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Forever Bound Together

Page 3

by Caitlyn Norrel

  Tina and Aino were silent as they threw their right legs over one another’s left. Their sinful glares communicated everything the two women needed to know. The two petite brunettes had crushed their sensitive cunts against each other more times than either woman could count...they knew exactly how to make each other scream. The two women held each other’s gaze as their pussies grew closer and closer, and their desperate hearts beat in time to the drums of war.

  When their pussies came within an inch of each other, the two gorgeous women stopped their advance. Each girl glanced ravenously at the other’s trimmed pussy, beautifully framed by fine, dark hairs. Even this had become a desperate ritual; every time they fought, before they pressed their perfect, naked sexes together for the first time, they would hold their pussies just out of reach. Aino and Tina would hold their pussies just centimeters away, sometime for minutes at a time before meeting each other fully. Each girl would stare the other down, giving each other a single chance to retreat while daring each other to make the first move. Each girl knew the other would never relent, but they performed this ritual almost every time. They knew that once pussy met pussy at last, their struggles could last for hours.

  When at last Tina and Aino glared back into each other’s glistening eyes, their beautiful faces were pulled back in snarls of hatred. “Bitch.” They mouthed in unison, and at their mutual insult the two girls crushed their cunts viciously against each other. They threw their heads back in passionate moans as each girl felt the other’s tender flesh grind viciously against her own. The two women had to bite back their vicious screams of ecstasy as their already swollen clits sliced against each other in bitter passion. They pulled back and slammed their cunts together in a violent spray, aiming their most sensitive centers of pleasure head to head; and as clit crushed violently against clit the two girls came, spraying one another’s naked thighs with their sweet surrender.

  The two beautiful women howled each other’s names in vain as their shared orgasm pulsed through their forms, but they refused to relent. With desperate tears in their eyes the two girls continued to fuck each other violently on the living room floor, struggling to beat each other’s body down with her own. Aino and Tina lay on their backs like whores as they slammed their pussies against each other again and again, screaming in bitter hatred with every pained collision.

  The two gorgeous brunettes cried and sobbed in violent passion as they aimed their clits against each other again and again. Their vicious orgasm continued to pulse through their forms, practically begging the two furious rivals to collapse and enjoy the fantastic explosion they shared...but the two girls refused to relent. Bitter tears streamed down their cheeks as they rode each other’s pussy with fervent lust, spraying and smearing their vicious orgasm across one another’s beautiful skin.

  Their lustful cries ebbed to quiet moans of arousal, then finally into a quivering silence as the final seconds of their shared climax elapsed. Their bodies quaked as Aino and Tina struggled to pull away from each other, their chests heaving in pained unison as they fought to catch their breaths. They gave an agonizing groan as they struggled to their knees, glaring at each other’s perfect, naked body with rage. Even as exhausted as they were, the two beautiful brunettes knew they could not relent; and as their eyes locked, the two bitter rivals slowly crawled towards each other on their knees.

  Skin pressed tightly against skin as soon as the two women fully approached each other, raising themselves to their full height on their knees. Aino and Tina were once again nose to nose and tit to tit, hissing vicious insults between them as their chests rose and fell in unison. The sensation of one another’s fantastic breasts compressing and releasing as they struggled to catch their breaths was maddening...and the longer they glared at each other, the hotter their hatred for each other burned.

  With a sinful moan the two petite brunettes forced their lower bodies together, quivering as each woman felt the front of the other’s cunt press against her own. Tiny droplets of girl-cum clung wetly to both women’s perfectly trimmed bush, and with a mixture of lust and disgust the two girls began to slowly slide their lower halves against each other in opposite directions. They hissed furiously between them as their pubic hairs lightly combed together, spreading their orgasmic juices through each other’s brush...but secretly they loved the bitter sensations.

  The two petite brunettes wrapped their arms around each other’s body with a moan, reaching down towards each other’s perfect ass and latching on tight. Each girl winced as she felt the other’s claws sink into her taut flesh, but the pain only helped to steel their resolve. They used their new grip to force their hips even more tightly against each other, groaning as the fronts of their soaking pussies were brought into even tighter contact. They pressed their beautiful faces together heavily, allowing their plush girl lips to rub and caress as they continued to hiss between them. Each girl loved the feeling of the other’s lips upon her own, but the hatred transferring between them kept the two beautiful women from kissing. They whispered furious insults into one another’s mouth, each girl daring the other to escalate their war; but for the moment they held their ground.

  Tina’s moans mixed with Aino’s as they grinded against each other harder faster, each girl getting the other more and more excited. Their nails sank deeper into each other’s ass with a grunt, driving their intimate areas into even rougher contact; and as their insults became dirtier, their furious lust continued to build. Their lips continued to caress as they whispered between them, telling each other of all the sinful, filthy things they wanted to do to each other; and as their bodies quivered in a vicious stalemate, it seemed as if the tension between them would shatter like glass.

