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The Compound

Page 16

by Claire Thompson

  After Alexis and Paul had returned from the barn, he had sent her back to the quarters to shower and rest. He’d found Miriam at work in her office and they’d agreed to meet once John’s dungeon session with Trisha had ended.

  Paul had mentally rehearsed what he would say to Miriam and John. He would explain that it would be best for Alexis to stop her formal training with John, and see if John would be willing to take over Trisha’s training until Paul could get things sorted out. He would let them know he knew this was against protocol, as Alexis still had a week to go in the contract, but given how Alexis and he felt about each other, it was the best option for all concerned.

  He realized both Miriam and John were looking at him expectantly, Miriam with a small, knowing smile on her lips, John with his eyebrows raised. Paul’s rehearsed speech vanished from his head and he found himself blurting, “I’m in love with her. I’m in love with Alexis Stewart. And she’s in love with me.”

  John’s eyebrows went even higher, but Miriam just continued to smile. She placed her hand on Paul’s arm. “I wondered when you’d figure that out. Both of you.”

  Paul laughed in spite of himself, his jangling nerves settling down at last. “You knew?”

  “It was hard to miss. Marta saw it too. The way you drank each other in when you thought nobody was looking. I didn’t want to interfere, of course, especially during the contract tenure. I was hoping things would take their natural course after that. I guess you just jumped up the timeline a bit.” Her smiled edged into a grin, her eyes sparkling.

  “She ran,” John said, frowning. “I understand the circumstances are unusual, but she should be brought to task for such an egregious breach. She needs to be punished.”

  “If she were to continue as your trainee, John, I would agree,” Miriam interjected. She turned to Paul. “But she’s not, is she, Paul.” She said it as a statement, not a question.

  Paul shook his head in agreement, marveling as he often did at Miriam’s insight and understanding of human nature. “No. She wants to petition to break the contract. I—we agreed she’s learned what she can from you, John.” He turned to his friend. “Which was a great deal. She’s incredibly grateful for all you’ve done for her. But something happened last night. Between us.”

  He leaned forward, wanting them to understand, needing them to understand. “She flew last night in the barn. It was the most incredible thing. That brick wall she talked about in her essay—the wall of resistance you came up against over and over throughout her training, John. It just”—he paused a moment—“fell away. I flogged her after we”—he felt himself blushing and knew that was ridiculous, given the circumstance, so he forced himself to continue—“made love. It was the missing piece for her, you see. She needed the intimacy of what we’d shared prior to the flogging in order to get to that place. All the training and discipline in the world wasn’t going to get her there without that. She needed something more. She needed…” he paused, trying to come up with the word.

  “You,” Miriam supplied.

  “Yeah.” Paul grinned, and his heart felt as if it were filled with helium, as if he might just rise up into the air from sheer joy.


  The next few weeks were a whirlwind of discussion, activity and upheaval, yet during it all Alexis felt surer of what she was doing than at any time in her life. It felt so right, as if her entire existence had been leading to this moment, to this man, to this life.

  Master John took over Trisha’s training so Paul and she could focus on each other. It hadn’t taken too much soul searching to recognize that she was ready to leave her old life behind. She resigned from her job at the accounting firm, ready to assume her new life as a staff slave at The Compound. Her duties would include taking over the financial management of the place, which Miriam had been handling on her own, and, according to a laughing Miriam, not well.

  Alexis informed her landlord she wouldn’t be renewing her lease, which as luck would have it was over at the end of the month. It was, she thought, just another sign from the universe that she was on the right path.

  Back in the city, Paul helped her pack her things, and she shared the significance of this memento and that photo. They swapped stories of their childhoods, their careers and past relationships as they worked, stopping every few hours when the need for each other overtook them both.

  The power and the passion between them continued to stun her each time they made love. Paul claimed her not only with his body, but with the whip, with rope, with such intensity and passion it left her breathless.

  “I’ll never get used to this,” she mused one evening as they lay in each other’s arms after a particularly intense session that had left her soaring.

  “Never get used to what?” Paul asked.

  “To all this.” She waved her hand vaguely, trying to find the right words. She found herself smiling at the sheer wonderment of it. “To you. To us. To how happy I feel now, like everything’s sparkling and new.”

  Paul laughed. “I know. And I’ll do my best to make sure you always feel that way.” Pulling her closer, he dipped his head to hers and kissed her.


