Mommy’s Top Drawer

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Mommy’s Top Drawer Page 21

by Tina Moore

  "You won't need these," Vicki said, taking out my panties. I looked at her, confused.

  "I don't like wearing no panties, even when I'm at home," I said to a laughing Vicki.

  "Oh you'll be covered don't worry, but it won't be with panties," Vicki said smirking and playfully spanking my ass. I shook it for her, and she grabbed my hips and roughly pulled me down on her making me sit on her lap.

  "Don't tease Mommy baby girl, there's only so much control I have," Vicki whispered in my ear as she flicked my nipples, making me squirm and moan on her lap.

  "Yes, shake that little ass for Mommy," Vicki said, slapping my ass firmly making me jump.

  "Oh Mommy's sensitive little girl," Vicki said slowly as she pushed a finger into my mouth and grabbed the crotch of my shorts, pulling it to the side. I could feel her getting hard under me, and I bounced on her lap, wet with excitement. Vicki took her finger out of me and slide it up and down my wet slit, teasing me and holding me in place with her legs wrapped around mine, forcing them open.

  "Do you like it when I hold you like this baby?" Vicki said, grabbing my tit and shaking it in her hand.

  "Does Mommy make you feel safe?" She continued, smiling as I moaned in response. She did make me feel safe, she made me feel like nothing could ever hurt me again, and she knew it. I bucked against her hand, she had made me cum more times than I could count, and I needed her to stop.

  "You can't get away from Mommy baby I'm too strong for you to escape me," Vicki said as she bit down on my neck. I felt her lift me and when she put me back down, she slid me onto her big dick and filled my used pussy, holding me in the air as she fucked me. She pounded into me as I tried to escape her, enjoying how her grip only tightened on my thighs.

  "Don't you fucking dare move little girl, you'll take Mommy as long as I want you too," Vicki growled, as she dropped me on her lap and pushed me forward. She pushed my body down on the bed. She pinned me there, grabbed my shorts by the crotch again, and rammed back into me, slapping my ass when I tried to fight her.

  "What did Mommy say about that princess?" Vicki moaned as she pulled out and turned me over before pushing her cumming dick into my mouth.

  "Suck it baby girl, let Mommy use you," Vicki said as I swallowed her, gagging as she poured down my throat. She smiled as she saw her cum spilling from my mouth and pulled out slightly when my eyes started to water and stroked my cheek while pushing her dick along the side of my mouth.

  "Cute baby," Vicki said as she took it out of my mouth and pulled me in for a cuddle.

  "I love you, Mommy," I said as she held me against her breast and let me fall asleep in her arms.

  Chapter 6

  When we finally got to hers, it was late, and I was tired. We had fucked for hours at mine, and I had happily let Vicki use me as I lay exhausted and limp on my bed. Her stamina was incredible. She had practically carried me to her car and buckled me in, putting a blankie over the top of me and let me drift in and out of sleep as she drove us to her home.

  "We're here, darling," Vicki said, gently shaking me awake. I opened my eyes and looked around. We lived in different suburbs. The streets here were like something from a movie. The street was lined with tall leafy trees and the houses where big colonial style homes with perfect gardens and sidewalks. Vicki came around to the passenger side and opened the door for me and helped me down from her big SUV. I liked her car, it had cream leather and wood trim, and the navy blue paint was always clean. She grabbed my backpack and took me inside. Her home was modern, and I was surprised that a cop could afford something like this. She must have seen my face because she laughed as she shut the door behind me.

  "I wasn't always a cop baby," Vicki said, leading me through the house. Her bedroom was as big as my entire apartment and looked out over the manicured back yard.

  "Why are you even messing with me?" I said to her, feeling stupid and out of place her in her luxury home. Vicki frowned and came over to me, making me feel even smaller.

  "Baby, I'm not messing with you. I loving on you," Vicki said, grabbing me and holding me tight.

  "But like, what can I even offer you, like, I can't match this!" I said, pulling away from her and letting the house overwhelm me. Vicki laughed and walked into the kitchen. Worried that I would get lost, I quickly followed her.

