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Valkyrie Chronicles 4 & 5 Bundle

Page 31

by Erik Schubach

  She had cute, mischievous smile on her face as we approached the main gate. “Call them off, I have a more fitting idea.”

  I loved that look on her, I quickly called off the strike on coms as she started hailing Artemis on a holo-console at the main gates. “Artemis of the Hunt, would you be so kind as to join us at the main gates?”

  Her quick response of, “At once. Odin is demanding to speak with you.” But Kara just cut the transmission with a chuckle.

  In confusion, we all followed her to the main gates, the Einherjer giving her the salute to heroes as they made a hole and we stepped out into the humid air of Ragnarok. She inhaled deeply, she seemed to be savoring the air itself. Then she just sat on a rock with me, the others gathered around.

  Artemis arrived with an entire contingency of people. Eros, Odin, Mist, mother, Sif, Arina, who attached herself to Kara with a sobbing hug, Tyr, and Loki.

  After a blushing Kara had untangled herself from Arina, she looked around sheepishly to everyone and said, “Well met.”

  Odin opened his mouth, joy on his face, but Kara interrupted, “Hold father. We have a little business to conclude here, can you tie Valhalla's telemetry of the space bridge to Artemis?”

  He squinted an eye as a smile bloomed on Artemis' face and a wicked gleam in her eyes appeared. Father chuckled, “She does not have the power for that kind of shot daughter.”

  Kara cocked an eyebrow. “Really father?” Odin took the challenge and typed something on his wrist console then flicked his finger at Artemis with a bemused look on his face.

  Artemis stood still for a moment as I saw lights flickering in her eyes from her heads up display, then her smile changed into a smirk as she drew her bow and an arrow in one smooth motion. For the first time since I met the archer from Olympus, strain showed on her face as she pulled back on the energy string that appeared.

  I felt the familiar tug of the very fabric of space toward the microscopic point singularity at its center. But then more and more power gathered. My Verr were showing me she was drawing huge amounts of energy from her jump pack. I started almost leaning toward her and pebbles and twigs were rolling across the ground toward her. Then in a quick motion she looked up and brought up her bow and fired. The arrow was too fast to follow, but there was a contrail reaching up into the heavens a moment later.

  She shouldered her bow and grinned at Kara. “That took most of my jump pack power, so I'll be stranded here another year or two, and I lost an arrow, but it was so worth it. Thank you for that sister.”

  Kara grinned. “Not a problem sister. Now, I need some mead.”

  We all stood watching the two start walking toward the main gates then back up into the sky. No way she could have possibly... a projection appeared on the dome shield of the closest quantum orb exploding, causing a chain reaction as the others shared its fate. I snorted again. My god!

  Then we were all running to catch up with my smug mate.

  Chapter 16 – Aftermath

  It is impossible to convey how happy I was to be home again. The Three Embers showed up in Valhalla within minutes of the news of my rescue and the destruction of the space bridge. I had to remind myself that Valkyrie do not cry. But that proved to be a falsehood as I bawled with them as we shared hugs and I gave them loving mothering touches.

  The celebration was incredible and I heard that most of the Olympians I had freed had already acclimated to freedom and were living comfortably among our people. I had pulled Kat and father away from the celebration on the news that Thea had regained consciousness. We rushed to the main medical spire that she was transferred to.

  I made sure to be the first person through the door. It was humorous really. She was standing with her back to the wall as healers were trying to examine her, she was saying, “I am fine pets, ummm... I mean... Asgard. You may leave.” She saw me enter and relief filled her eyes and she pleaded with me. “Kara! Can you please tell these...” she tilted her head searching for the word, “'people', that I do not require their services?”

  I chuckled and said with authority, “Healers, leave us.” They looked at us then quickly exited the room. I always hated the slight look of fear on their faces. Did they fear the ruling caste, or did they fear me, the instrument of destruction?

  I grinned at her. “Well met Thea, I am glad to see you recovering so quickly.” She inclined her head in acknowledgment as her eyes nervously looked over to Kate and Odin.

  I made the introductions. “Father, Kat, this is Thea of the Titans. She is their First Scientist and my friend.” Her eyebrow quirked at that. Then I said to her, “Thea of the Titans, this is Odin, ruler of Asgard, and my wife, Kate the Raging Storm.”

  She hesitated then looked at me and moved her arm toward them and I nodded. She said, “Well met Odin of Asgard and Kate the Raging Storm.” She swallowed and said, “So I would assume the roles are now reversed and I am your prisoner.”

  They each bumped forearms with her and father chuckled. “Well met Thea of the Titans. We are more enlightened than that here in Valhalla. I will address you as Thea unless you object and please call me Odin and that is Kat.” She nodded nervously and father added, “You are no prisoner here. Kara has vouched for you and her word cannot be disputed. You can move about the citadel freely or leave at any time you like. Though I would greatly like to speak with you about a great number of things if you agree.”

