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Page 21

by Charles Graham

  Her eyes bulged with dawning horror as her labia stretched to accommodate the invader and she shook her head frantically from side to side as her Master continued to turn the wheel and the massive shaft sank relentlessly deeper into her body.

  Shrieking for mercy, Gemma fought madly to raise herself onto the very tips of her toes, stretching her body upwards until every muscle quivered with strain.

  It was exactly what her Master had been waiting for and his hand raced to the other wheel, spinning it fast and raising the saddle to take up the pitiful fraction of slack Gemma had managed to win for herself with such effort!

  Gemma moaned in despair, thwarted and in a worse predicament than ever, for now she dared not relax her stressed muscles. If she did so, she would impale herself even more firmly on the shaft in her belly.

  Cruelly, her Master straightened, fetched the easy chair and sat down, his eyes gleaming with pleasure as he waited for the inevitable moment when his slave could maintain her rigidly upright posture no longer and was forced to take the full length and girth of his device into her belly.

  Gemma's futile resistance could not last and her eyes filled with the knowledge of her defeat as her body gave up the unequal struggle, a muffled gasp torn from her throat as she sank onto the merciless shaft.

  Steven rose to his feet, "Bravo, slavegirl. A most spirited performance. Doomed to failure, of course, but extremely enjoyable. And now, it is time for you to submit utterly to me and my device," and he returned to the upper thumbwheel, watching Gemma closely as the shaft penetrated inexorably to the very core of her femininity, stretching and filling her until her she could take no more.

  He stood and went back to his chair, leaning back into its soft cushion and making himself comfortable as his captive stared wildly at him, "There now, slavegirl," he grinned, "We're ready to begin."

  Gemma chewed on her gag, her mind reeling as she understood that he meant to impose yet more torment upon her and her belly kicked with frightening power.

  Oddly, though, it was not the massive shaft sunk deep in her belly which worried her. Thankfully, her body had stretched to cope with its bulk and her constant awareness of its presence was more exciting than frightening. What really frightened her, was her own reaction to the situation.

  She had had three climaxes, albeit small ones, while her Master had wound the shaft into her body, as her internal muscles clutched and squeezed the rod as it penetrated her...and knew that the smallest additional stimulation would send her hurtling into a fourth!

  With an ostentatious flourish designed to focus her attention on him, her Master pulled a small black box from his pocket, "I designed and built that device, you know," he told her smugly, "I call it my slavegirl saddle. And I built the vibrator, too, the one that you're sitting on."

  Gemma's throat worked convulsively as she heard the bad news and she gazed fixedly at the box in his hand, hoping desperately that his hovering finger would not press any of the buttons.

  He pressed and her head jerked up, a long shrill scream hanging in the air as, from deep between her flexing thighs, came a low pitched buzzing.

  From the outermost lips of her sex to her innermost core, powerful vibrations radiated up into Gemma's belly, propelling her into a tremendous orgasm, her surrender instantaneous and absolute!

  Seated atop her post, legs and lower body unable to move to the raging tumult in her belly, Gemma's shoulders and breasts shook and jiggled enticingly as she tried in vain to alleviate the storm of passion creating such havoc inside her.

  Instead, to her delicious horror, her jiggling breast and tinkling bells attracted her Master and his hands joined the overwhelming assault, fondling her breasts, toying with her erect nipples and combining with the unceasing oscillations of the vibrator in her belly to plunge her into another climax even before her last had begun to wane!

  Exploding in great paroxysms of lust, climax after climax bursting like bombs in her flooded belly, Gemma lost all track of time, its passage marked only by shattering arousal and abject submission as her Master and his terrible, wonderful vibrator forced her to respond over and over again to his will!

  At one point in her fantastic ordeal, Gemma tried to resist, clenching her buttocks as her Master moved behind her and began to insert a second vibrator into the tight tunnel of her anal passage, but his free hand rose to her breasts and she was lost, her body surrendering helplessly to his touch.

  Her intense humiliation at being plugged at both front and rear, lasted only until the second device was switched on, when the two vibrators working together spun her, screaming in disbelief at he

  impossibility of the increased stimulation, into still another orgasm!

  At last, at long, long last, the vibrators purred into silence and Gemma slumped exhaustedly in her bonds, her sweat drenched body trembling and shaking gently as the fading pulses of her latest orgasm rippled through her belly.

  "Superb, slavegirl! Absolutely fantastic!" her Master's delight showed clearly as he busied himself in untying her legs and easing the vibrators from her body, "I'll lift you off there and take you to clean up, then it's back you go for the night."

  The realisation that she was to spend the night as she had spent the day was a terrible blow, but Gemma was too exhausted to care very much and was in any case still bound and gagged

  As she was lifted from the saddle by his muscular arms, carried to the bathroom and her body gently bathed and rinsed free of the sticky residue of sex and sweat, Gemma studied her Master, reflecting on the opposing sides of his nature. At one moment, the ruthless dominant, able to impose the most extreme torment on her and yet, moments later, bathing and caring for her with the greatest gentleness and solicitude.