  The night they’d been planning for had arrived. Alexis stood facing Paul in the presentation room. Though she was aware of the other people in the room—the Masters and Mistresses seated on sofas and chairs, their slaves kneeling beside them, and the row of naked trainees kneeling up along the wall by the door—she felt calm, even serene, as she gazed into the love light shining from Paul’s golden-brown eyes.

  It felt almost strange to be wearing clothing, having become so used to being naked while at The Compound. The long white silk dress draped softly over her body, hugging her breasts and creating a deep cleavage between them. Slits cut nearly to her hips on either side of the skirt revealed her bare legs. The fabric was sheer, accentuating rather than hiding her naked body beneath it, and she held herself proudly as she waited for the ceremony to begin.

  Paul looked incredibly sexy in soft black leather pants over square-toed black boots. He wore a white silk shirt open at the throat, revealing his smooth, tan chest. Mistress Miriam rose from a sofa near the front of the room and approached the couple. She turned to face the room.

  “Friends, we’re gathered here this evening to share in the joining ceremony of Master Paul and slave Alexis. After the collaring, they have chosen the cane to seal their bond.” She turned to them and smiled, handing each of them the gift they’d chosen for the other.

  Paul went first, approaching Alexis with the slim black slave collar. She caught a glint of something gold at its center, something he must have added after their purchase. Paul held up the collar in his hands and she saw it was a small gold heart secured by a leather loop to the front of the collar.

  Alexis bit her lip, blinking back the sudden tears that filled her eyes. Though Paul kept his gaze on her, he spoke loud enough so everyone in the room could hear his words. “Kneel before me,” he said in a commanding voice.

  Alexis sank to her knees in front of her lover and bowed her head. “Alexis,” Paul continued, “with our friends as witness, with this collar I claim you as my slave, and accept the loving gift of your submission and your grace.” Reaching back, Alexis gathered her hair, lifting it to bare her neck as Paul buckled the soft, supple leather collar around her throat.

  Then, as they’d planned, Paul sank in turn to his knees, while Alexis rose to stand before him. She held up the gold chain they’d chosen together. She was afraid when she spoke that her voice would quaver, but it came out firm and clear. “Paul, with our friends as witness, with this chain I claim you as my Master, and accept the loving gift of your dominance, and the exchange of power that completes the circle of love between us.” She clasped the gold chain in place around his neck and he rose, his eyes burning into hers.

  Alexis could feel the beaming smiles of their friends around them. Paul and Alexis smiled at one another and Alexis felt as if her he
art would burst with happiness.

  As Paul had instructed her beforehand, Alexis slipped the straps of her dress from her shoulders and let it fall to her feet. The room quieted as Master John approached the couple holding a long, thin cane with a suede-covered handle. Alexis held out her hands, palms up, and Master John placed the cane in her hands. A ghost of smile moved over his face as he regarded her, and then he gave a small nod in Paul’s direction and returned to his seat.

  Alexis remained in position, the cane balanced on her palms as Paul stepped behind her. He gathered her hair into a ponytail, using a gold ribbon to tie it before placing it over her shoulder. He returned to stand in front of her. Alexis lifted her arms higher, offering her Master the cane.

  He took it and nodded, his eyes sparked with fire. “I love you,” he said so softly only she could hear, and his words moved through her like strong wine, warming her to her toes.

  Standing in profile to the room, Alexis lifted her arms, locking her fingers behind her neck. Paul stepped behind her. Her heart quickened as she felt the light tapping of the cane against her skin.

  Though she’d flown several more times during their lovemaking over the weeks leading to this night, it had always been either with the flogger, or during a long, intense spanking, his hard hand perfect against her ass. Earlier that evening she had expressed her fear to Paul that she might not be able to slip into that altered state from the stinging cut of a cane.

  “I don’t want you to focus on that, darling,” he’d reassured her, “That’s not what tonight is about. It’s about giving yourself to me completely and without reservation. If you don’t fly in front of them, don’t worry about it. Your focus should be entirely on me, and on the experience I give you. Your goal isn’t to fly. Your goal is to submit.”

  Remembering his words, she took a deep breath and blew the air out slowly, feeling the mantle of her submission settle over her like a warm, comforting blanket. He focused on her ass and the backs of her thighs, the bite of the cane intensifying with each stroke. Alexis pressed her lips together, not wanting to cry out, though the steady slice of the cane was setting fire to her skin.

  In spite of her fervent desire to let go, she felt herself tensing. She could feel the eyes of the people in the room on her—Master John with his implacable gaze, Mistress Miriam with her knowing smile. Arthur, her play partner from the club was there, having come all the way from the city to share in this special night. It was because of him that she’d learned of The Compound. She couldn’t let him down.