  She looked confused. “You would allow me my freedom after what my kind have wrought upon you?” We all nodded.

  She just shook her head in disbelief and I said, “Once the healers clear you, would you feast with us in my quarters? We can show you around the wonders of the citadel on the morrow if you wish.” She nodded dumbly and we all chuckled.

  Later that evening after a grand feast with lots of mead; thank the Tree of Ages; father, Arina, and Thea were in deep and boring conversations about science and philosophy. I stole away with the woman who holds my heart and brought her to our bed to show her just what she means to me.

  Part of my mind wondering how long of a reprieve we had until the Elivgar was either repaired or limped out of the system at sub-light speeds. And just why, in the last moments, did Rhea have her Titans lower their weapons?


  The time had come and my heart was heavy as we joined Artemis with her people in the Central Spire courtyard with tens of thousands of people crowding the area to see them off. The Olympians had become and integral part of the community here in Valhalla these past two years as Artemis' jump pack recharged enough to fold space. Some had decided to stay to live among us here or on Earth or Folkvangr. The rest just wished to go home to their people after living in the fog of a living nightmare for so many eons.

  She would have to do it in two trips as she could only fold a twenty-five foot diameter of volume. So we stacked supplies and gifts for her people and two-thirds of the Olympians started packing into the circle laid out by the markers on the ground.

  I stepped up to Artemis and grasped her forearm as I choked up a bit. She smirked. “Come on you softie, you're Valkyrie, don't go getting misty on me. I'll be back in a few days for the rest of our people and the Asgard expedition.” Then she mumbled with her voice quavering on the verge of crying, “Zues' chariot!” She pulled me into a tight hug. She whispered, “I love you sister.”

  I nodded through eyes threatening tears. “I love you too.”

  She made her way down the line exchanging goodbyes, Arina was a blubbering mess. Then Artemis stopped at the end of the line and looked up with a thoughtful look on her face as she studied Thea. “As bizarre as it may sound, I think I'm going to miss you Thea.” They shared a chuckle at the surrealness of mortal enemies becoming friends. I understood exactly how she felt as I shot a loving glance over to Inatra. Intark would have been here, but he was handling some important business in New Ishatak, helping to rebuild the Ragnarok capital, but he would be back in a few days for the second transport.

would be part of the Asgard expedition to Olympus to help hunt for the other Titan vessels to free their people still enslaved. The Three Embers would be joining them with Inatra and Arina since they would be building a Bifrost terminal for the Olympians and Inatra will always be at Arina's side. Pegasus, Kitty, and Talia would round out the Asgard strike force that would be on loan to Olympus until their people are returned to them.

  I thought it was hard to say goodbye to my pseudo-sister Artemis, but it will be even worse seeing most of my family leave a few days later. I know it will only be a hundred years or so until the Bifrost terminal is completed so that I can see them whenever I wanted, but still, two of them are my babies.

  Artemis shot me one last sad smile then stopped as she walked past. Then unshouldered her bow and quiver and handed them to me and whispered, “Something for something. You gave me my people back Kara. I will forever be in your debt.”

  Tears were falling as she strode purposefully to the center of the circle, the roar of the crowd was deafening as Artemis waved. Then for a moment it looked as though the world was stretching in toward her and then they were just gone.

  I could hear the drums pounding in my head signaling the end of an era, and I turned my head to the stars wondering what was next for the Valkyrie of Asgard.

  The End


  Novels by Erik Schubach


  Books in the Techromancy Scrolls series...




  Westlands (2017)

  Avalon (2018)

  Books in the Urban Fairytales series...

  Red Hood: The Hunt

  Snow: The White Crow

  Ella: Cinders and Ash

  Rose: Briar's Thorn

  Let Down Your Hair

  Hair of Gold: Just Right

  The Hood of Locksley

  Beauty In the Beast

  No Place Like Home (2017)

  Shadow Of The Hook (2018)

  Books in the New Sentinels series...

  Djinn: Cursed

  Raven Maid: Out of the Darkness

  Fate: No Strings Attached

  Open Seas: Just Add Water (2017)

  Ghost-ish: Lazarus (2018)

  Books in the Drakon series...



  Books in the Valkyrie Chronicles series...

  Return of the Asgard



  Seventy Two Hours


  Books in the Bridge series...




  Books in the Fracture series...



  Romance Novels by Erik Schubach


  Books in the Music of the Soul universe...

  (All books are standalone and can be read in any order)

  Music of the Soul

  A Deafening Whisper

  Dating Game

  Karaoke Queen

  Silent Bob

  Five Feet or Less

  Broken Song

  Syncopated Rhythm


  Girl Next Door

  Lightning Strikes Twice


  Dead Shot

  Music of the Soul Shorts...

  (All short stories are standalone and can be read in any order)

  Misadventures of Victoria Davenport: Operation Matchmaker


  Accidental Date

  Holiday Morsels

  Books in the London Harmony series...

