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Mommy’s Top Drawer

Page 5

by Tina Moore

  “I said you looked amazing,” Loren said, unaware of how much trouble she was in.

  “I heard that. But I didn’t hear Mommy, what did I hear instead?” Nancy questioned, raising an eyebrow in satisfaction as Loren’s grew full with the awareness of what she had said.

  “Well?” Nancy stated.

  “I um, called you Nancy,” Loren said, sobering up very quickly.

  “Yeah, you did baby. What was my rule on that?” Nancy asked, drinking Loren’s beer.

  “Not too,” Loren said, realizing she was fucked.

  “Yeah, so guess what sweetheart, Mommy’s going to punishment for not following my straightforward rule,” Nancy said as she finished the beer and slammed it down on the bench making Loren jump.

  “Good, be scared baby. That would be wise,” Nancy said as an evil smile spread across her face. Grabbing Loren’s hair, she pulled hard, making her stumble to her feet and wince in pain as she was towed to the nursery. Nancy didn’t speak as she pushed Loren against the wall and cuffed her wrists in place. She went to the changing table drawer and took out a pair of scissors and walked over to a scared Loren.

  “No Mommy,” Loren begged, fear escaping her voice.

  “No, Mommy? Oh, I’m Mommy again? Funny about that,” Nancy said, ignoring Loren’s fear. As she roughly pulled on Loren’s shirt and began to cut it off. She cut off her bra next and violently threw the material to the other side of the room.

  “I’m sorry, Mommy,” Loren begged.

  “Oh, you have no idea how sorry you’re going to be little one. What’s my name, baby?” Nancy asked as she undid Loren’s denim shorts. These are too cute to cut; she thought as she wriggled them down Loren’s thighs.

  “Mommy,” Loren said, pulling away from Nancy who was cupping her pussy.

  “That’s right baby,” Nancy said as she began to rub Loren’s pussy, firmly squeezing her making her pull away again.

  “I thought I taught you better than to pull away from me baby,” Nancy said as she cut off Loren’s panties.

  “Stick it out for me,” Nancy said while walking to the cupboard. Loren obeyed and swallowed hard when she saw what Nancy was holding in her hand.

  “Oh, baby, you look scared. Are you scared of what Mommy is going to do to you?” Nancy teased as she pushed a pacifier into Loren’s mouth and covered it in tape.

  “I don’t want to hear you,” Nancy said as she pinched Loren’s nipples until she heard a muffled cry of pain.

  “You should be scared, little girl. You’ve made Mommy very angry, and I’m going to take it out on your pussy,” Nancy whispered in Loren’s ear as she pulled hard on her nipple. Whack. Nancy struck Loren’s pussy with a paddle making her gasp in pain and double over.

  “I wouldn’t move if I were you, baby,” Nancy said as she readied her paddle.

  “Wider,” Nancy commanded, pressing Loren against the wall with her other hand. Whack, whack, whack. Loren began to whimper but held in place.

  “Good girl. That was for pulling away from me. You made yourself get double the punishment, wasn’t that silly baby,” Nancy said as she paddled Loren’s pussy three more times, each time hearing Loren whimper louder than the last. Her pussy began to get tender and swollen, and Nancy rubbed it with her warm hands as she spoke to Loren.

  “What’s my name, baby?” She asked, trying to catch Loren’s eye.

  “Mommy,” Loren said through her gag as she looked down, a tear falling to the floor.

  “Look at me baby,” Nancy gruffly ordered as she wiped Loren’s tears away.

  “What is it?” She pressed.

  “Mommy,” Loren repeated, looking Nancy in the eye. Nancy smiled, whack, whack, whack, whack, whack, and stopped once Loren’s legs gave way, and she fell. Getting to her feet as quickly as she could Loren spoke as tears ran down her face.

  “Crying will get you, nothing, sweetheart. I know you want this to stop, but it doesn’t matter what you want. You’re Mommy’s baby girl and you’ll be punished until I’m satisfied,” Nancy said as she pinched Loren’s nipples.

  “I don’t want this anymore,” Nancy said as she put away the paddle and took out a butt plug and lubed it slowly in front of Loren.

  “This will look so pretty baby,” Nancy said as she poked Loren’s arsehole with it, pushing it in while Loren winced in pain.