  It was a conflict, but in a strange way, she supposed it made perfect sense. He looked after her because he needed her. Without her submission, he could not exert his dominance and if he bound her so she could not care for herself, then he would care for her.

  "Thirsty, slave?"

  She was and nodded her head and he loosened her gag, leaving it dangling below her chin as he held a glass of water to her lips.

  "Thank you, Master."

  "Would you like more? No? Open your mouth then."

  "Master? Do I...Do I really have to spend tonight back in that room? Can't I...Can't I spend it pleasing you instead?"

  "Yes, you do and no, you can't!"

  Gemma licked her lips, secretly thrilled inside by his uncompromising answer. Even her offer to please him couldn't deflect him from his plans. He wanted her riding his slavegirl saddle all night and that was what she was going to have to do, whether she wanted to or not!

  She went slowly to her knees before him, her desire to submit burning like a furnace.

  "Very well, my Master," she whispered humbly," I am your slavegirl and must obey," and opened her mouth wide to receive her gag.

  The touch of his hands as he silenced her and carried her back sent delicious shock waves through her flesh and his smile as he stared down at her slim body in his arms made her belly swirl with slave heat as she revelled in her willing surrender to his Mastery.

  She made no resistance as he placed her back on the damp, stained saddle and re-bound her legs, but could not prevent a soft snort of arousal leaking from her gagged lips as the twin vibrators slid smoothly into her body, gliding easily in the slickness of her arousal.

  He checked her bonds carefully, then picked up the black control box, "I have built a random setting into this controller, slavegirl," he told her, "It enables me to enjoy a good night's sleep without worrying whether you are getting bored. When I set it, it will activate the vibrators at random intervals. Anything between ten minutes and two hours. It's very reliable, as you will find out. Good night, slavegirl, I'll be back in the morning."

  He pressed two buttons on the control box and turned away, ignoring Gemma's muffled protests and the eloquent pleading of her eyes.

  At the door, he clicked his fingers
and turned to face her, "Oh, I nearly forgot. Someone is coming to see you in the morning," and he left the room, bolting the door behind him.

  Gemma stared at the closed door, willing him to return to her, then looked around at the sparsely furnished room, accepting that it was not going to happen.

  Her eyes focused on her bare breasts, then moved lower to the saddle cradling her belly, giving a soft whimper as she visualised the two vibrating time bombs ticking away in her sex and bottom. Ten minutes to two hours her Master had said, with no set pattern. At any moment, one or the other, or even both, could activate and Gemma was horribly aware that it was impossible to resist them. She would climax, there was no question of it! But when? And how often?

  Even worse, if someone was coming to see her in the morning, would she still be sitting on this awful thing, with vibrators still buried in her body? It was too embarrassing to contemplate, but her brain wouldn't let the awful prospect drop and Gemma felt her face flush a hot scarlet as she imagined one of her other Masters, perhaps Nicos, or Lydia or, worst of all, Roxwell, walking in on her to find her in the throes of a climax!

  Lost in her nightmarish fantasy, she was caught unprepared as the vibrators buzzed into feverish activity and she squealed in anguish as her belly ignited and she was forced into the first orgasm of her long, lonely night by the mindless, merciless wires and relays of the control box built by her inventive Master.

  It proved to be by far the longest and most devilishly erotic night of Gemma's life, for it seemed as if each time her eyes closed in exhaustion, one vibrator or the other would buzz into life and drag her back to the frenzied cycle of arousal and surrender.

  Incredibly, despite the constantly simmering heat in her belly and the numerous climaxes forced on her, she did manage to get at least some spells of restful sleep and as she was rudely awoken from one of these, she found herself welcoming and delighting in the blazing passion unleashed in her body by her strict bondage and the demands of her mechanical Masters.

  From that point, Gemma ceased to fight her captivity and her subjugation, relishing instead the delirious ecstasy of willing submission and basking in the hot glow of her own internal fires as she discarded all the redundant baggage of her former life, abandoning all thoughts of freedom or equality and dedicating herself, both body and mind, to the achievement of one goal above all others.

  She would become the perfect slavegirl!

  As she pondered her momentous decision, Gemma felt as though a great weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

  No longer would she need to fight to retain some measure of control over her own body.

  No longer fret and worry over her long slide into slavery.

  No longer concern herself with the shame of submitting too deeply.

  A perfect slavegirl needed to fear none of these things, for all would be required of her...and all would have to be given willingly and gladly.

  Gemma examined her emotions as objectively as she could, testing herself to ensure that any decision would not be just the result of her tiredness and the thrilling ordeal she had been made to undergo and warning herself such a decision could not be taken lightly.

  Her careful scrutiny made no difference.

