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Page 14

by Charles Graham

  "You may, slave," her Masters had replied jovially, "What is it you wish to say?"

  "May I know your names, Masters?" she had asked, "I know I must always call you Master, but it would make it...easier...for me if I knew who had...enslaved me," and her voice tailed off as she admitted her lowly status.

  "So you accept your enslavement then, slave?"

  Gemma had thought long and hard about that very question during the previous night and had come to the inescapable conclusion that she had no choice in the matter and that, having no choice, she would just have to be the slave that they required her to be.

  "Yes, my Masters," she had replied slowly and felt her groin moisten as she committed herself.

  "Good. Then in answer to your question, slave, I am Master Axel and my companion is Master Nicos." It was the giant who spoke and Gemma looked up, thinking to herself how well his strong, uncompromising name fitted his character.

  She turned to her other Master, Nicos, "Are you French, my Master?" she had asked curiously.

  The dark haired man had chuckled, "No, slave. What makes you ask that?"

  "Well...I don't know really. You look, sort of, French...and your accent..." it had sounded lame to Gemma even as she said it, but he hadn't seemed bothered.

  "I am from Cyprus," he had told her and then her other Master had cut in.

  "Where all the shipping tycoons come from, eh, Nicos? Onassis, Niarchos and you."

  "Ah, but sadly no longer, my friend. As you know, I am retired and simply while away my days with my little yacht."

  The big man had snorted, "Hah! Little yacht, my foot. I don't call a hundred and ninety feet, little!"

  "Well, perhaps not," Nicos had agreed equably, "It certainly has enough room for my friends..." he had paused and allowed his dark eyes to scan Gemma's body, "And a slave!"

  Gemma had gulped, lowering her head submissively and feeling her belly surge with slow heat as she whispered, "Yes, my Master," and the heat had increased as she had looked up in time to see him nod decisively.

  Fighting to supress a sudden urge to beg the two men to take her, Gemma had opened her mouth to ask what they had meant by their veiled reference to her wanting to look her best for her audience, but she was too late.

  "Enough, slave. No more questions!" Axel had snapped and her question had died on her lips, keeping her in ignorance of their plans.

  Ordered to her feet, she had followed them to a luxurious bathroom where she was left alone to bathe and wash her hair. Alone, but secure, for, just as at Roxwell's house, a hinged tile had been lifted to reveal a long chain welded to a steel ring and the chain had been locked to her collar.

  Resigned to her continuing captivity, Gemma had shrugged and made the best of it, relaxing in a deep, hot bath, washing her hair three times and brushing it dry in front of the full length mirror, then waiting patiently for her Masters to return.

  She felt wonderful and had known she looked good. When the two men came back, she had gone to her knees and presented her body, flushing with pleasure as they had told her that she made a lovely slave.

  Given a lift by their compliments, Gemma had walked back to her cell, aware at every step of their eyes on her swaying buttocks and slim legs, wondering and even hoping, that they might want to take her.

  The ten foot wooden pole fixed vertically in the centre of her cell, a square wooden box at its foot, had come as an unwelcome surprise and Gemma had eyed it with more than a little trepidation as her Masters had explained its purpose, their evident enthusiasm doing little to allay her concern. Her bondage, they had assured her, would be both elegant and graceful, displaying her beautifully. She would love it, they had said, but Gemma was not quite so convinced.

  She had no doubt at all that her body would be displayed, but knew from experience that her Master's bondage was invariably tight, uncomfortable...and escape proof.

  "Go over to the pole, slave, stand on the box, feet together and your arms above your head," the voice had left no room for negotiation and Gemma did as she was bid, a shiver running up her spine as her back met the cool, hard wood.

  Working carefully and methodically, her two Masters had then lashed her ankles together to the post and begun to spiral the black rope up her calves and thighs, pulling each loop tight as they went and clamping the wood to her flesh. As she was bound and the rope squeezed her belly and waist in a firm, unyielding embrace, Gemma had gasped as her arousal flared, savouring the steadily increasing helplessness being imposed on her as she was turned into the bondage slave that her Masters desired and which she, too, wished to be.

  She did not even consider resisting. It would have been useless and, in any case, as she had at last come to realise, she liked the restriction her bonds enforced on her and the delicious heat which was the inevitable accompaniment of her submission.

  The ropes had spiralled higher, below and above her breasts, at her shoulders, her neck and higher still to compress her arms and then to bind her wrists, her arousal building higher as her freedom was taken from her.

  Her nostrils flared as the rope had then spiralled downwards, doubling her bondage and she had moaned in submissive pleasure as her breasts, already swollen with need, had thrust even more prominently as the tight black rope lifted and proffered her for her Masters' touch. Across her belly and down her legs, the rope had criss crossed her smooth skin, restraining her ever more thoroughly until she had been unable to do more than flutter her toes and fingers, her arousal burning like a bright flame within her to the thrilling knowledge that she was entirely helpless.

  Her mouth had opened willingly as a gag was brought to her lips and she had panted for breath as the leather cylinder sank between her jaws and its strap had been buckled around the post behind her, forcing her head erect between her upraised arms.