  Tina and Aino broke their lower bodies apart with a moan of distress, struggling to keep their sinful desires in check. One more clash, one more stroke or rub, and they knew their self-control would shatter. They hissed and moaned between them, insulting each other in the dirtiest ways they could think of. When at last the two girls had their fill of vicious words, each woman glanced down at the other’s brush; and a disgusted anger scorched through their bodies as the sight of one another’s cum sparkling against her hairs enraged them more than words ever could.

  The remains of both girls’ climax clung tightly to the fine pubic hairs that had just combed desperately through each other. The mixture was even, and neither girl could tell who’s cum lay most upon the other’s body; but they longer they glared at each other’s snatch, the deeper the hatred seethed through them. Aino could see tiny strands of her fantastic bush still tangled in her rival’s at exactly the same time Tina saw strands of her own beautiful pubic hair still tangled in Aino’s. This bitter, wonderful sight sparked their violent desires in ways that neither woman had ever felt before; and with a desperate scream the two girls lunged, naked bodies colliding in a spray of primal fury. Their bodies rocked back and forth for several seconds, struggling against each other on their knees...and with a strangled cry they lost their balance, toppling once again to the carpet below them.

  Aino and Tina cried and moaned as they attacked each other’s naked body relentlessly, each girl desperately trying to make the other scream. Their right hands flew back into each other’s disheveled tresses, lacing their fingers tightly through each other’s hair with a bitter hiss. Their left hands began spanking each other’s ass in a violent rhythm, trading almost incessant blows as their bodies wrapped around each other tighter and tighter.

  The two gorgeous girls rolled around on the ground furiously, bumping into the living room furniture as they fought to gain the top position. Their vicious spanking became harder and harder with every exchanged blow, causing the two petite brunettes to wince painfully; but their vicious hatred for each other caused every ounce of pain to immediately spike their desperate desires. Just like every struggle beforehand, they knew their vicious war would be an evenly matched battle of attrition; and their heartbeats quickened as desperate thoughts flashed thr
ough their minds.

  With their fingers still laced tightly through each other’s beautiful tresses, Aino and Tina forced their snarling faces desperately together, causing the two beautiful brunettes to cry out as their foreheads clashed painfully together. Desperate lust swirled around the two struggling women like a vicious aura, shattering any self-control the two rivals may have had. Without hesitation the two girls opened their mouths wide, slapping their long, wet tongues viciously against each other.

  Tina and Aino uttered desperate moans of pleasure as their fantastic saliva mixed wetly between them, and the two rivals needed deeper contact immediately. Each girl nearly choked as she felt the other force her tongue as far inside her mouth as she could, and as frantic tears welled in their glistening eyes, they fought even harder. The two women twisted and corkscrewed their wet tongues furiously around each other between their open lips, struggling to force each other under their control. Saliva dripped down their cheeks as their tongues bitterly fought, clearly seen between their gaping mouths.

  Their tender breasts crushed and rolled as the two women continued to exchange the top position. The lust, hatred, and excitement had caused their precious nipples to become rock solid, and each girl gave a muffled, pained moan as she felt the other’s piercing rods stab violently into her titflesh mercilessly. They screamed and cried into each other’s mouths as they struggled harder and harder, their moans muffled only by their desperately writhing tongues.

  Tina and Aino desperately wanted to release the tension quickly building inside their bodies, but as another painful slap across each other’s tight ass shocked through their forms, they remembered this was a fight; and they forced their desires beneath the surface. Each girl could feel the front of the other’s cunt grinding furiously against her own. Each woman could feel the girl-cum, still wet upon their perfectly trimmed brushes, spreading across each other’s skin like a lubricant. Each girl widened her thighs slightly, just enough for her rival to force her leg through; and with a bitter moan the two women clamped down hard, each ensuring the other could not escape.

  They continued to tongue each other relentlessly, continued to violently spank each other’s ass over and over. They pumped their gorgeous breasts furiously against each other, crying out in pain at every mutual pulse. Tears streamed down their faces as they desperately tried to beat each other down, but even through the hatred they could feel a violent lust. Each girl was painfully aware of the other’s hot, muscular thigh pressing tightly against her pussy; and with a moan they gave in to their desperate desires, bumping and grinding each other’s thigh with bitter passion.

  Tina and Aino could hardly believe the emotions coursing desperately through their veins. They felt it every single time they fought; the feelings of violent rage mixing with indescribable was intoxicating. Addicting. They both loved and hated every second of it, desperately struggling over the man they bitterly shared. It was always like this. Regardless of the “reasons” they seemed to fight over, Takeshi was always in the backs of their minds. They knew the only way to truly be the only woman for him was to completely destroy each other, so much that the loser would leave in tears...but each girl knew the other would never relent. And so they always made due with these desperate competitions, holding on to the hopes that one day the two of them would eventually decide, once and for all, who the better woman truly was.

  A destructive clash caused the two girls to quake, bringing their bodies desperately back to the present. The two girls uttered a passionate moan of hate, still muffled by their struggling tongues, and they fought against each other even harder. Even as their thighs remained violently locked, the two girls aimed their desperate thrusts, crying and screaming with every collision as they felt their soaking pussies crush against each other over and over. Their glistening eyes were locked in a desperate glare as they slammed against each other harder and harder; and a flash of bitter hatred seared through their beautiful orbs as they forced each other over the edge once again, spreading their orgasmic juices across each other’s flesh in violent spurts.