  Amazed at how calm she felt, Gemma made her irrevocable decision and committed herself.

  To slavery and bondage and the joy of submitting to her deepest desires!


  Gemma was physically drained after her marathon of arousal in the slave saddle, but her mind was alert and she heard footsteps coming down the corridor towards her locked room well before the bolts slid back and the door opened to reveal her Master.

  Steven looked cheerful and well rested, his night clearly far more peaceful than the one Gemma had been made to endure by his ingenious devices.

  "Ah, still awake I see," he greeted her, "Good morning, slavegirl and how was your night? Not quite as restful as mine, I suspect, but then that's the diff...." he broke off abruptly as a low pitched buzz interrupted him and Gemma juddered helplessly atop the steel post as vibrations surged through her nude body.

  He smiled into her anguished face, then walked casually over to the chair and pressed a button on the control device.

  The buzzing vibrator stopped instantly and Gemma slumped in relief....then snapped erect again, her eyes wide and staring as he switched the vibrator on for a moment and then off again.

  "Sorry about that, slavegirl. My finger must have accidentally slipped," he said, his broad grin making a lie of his words and Gemma glared at him, knowing full well that the "accident" was no such thing and there could well be other "accidents" if he was in a playful mood!

  "Now then," he went on, choosing to ignore her glare, "It's nearly half past eight and your visitor should arrive about ten, so I assume you would like a bite of breakfast? I know I would."

  Gemma nodded eagerly, she hadn't eaten for almost twenty four hours and was ravenously hungry.

  "OK, one breakfast coming right up," and he was gone, leaving Gemma alone and still bound, but thankful that at least he had turned off the vibrators which had tormented her for so many hours. It would have been even better if he had untied her and lifted her off the saddle, but Gemma was a realist as well as a slavegirl and was grateful for small mercies.

  Her mind turned to the coming day as she waited for him to return and she wondered who her visitor might be? Today was the day he had said they had to be away on their travels, but to where? Naturally, he had not confided in a mere slavegirl, so Gemma was reduced to guessing. Assuming her visitor was one of her other Masters, maybe she was going to be taken to their home, but from the way he had said "travels" it sounded more like quite a long journey?

  She gave up in disgust. Masters never told their slavegirls anything, so she would just have to wait and see. It was just another of the frustrations of being enslaved. Not that there weren't compensations, she admitted to herself, remembering the previous day and night and her belly filled with a slow, luxurious warmth.

  "Breakfast," her Master carried in a tray and her nostrils twitched to the glorious aromas of bacon and coffee as he pulled the chair over to her side and set the tray down. Then he unbuckled her gag and rubbed her stiffened jaws until they could move freely again.

  "May I speak, Master?"

  "Don't talk, eat," he told her and lifted a forkful of bacon and egg to her lips.

  Gemma was used to being fed by hand and did as she was bid, wolfing down every scrap of food she was given and drinking thirstily from the coffee cup he held for her.

  "There now, how's that?"

  "Much better thank you, Master," Gemma replied gratefully, then added, "Master, may I say something?"

  "Well, that depends, slavegirl. What is it? Not a complaint, I trust," and he gave her a hard stare.

  "No, Master," she said hurriedly, " I wanted thank you," and she blushed, unaccountably embarrassed.

  For a moment he didn't say anything, just looked at her red face, then, "I see. And why do you want to thank me, slavegirl?"

  "For...for last night, Master," she stammered, then took a deep breath and hurried on before he could reply, "For last night and...and for giving me the c...courage to be a slavegirl, Master."

  He gazed searchingly into her soft brown eyes, then nodded slowly, as if he had found what he was looking for in their shining depths, "Ah," he said, his lips curving into a gentle smile, "Now I understand. My congratulations, slavegirl, on finding your true vocation and daring to accept what you have discovered about yourself."

  "Thank you, Master," Gemma replied softly, warmth coiling in her belly to the knowledge that he really did understand the change in her, "I..I know what I am now, my Master and..and I know what I w..want."

  "I'm very pleased for you, slavegirl. And when and how did all this happen?"

  Gemma gulped, wishing she didn't have to answer but knowing she must, "Last night, Master. When you left me and your vib...vibrators kept...arou
sing me and making me c..come!"

  He chuckled, "Good, it's nice to know that my inventions work. Go on."

  "I couldn't help myself, Master," her eyes widened with remembered anguish, "They just went on and on until I nearly went mad!" Gemma sucked in a huge breath as she tried to calm herself, then went on more steadily, "You can't possibly imagine what it was like! I couldn't do a thing! But then...I don't know...something happened and...and I just knew what I wanted..." her voice trailed off into silence and she trembled with the violence of her emotions.

  Steven reached out and patted her cheek tenderly and Gemma gave him a tremulous smile, her voice almost breaking as she added, "I knew I was a sl..slavegirl then, M..Master...and..and I still am."


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