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Page 31

by Charles Graham

  He smiled down at Gemma's gag distorted features and stared deep into her bulging eyes as she tried to come to terms with the news that, as far as her friends and colleagues were aware, she was now living on the other side of the world and that, therefore, her disappearance had rung no alarm bells.

  "Rich enough, in fact, to mix socially with Roxwell and his friends."

  Gemma shivered, the icy lump of fear filling her whole body with a nameless dread.

  "We get on very well," he continued, "So well that they decided to invite me to join The Consortium and I accepted. So, naturally, when I was invited to assist with your re-training, I was delighted. It really opened my eyes, I must say. Not only did I fully understand for the first time, the level of obedience and discipline demanded from a genuine submissive, but I saw for myself, thanks to you, the depths of a real slavegirl's need and experienced the exquisite pleasure that such a slave can give to a Master."

  He chuckled reminiscently, "Even when we were lovers and I tied you up, it was never anything like that! I wouldn't have believed you had it in you."

  Gemma, at first horrified by the scale of his duplicity and the success it had brought him, couldn't help but feel the first stirrings of unwanted arousal as she remembered how, unknowingly, she had responded to his caresses during her re-training and then submitted utterly as a slavegirl to a Master when he had taken her.

  Now, he was a full member of The Consortium, a Master in his own right....and still showed no sign of releasing her.

  Mike reached forward and his palm stroked her cheek tenderly, "I don't know how Roxwell knew that you'd make such a hot slavegirl, but he did and he wasn't wrong, was he, eh, Gemma? I only realised it when I saw you at Lydia's place. And that was when I decided to keep you as my own personal slavegirl."

  The impact of his simple statement, although not even entirely unexpected after what had gone before, had an effect out of all proportion to his words.

  Gemma gave a muffled squeak of helpless dismay and a spray of glistening love juices spattered over her gaping thighs as a totally unexpected and quite uncontrollable orgasm erupted in her quaking belly!.

  Mike's face was a picture as she climaxed and his astonishment was no greater than Gemma's own, because the instantaneous surrender of her body came as a complete surprise to her!

  A rosy red flush suffused her cheeks and she closed her eyes to try to blot out the humiliating and shamefully obvious betrayal of her traitorous body, but Gemma could not blot out the pulsing of her belly, nor the intensely vivid images which filled her brain.

  Images of her collared, chained nudity kneeling submissively at his feet, of her body arching up to meet his hands and lips, of his crop striping her buttocks for infractions of his harsh discipline, and of her belly enfolding him as he took her with all the power and authority of a true Master.

  Gemma opened her eyes as his fingers pulled the gag from her lips and then bowed her head, unable to meet his determined gaze.

  "Look up, slave," he ordered, his voice authoritative and Gemma obeyed instantly, aware that she was in the presence of a man who knew himself to be her Master....just as she knew it.

  "Your reaction proves that you are a true and full slavegirl," he said flatly and Gemma shivered, knowing it was the truth.

  "Yes, M..M..Master," she whispered weakly, her voice barely audible as, for the very first time, she gave him the honorary title that any slavegirl must use when answering any Master.

  "Master," he repeated slowly, relishing the sound of the word, "I like the way you say that, slavegirl. Say it again."

  Gemma's belly gave a mighty kick of arousal as she heard the deep satisfaction in his voice and understood that any faint hopes she still harboured that he might, perhaps, be more gentle and lenient with her than her other Masters, would not be realised.

  She stiffened her spine as much as her bonds would permit and held her head erect, her eyes glowing with the submissive pride of a slave who knows she is beautiful and desired by Masters.

  "Master," she said again, "You are my Master."

  His eyes glittered triumphantly, "Indeed I am," he agreed firmly, "Then, as of this moment, I enslave you as my own personal property, to do with as I choose."

  Gemma sucked in a deep, quivering breath knowing that her contract with this man, her one true Master, took no account of dates, or time, or legal niceties. Her enslavement was to be total, unbreakable...and for life!