  "Let me explain something to you baby girl because you have a few things mixed up. I don't need you to match this, I need you to be your cute, baby self and let Mommy take care of you," Vicki said, passing me a drink in a sippy cup. I looked at it and looked at her, rolling my eyes.

  "If you're going to be a brat, Mommy can spank you if you'd like?" Vicki said, making me giggle as she pushed the drink into my hands.

  "No, Mommy," I said, drinking obediently. Vicki got herself a wine and went into the bathroom.

  "Bathies baby girl," she said, reaching down to pick me up.

  "Hey, I can walk," I said, wriggling out of her grasp.

  "You'll let Mommy carry you, or you'll crawl my darling," Vicki said, smiling victoriously when I reluctantly lifted my arms accepting her embrace.

  "Good girl," Vicki said, taking me into the bathroom. She ran a bath and undressed me before helping me into the bath.

  "Mommy, are you coming?" I asked making Vicki smile.

  "Would you like me to baby?" She asked, taking off her shoes. I nodded and watched as she undressed and sat down on the opposite end of the bath.

  "So Mommy, is that for me?" I asked, pointing to the diaper and clothes Vicki had placed on the counter. She turned to see what I was pointing at, turning back and moved over to where I was sitting. I moved into her arms and loved how she kissed me softly, smiling when I moaned between kisses.

  "Yes, baby," Vicki said before washing me clean. I enjoyed that she was so gentle on my cunt, I could still feel her in me and flinched thinking she would be rough.

  "You don't need to be scared of me sweetie, Mommy isn't going to hurt you," she said before getting out and drying herself.

  "You are going to look so cute in these baby," Vicki said, taking my hand and pulling me out of the bath. She put a duck hooded towel over my head before she playfully dried me off, making she giggle and squirm under her touch.

  "Stay still for me little one," Vicki said, putting a pacifier in my mouth. I froze, I don't think anyone had ever given me one before. Vicki must have sensed my shock and pulled me to the floor, she had placed a clean, dry towel down, and I followed her instruction and spread my legs and lifted my bottom.

  "It's OK baby, Mommy is here now, and I'm going to give you all the loving you could ever need," Vicki said placing a hand on my tummy and gently pressing down.

  "Come on, let's fill this little tummy of yours," she said, picking me up and carrying me back to the kitchen.

  "Mommy," I whispered in her ear from behind my new pink paci. Vicki patted my bottom and just pushed my face into her neck as she moved around the kitchen getting everything she needed for dinner. She eventually put me down on her couch and put a movie on, wrapping me in a fluffy blankie before she went back to finish making dinner.

  "Here little one, do you want to feed yourself," Vicki asked as she handed me my plate. I looked down and was impressed with what I saw.

  "How did you know how to make something like this, Mommy?" I said, smelling the Asian dish she had made us.

  "I told you I wasn't always a cop. I worked as a chef for a few years in Bali before I came back home and settled down here," Vicki said as I began to eat.

  "This is delicious," I said. Vicki fed me the last few mouthfuls and patted my tummy.

  "Full baby girl?" Vicki asked as I climbed into her arms and snuggled up on her with my blankie.

  Chapter 7

  The sun woke me before it did Vicki and I looked down and touched the front of my diaper over the pink diaper cover Vicki had dressed me in. I was surprised I was so chill about playing along with this game she had going on. It felt nice to have someone care about me so m
uch, to want to take away all the mean things that the world threw at me. I liked that I didn't have to do any of this grown-up stuff alone anymore. I thought back to yesterday, how she had been so patient and calm about me trying to push her away, instead of just bailing on me she had made me feel more loved than I had ever felt in my life.

  I slowly got up and went out into the spacious living room and tried to turn the wall length TV on. Struggling to understand the table looking remote, I gave up and walked into the kitchen where I saw a note saying that there were crackers and coloring ins on the table. I looked over and smiled, seeing the colors and books. Strolling over I sat down and flicked through the pages, seeing that they were empty. I liked that, I didn't want to share Mommy with anyone else, she was mine. I found a page I liked and began to color, humming to myself happily.

  I was almost finished my page when I felt Vicki come up behind me and grab my waist in a hug.

