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Mommy’s Top Drawer

Page 22

by Tina Moore

  Chapter 9

  I woke up to police sirens whirling down the street and blinked around my living room, wondering why it was so light. I didn't remember turning any lights on before I fell asleep, and I also didn't remember making any food, but the smell of Asian cooking made me instantly nervous. I quietly looked over the back of the couch to see Vicki standing in my kitchen, drinking a glass of red wine, and making dinner. She had on soft gray sweat shorts and a pink singlet, her hair down and knee-high black socks.

  "Vicki," I quietly said, making her turn around. I was scared of her, and she knew it. Her face going from happy to sad upon seeing the fear in my eyes.

  "Baby girl, Mommy is so sorry," Vicki said, coming over and reaching of me. I flinched and pushed her hand away, pushing myself back to the edge of the couch. I was happy she looked hurt; she should be.

  "How did you get in?" I asked sleepily. I could tell that I'd been asleep for hours by the hoarseness of my throat.

  "I had a key cut when they fixed your apartment up," Vicki said, crossing her legs on the couch.

  "I want you to leave," I said, looking down at my feet, they were cold. I stayed looking at them, I didn't want to look at her, she looked good, and I hated myself for finding her so wildly attractive when I was feeling so nervous about being around her. She took the blanket and put it over my toes and held them gently in her hands.

  "Ava, I am sorry. You have to know that was an innocent mistake?" Vicki said lovingly. I looked at her as tears filled my eyes once more and she moved closer to me, kicking my foot that I held up to try and stop her out of the way and pulled me into her arms.

  "Just because you're stronger than me doesn't mean you can do that," I said, crying into her neck. I felt her arms tighten around me as she began to rock me.

  "I trusted you," I added, looking up at her heart broken. I was happy; she just nodded her head and didn't try to say anything. I could smell the dinner slightly burning, and I wriggled out of her embrace, happy she let me and went to the kitchen. I turned the wok off and stayed there looking at it as I felt her move behind me and drape her arms over my shoulders.

  "I know you did, you still can. I didn't think your no was a no and I'm sorry," Vicki said. For the first time, I saw how vulnerable she really was, and I liked that I felt like I was talking to the real her.

  "I still want you to go, I need some time Vicki," I said. I could see she was hurt by me calling her by her name, but I was glad she just nodded her head and started to collect her things.

  "Just add the noodles if you want, everything is ready," Vicki said as she put her shoes on, left her key by the door, and walked out.

  I hadn't heard from her for a week before I felt like I could breathe easy again. I had stopped feeling like she was watching me, and I even started going for jogs again around the park. I had worked the usual 9-5 at the furniture store and had got myself into a routine of cooking every night instead of just ordering out. Things were going well. I missed her though, but I knew that that would pass soon enough as well. I had even set up a couple of dates with some girls online to try and shake her out of my system. One of those dates was tonight.

  I had tried the usual dating sites, mostly because I'm lazy and didn't want to get off my couch and also because it's just hard to find girls in the hood who don't have kids, a convict record or some kind of addiction. But I had narrowed my search down to this one girl who seemed really nice. Her name was Melanie, and she lived in the same area as me. She had shoulder length blonde hair and a sweet smile so when she asked me out for dinner at a local restaurant I figured it would be a nice time. I got dressed in a short red dress and pulled on cream heels, touching up my makeup before I left my building.

  Walking down the block, I saw the usual working girls, a few pimps looking out the window of the diners that were scattered up the street and our local homeless man who always told me how pretty I was. I liked him and would buy him cream buns or coffee most afternoons after work, and he had chased away more than one guy who had mistaken me for one of the streetwalkers. I couldn't blame them. These guys weren't from around here, and every girl in a dress looked the same to them. But to us, we were worlds apart. For one, I looked fed, I didn't have that hungry, will fuck for food or pills kind of vibe, and I looked like I had somewhere to be. As I passed one girl who was clearly new, she bumped shoulders with me accidentally.