  She could feel the welts rising on her flesh, and the sweat pricking under her arms. She squeezed her eyes shut, her breath coming in pants. She thought of Marta, with her sweet and constant encouragement, and of Wendy, who showed such incredible courage during the branding, and of Rachelle, who had flown with such ease and grace beneath Master Clarence’s loving touch.

  “I love you,” Paul murmured softly, his lips brushing her ear.

  At that moment Alexis felt the room fall away. Anxiety, expectation, anticipation—they melted away beneath the heat of Paul’s love. For the first time that evening Alexis felt herself truly let go.

  The bite of the cane was no less intense. If anything, Paul was striking her harder than before, each cut preceded by the whipping sound of rattan arcing through the air the split second before contact. Yet she could feel the pain ebbing away, and all at once she felt herself lifting, her spirit leaving her body to glide with perfect grace over the vast, deep blue of an endless ocean. She could feel the sun warm on her back, and the smell the salty tang of the water beneath her.

  Her head fell back, her lips parting, her heart slowing, beating in time to each biting, perfect stroke of the cane. She was vaguely aware that the caning continued, but she no longer registered the pain. Or more precisely, she welcomed it, taking it deep inside and spinning it outward into a pure, white light that filled her with utter peace and a quiet, barely contained joy.


  Paul lowered the cane, letting it drop softly to the carpet. He could feel the collective awe around them as they watched the lovely woman, who stood still as a living statue, the only movement the slow rise and fall of her breathing. He moved closer, feeling the heat of her skin as he wrapped his arms around her from behind. She leaned back into him, letting her full weight fall against him.

  Paul bent down and placed one arm behind her knees, scooping Alexis into his arms. He carried her to the loveseat that had been set aside for just this purpose, and lowered himself down into it. She opened her eyes slowly, as if waking from a long, restful sleep. As her eyes focused on his face, Alexis broke into a smile filled with such joy and pleasure that Paul thought his heart would crack.

  They both turned their heads at the sound of champagne corks popping. John and Wendy approached, each carrying two glasses. Paul helped Alexis to a sitting position beside him, and they each took an offered glass.

  John raised his glass in a toast. “To Alexis, who has joined the unique family that is The Compound.” Turning his gaze to Alexis, John broke into a broad, genuine smile as the four of them clinked glasses. “Good job, kiddo.”

  Wendy added, “To Miriam, who created a place where dreams really do come true.”

  Paul turned to Alexis, eyes only for her, as he added softly, “To us.”

  And all at once she understood.

  All her life she had yearned for true submission, and sought it in the wrong places, again and again and again. She would have continued to fail, she realized now, no matter how well trained she became, no matter how intense her desire to succeed. For her, the need and ability to submit weren’t enough, and never would be. For her there had to be more. There had to be love.

  Love was the key.

  Also Available at Romance Unbound Publishing


  A Lover's Call

  Safe in His Arms

  A Princely Gift

  Sarah's Awakening

  A Test of Love

  Seduction of Colette

  Accidental Slave

  Slave Academy

  Alternative Treatment

  Slave Castle

  Binding Discoveries

  Slave Gamble

  Blind Faith

  Slave Girl

  Cast a Lover's Spell

  Slave Island

  Caught: Punished by Her Boss

  Slave Jade

  Closely Held Secrets

  Sold into Slavery

  Club de Sade


  Confessions of a Submissive

  Sub for Hire

  Continuum of Desire

  Submission Times Two

  Dare to Dominate


  Dream Master

  Texas Surrender


  The Auction

  Face of Submission

  The Cowboy Poet

  Finding Chandler

  The Solitary Knights Series:


  Book 1 – Finding Chandler

  Golden Angel: Unwilling Sex Slave

  Book 2 – A Test of Love

  Golden Boy

  Book 3 – Switching Gears

  Heart of Submission

  Book 4 – Stardust

  Heart Thief

  The Story of Owen

  Island of Temptation

  The Toy

  Jewel Thief

  Tough Boy

  Julie's Submission

  Tracy in Chains

  Lara’s Submission

  True Kin Vampire Tales:

  Masked Submission

  Book 1: Sacred Circle

  Obsession: Girl Abducted

  Book 2: Outcast

  Odd Man Out

  Book 3: Sacred Blood


  True Submission

  Perfect Cover

  Two Loves for Alexis

  Pleasure Planet

  Two Masters for Alexis


  Wicked Hearts

  Connect with Claire


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