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Darkblood Prison: Demon Dark Lord (Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 4)

Page 19

by G. K. DeRosa

  The door closed behind the seer and the quiet lingered between Talon and me, neither of us ready to speak. I could feel his reticence through the bond as I drummed my fingers on the brimstone armrest. I knew what he was going to say but I refused to listen to it.

  “Azara…” He inched toward the throne. “We have to face the possibility—”

  “No!” I threw my hand up to cut him off. “I won’t face any future without you. Don’t even try to convince me otherwise.”

  He stepped closer and knelt down in front of me, wrapping my hands in his. “So we endanger everyone else?”

  Anguish constricted my throat, a thick lump of emotion clogging the passageway.

  “We tried, Azara. We did everything we could to change the future, but maybe Remy’s right and we’re simply not meant to be together.”

  A burst of anger kindled in my gut, and I tore free of Talon’s hold. “How can you say that? After everything we’ve been through, fate wouldn’t be so cruel.”

  “You don’t think it rips me apart to admit it? That I wouldn’t move heaven and hell to be with you? But we are in actual hell, Azara, and if you don’t accept the throne and assume your role, the future is clear. Despite everything, I’m an SIA agent. I was trained to protect supernaturals and humans alike. I don’t think I could live with condemning them to the fate you saw.”

  Of course I knew. I could feel the panic, the misery, ballooning inside him and radiating through the bond, but his words didn’t hurt any less. “So you want me to marry Drayax? To forsake our mate bond and pretend I’m not dying inside? You want his filthy hands pawing at me, his lips on mine, his body—”

  “Enough!” he shouted, squeezing his eyes shut and shooting up to his feet. “Of course that’s not what I want. But what other choice do we have?”

  My lungs tightened as I fought to suck in a full breath. Panic seized my heart, claws tearing into my thundering organ. This wasn’t happening. I wouldn’t lose Talon. I’d let the world burn first.

  “No, you wouldn’t.” His voice was soft, the defeat in his tone palpable. “You couldn’t let the world burn for us, and you know it. Despite your claims of not being a superhero, you are, amó. It’s ingrained in your DNA as much as protection is in mine. And it’s one of the reasons I love you so much.”

  My breath hitched, and a sob filled my chest. Talon ascended the steps and pulled me into his arms. “I can’t do this,” I forced out between sniffles. “I can’t live without you.”

  “And I can’t stand by and only have half of you. To share you with one of those demons, it would break me.”

  “I know,” I sobbed. The prophecy had doomed us from the start. Lucifer was right, we were nothing more than pawns. Luci. His cryptic comments and veiled mutterings always left my head spinning. Hadn’t he insinuated something about Talon when they first met? And Remy’s vision had gone murky when I considered—

  A spark of hope lit up the profound darkness seeping into my heart. There was one more thing I had to try. “This isn’t over, Talon. Not even close.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Thanks, Mom. I appreciate your sacrifice more than you’ll ever know.

  I’d do anything for you, Azara. I only hope we’ve made the right decision. Her words echoed in my mind as I closed off our mental connection. A swell of excitement tussled with the anxiety coating my insides. Now I just needed Garrix to get here to put my plan into motion.

  “You’re really not going to tell me what you’re up to?” Talon eyed me from across his perch on the outer wall. The entire sixth realm sprawled below us, from our rooftop view. Ashen skies and dark clouds bathed the territory in a gloomy haze.

  “No. Not until I know it’ll work. So no digging in my thoughts, got it, amó?” I totally butchered the ancient dragon tongue, but it still coaxed a smile from my sullen mate.

  “Things are getting bad in the big cities, Azara. Logan said all of his gargoyles have been called out to deal with the crisis.”

  “At least that means Maxim isn’t on my tail for now.” I tugged him off the wall and pulled him down to join me on the blanket I’d spread across the stone floor.

  He lay his head across my lap and stared up at the gray sky. “We can’t put this off for much longer, Azara. Your claim must be confirmed one way or another.”

  “I just need GG to get here. Once I talk to him… another day max. It’ll work out somehow you’ll see.”

  He pressed his head to my stomach and looked up at me, his brows furrowed. An unreadable expression flashed across his scruffy jaw.


  He schooled his features back to normal, and his lips pressed into a tight line. “Nothing.”

  I was about to dig around in his head, but I didn’t want to open our mate connection so he’d catch onto what I was planning.

  Talon sat up and kneeled in front of me, something dark flashing below the gleaming silver surface of his irises. “I love you, amó, so much. I am in awe of you and so proud of the unstoppable force you’ve become. No matter what happens, I’ll always be yours and you will be mine.”

  Tears filled my eyes and despite my best efforts, one rolled free. Talon cupped my cheek and swept away the lone droplet. His thumb gently grazed my skin as he regarded me with so much love I was certain my heart would burst.

