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Mommy’s Top Drawer

Page 35

by Tina Moore

  “Mommy wants to fuck you like I’ve paid you baby girl. Are you going to let Mommy have everything I want tonight?” Alana said to Rosie, who just nodded her head and matched Alana’s thrusts.

  “You’ll take everything Mommy gives you baby girl, I told you I was going to enjoy you tonight darling,” Alana said calmly as Rosie was fucked raw, her cries only encouraging Alana. As Rosie closed her eyes, Alana slowed her onslaught and took out the gag only to replace it with her cum covered strap.

  “Suck you pussy juices clean off baby girl, such a dirty little girl, you’ll say yes to anything won’t you baby,” Alana said, pushing her strap down Rosie’s gaging throat. Suddenly taking it out of her mouth and releasing the firm grip she had on Rosie’s head.

  “I’m not finished with you yet sweetheart,” Alana loving whispered in Rosie’s ear as she kissed her neck and ran her finger-tips over Rosie’s still warm tummy, the marks of Alana’s whip clear and red on her Irish white skin. Alana walked out of the room, leaving Rosie to lay spent on her bed as she thought about how she had come so far, now being able to love a woman. I know that there are other people out there that could give me something similar, maybe better in some instances even. But I want what she can give me. I can be little with her one minute and completely dominant in the next, and she can keep up. I’m free with her, it’s nice. I like that she likes to control everything but that she listens to me and bends where I need and want her too. I like that I hate everyone but her, they are just so fucking boring and pointless. Rosie’s thought where interrupted by the huge object Alana had come back into the room with. A giant brown teddy bear with a long thick strap-on firmly attached from the inside made Rosie’s mouth gaped open.

  “Good, keep that pretty mouth open baby girl, you’re going to play with teddy tonight,” Alana said, putting the teddy’s cock into her mouth, forcing it down her throat.

  “Suck,” Alana said slapping Rosie’s face several times and pinching her nose as Rosie gaged and panted as her mouth was filled.

  “Pretty little slut,” Alana said affectionately watching Rosie service the teddy. Alana placed the bear in the middle of the bed and grabbed Rosie by a fistful of hair.

  “Do you know how Mommy wants to watch you play tonight little girl?” Alana said with an evil laugh in her voice. Rosie nodded her head painfully as her hair pulled with every motion.

  “Use your big girl words baby,” Alana said, loosening her grip but spanking Rosie’s ass.

  “You want me to ride teddy?” Rosie questioned, getting a nod of approval from Alana who let her go and took a step back.

  “Begin,” Alana commanded, getting wet as she saw Rosie position herself over the teddy’s cock. Impatient of Rosie’s hesitation, Alana walked back over to the bed and pushed Rosie down by the shoulders, making her pussy full of the teddy’s cock. Alana knew that the toy was stretching her by the sudden gasp of air the filled Rosie’s lungs as the teddy was slammed into her. However, Alana enjoyed the grinding of Rosie’s hips that followed, taking her whip and striking Rosie’s ass several times.

  “Fuck your teddy baby girl,” Alana said as she began whipping Rosie again. Rosie lifted her hips off the cock to drop them down again panting as she bounced on her teddy fuck buddy.

  “Fuck this is hotter than I had thought it would be,” Alana said breathlessly, bending Rosie over the bear and pinning her down, making her feel the cock deeper inside of her.

  “Mommy,” Rosie said in the exhausted voice Alana had been waiting to hear.

  “Just a little longer baby girl, you’re not done just yet,” Alana said coming behind her and guiding her lubed slim strap-on into Rosie’s ass making her shake her hips. Alana held them firmly in place as she pushed into Rosie who continued to fuck her teddy until she lay spent over the large soft toy as Alana fucked her ass until she was satisfied Rosie would need a full day to recover.

  “Cute little girl, I love it how you are so good for me,” Alana said slowly sliding out of Rosie and pulling her limp body from the teddy who still had it’s cock filling her pussy. Alana carried Rosie to the floor and rubbed cream over her red marks and wrapped her in her favorite snuggly blanket.

  “Come to Mommy little one, let me give you all the cuddles,” Alana said, picking up Rosie’s bunny and smiling down at it.

  “Bunny wants to give you kisses,” Alana said as she lay down next to Rosie, playfully bopping Rosie on the nose with the toy.

  “Mommy,” Rosie said, exhaustion in her voice. Alana wrapped her arms around Rosie and squeezed her, holding her lovingly into the night.

  Chapter 12

  “What time is that interview you’ve got tonight, sweetheart?” Alana said, rolling over in bed and pulling Rosie to her. Rosie flinched, Alana had put her through a particularly painful session the night before, and she was still feeling it this morning.

  “I don’t even want to think about it, Mommy. They are going to want to talk about the movie and ask me if I’m dating someone and why I’ve been hiding on social media. I wish I could go up there and say I’m retiring,” Rosie said playing with Alana’s breasts as she cuddled on top of her. Alana ran her fingers through Rosie’s somehow perfect bed hair and marveled at how stunning her baby girl was.