  "Good morning baby girl," Vicki said, kissing my cheek and looking at my picture.

  "Pretty little one, Mommy might have to rip it out and put in on the fridge," Vicki added, looking to see if I had eaten any of the crackers.

  "Hi Mommy," I said, still focused on my drawing. I loved this, but it was Saturday, and I knew that Vicki was working tomorrow and didn't know when we would get my apartment cleaned.

  "Mommy, maybe I should go and sort out my apartment?" I asked as she began to make breakfast. Vicki turned around and passed me a juice in my sippy cup.

  "Baby, Mommy has already taken care of that. I have people there right now fixing it up," Vicki said making me wonder when she had done all of that, and how she had done that. I looked at her, confused.

  "So what, we just live happily ever after?" I said, unsure how to handle all this nice stuff that was happening. Vicki just laughed and nodded her head.

  "That's kinda the idea baby girl. Not everything has to be so hard," she said, cutting up my omelet and feeding me a mouthful. I ate silently thinking about what happily ever after was meant to feel like. It was nice, but it was new, it was scary, and it was not something I knew how to live with. I so used to having to struggle, to hustle and be on constant guard that I couldn't understand how to drop that down and be at peace. I also didn't know how to tell Vicki any of this, so I just ate my breakfast and looked away from her.

  "It's too good to be true Mommy, what gives?" I asked, feeling vulnerable for the first time. Vicki sat back and looked at me.

  "You just got lucky baby girl, I didn't think that you'd hate this so much," Vicki said laughing and cleaning up our plates.

  "I don't hate it; I don't know how to do this. Pretty suburban easy life with no drama, like what do you even do for fun?" I asked, shifting uncomfortably wanting the diaper off.

  "Come on, baby, let Mommy help you. Mommy's feisty little wild cat," Vicki said winking at me making me laugh.

  "I heard them call you that once and I thought how fitting it was for you," Vicki explained as she took off my diaper and passed me some big girl clothes.

  "Can I still call you Mommy when I look like this?" I asked, feeling more comfortable and coming up to kiss Vicki full on her mouth.

  "Yeah baby girl, let's try for just nights in diapies OK?" Vicki said, and I thought about it for a moment before nodding my head in agreement.

  "I think I'd like that," I said, pulling on my tight pink tracksuit pants. I could tell Vicki liked how they looked, she wasn't even trying to hide her hardening dick and rubbed it opening in front of me.

  "Mommy, do you like it?" I said, teasing her. I dropped to my knees and was surprised how excited I was to suck her. It was only the second time I'd had her in my mouth, but I swallowed her deeper than I had before.

  "Oh Jesus baby girl, you're Mommy's little slut now aren't you," Vicki said, arching her back and shooting down my throat. She got up and ripped at my pants but stopped when I told her I was still too sensitive to have her there. She just smiled.

  "We can work with that, let me play with you like this then," Vicki said as she rubbed her dick along my slit hitting my clit and teasing me.

  Chapter 8

  I stayed over at hers Saturday night but come Sunday; I could tell she had work on her mind. She was less playful, and her energy was very controlling.

  "What are you going to do today? I'll drop you home before work Ava," Vicki said. I frowned when I had heard her say my name, and she noticed, coming over and grabbing hold of me.

  "I have to be serious now baby, going out onto those streets is not a joke, I can't be feeling all lovely and Mommy right now. Do you understand?" Vicki explained, trying to sound like she had all weekend. I smiled and nodded, knowing that she was right; those streets were no joke.

  We finished breakfast, and I packed my things away, explaining that I was going to look for a new apartment when I got home.

  "Why don't you move in here?" Vicki said, taking me by surprise. She picked up my bag and walked to the door before I grabbed my wallet and keys and joined her.

  "I don't know, do you think it's too soon?" I asked her nervously. She just shrugged.

  “It's not like you won't be at mine every minute I'm not working anyway baby girl, Mommy owns you now, remember?" Vicki said. I didn't like how controlling she was being. I had learned from a young age to take care of myself, and here she thought she was gods gift to the world.

  "I still don't know," I said softly before suddenly feeling her hand on my thigh prying my thighs apart and rubbing me roughly.