  "Oh I'm so sorry, are you OK?" She asked. She had dropped her wallet, and I reached down to pick it up for her. She had sad runaway eyes and a painted smile, and I wondered what they'd get her addicted to so they could keep her, she looked like a runner.

  "Yeah, I'm fine, stay safe," I said as I handed her wallet back just as her pimp came out of a diner. I could tell she was hers by the way she quickly walked to us.

  "I'm going, I just bumped her making her drop her stuff," I said, putting my hands up in defense. I had learned not to mess with these guys.

  "Yo Ava, we're all good," she said. Growing up here, you ended up knowing everyone.

  "Still fucking that cop?" She added. I didn't know who she was, but she certainly knew me. Playing it cool, I spat on the ground.

  "Fuck the police," I said, making her laugh, and we pounded fists as I walked off, happy to be out of there. You did fuck the police; I thought to myself in amusement as I entered the restaurant I was meeting Melanie at. I looked around and saw her sitting at the bar waiting for me. Cute, I thought, seeing her black dress and pink heels. I made my way over to her and sat down next to her.

  "Hi," she said, looking over to me.

  "Hi, wow, your photos don't really do you justice," I said to her making her laugh. We paid for our drinks and made our way to the table by the window. I was aware that there were a number of cops walking the street tonight. They were in plain clothes, but growing up here, we learned to see a cop before we learned how to count to ten.

  "I'm really glad you took me up on this date Ava, not many people I've spoken to have been as interesting as you," Melanie said. I laughed, she was trying so hard, and I liked having someone practically beg for me.

  "I wouldn't be here if you hadn't told me about how you captured those aerial shots over the river. They were so beautiful, you're right, drones are the future of photography," I said. The waiter came over, and we ordered our dinner as we continued to talk. She told me about the other photo series she had taken and how she sold them online. I told her about how I had to start again after my gear got stolen and she offered to lend me her equipment over the weekend. I had just finished my dinner when an angry police officer walked in and stood by our table. At first, I didn't pay any attention to her. I had assumed that she was looking at someone else, not us.

  "Ma'am I'm going to need you to step outside with me," she said, stopping our conversation. We both looked at each other before Melanie quickly jumped up and sprinted past the cop who reached for her taser but stopped when I got up, grabbing me firmly and pulling me to her before turning me around and walking me out the door.

  "What the fuck, let me go you fat fuck," I said, struggling against her grip. I could tell she was going to leave bruises on my arms.

  "Had to wait until I wasn't running to get me, huh," I said. The cop was obviously not in the mood for my sass as she flung me against her car, winding me, making me cough and moan in pain.

  "Well well haven't you grown up little Ava Meadows," the cop said reaching around and patting me down over my tits. I hated that she knew me. I hated that she had the 'right' to touch me. I also hated that I knew even if I stopped resisting her, she would still be as rough and grabby as she was now. I had tried that, just doing what they wanted without a fight, but the result was always the same around here. They'd cop a feel and force it on you regardless of how well mannered you were, so you might as well try to get them off if you could.

  Chapter 10

  "Get off of me," I yelled, struggling against the cops weight. She pulled me back just to push me against the car again an
d kicked my feet out, making me spread my legs. Pinning me down, I could feel my lungs being crushed, and I gasped for air. I could feel her hands on me, reaching around and patting me down just as my eyes closed and my head went dizzy. Just before I passed out, I felt her reaching up my thighs before being pulled away, and the sudden fullness of my lungs made my legs buckle. Strong hands held me up, and I knew whose touch was on me now instantly.

  "Vicki," I said softly, feeling my head spin and her hands take over the search. She was gentle; there wasn't the hate in her touch like there was in the first cops, and I moved my body to her instructions.

  "Turn around for me," Vicki said affectionately. I slowly brought my feet together before I turned very slowly to face her. It was the first time I had seen her in a month, and she frowned as she saw the gash across my cheek.