  “Why are you fighting it? I told you, Mommy, always wins,” Nancy said, laughing as she forced it inside of Loren and began to finger fuck tender pussy.

  “I’m going to force you to cum baby. I know you’re not wet, I don’t you don’t feel horny, but you’re my baby, and when I want you to cum, you’ll bloody well cum,” Nancy said as she continued to force two fingers inside Loren’s tight and ever increasingly wet pussy. As Loren began to moan and grind down on Nancy’s fingers, only causing Nancy to use her harder.

  “That didn’t take long,” Nancy stated as Loren covered her hand suddenly. She took her fingers out of Loren’s aching pussy and wiped her juices over her stomach, drying off her hand. Nancy un-cuffed Loren’s wrists and ripped the tape off her mouth, making her eyes water. Loren’s legs buckled underneath her and Nancy lovingly carried to the changing table and rubbed soothing cream over Loren’s red pussy. She cleaned Loren’s stomach and sprinkled the powder on her so that she wouldn’t chaff and put her in a diaper. She picked a light grey onesie with matching with light pink knee-high socks. After Nancy put Loren’s hair in a messy ponytail, she placed a light pink bowed headband in her hair and gave her a pacifier, her blankie, and bunny and carried her to the living room. Cradling Loren in one arm, she undid the blouse which had caused all Loren’s problems and began to nurse her.

  “Good girl baby,” Nancy cooed as she rocked Loren while she nursed.

  “You’ve been such a good girl for Mommy, taking your punishment. I don’t like having to punish you, sweetie. But we have rules, and they will be followed,” Nancy explained. Loren nodded as warm milk flowed into her mouth. Nancy placed her large hand on Loren’s tummy and gently patted her.

  “You’re not going to forget Mommy’s name again, will you?” Nancy asked, already knowing the answer. Loren took Nancy’s nipple out of her mouth, and milk ran down her cheek.

  “No Mommy,” she replied quickly before Nancy filled her mouth once again, cleaning the side of her face with her blankie. Smiling, Nancy held onto Loren and watched as she rested in her arms.

  Chapter 9

  A month later the café had been booked out for a function that night, and Nancy would be staying late, and Steff had offered to have Loren over, so she wasn’t alone. Loren had initially told Nancy that one night without her wouldn’t be a problem, but she liked that Nancy had ignored her. Nancy, Steff, and Loren had come up with an agreement for what was OK and for what was simply not. Steff could put Loren in a diaper when she got there, bottle-feed her, kiss her cheek and cuddle her but anything sexual was strictly off the table. Loren would sleep in Steff’s bedroom if she felt tired instead of Phil’s and would take her toys. She would feed herself anything but her bottle and would use the bathroom if she needed to go. Steff had some rules that Loren had to follow, like waiting until she had finished eating dinner before Phil or Loren could have theirs. Staying on the floor, not the couch and strictly crawling on the carpeted surfaces. Any rule breaking or complaining would result in a firm bare arse spanking Steff assured Loren would not stop until she was crying uncontrollably.

  “She’s a quick crier Steff. If she’s naughty, let’s wait until Mommy is there, so I can watch her be spanked, so disappointed in you after Steff has been so good to have you,” Nancy said as Loren looked at both of them nervously.

  “I won’t break your rules, Steff,” Loren said reassuringly. Steff smiled kindly, half hoping she would.

  “You’ll be punished even if you break them by accident, OK sweetheart?” Steff more stated than asked a nodding Loren.

  “Good, we’ll see you then,” she had added as she left Nancy’
s apartment. The day had arrived where Loren would go to Steff’s after work.

  “So baby tell Mommy again what the plan is,” Nancy said as she cut up Loren’s breakfast.

  “I’m going straight to Steff’s after work and staying there until you pick me up. Maybe you’ll be late, and I go to sleep there. Steff is in charge, and I can trust her to be nice,” Loren said by heart before she ate a mouthful of bacon and egg.

  “Good girl,” Nancy said.

  “I’m serious about not breaking her rules. She’s a lot meaner than Mommy is. You won’t like her punishment, and she won’t stop just because I’m there, you know what you agreed to,” Nancy warned, worried Loren might try to test Steff’s boundaries.