  "It's not really up for discussion. You'll move in with me after my shift today baby girl," Vicki said. I squirmed in my seat, which just made her laugh cruelly as she pulled my shorts to the side and forced a finger into my pussy.

  "See how wet you are baby girl, don't try and tell Mommy you don't like this," Vicki said, pulling over to the side of the road and rubbing her dick wantonly. She pushed another finger into me and moved them inside of me. She reached into her pants and pulled her hard dick out, grabbing the back of my head and forcing herself into my mouth.

  "Be Mommy's little fuck doll baby girl," Vicki moaned as she tilted her head back and closed her eyes as she used me. She worked her thumb over my clit and used her little finger to tease my ass, only stopping when I bit her. I couldn't think of anything else I could do to make her stop, and I was happy when it worked.

  "Ouch you little bitch," Vicki said, pulling my head up and slapping me hard across my face. I looked at her, broken-hearted and she changed back into my loving Mommy in an instant.

  "I'm sorry baby, I," was all I heard her say as I jumped out of her car, grabbed my backpack and ran down the street.

  I knew she couldn't follow me as I jumped a fence down an alley and felt the familiar gravel tracks under my feet. I could feel the tears pouring down my face, but I didn't bother to stop them, I just kept running.

  "Ava!" I heard her angrily yell, and I could tell she wasn't following me. I ran until I thought my lungs would give out and found myself in one of the old warehouses that I use to hide in when she would chase me for stealing something. I looked around the dirty place and was surprised I could have ever felt safe here. There were a couple of crack whores shooting up in the corner, and I decided that this wasn't going to be where I would stay. Leaving, I felt my legs take over, and I was running again, but this time, I knew where I was going, home.

  I hadn't seen my apartment since the night of the attack, and I was surprised just how well together it looked. After opening the door, I put my backpack down and looked around the space. Vicki hadn't lied when she said she'd take care of it. Looking down to see her ringing for the fifth time, I switched my phone off and went back to staring at my apartment. She had organized to have new furniture brought in, and it looked expensive and modern, like something from a luxury home magazine. She had artwork on the walls and had even put new appliances in the kitchen. There was a colorful rug in the living room, and she had even set up a new laptop and TV for me. She had bought me a new bed a
nd had it dressed in pretty pink linen with two bunny's tucked into the middle of the bed. I went into the bathroom and was happy nothing had changed in there. She had bought me expensive shower gel and lotion, put sweet berry scented candles on the counter and new hand towels. Did she think I owed her? I never asked her for any of this, I thought to myself going back into the living room and sitting in front of my new laptop. It was the kind I could never afford, and I felt embarrassed and out of place in an apartment which I knew was mine, but that didn't feel like mine at all.

  I got up and went to have a shower. After showering and enjoying the feel of the shower products on my skin, I looked in my cupboard to see that she had also bought me a selection of new clothes and shoes. Looking through the rack I was happy she had left me with clothes I had bought but had to admit, she knew my style. I pulled on a pair of light denim, ripped jeans, and a light bubble gum pink t-shirt and went to make myself a cup of tea.

  Turning my phone back on, I saw that she had called 12 times and sent three texts before I nervously read the messages. 'I am so sorry baby girl, please forgive me, it won't happen again, I don't know what came over me.' 'You are the most precious thing to me, please ring me back baby girl.' 'I hope you aren't scared of me now Ava; I truly am so sorry, baby girl.' I was happy her messages weren't as angry as she was when I had left her. Deciding that I needed some time before I spoke to her again, I replied with, 'I am just going to need some time, I don't trust you anymore. Talk soon.' I didn't know how I was supposed to feel about this. I had been felt up heaps before, a couple of times it had even gone further than what she had done, but this was different. Maybe I was different. It hurt more, and I couldn't seem to brush it off. Maybe it was because I had let her in and she had been the only person ever to make me feel safe, then for her to shatter that feeling of security was just too much. Or maybe it was because I had liked her and she wasn't just some punk with wandering hands. Deciding that it was all just too much, I lay down on my new couch, pulled my new blanket over me and fell asleep on my new cushions.


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