  A dark cloud materialized in the corner of our rooftop hideaway, and Talon leapt to his feet. The familiar smoky scent filled my nostrils, and an unexpected bout of nausea seized my gut. I swallowed it down as GG appeared from the shadows.

  “Warlock trouble, little princess?” A glint of humor streaked across his azure eyes.

  “No, actually, my inner warlock has been a perfect angel.”

  Talon squeezed my hand and brushed a quick kiss against my cheek. “I’ll leave you two alone.”

  “Thank you.”

  Talon’s wings unfurled and he leapt off the edge of the roof. My eyes remained on his powerful form as he transformed midair, and his dragon blotted out the ashen sky. I turned to GG when the massive beast disappeared from sight. “Next time, you might want to portal into the atrium or throne room because you know, privacy.”

  “I checked before portalling in.”

  Eew. I wasn’t sure that was any better.

  GG’s penetrating gaze ran over me for a long minute before he met my eyes. The tiny line between his brows deepened as he focused on me. “How can I help you?”

  “I need you to out me to the Coven Council.”

  His eyes widened, his jaw dropping. “You can’t be serious.”

  “I’ve already discussed it with Mom, and she’s agreed. I’ve gone over countless scenarios with Remy and the only one that changes the vision even slightly is outing myself as a warlock. I don’t understand it, but I have to try. We’ve confirmed that my warlock power will be enough to sustain the wards now, so all I need to do is change our war-torn future. Easy peasy, right?”

  “I can’t believe your mother has agreed to this.” A vein in his forehead bulged as he regarded me. “The Coven Council forced her into a trial of her powers, wanted to bind them, to lock her up until the extent of her abilities could be determined.”

  “I know. She told me.”

  “And you’re still willing to risk being poked and prodded like a lab rat?”

  “If it means I can be with Talon and avoid an all-out war, yes.”

  He spat out a curse and reached for my hand. “Azara, you can’t—” Our fingertips touched, and his brilliant blue irises glazed over. A jolt of electricity rushed over my skin and my entire body trembled, no, convulsed. As the tremor rocked my insides, my wide eyes fixed on GG’s expressionless countenance.

  What in all the realms?

  Garrix’s fingers finally released mine, and I sagged back, the intense shudders slowly waning. His eyes refocused on me, and a serene smile melted over the tense set of his jaw.

  “What the hells was that, GG?”

  He shook his head slo
wly, his lips still parted, jaw slightly agape. “Nothing,” he breathed.

  “What do you mean nothing? I know nothing and that was definitely something!”

  “It doesn’t matter.” A streak of excitement lightened his expression, a hint of a sparkle in his eyes. “I have to see the Coven Council right away. I’ll be back once I’ve spoken to them.”

  My head spun from GG’s sudden change of attitude. “So that’s it? You’re just going to do it?”

  His arms encircled me, and he pulled me tight against his silky suit. “Everything is going to be all right, little princess. Trust me.”

  “I, uh, okay.”

  My grandpa spun away, the portal appearing once again in the middle of the rooftop. “Don’t do anything until I return, understand?”

  I nodded quickly. “You better tell me what’s going on when you do.”

  “I will, I will, Az--.” His final word was swallowed up by the whirling winds. As I watched the dazzling vortex disappear into the ether, my head spun along with it.

  What was GG up to?

  I paced the length of the throne room, one eye on the clock and the other at Talon who stood by the window. GG had left hours ago and still not a single word from him. I’d hoped he’d send a fire message at the least. In the meantime, a hoard of demons from the sixth realm had amassed in front of the castle.

  Some protested my appointment as dark lord, others applauded it. Either way, they were getting rowdy and my narkin guards were weary.

  Remy pushed aside the thick navy curtain and peered out the window. “You need to go out there and speak to your subjects.”

  “And say what?” I snarled. GG had been adamant about me not doing anything. I was pretty sure speaking to the demon crowd counted as something.

  “Reassure them that you are their leader,” he called back.

  “Leave her alone, Remy,” Talon growled. “For someone who’s supposed to serve the liege, you’ve proven to be more trouble than you’re worth.”

  “I do not determine the future, I only pass along what I see.”

  “Maybe your reception is off,” I interjected. I hadn’t asked the seer to consult the oracle since GG’s departure, but I could barely contain myself. Had Garrix spoken to the Council yet? Would it change anything?

  Talon slid the curtain closed and marched toward me, his jaw set in a tight line. “If any more amass out there, we’re going to have to do something. At best we’d have a brawl on our hands, at worse, a siege on the castle.”

  “This is Drayax’s doing.” Remy approached the throne and brushed his finger over the sharp edges. “He’s riling up the masses, spreading word of your inability to rule. He’s contacted me twice already to see if you’d made up your mind.”