  “Oh, Mommy’s sweet girl wants to call it quits?” Alana teased making Rosie roll her eyes.

  “Yes,” Rosie said confidently causing Alana to laugh. Alana moved up the bed and sat up, keeping Rosie on her lap as she pat her bottom gently.

  “You can say whatever the fuck you want sweetheart,” Alana said, wishing she had a cigarette to smoke. It was these types of moments where she realized just how much she used to smoke after giving it up when Rosie started to have Asthma flare-ups the longer they stayed together. Quitting had caused Alana to gain a couple of pounds which had delighted Rosie to have something more to snuggle into and bigger tits for her to suck and play with.

  “Well, now that I have your permission,” Rosie laughed rolling off Alana and heading to the bathroom. Alana watched as she walked away, the marks on her back still present and the bruise on her neck beginning to show made Alana smile to herself.

  Rosie was whisked away in the afternoon by her people who picked her up three hours before the interview was scheduled. Rosie had kept them waiting for an extra half hour as she let Alana change her back into a big girl after their morning of playing. Alana had decided she would stay in, opting for eating snacks and swimming in the pool while she waited for her sweet baby to return. She had moved into Rosie’s mansion much to her amusement. She had thought it would be the other way around, but when Rosie pointed out that she was, in fact, a millionaire and that living in her home would make more sense because it was bigger and had more fun things to do than Alana’s, Alana didn’t feel like disputing the facts. They had been living here for almost five months, and in that time Alana liked that Rosie happily gave her full control over the domain. Alana had stayed working, taking on clients that had no idea of her relationship with the starlet but seeming to always have something to say about her. If Alana was honest, it was beginning to wear her thin. Having these people speak about her baby girl so negatively all the while being obsessed with her every move made Alana want to reveal the relationship every time.

  Alana got out of the pool and dried off on the sunbed before turning on the TV to watch the interview. The media had hyped it with such intensity because it was going to go live and completely unedited.

  Alana held her breath as she saw her baby girl walk onto the interviewing platform as she entered, stopping to wave to people and strike a few playful poses.

  “Mommy’s sweet baby,” Alana said out loud as she sat down in the living room and crossed her legs on the sofa.

  “So tonight we have the one and only Rosie Smith with us for her exclusive, reveal all interview about her debut film, juicy set secrets, and an apparent mystery lover,” the female presenter began, gaining a predictable response of applause from the audience.
  “Rosie, your latest gig, if you like, is that blockbusting movie, Nowhere South. Tell us, how did you land the role?” The interviewer asked as Rosie nodded her head. Alana liked watching her body language, she knew Rosie didn’t want to be there, she always bit both lips when she was trying to hurry up a lecture Alana was giving her and as Alana saw both her lips being bitten she laughed.

  “Well, it’s a funny story. I went to a party a few months ago, and by went I really mean, I walked up to the front door and then decided I’d rather stay at home with a special someone,” Rosie said pausing and looking directly into the camera as Alana choked on the chips she was eating at the statement Rosie had just made. It hadn’t only caused Alana to be surprised; the audience became hysterical with cheers, gasps, and applause.

  “Then a few weeks after that, the host of the party called me up asking if I’d audition for the role of Jaz, I read the script and got the part,” Rosie continued with a victorious smirk. The interviewer looked excited at where the interview was going yet stepped carefully as to gain the response she wanted.

  “That is fantastic. Tell us more about this mystery, man,” she said, making Rosie smirk at her.

  “I never said it was a man,” Rosie replied quickly making the audience became hysterical all over again. Meanwhile, Alana was glued to the TV wondering how far she was going to go with all of this.

  “I’m in a relationship with an older woman, I have been for almost a year,” Rosie said triumphantly as she looked at the speechless interviewer who was clearing trying to think what questions she could ask next. Rosie waited until the applause died down before she spoke again.

  “Is that what you all wanted? To leach onto my private life and suck me dry of insight and information?” Rosie began to say, a different tone falling over the audience.

  “Well, is it?” Rosie prompted. Looking toward the interviewer, she began to speak candidly.

  “You see, this is the thing about people knowing about your existence, I don’t think you could even call it fame, it’s just knowledge of you. They want to unpack everything you have, your life, your soul; it’s almost like a drug for you people. You invade every part of my life, and it is never enough. You all have opinions about me and yet, you don’t know anything about me, you only know what has either been shared as my social mask, my branding or what has been stolen from me. And the sad part about this is that it’s not just me. You people do this to everyone you claim to love. It’s not loving, it’s an obsession, I’m the drug dealer to your addiction, and I came on today to let you know that I am not going to be supplying you anymore. From this December, I will be retiring. I deserve peace; I deserve a life that uplifts me, my relationship deserves it, and so does my Mommy,” Rosie said before smiling directly at Alana who was in tears of joy as she watched Rosie stand, wave to the audience who were speechless and disappeared off the screen. Alana ran to the kitchen bench and grabbed her phone, frantically dialing Rosie’s number.

