Mommy’s Top Drawer

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Mommy’s Top Drawer Page 19

by Tina Moore

  But I had stepped away from the gang a little bit now that I wasn't a minor anymore. Now if I got caught doing the shit we use to do, I'd be given a much bigger sentence maybe even jail time, and the thought of that didn't thrill me. I did miss those days, though. Now I work at a local store in town selling furniture during the week and getting drunk on the weekends. It a pretty basic and boring life, but at least I wasn’t a Mum or in jail. My 21st was fast approaching, and I had invited a couple of the old gang over for some drinks on the weekend. I'd gone to buy some party supplies and was on my way out of the store, looking into the bag of candy and glitter I had just bought when I felt a familiar arm almost knock me over.

  "Oi Vicki," I said looking up at the muscled arms she used to use to pin me to the ground. She had done that so many times I had a scar under my chin from the repeated gravel rash I sported during my late teens.

  "Where're your mates. I haven't seen you around them in a while," Vicki said, looking over my head and into the store.

  "Show me the receipt," she added, grabbing the bag.

  "Hey," I said, trying to pull away from her. Vicki just raised an eyebrow, but I hardly saw because I didn't want to meet her eyes. I was embarrassed about what I had just bought. I reached into the bag and took out the receipt before passing it to her and looking down at the ground.

  "Are you having a party?" Vicki asked, suddenly sounding kinder. I nodded and reached for the receipt.

  "I'm turning 21 tomorrow," I whispered and tried to sidestep Vicki, but she moved before I could and blocked my way.

  "Hey, happy birthday for tomorrow Ava, it'll be nice not to have to kick you out of bars anymore," Vicki said kindly. I looked up at her and gave her a sideward smile and walked out of the store. Damn why does she have to smell so good, I thought to myself stepping past her quickly as I felt my face begin to turn red. That was the last thing I needed, her seeing what she could do to me.

  Chapter 2

  "Happy birthday bitch," Hope said, handing me a drink and a slice of pizza. I laughed, and we danced around my kitchen while the guys played beer pong in the living room. It was almost midnight when we heard a knock at the front door, and we all looked at each other. Everyone that was supposed to be here was. It wasn't uncommon for people to crash parties and steal a whole lot of stuff, so I grabbed a kitchen knife, and the others followed suit. I approached the door and felt myself square up, ready to attack any intruder. Opening the door aggressively, I held the knife up in front of my face.

  "What!" I yelled angrily but bringing the knife down when I saw her standing in front of me. She had some dude standing behind her, and I liked that she silenced him when he started to have a go at me for threatening Police.

  "How could I be threatening you when I didn't even know you where there fuckwit," I said back as Vicki pushed her way in and rolled her eyes. She looked around the room before she turned back to me.

  "Any minors?" She asked as the other cop circled behind me, making me feel uncomfortable.

  "No, do you think I'm stupid?" I replied, taking a step forward to get away from the cop at my back.

  "We've had noise complaints, Ava, I need you to turn the music down," Vicki said sitting on the couch.

  "Comfy," she said, bouncing slightly. One of my mates, Connor, laughed.

  "Ava? Vicki, I didn't know we are all on a first name basis," he said making the other cop angry.

  "We're not, it'll be Constable to you," he said shoving his baton in Connor's chest. Connor scoffed, pushing it away and took a step back.

  "Just keep it down, yeah?" Vicki said, standing up and coming over to me. I could feel everyone's eyes on me as she paused in front of me and put her hand on the small of my back. She eyed me up and down, taking in my short dress and heels. Her eyes twinkled, and I had to catch my breath as she smiled at me in a way that no one ever had before. She winked at me before walking out, closing the door behind her.

  "What in all of hell was that about?" Hope squealed.

  "Are you fucking her?" Connor said, and I shook my head and went back to the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of whiskey and jumped out the kitchen window. I made my way down the fire escape and onto the street, but my legs took over, and I was running before I knew it. I didn't know where I was running too, but I just had to get out of there. Fuck, fuck, fuck, was all I could think as I made my way to the park and found a spot under the bridge. I opened the bottle and drank as much as my body could hold in one go before swallowing and almost throwing it all backup.

  "What's a pretty girl like you doing here all alone?" A man's voice said, waking me up. It was early dawn, and the water by the river was beginning to glisten. I got up wanting to leave, but he pulled me back down and onto his lap. I could feel him easily under my short dress, and he reached around to try and rub me through my panties. I elbowed him in the face and scrambled up the river bank back to where the morning runners were doing their routine exercises. I knew he wouldn't chase me up here, which meant I was safe, so I walked along the path, realizing that I had left my shoes down by the river. Great, now I look like I'm coming home from a wild night and all I did was pass out under a bridge, I thought to myself, pulling a face when I saw Vicki walking towards me.

  "Good morning," Vicki said, clearly amused.

  "Did you have fun last night?" She added.