  (All books are standalone and can be read in any order)

  Water Gypsy

  Feel the Beat


  Small Fry



  Squid Hugs

  The Pike


  Books in the Pike series...

  (All books are standalone and can be read in any order)

  Ships In The Night

  Right To Remain Silent


  Books in the Flotilla series...

  (All books are standalone and can be read in any order)

  Making Waves

  Keeping Time

  The Temp (2017)


  Novellas by Erik Schubach


  The Hollow

  Books in the Paranormals series...


  This Sucks

  Jinx (2017)

  Short stories in the Fixit Adventures...



  Vashon (2017)

  Descent (2017)


  Short Stories by Erik Schubach

  (These short stories span many different genres)


  A Little Favor

  Lost in the Woods

  Rift Jumpers: Faster Than Light


  Snack Run

  Something Pretty

  MUB (2017)

  Sample chapter of The Bridge Book 1; Trolls...

  Chapter 1

  I awoke with a hangover from last night's Halloween party and glared at my alarm clock and I almost growled at the flashing red numbers on it. Six flippin' thirty, why did I do this to myself? I sat up from where I had passed out face first on my bed, still in my sexy witch costume. How the hell did I let Kyla talk me into wearing the stupid thing? I had to fight creeps off with my broom the whole night at O'Flanagan's, an Irish drinking hole here in Cincinnati.

  I ran my hands back through my dark hair to get it out of my face and to try to stave off the throbbing pain in my head. I forced myself to stand up and shrugged out of the dumbass black and burgundy costume as I made my way to the bathroom. I grabbed some aspirin from the medicine cabinet and poured a cup of water from the sink below it to wash them down.

  Then I drank two more cups of water muttering to myself, “Keep yourself hydrated Evangeline.” Knowing it was the best way to fight the hangover. I splashed a little water on my face then I closed the door on the medicine cabinet and stared at my reflection in the mirror on it.

  Damn, I looked like shit. I only had myself to blame, I should never have agreed to go to the party with Kyla, but she needed a wingman. If I don't look out for her I don't know who would. I spend too much time at O'Flanagan's, being Colin's backup bartender. I looked into my bloodshot blue eyes and took in my disheveled hair. I raised an arm and sniffed and recoiled.

  I shook my head and let my black bra and panties drop to the floor as I stepped into the shower and turned the handle to cold and turned it on, blurting out, “Hellstones and fire!” at the expected shock of it. It had the desired effect of waking me up completely.

  After a quick shower I hopped out and started drying my hair. I'd take a proper hot shower after my run. I looked at the little shower stall that took up almost half of the tiny bathroom. God, what I wouldn't give for a bathtub. I can't even remember the last time I had a nice long warm soak in a proper tub.

  I navigated the piles of dirty clothes on the floor. “I'm such a slob,” I chided myself and took a moment to grab a bunch of discarded clothing to stuff them into my overflowing laundry hamper. Damn, I'd have to get down to the laundromat soon, I was almost out of clean clothes.

  I put on a fresh pair of panties, my sports bra, and some black ankle socks. Then a pair of shorts and a tanktop, and covered the ensemble with my black sweats.

  It was going to be a chilly one, the thermometer I had stuck outside the window of my second story walk-up in this ru
ndown brick building I lived in, was showing thirty nine degrees. That was almost five degrees below the average for October... well November now I guess. But I would warm up fast enough on my morning run.

  I put on my running shoes then I made my way through my little apartment and grabbed my black leather fanny-pack and took my cell off its charger and put it in the pack and then fastened the black leather belt loosely around my waist. Then I pushed my front door open with a little effort, it always stuck at the bottom when the temperatures got colder, and almost stepped into Mr. Baranovsky, my Russian landlord who was currently sweeping the narrow stairway that ran down to street level between the little key shop slash locksmith shop, Key-Um-Up, and Kim's, the little Korean grocery store.

  I almost winced at the meeting while I locked my door as the little, stout barrel of a man with seemingly oversize forearms, glared up at me and spoke with his heavy Russian accent. Well spoke is kind of a misnomer when it comes to Mr. Baranovsky, he seems to yell everything. “Kane! Where's your rent?”

  I squinted an eye as I tried to push past him down the stairs, “I'll have it for you tonight Mr. B.”

  He just yelled after me, “Yeah yeah, it's always tonight with you. I should throw your deadbeat butt out on the street Kane. You're nothing but a pain in my ass, I could have another tenant in five seconds.”

  I waved back behind me and said, “You say such sweet things you old windbag. I'll have some cash tonight.” as I pushed the heavy metal door open and stepped into the crisp morning twilight.

  I shook my head with a slight smile. Mr. B may sound like a cantankerous old fart, but he really does give me a lot of leeway. He bends over backwards to let me pay my rent as I can afford it these past five years since I moved in after leaving home the day I turned eighteen.


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