  It had been a wonderful moment for Gemma as her Masters tied the last knot and stood back to survey her, their eyes gleaming with pleasure as she had strained against her bonds to prove to them how securely fixed she was, her submissive delight shining in her eyes as their skilfully tied ropes loosened not a fraction.

  "Quite superb, slave," they had told her, "Far too inviting to resist," and Gemma had whimpered into her gag, her belly churning with lust as their lips had fastened on her breasts, surrounding her nipples with warm, wet heat as they had feasted on her defenceless flesh.

  The arousal had been intense, but too short lived from Gemma's point of view and her eyes had pleaded eloquently but in vain as her Masters took their lips from her.

  "One hour, slave," they had told her, "Then we shall return for you," and they had left her!

  True to their word, an hour had gone by. An hour in which Gemma had failed to free herself and during which her arousal burned undiminished.

  When they had come for her, her eyes had smiled a welcome, but they had had no time for her needs and she had gaped in astonishment as they had released the pole from its fixings and lifted it, and her, onto their shoulders, her body suspended face down in its mesh of black rope!

  Taken from the room, her gasps of fear lost in her gag, she had trembled as she was carried through the house to a pair of high double doors.

  Her Master, Axel, had thrown the doors wide and her terror had overwhelmed her as she was carried into a huge, sunlit room and she had seen a sea of faces staring at her!

  Paralysed by the terrible shock, Gemma had not even been able to scream as she was carried across the room to a pair of chains hanging from the ceiling and the ends of her pole slotted into place to leave her suspended....

  "Ladies and gentlemen of The Consortium, I give you Gemma, your slave!" Axel's voice cut through the silence in the lounge and was immediately followed by a storm of clapping and shouts of "Bravo!" and "Well said" and, "Fine job, Axel."

  The hubbub broke Gemma's trance like state and her gag muffled screams and the frantic tensing of her muscles focused all eyes upon her, most smiling at her futile struggles, but some frowning at
what they clearly considered to be her unseemly behaviour.

  Gemma's terrified brown eyes raced from one face to the next, recognising Roxwell, the blonde, Alicia, her current Masters and one or two others from the day of her auction, but others she did not recognise at all and her blood ran cold as she realised that all of them were members of The Consortium which had bought her as a slave and all had part ownership of her!

  She flushed hotly as they gathered around her suspended body but was unable to move a muscle to cover her displayed nudity or fend off the hands which stroked and caressed her breasts and belly and thighs and buttocks as the mixed group, dominant Masters and Mistresses all she remembered with a choking gulp, examined her with humiliating thoroughness and a proprietary air that brought tears of shame to her eyes.

  Not to mention the blistering arousal that the touch of so many hands sent racing through her immobilised body!

  "Hot little thing, isn't she?"

  "Have you whipped her?"

  "Is she pleasing?"

  "How does she respond to severe bondage?"

  "Is she a natural submissive? She certainly reacts like one."

  The questions flew thick and fast and Gemma blushed a vivid scarlet as each was answered in humiliating detail by one or other of the four Masters in whose power she had been, her likes and dislikes, fears and responses laid out for the benefit of those whose turn as her Masters was yet to come.

  At last, the stream of questions dried up and Gemma shuddered helplessly as her Masters, old and new, adjourned to the cocktail cabinet for drinks, leaving her to reflect worriedly on the fact that now that all of The Consortium knew what could be extracted from her with the right combination of ruthless dominance and skilful arousal, she would inevitably be forced to submit to each and every one of them!

  A prospect at the same time shamefully exciting and horrifying....and unavoidable, for Gemma didn't kid herself that any new Master or Mistress would be less exacting or demanding than those she had been made to serve already. She would be forced to do exactly as they wished and woe betide her if she failed to be pleasing!

  Hanging beneath her pole, her mind a prey to numberless imaginings, Gemma watched and waited and worried as her owners relaxed, eyes occasionally flicking to her tightly bound body as if to check that she had not managed to escape.

  They need not worry, Gemma thought bitterly to herself, her bonds hadn't given an inch and she wouldn't be able to escape if they left her where she was for a week!

  Perhaps fortunately for the brunette, it was only an hour or so, rather than a week, before the drinks session came to an end and she again became the centre of attention.

  Axel stepped forward and Gemma gave a muffled cry of impotent fury as his hard palm slapped down on her naked rump, the sharp crack of the blow and the immediate appearance of the stinging red imprint of his hand testifying to his strength and accuracy and bringing smiles to the faces of his audience, "Now to business," he said loudly, "We all know why we are here and our vote was unanimous. Mistress Lydia, you have the floor," and he stood aside to allow a short, dark, rather severe looking woman in her late thirties to step forward.

  Gemma looked down, the stinging pain in her bottom forgotten as her breasts were cupped by the woman's hands and examined closely.

  "Hmm. Yes, no problems there. Bring my case, please."