  "I was having a great time until you showed up," I spat back at her making her stop walking. I wish I hadn't, but I turned around to look at her.

  "Look I'm sorry, just stop being so bloody nice to me alright, it's got people talking," I tried to explain. Vicki wasn't wearing her uniform, and I hated myself for thinking that her running shorts and singlet looked hot on her. Her shiny black hair was in a loose ponytail, and her short shorts showed off thigh tats I hadn't realized she had. Catching me staring Vicki crossed her arms which just made her forearm muscles bulge and made me blush.

  "This isn't me being nice, your friends would have something to talk about if I was nice," Vicki said as she placed her hands on her hips. I don't know what came over me but seeing her like this, hearing her non-Police voice made my head spin. I ran forward, kissed her quickly on the mouth, and turned before I could see her reaction and sprinted towards home. I knew she could catch me if she wanted to, she had always managed to catch me before, but when I didn't hear footsteps coming behind me, I turned to see her standing where I had left her. She extended a finger and motioned for me to come back to her. I stayed looking at her for the longest time, and seeing her reassuring smile, I slowly made my way back to her.

  "You want to explain that to me?" Vicki said, sitting down on a park bench. I shook my head and looked at her.

  "Well, let me explain it to you. When you kiss someone do it like this," Vicki said, wrapping her arms around my body and pressing the back of my head into her mouth. She ran her fingers through my hair and pressed my mouth harder on her as her tongue parted my lips and explored my mouth. I could hardly breathe, my heart was beating hard against my chest, and I gingerly placed my hands on her thighs as I melted into her. Breaking the kiss, Vicki looked down into my eyes and held my head in both her hands, stroking my cheeks with her thumbs.

  "That's how you kiss someone Ava," Vicki said, kissing the tip of my nose before getting up and walking away.

  Chapter 3

  My mind had been racing since that kiss. I had gone back to my apartment in a daze, unable to explain what had happened or where I had been. Hope and I had cleaned up after the party, and I had told her I had a headache and needed a nap. In truth, I just wanted some time alone. I had not only kissed Vicki, but she had kissed me. Her touch had been soft but firm, almost protective, and I still had her perfume on my dress. She had whispered in my ear that she'd see me around and I couldn't wait until the next time she saw me. Things would be different; I would be different. I had to become the sort of person she wouldn't be embarrassed to be with. I went to my cupboard and started going through my clothes, throwing out things th
at looked trashy or cheap. I booked an appointment at the hairdressers to get a fresh color and cut, and I pulled on some activewear and went for a jog around the block.

  It had been three months since that first kiss with Vicki when I saw her again, and at first, she didn't recognize me. I had swapped my usual grunge look for something more clean-cut. A pair of dark denim high waist jeans and a white fitted t-shirt tucked in, some tan heeled sandals and my hair was a Scandi white blonde. I had learned how to apply makeup that wasn't solely black eyeliner and I had taken to getting a shade of baby pink on my nails at the nail salon. Tonight I had decided to try a new bar that had just opened up on the other side of town but hadn't invited any of my old gang. It wasn't my choice to go alone, but ever since that first kiss, I had lost one friend after another. They didn't like the new me, though that I thought I was better than them or something stupid like that. It hurt me at first, but I had been used to being alone, so I just adapted and had even put in for a promotion at work.

  "Mind if I sit?" A voice smoothly said as I sipped my cocktail. I turned my head and saw Vicki standing in front of me. Her eyes grew wide when she realized it was me sitting there.

  "Oh my god, Ava?" Vicki asked, still not believing it was me. I giggled and nodded, and Vicki pulled a face I knew meant she was impressed.

  "Wow, look at you all grown up," Vicki said, sitting down next to me. I looked around her and saw that some of the other cops were here tonight, probably with her.

  "Don't worry, as long as you don't get up to any mischief they'll stay away, I always told you that, but you never listened, did you?" Vicki teased. She got the bar tender's attention and ordered a beer and another cocktail for me making me blush.

  "I had no idea you could be so adorable Ava," Vicki said as she began drinking with me.

  "What else has changed?" She added, placing her hand on my thigh and squeezing it sensually. I liked knowing that she wanted me, but I took her hand off my thigh, making her face look confused.

  "For one thing, now I make people ask permission before they just take what they want," I said hoping that Vicki wouldn't be annoyed. She just laughed and nodded in agreement.

  "Well, may I?" She asked, holding out her hand as the music in the bar changed to a slow song. I kept her waiting as I finished my drink before accepting her hand, and she led me to the dance floor, twirling me before bring me in and slow dancing with me. Even with my heels on I was still a head and shoulder shorted than Vicki which meant my eyes were in line with her breasts and I held my breath as a fire began to grow inside of me. Wanting to distract myself from my thoughts, I looked up at her to find that she was already looking down at me.

  "You're lovely Ava," Vicki said lovingly making me wet as she pulled me in closer.

  "You've always been lovely," I quietly said, making her smile.

