. They don’t need to know how inexperienced you really are,” she said and winked.

  She thought about that a moment. She could do this. She could handle the four Hayes brothers and totally get through tonight without any further problems.

  As they exited the door, there stood Tazer and Lynch.

  “You didn’t need to wait for us,” she said to them as Missy Ann hurried ahead of them.

  “We thought otherwise,” Tazer said to her and pressed his hand to her lower back as he guided her from the hallway.

  She stepped aside. His hand was huge against her lower back and he towered over her. Why Tazer and even Lynch made her feel so immature, fragile and not old enough for them she didn’t know. But they were beyond intimidating to her. She felt her body shaking and had that sensation again in her gut. The fear of what all men young or old were capable of. She felt inferior, sort of out of control whenever one of the Hayes brothers was close. Tonight, with each of them acting so possessive and as if they were her private bodyguards, she felt more frazzled. She stopped short and turned toward Tazer. She had to tilt her head way back to look at him and when she did, she caught herself taking a retreating step. He was hard. From his firm, muscular jaw to the way his dark, almost black eyes bored into hers. His shoulders were pulled back and his arms at his sides but he looked pumped, ready for action, to make a move, to attack. He looked over her lips and she felt it. She freaking felt the enticing glance and parted her lips. But before she could tell him anything she thought of, like I don’t need you this close to me, protecting me, guarding me, he reached out, took her hand and pulled her back toward the hallway.

followed. She thought he did, but now her heart was racing and she tried keeping up with his long strides in the high heels she wore when he pushed open the back door and then pulled her into his arms and against the wall.

  “Oh.” She gasped as she gripped his waist when he cupped her cheeks. “Enough of the bullshit,” he said in a deep, angry, sexy tone that had her gasping just as he covered her mouth and kissed her. It was craziness. Pure, raw sexual craziness she never experienced before or even heard of.

  He devoured her moans, crushed his body to hers, validating his control and also the difference in their size and capabilities. She couldn’t resist his control, his strength, his power or the possessive way he kissed her and caressed her body. She didn’t want to. Her body reacted without thought, without reservation as she kissed him back, ran her hands up his back as he pulled her away from the wall and grabbed her ass. His hands felt incredibly good, hard, commanding as he squeezed and caressed her ass while he pumped his hips against her and kissed her even deeper. When his mouth left hers to kiss along her jaw, her neck and then lower she gasped, panted and lost complete focus of where they were and what he was doing to her.

  As his tongue lapped against the cleavage of her tank top then lowered, she looked down to see his mouth and tongue working into the cup of her bra then pushing the strapless bra lower. It was all too much. The sight of her nipple, the feel of her aroused breast and then Tazer latching onto it. She looked around them, suddenly feeling so exposed when she caught sight of Lynch. That hard, dark expression he shared with his brothers bored into her. His well-kempt beard, the thick black hair and dark black eyes took her breath away and she moaned as she came, right there, in Tazer’s arms, with his mouth over her breast, feasting on her.

  “Fuck,” she heard Lynch say then felt his hands on her cheeks and just as she locked gazes with him as her cream dripped between her legs and embarrassment at coming like this in Tazer’s arms hit her, Lynch covered her mouth and kissed her.

  She was moaning when she felt Tazer release her breast then lower down to his knees. His mouth landed on her belly button as he swirled his tongue over it and her belly ring. Then he explored lower. She felt his hands move under her skirt against her thighs and then reality struck. She was so overstimulated she thought she may not be able to stop the desire to feel more and to let them take her right here against the wall. It would be a meaningless fuck. They were men. Men with skills and capabilities that obviously went beyond the battlefield and their professions and into the realms of knowing a woman’s body to the point of making her weak. She couldn’t be weak. She wouldn’t let them take her like this.


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