  "Be more careful next time," Vicki aggressively said to her partner who just huffed and kicked the dirt. Vicki placed her hand under my chin and moved my neck as she ran her fingers through my hair. She placed both her hands on my stomach as she felt down my front and whispered that it was OK when she felt me whimper as she ran her hands down my thighs. I could feel the blood from my cheek run down my face, and Vicki took out a tissue and offered it to me kindly. I gladly accepted and pressed against my face, grimacing with the pain.

  "We are still going to need you to come down to the station Ava; we need to ask you a few questions," Vicki said. I could see in her eyes she wasn't in cop mode, and I liked how she was talking to me. It was soft and kind and didn't make me feel worried.

  "Hands behind your back," the other cop said, grabbing my upper arm and spinning me around and pressing me hard against the car again. Vicki grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back, spinning me around and half holding me to her side.

  "She doesn't need them," she said glaring down the other cop and subtly patted me on the back. It took all my strength not to snuggle into her. I could feel her hot breath on me and her protective stance, and it made me realize how much I had missed her. I liked that I could tell she had missed me too and I smiled at her weakly as she opened the car door for me.

  At the station, it looked as though nothing had changed in years. The rooms were just as cold, and the cops were just as noisy. Vicki walked me to a room at the end of a corridor and got me a cup of coffee while I waited. I looked around the room; it felt funny being back in here. At least this time I knew I wasn't in any actual trouble. The cop who had interrupted my date came in first and slammed some folders down on the table. Why did they always do that? I thought to myself watching her try and be assertive. I shall name you, Constable fuckface, I thought adamantly, smirking to myself.

  "So you know Ms. Hunter?" She said. I looked at her and wondered if she was this angry because she never got laid.

  "Not really, I met her online, and we went out for dinner tonight before you guys jumped us," I replied. I didn't mind being honest with her, I was definitely not about to see Melanie again, and I didn't owe her anything.

  "Where did you meet?" Constable fuckface asked. Flicking through the files, she placed multiple pictures of dead girls in front of me.

  "Online," I replied, looking down at the photos she was showing me.

  "This is who you really met. A drug mule who is known for recruiting over dating apps. Do you do drugs, Ms Meadows?" She asked as Vicki walked into the room. I could tell she had heard what I had said about meeting Melanie online by her sad expression.

  "No, I don't do drugs," I said, looking at Vicki.

  "Try to focus on Ms. Meadows. She can't help you now, you've made a right mess for yourself," the cop said, sounding impressed with herself. Vicki sat down and leaned back in the chair, crossing her arms over her chest.

  "How long where you talking with her?" Vicki asked. I could tell she was not asking for any reason connected to this case.

  "Only two weeks," I replied, enjoying ignoring the other cop who was obviously mad that Vicki had taken over.

  "Did she ever say anything about her work?" The other cop said, trying to gain control again. I death stared her before reaching into my clutch and pulling out my phone. I slid it across the table towards Vicki, who grabbed it without looking away from me.

  "You can read the messages; I was hardly in love with the girl. We talked about photography and growing up around here. She invited me to dinner, it's not like I was doing anything anyway," I said as Vicki held the phone. Silence fell between the three of us before the other cop broke it.

  "That'll be all for tonight, Ms. Meadows. Lovely to see you again, I'll let Constable Smith show you out, although I'm sure you remember the way," the cop said leaving the room. Vicki and I just stayed sitting there. She spun my phone on the cold metal table, and I watched as the clock ticked by.

  "I'm not mad," Vicki finally spoke.

  "Not here," I said, standing up wanting to leave. Vicki nodded and got up, handing me my phone back. We walked in silence out of the station, constable fuckface was right, I did remember my way out. It was near midnight, and the air was cold as I kicked my foot along the sidewalk, I was hoping Vicki would be finished her shift soon.

  "You'll need this," I said, turning to her and placing her spare key in her hand. Vicki looked down, and I could see her heart, almost jump out of her chest, and she inhaled deeply. She looked at me with a surprised look, and I smiled.