  She looked directly into Gemma's eyes and adopted a brisk, no nonsense tone, "Now then, slave, pay attention. You heard Axel say that our vote was unanimous. Well, it was and the outcome is that you are going to have your breasts pierced. No, no, no," she said soothingly as Gemma's eyes bulged and she tensed every muscle in a frantic bid to break free of her bonds, "Now, now, that's enough of that. You can't possibly escape. Now, don't worry, slave, I'm a senior surgeon and I know exactly what I'm doing. I promise you it won't hurt a bit," and she smiled encouragingly up at the flabbergasted brunette.

  Gemma couldn't believe her ears. They couldn't be going, it wasn't possible! She stared down at the calm woman below her, then around at the ring of stony faced watchers and a lump of icy panic welled up into her throat.

  Terrified by what she read in the faces, Gemma redoubled her efforts, muffled shrieks of despair leaking past her gag.

  "Oh, you silly girl!" the woman frowned, "I was afraid you were going to be difficult. Very well, hold her please," and Gemma sobbed in defeated misery as Axel and Nicos gripped her shoulders, holding her still.

  "I don't know what you're making such a fuss about. It's not exactly a major operation and I see you've had your ears pierced."

  Tears pouring down her gagged face, Gemma couldn't explain that that was different! That was only her ears and she had volunteered for it, but this....!

  The woman, Mistress Lydia, cupped Gemma's right breast in her left hand and rolled the nipple between her thumb and forefinger, then flicked the crinkled button with her thumb nail. Twice more and to Gemma's abject terror, she felt the nipple growing hard! She tried to stop it, to will it not to erect, but it swelled remorselessly under the woman's fingers until it stood rigid atop her rounded breast!

  The woman grunted in satisfaction, then bent to her bag and Gemma squealed as her nipple was held in the fingers of her Mistress's left hand, while the woman's right dabbed anaesthetic liquid around the nipple's base. In seconds, her skin went numb and she really did feel nothing as a surgical steel punch was applied to her nipple and a neatly pierced hole appeared through her flesh!

  "There now, nothing to it. Just one more, then you're done," and Gemma gaped dumbly at her piercing, unable to credit the evidence of her own eyes!

  She was still frozen in shock as the procedure was repeated at her left breast and it was only as Mistress Lydia snapped her bag closed and admonished, "I trust you will be more obedient and better behaved when you visit me, slave!" that Gemma's daze began to clear.

  The full impact, however, only hit home when Roxwell stepped forward and held a velvet jewel case up to her eyes.

  The rings it held were beautifully fashioned in gleaming stainless steel, a match of the collar and cuffs Gemma wore and had it not been for the horrible fact that they were destined for her pierced nipples, she would have thought they were quite lovely. Instead, she hated them, but couldn't tear her eyes away as Roxwell told her they had been specially made for her. Despite herself, Gemma was intrigued and watched as he hinged the hoops open. Each hoop was really two, one quite small, perhaps an inch in diameter, the other more than twice the size, the pair melding seamlessly at what he explained was an internal lock similar to, but much smaller than the locks on her cuffs and collar.

  Gemma blushed luridly as he lifted the hoops and demonstrated another refinement. Attached to the larger hoops, tiny bells tinkled musically as he jiggled them and he chuckled at her consternation as he pointed out that every movement she made would be accompanied by the soft jingling of bells!

  "It's so we know when you're coming, slave," he joked cruelly and Gemma's flush deepened as several Masters laughed at the deliberate double meaning of his words.

  He raised a ring to her right breast, fed it very carefully through her piercing and clicked it closed and as he did so, Gemma shuddered helplessly as her belly kicked with fierce power.

  He chuckled, "Hot little slave," and Gemma whimpered miserably, knowing it was true!

  Her second ring, he passed to Lydia, "You began the work, my dear, so it is only right that you should finish it."

  Lydia stared hard into Gemma's eyes, until the naked brunette dropped her gaze, unable to face the fierce glare any longer.

  "Humph! That's better, slave. I'm your Mistress and you'd better not forget it. You wear this slave ring at your breast and I put it there! You belong to me and all my colleagues in The Consortium!" and with that, she fed the ring through Gemma's left nipple and snapped it shut.

  A massive tremble shook Gemma's bound body as her belly kicked again and she whimpered in anguish as the tell tale ji
ngling of bells at her nipples betrayed her need to her Masters!

  Well aware that her breasts would need time to recover, her Masters nevertheless found other ways to enjoy her defenceless body and Gemma screamed into her gag as probing fingers explored between her thighs, penetrating her sex, stroking her clitoris, caressing her labia and breaching the puckered ring of her anus to bring shattering arousal and abject submission from her tormented body as she spasmed and wept and pulsed in enforced responses to the demands of expert Masters and Mistresses who knew exactly how to wreak the maximum havoc on a slave.

  Gemma had not the remotest chance of resisting such a massive onslaught and was forced to surrender again and again, her body trembling and juddering as she was brought to climax after climax, her submission absolute as she spasmed hugely an unknown number of times to an unknown number of Masters, able only to obey the hands which manipulated her with such devastating skill and horrifying ease!


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