  “Hey Mommy,” Rosie said, sounding like she had just offloaded the weight of the world.

  “My sweet baby, come home to Mommy,” Alana said lovingly causing Rosie to giggle.

  “I’m already in the car,” Rosie replied before hanging up, placing her phone down, closing her eyes and breathing for the first time in what felt like years.

  I wandered out onto the beach, the soft, warm sand between my toes as I watched the morning rays rise over the ocean. When I think about all of the women I had used to curb the emptiness in my heart, it makes me laugh. It’s not as though the world stopped turning or my blood was rushed with lust. It was a whisper in the night, a daring, a chance at something that was never meant to be tasted. Innocence is sexy, weakness is alluring, and nothing says take me like the eyes of a watcher, or was it just me. Rosebud lips parting with forced consent, it must have been fun. How many more times do you need to be honored and held in the highest regard before you understand that you are magnificent? You built an empire on every other brick they threw at you, you don’t need to use this one as a cornerstone. You don’t need to be so hard on yourself when all you have ever done is rise. Has there been anything you have started and not finished with such excellence that people think you are lucky? Have you ever backed down from a challenge? Haven’t you fought every evil that dared stand against you? Please don’t tell me that you’ve forgotten who you truly are, what I fucking made you?! I hadn’t thought you’d be so easily confused. You see it, don’t you when you look in the mirror? You see who you truly are. You were never weak, you were never scared, and you were certainly never meant to politely let them take from you for fun my darling. And yet here we are, going over the same thing we always do, aren’t you sick of it? I know it makes your blood boil, I know it makes your soul ache, I know it makes you bare your teeth, wanting to fight. It’s fucking meant to. It’s meant to drive you; it’s meant to pound your heart and emanate protection and strength. You were never meant to be anything but an amazing light. You did it yesterday, didn’t you? You did it last week, you do it every fucking day for them, and you can’t figure out how to do it for yourself? What the hell are you waiting for? Is it too much? Do you burn too brightly for even you to handle? Is that why you yield to them? Why you kneel? Did you get told that your confidence was too offensive one time too many and start to give a fuck what those reptilian fuck dolls had to say? How dare you forget. How dare you try and challenge how I made you.

  Get very fucking comfortable with your light my darling; I’m not taking it away, the world needs you far too much for that. You need it far too much for that. Don’t you know that when you let your soul roar it is heard for miles and felt over the seas? Don’t you understand that I gave you this gift for a reason? There is no one else, so stop asking for the baton to be passed, it is yours, and you will rise with the weight of responsibility resting on your shoulders like the solider that you are. Don’t be afraid of it. Have I not been here with you the whole time?

  Rosie closed her laptop lid as she heard Alana’s footsteps behind her coming from their back steps and out onto the sand.

  “What are you doing, baby girl?” Alana asked, spreading her legs and sitting behind Rosie, pulling her back slightly and into her embrace.

  “I’m just writing Mommy,” Rosie replied as she showed Alana her work. Alana took the time to read it, stopping and thinking after the page had been read twice.

  “This very deep baby girl, are you talking to yourself?” Alana asked, bending around to look Rosie in the eye. The waves of the cold ocean crashed down, and crabs ran across the white sand. Rosie watched them dig holes to hide from the morning sun before she spoke again.

  “Yeah, I was. I was talking to myself like if the older me could talk to me now. I use to be so worried about what or who was talking about me, how they acted or reacted with the things I did. It was the game I was playing, but what I hadn’t realized was that it was hurting me. Now speaking my truth was killing me, having people constantly invading my spaces just became way too much and honestly, if it hadn’t had been for this last year, I don’t even want to know what my life would have turned out like,” Rosie said resting her head on Alana’s shoulder. Alana stroked her hair and held her tight, she thought back on her life over the past year and agreed, she didn’t want to think about how different it would have been without Rosie either.

  “So, you like being my sweet girl then?” Alana said, taking the laptop away from her and placing it down next to where they were sitting. Rosie nodded, and Alana smiled as she took out a pacifier from her pocket and gently placed it in Rosie’s mouth.

  “Good, because I am not interested in having our life any other way,” Alana said, picking Rosie up and taking her back inside.

  Who is Tina Moore?

  Tina Moore has enjoyed the lifestyle of a Mommy Domme for several years. She began exploring kink and BDSM in her youth and found her love of being a strict Mommy Domme in early 2000. Tina Moore is now an author of many MDLG and
ABDL themed novels.

  Having enjoyed many years in the kink community, Tina Moore combines these experiences with the sweet and naughty things her baby girl does to bring you tantalizing and salacious stories.

  Follow her on:

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  Instagram @tinamoore.kdp




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