  “Fuck!” the two girls screamed in desperate passion, tearing their tongues from each other’s mouths and howling their hatred for one another to the ceiling. As their furious orgasm pulsed through their forms, they gave up their furious struggle to force each other to the bottom; and they violently fucked each other on their sides, humping one another’s beautiful, naked body with tears streaming down their precious cheeks.

  Even as their vicious orgasms pulsed through their gorgeous forms, coursing through their bodies so violently that their mutual climax threatened to drive them unconscious, the two girls refused to relent. Tina and Aino laced both hands furiously through each other’s tresses, causing screams of pain as they tore at each other’s disheveled tresses vehemently; but the pain helped the two furious rivals to focus, and they crushed their bodies together even more tightly together.

  The hatred and lust that transferred between the two petite brunettes was so intense, so desperate, that neither woman even tried to defend against the other’s attack. They continued to fuck each other’s thigh, continued to pull violently at each other’s hair. Their breasts continued to crush and roll as Aino and Tina struggled furiously on their sides, moaning and crying as their nipples sliced against each other again and again.

  They struggled back and forth in a furious rhythm, moaning desperately between them as their bodies violently quaked. They crushed their naked forms even more tightly against each other, screaming as every single aspect of their gorgeous forms came into play. Each girl forced the other’s face roughly against her own once more, desperately swiping her tongue against her rival’s skin. Their bitter tongues clashed against each other over and over as they furiously struggled to coat each other’s lips and cheeks with saliva, riding each other’s naked form violently as their furious, orgasmic pulses finally began to slow; but as their eyes remained locked with tears in their eyes, the two gorgeous girls refused to release each other’s fantastic body.

  Tina and Aino moaned and cried desperately, forcing their naked forms to a sitting position, desperately throwing their right legs over each other’s left and crushing their pussies together hard. Furious lust echoed in a muffled scream as the two beauties immediately came again, each girl squealing as she felt the other’s wet splash spray across her vagina. Their bodies urged them to retreat as violent lust pulsed through their forms, but neither woman would relent; and as their pussies entered into a fierce, wet grind, the two girls only pulled tighter on one another’s disheveled tresses.

  Over and over the two furious beauties came, sharing and trading orgasms in almost constant pulses. Every single climax her enemy forced out of her caused each girl’s hatred and lust for the other to grow deeper and deeper. Tina and Aino locked their jaws together once again, screaming furiously as they bit down hard. Tears streamed down their beautiful faces, and the pain caused them to almost immediately disengage; but they knew they could not relent.

  The two beautiful women crushed their faces violently together again, opening their mouths wide as they attacked each other relentlessly. Aino and Tina tongued each other’s faces and bit each other’s lips, screaming and crying as they bitterly fought to force each other under their control. Even as they struggled, kissing, tonguing, biting, the two beautiful rivals never gave in. They screamed and cried as the pain and rage mixed with lust and arousal, coming against each other again and again. The sensation was maddening, almost unbearable...and they loved every single moment of their violent sexwar.

  They slammed their sensitive breasts together with a desperate cry of attrition, moaning as they felt their stiff rods crush against each other head on. The pain searing through them was incredible, but the two struggling girls would not relent. Tears streamed down their precious cheeks as their tits grinded furiously against each other, nipples twisting and bending violently against nipples as they struggled to destroy each other’s naked forms.<
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  Tina and Aino came again, their desperate mouths opening in violent screams as another incredible wave of painful pleasure pulsed through their form. With a furious cry of rage the two girls forced their tongues as deep into each other’s mouths as they could, nearly gagging at one another’s violent intrusion; and then they sealed their lips bitterly together, muffling the screams that echoed around their struggling forms.

  Pussy lips made out desperately with pussy lips as the two petite brunettes forced their cunts into even tighter contact, grinding their hips viciously in opposite directions as they struggled to break each other down. Their glistening eyes remained locked in a violent test of wills as they aimed their most intimate centers of pleasure against each other, and their naked bodies quivered violently as their clits crushed head to head in a violent collision. Their muffled screams became louder as they focused their attack, coming again with desperate pleasure as their engorged clits sliced against each other again and again.

  Their tongues twisted and corkscrewed in a violent, wet battle between their beautifully locked lips. Their breasts struggled and writhed in beautiful defiance as their nipples bent and twisted together in constant, desperate circles. Their legs were locked so tightly around each other’s waist that neither woman would be able to escape, and their pussies were crushed so tightly against each other that it felt almost as if their cunts were locked in a desperate suction. Clit sliced so violently against clit that every single second of contact caused their muffled screams to grow in volume, and as more and more of their sweet girl-cum began to fill their warring vaginas, the two girls clenched their muscles in almost impossible ways, struggling to gain control of their mixing, sexual secretions.


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