  "I knew you thought so, you went from being the hardest to catch to being the easiest overnight, I knew something had to give," Vicki teased twirling me around again, but I let her hand go and walked back over to the safety of the bar.

  "Are you alright?" Vicki asked coming over to join me, sounding concerned. I shook my head.

  "We are from two completely different worlds, don't you understand everyone will think I'm fucking the enemy Vicki," I said. I felt more emotional than I wish I had as a tear escaped my eye. Vicki took my hand in hers and held it softly before speaking.

  "Are you worried about what people will think, baby?" Vicki said. I looked up at her, shocked. No one had ever called me baby before; I had always just been a tease, something to fuck. I was about to speak when that cop that Vicki had brought to mine came over.

  "Causing any trouble over here," he said, making me roll my eyes.

  "Oh please fuck off," I replied, making Vicki laugh, and she placed her hand on his chest, making him stop talking and go back to the group of cops sitting in the back.

  "Come on, let's get out of here, baby," Vicki said, taking my hand. I felt my arms tingle as I took her hand and followed her out of the bar, shivering in the cold night air.

  "Here," Vicki said, taking off her tan leather jacket and draping it over my shoulders.

  "You've done that before," I said, enjoying the weight of her jacket on my shoulders, the arms coming down to my mid-thigh.

  "Maybe just once or twice," Vicki said, laughing. We walked until we found a café that was still opened and she held the door as I walked inside. It was fun being here. These were the types of places I use to rob now I was here with the one cop who would have been able to catch me.

  "What would like darling?" Vicki said, running her fingers through my hair. I forced myself to read the menu.

  "Just a caramel latte please," I replied being surprised when Vicki paid, following her as she found a booth away from the other people who were in the café.

  "I'll get the next one," I said, not wanting her to think I couldn't pay my way.

  "Alright, are you asking me out on a date then?" Vicki teased. I just nodded, and she happily wrapped her arm around me.

  "I think this is the start of something very exciting baby," Vicki said, and we drank our coffees in silence as we watched the world go by outside.

  "I've had a wonderful night," I said as Vicki walked me back home. I liked having her by my side. She had held my hand the whole way, and I was seriously considering fucking her tonight. It would have been too easy to let her come up to my apartment and let her have her way with me. But I wanted her to think I was special and not just another slut she could easily have so I kissed her again at my front door and handed her back her jacket.

  "You're going to make me wait?" Vicki said, placing her hand on the front door and pushing her body against mine, making me stumble back and I had to suppress a moan as she ground into me against the door. I just nodded and bit my bottom lip. She brushed my cheek with the back of her hand, and I suddenly was hugging her, feeling her heart beat against my face.

  "I'm going to try," I softly said, resulting in her kissing the top of my head and giggling.

  "Well, I have waited this long, I guess I can wait a little longer," Vicki said before she winked at me and began to walk back out onto the street. I put the key in my door and turned the handle, almost falling inside in a haze of happiness and dizzy excitement.

  Chapter 4

  "Hi Vicki, it's Ava," I said, trying not to sound as desperate as I felt. I had waited until the next morning before ringing Vicki, and I was excited she had picked up almost instantly.

  "Hey sweetie, how are you?" Vicki replied, making me smile immediately.

  "Yeah good, whad bout ya?" I said kind of annoyed my backwater accent came through. Vicki didn't seem to mind as she began to tell me about a drug bust she had just come from.

  "Oh sorry I didn't realize you were working," I said, kicking myself for being so stupid.

  "It's not a problem, baby. What's up?" Vicki said. I could tell she had moved out of the noisy room she had previously been in and wondered what room of the station she was in; I knew almost all of them.

  "I was just wondering if you'd want to meet up again?" I said, holding my breath and only exhaling when Vicki replied.

  "Yes. When are you free?" Vicki said. We arranged a time to meet, in three days at the museum in town and I hung up the phone, practically dancing on air.

  "Hello sweetness," I heard Vicki say before she came up behind me and hugged my waist. I loved how small she made me feel. It wasn't just her size; she made me feel so protected and safe when she was around like I could cuddle into her whenever I felt scared or nervous.

  "Hi," I said taken by surprise, and I turned in her arms to feel her mouth on mine before I could say another word. Breaking the kiss, I giggled and held out my hand, which she took in hers as we walked inside.

  "I can't believe you've never been to a museum before," Vicki said as we passed a bunch of old looking stuff. I looked to surprise, making her laugh her deep raspy laugh.

  "Shall I explain all t
hese things you've missed?" I said to her stopping to look at something to prove I was into looking at old things, which I most certainly was not. But I liked listening to how educated Vicki was about the things we were looking at. She told me stories about how she had gone to Rome and saw the ruins and to Egypt to see the Pyramids. It made me smile in wonder.

  "Where to now?" Vicki asked as we exited the Museum. I looked around the green space that rolled down the hill to the river that wound through the city. I turned to look at Vicki with nothing but pure mischief in my eyes.


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