  Her lips opened, "Yes, my Master," she declared in clear, steady tones, "I, Gemma, am your slavegirl and submit myself willingly to you as my Master!"

  Her submission given and knowing herself to be once again owned by an utterly dominant Master, Gemma surrendered to the waves of flaring slave heat which radiated outwards from her belly to set her flesh quivering and the silver bells at her ringed nipples tinkling musically as his strong fingers thrust the leather ball back into her mouth and buckled the strap.

  Then, gagged by her Master's leather, pinioned by her Master's steel restraints, spreadeagled for her Master's pleasure, Gemma's hopelessly vulnerable frame juddered and writhed and contorted to her Master's touch as he explored every soft curve and shadowed recess of his new and delightfully responsive slavegirl.

  Propelled into one explosive orgasm after another by his hands at her breasts, her belly, her clitoris, her buttocks, her labia, Gemma's belly pulsed and throbbed with ferocious heat as her love juices flooded into her engorged and excruciatingly sensitive sex and trickled in slow, silver snakes down her flexing thighs, in enforced tribute to his skilful and merciless arousal.

  Screaming into her gag for mercy she knew would never be shown and which, as a truly submissive slavegirl, she did not really want her Master to show, Gemma willingly abdicated all responsibility over her own body and sank into a sensual, luxurious, erotic haze of absolute sexual subjugation, responding passionately to every caress and touch of her inflamed flesh, but thrillingly unable..and exert the smallest measure of self control.

  The touch of lips between her thighs sent her arousal zooming to even higher levels of frantic urgency and as her Master's tongue speared deep into the liquid heat of her palpitating sex and his lips nibbled at the hardened nub of her clitoris, Gemma hurtled headlong into the most gigantic and devastating climax of them all.

  Her orgasm erupted like a volcano, spewing hot love juices into the boiling, bubbling cauldron of her belly and her labia parted like the petals of a flower, opening the way to the innermost centre of her femininity, stripping Gemma of her last fragile protection and offering her in the most secret, most intimate and most absolute surrender it was possible for a slavegirl, or any woman, to give!

  Shaken from her near-stupor by the exquisite sensations of her Master's lips invading her sex, Gemma shrieked in ecstatic despair as her ultimate defences were breached and his tongue lapped and sucked at the very essence of her being, her belly shuddering and vibrating with awesome, frightening power as he forced her to plumb the uttermost depths of her submissive passions.

  Betrayed by her own body, delivered even further into her Master's clutches by the intensity of her own needs, Gemma whimpered brokenly into her gag as he finally took his lips from her spasming belly.

  For she knew, without a shadow of doubt, that she had displayed such slave heat, such blazing desire, such uncontrollable passion, that never again would her Master, or any other Master, permit her to retain even the tiniest shred of control over her responses.

  Knew that she would be compelled to serve her Masters as a full and genuine slavegirl, with the helpless desperation of one who knows that anything less than complete submission on her part...and complete satisfaction on that of her Masters...will not be tolerated.

  Knew too, as her belly continued to seethe and burn with unabated lust, that she could not, now, ever return to the freedom she once dreamed of. In her brain and in her heart, she was a bondage slavegirl. Her duty..and her delight..was to wear the chains and colla
r of her slavery and devote herself to the pleasure of the Masters who knew exactly what she was and what she desired far more than mere freedom. Masters who were strong enough and, yes, she admitted to herself, ruthless enough to impose their dominance upon her and force her into the unquestioning submission that they demanded....and which she so loved to give!

  Helpless in her deliciously tight bondage, Gemma stared at her Master, hoping that he might want to take her. Or, if not, that he might, perhaps, offer her to Roxwell or one of the other members of The Consortium to enjoy.

  Gemma smiled behind her gag. She knew she was a hot, beautiful, bondage slavegirl and she was entirely confident that she would not be made to wait too long....




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