  “I won’t be naughty Mommy, I promise. I don’t want her to punish me. Phil told me not to mess with her either. He said she put a vibrator in his arse and kept his cock locked for a whole weekend once,” Loren replied knowingly. Nancy lowered the spoon, shocked at the words Loren was using.

  “Baby, Mommy doesn’t like you using such foul language. Don’t speak like that again, alright?” Nancy said in a loving but deadly-serious voice. Loren blushed, she knew that if she spoke like that again, she would be punished, and she hated being punished.

  “Sorry Mommy, I won’t,” Loren said as she ate her last mouthful. Loren finished getting ready, kissed Nancy goodbye, and headed to work.

  For anyone looking at her, Loren would have appeared to be a typically beautiful woman with possessions worth envying and a devil may care attitude that had people falling for her without her trying.

  As she finished work and headed to the subway to Steff’s house, she looked longing into her bag as she saw her bunny and pacifier. Jointed out of her train of thought, she felt the knee of a fancy business-suited man.

  “Mind if I sit?” The man asked. Loren looked up annoyed, but her annoyance quickly fading when she realized who was standing in front of her.

  “Phil?” Loren asked with a smile.

  “Hi,” he replied, nodding to her bag.

  “Excited?” Phil asked.

  “Nervous,” Loren answered. She looked at his debonair appearance and wondered how he and Steff had met.

  “Don’t be, just,” he cut himself off and looked around the carriage. Leaning in, he whispered in her ear, “Just be a good girl for Steff, and she’ll love you.” Loren leaned back blushing. Phil had used his little voice, and he giggled slightly and looked down bashfully. Clearing his throat, he readjusted his shoulders and gained the all-powerful glare he wore so well, making Loren laugh.

  “Don’t even pretend,” she said as he grinned at her. Stepping out of the subway, Phil led her to Steff’s.

  “Why do you call her Steff?” Loren asked while they walked down a quiet street.

  “The same reason you call Nancy, Mommy,” Phil replied, whispering the word Mommy.

  “I was told to,” he added, looking at his watch.

  “Don’t you ever want to call her something more, I don’t know, Mommy like?” Loren asked unsatisfied with his answer.

  “Not really. We’ve been together for six years; she’s Steff to me. I guess she’s a different version of Steff to me than other people, but it’s never really crossed my mind to question it,” Phil replied honestly.

  “Wow, six years,” Loren stated in awe. She and Nancy had only been together for just over six months.

  “Yeah, it goes fast!” Phil said as he pointed to a house in a leafy suburban street.

  “We’re here,” he added, checking the mailbox and walking up the front path. Loren wasn’t lying when she said she was nervous. She began to wonder if this was the best idea to have agreed to come here. It was new and therefore, scary.

  “Hi guys,” Steff said, opening the door before Phil could find the keys. She stepped aside and let them in. Loren looking for carpet, stood in the entrance way until Steff took her hand and pulled her indoors, shutting and locking the door behind her.

  “Phil, I expect you to do what you know you need to do while I settle Loren in,” she said in her no-nonsense manner. Phil nodded and walking up the wooden hallway, turned into a room and disappeared. Steff took Loren’s hand and bag off her shoulder and led her to a room on the other side of the house.

  “Kneel,” Steff commanded clicking her fingers to the floor. Loren obediently knelt, as Steff put her bag on her bed and took out Loren’s shower gel, tooth-brush, and pajamas, diaper and pacifier.

  “Come with me,” Steff said, holding out her hand to Loren who took it and stood back up. Steff took her into the bathroom and ran a bath.

  “You're a very quiet girl, sweet pea. Are you nervous?” Steff asked as she began to undress Loren, running her hands over her body, enjoying how smooth her skin felt.

  “Yes, Steff,” Loren answered as she began to suck her thumb. Steff shook her head and took Loren’s thumb out of her mouth.

  “You’re not clean yet baby, here,” Steff said, putting the pacifier into Loren’s mouth. Steff held Loren’s hand as she helped her into the bath. Loren loved the bubbles Steff had put in the tub and played as Steff ran warm water over her body and washed her clean.

  “There,” Steff said when she was satisfied. She held out a towel and dried Loren, cuddling her and making her giggle. Steff laid Loren down on the towel in the bathroom and put on her diaper.

  “These are cute,” Steff said as she held up the diaper cover Nancy had chosen for Loren, a thick, white fluffy material cover with pink rabbits printed on it. Steff put the cover over Loren’s diaper and rubbed her hands over her thickly padded bottom.