  "Don't make a fool out of me, I can forgive once, but never twice Vicki," I said, feeling in control of my life for the first time. Vicki went to hug me but stopped herself, looking around to see if there was someone else out here with us. Nodding her head at another cop who walked past she gave me a sideward smile before speaking.

  "I'll never hurt you again, Ava," Vicki quietly whispered. I could tell she meant it too, which made me happy.

  "Come home to me tonight? I've missed you," I asked Vicki who nodded her head.

  "Let me drive you home, or call you a cab, whatever you want," Vicki said. She was right, it was probably too late to be walking the streets, and it was far too cold. I hadn't brought a jacket, and my arms were stone cold.

  I waited inside to wait for the cab Vicki had called me, and she walked me down to tell the driver where to take me.

  "Make sure she gets home safely," she said in her angry cop voice before placing her hand gently on my cheek and stroking me with her thumb.

  "See you soon," Vicki said affectionately before paying the driver and closing the door. The cab driver looked at me in the backseat, but I was happy he didn't say a word the whole drive home. I also knew he'd done jail time by his crude tattoos and wondered how he felt about taking the girl of a cop home. People knew not to mess with Vicki, and it felt good knowing I had her reputation to protect me again. When we got to my building, the driver got out of the car and walked me to the building door.

  "You'll be alright miss?" He asked, accepting my tip.

  "Yeah, thanks," I said, going inside. The truth was, I was a little scared, but I really didn't want him knowing where I lived. I'd had enough dramas in this apartment for a while.

  It was early morning when I heard Vicki unlock the door and creep into the house. She dropped her gear, and I could tell she had showered at work. Her hair was a little bit damp but smelt like sweet strawberry hair products as she climbed into bed with me. I could tell she wasn't sure how close she was allowed next to me, so I rolled over and put her mind at ease. I climbed on top of her and rested my head on her chest, happy when she wrapped her arms around me and relaxed.

  "I've missed you baby girl," Vicki whispered in my ear as she stroked my hair and patted my ass. I loved feeling her again and snuggled into her body, falling back asleep safe again in her arms.

  Chapter 11

  "This is weird. Does it feel weird to you?" I asked Vicki the minute her eyes opened the next morning. I had been watching her sleep and playing with her hair, and she smiled, kissing me before she opened her eyes.

  "Why does it feel weird?" Vicki said, sitting
up and stretching as she yawned. I curled up into her and waited for her arm to find its way back around me before I spoke.

  "Because, like, last night and the last months and now you're laying in my bed and I feel so happy I could just punch you," I replied.

  "You could punch me?" Vicki questioned.

  "Yeah, you're the only woman I've ever wanted, and I hated you so much for making me so sad and now I feel like I was in hell before right now," I explained. Vicki jumped up and kneeled on the bed, spreading her arms out wide.

  "Then punch me," she said. I looked at her questioningly.

  "If that's what it will take for you to be happy with me again, punch me," Vicki said smirking.

  "Don't laugh just because you know my punch won't hurt you," I said, looking down at her dick.

  "No, this doesn't turn me on, it's just what happens in the morning," Vicki said as if reading my mind.

  "Punching you won't hurt you, but this will," I said as I kneed her dick. Grabbing herself and looking like she was about to vomit, Vicki fell down on the bed and breathed in labored breaths.

  "Even?" Vicki asked she tears rolled down her face. I felt bad for about half a second.

  "Even," I said, kissing her cheek and holding her until she could move again.

  "So how are we going to do this?" Vicki asked over breakfast. She had made buttermilk pancakes, and I had eaten more than my stomach could hold and lay in a food coma on the couch.

  "I think we just lay here until breathing doesn't hurt anymore," I replied, closing my eyes. Vicki laughed as she came over with a cup of coffee and sat by my side.

  "I meant us little one," Vicki said, bending down to kiss my tummy. I opened my eyes and reached up to cuddle her, getting tickled by her hair.


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