  “Oh, doesn’t that feel good little girl,” she said lovingly. Taking a light pink long sleeve, Steff gently pulled it over Loren’s head and continued to dress her, adding matching grey knee-high socks.

  “You’re the sweetest,” Steff admired as she looked at the baby girl she had before her. Leaving Loren’s hair in her signature messy ponytail, Steff led Loren back to her room.

  “Do you want your toys, baby?” Steff asked nicer than Loren was prepared for. Nodding yes, Loren took out her paci and replied, “Yes, please Steff.”

  “Then crawl to me,” Steff replied, eyeing Loren in a way that made her nervous. Loren began to crawl to Steff who handed her her bunny. Steff ran her fingers over Loren’s head and smiled when Loren cuddled her legs.

  “Come on, baby, let’s see what Phil is doing,” she said to Loren, who followed her back out into the living room where Phil was already playing.

  “I drew a picture,” he told Loren as he held it up for her to see. Loren smiled behind her paci as Steff looked over from the kitchen.

  “Don’t let her have the crayons, Phil, I need to give her a bottle, and I don’t want her hands covered in crayon,” she called. Loren sat down and remembering she wasn’t allowed on the couch; she waited as she watched Phil do another drawing.

  “It’s a fire truck,” Phil explain coloring it in red. Steff came out from behind the kitchen bench and sat on the couch, patting her lap while looking at Loren.

  “Come here,” she said in a stern voice. Loren quickly crawled to her feet where Steff picked her up and cradled her in her arms. Steff was slender, and her thin arms were boney. Loren squirmed uncomfortably, missing Nancy’s more full and thick-set curvy body.

  “Stop fussing,” Steff plainly said as she gently slapped Loren’s upper thigh making her stop. Steff took Loren’s hands and held them down as she took out her paci and pushed the rubber nipple of the bottle into her mouth. Loren instinctively began to drink the warmed milk in her bottle, and Steff relaxed back on the couch. Phil looked up at Steff, who smiled back at him.

  “You don’t need a bottle; you’re a big boy. Loren is a baby,” she stated as if reading his mind.

  “But Steff,” Phil began to complain only to be summoned to Steff’s feet.

  “Kneel,” Steff commanded waiting until Phil was in front of her before backhanding him across the face making Loren nervous.

  “When did I say you could talk back to me?” Steff said, half yelled.

  “Never Steff,” Phil said, looking down, trying to hide his anger.

  “Don’t start with me, boy. I will not have you play up just because Loren is here. You should be showing her how well-behaved you are not a naughty boy for me,” Steff said as she rubbed his red cheek affectionately. After Loren finished her bottle, Steff put her back down on the floor and went to order dinner leaving Phil and Loren alone.

  “Do you want to play wrestling?” Phil asked. Loren shook her head no.

  “You’re no fun,” he said bitterly making Loren look around uncomfortably.

  “Do you want to play with bunny?” Loren asked hopefully handing Phil her bunny. Phil looked at it and threw it down the hallway.

  “No,” he said, making Loren frown and pout. Loren began to crawl down the hallway to collect her bunny when she saw Steff coming out of her bedroom, hanging up the phone.

  “How did this get here?” She asked Loren playfully. Loren looked back at Phil and pointed.

  “He didn’t want to play with bunny, so he threw her away,” Loren said as she cuddled bunny.

  “Oh I think somebody is a little jealous they have to share,” Steff said, walking into that living room.

  “I am not,” Phil spat out as he scrunched up his drawing and threw it at the wall. Steff lifted her white pullover revealing a big silver belt buckle and brown leather belt.

  “Oh boy I’m not even going to ask you to try that again, get over here,” Steff said, aggressively making Loren’s mouth gaped open. Unbuckling her belt, Steff removed it in one sweeping motion. Loren watched as Steff ripped down Phil’s flannel, train-print pajama pants and pulled him onto her lap. Striking him without warning, Phil cried out, making Loren uncomfortable. Steff continued to belt Phil’s arse until it was so red that Loren thought for sure he would pass out from the pain any minute. Steff didn’t speak a word for the whole time, but Phil made enough noise for the both of them. Howling and crying he stayed as still as he could as time after time Steff belted his arse raw.


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