  “I’m not tying myself to that monster.” I wrapped my arms across my chest to hold myself together. I was bound to Talon, mind, body and soul and I’d never betray him like that. Talon’s warmth seeped into my back as he wound his arms around me. My body sang at his touch, at his mere presence.

  “That monster may be your only choice,” Remy countered.

  Or I could send everyone to hell and run away with Talon. I wasn’t a superhero. I didn’t have to save the world.

  Talon’s hands moved down to my belly, his palms warm against my top. A soft chuffing sound vibrated his throat, and I craned my neck to look back at him. “Are you purring?” For a second, everything else disappeared. Remy, the crowd of demons outside, Drayax’s threats, the dark visions and Lucifer’s premonitions.

  “Umhmm,” he mumbled in my ear.

  “Really? With everything going on, you’re happy?”

  “I’m happy anytime I’m with you. I’ll hold onto that as long as I can.”

  A smile melted across my lips in spite of everything. I tilted my head back and closed my mouth over his. The kiss was soft, gentle, but my heart soared.

  “I hate to interrupt,” said Remy, “but your subjects are at the gate.”

  Talon released me and I cursed Remy, Lucifer and every single Underworlder out there. I couldn’t wait for GG anymore. I just hoped kicking some demon ass didn’t alter whatever my grandfather had in the works. “Let’s go. I need you.” I took Talon’s hand and tugged him toward the hallway.

  “And you,” I hissed and turned back to Remy, “Tell the other warlords I will not be needing any of their services.” It was time to show my minions who was in charge around here.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  I yanked the bronze handles, and the massive doors groaned open. Beyond the spiked iron bars of the gate along the decaying drawbridge, dozens of demons fought to break through, to invade my castle. My she-demon swirled to life, but I tamped down on her power-hungry urges. Today, it was time for my followers to meet my warlock half.

  I snapped my fingers, and an energy ball flickered to life in each of my palms. I strode out onto the drawbridge, showcasing my firepower. The leaders of the rebel demons closest to the door took a step back, their eyes widening as they focused on the swirling witchfire. “You dare threaten me?” I shouted. “I am the dark lord of the sixth realm, granddaughter of Lucifer, King of the Underworld and you will bow down to your liege.”

  A wave of gasps rolled over the mob. I tossed the first fiery orb, then the second into the advancing rebels. Two shrieks confirmed my hits, and a wicked grin seized my lips. “Who’s next?”

  The Underworlders staggered back, pushing their way off the drawbridge as muttered whispers of “witch, witch, witch,” filled the air.

  “And now I’d like to introduce you to my dragon half.”

  A mighty roar rang out overhead as Dragon-Talon flapped his majestic wings over the castle’s spiraling turrets. The demons’ eyes widened, their gazes lifting to the grim skies.


  The silver dragon dipped low, pinning his wings back and diving into the mass of demons huddled at the foot of the drawbridge. Cries and shouts rang out across the crowd as my subjects scattered in a frenzy to avoid the dragon’s wrath.

  Fire? Talon’s voice rose in my mind.

  Sure, why not? Let’s scare them a little.

  Dragon-Talon flapped his wings, rising higher into the murky clouds. Once he was a good distance away, he turned back and dive-bombed into the scattering mob. His enormous maw opened, highlighting rows of jagged white teeth. A curl of smoke emanated from his giant nostrils before a powerful roar rent the air.

  “Run!” Shrieks broke from the crowd as Dragon-Talon released a wave of dragonfire over the escaping demons.

  I darted across the now vacated bridge, my narkin guards in tow and stood atop the stone pillar at the end of the ancient planks. “Never come to my home again,” I shouted at the retreating horde. “This was only a taste of what will befall upon you should you challenge me again.” I threw my hands out and an enormous portal whirled to life on the opposite side of the fleeing demons. They halted midstride, their eyes intent on the whipping winds.

  “If you cannot abide by my rule, you may leave now. I hear the other realms of the Underworld are equally lovely to ours. Please, by all means, step through.”

  The rebel leaders’ heads spun back and forth, from me to the portal. To the portal they knew only warlocks could open.

  “Yes, I am a demon, and half human, but I am also much more.”

  One of the demons I’d seen on the drawbridge dropped to his knees. He motioned to his lackeys, and they followed suit. Only a handful of the insurgents fled through the portal to the fifth realm. Good riddance.

  The vast majority of the demon multitude circled back, their gazes cast down. Dozens of them kneeled before me and their chants filled the ashy air. “Liege, liege, liege.”

  Dragon-Talon let out a ground-shaking screech and shot across the sky. He landed beside me a moment later as the Underworlders stared in awe—or maybe fear. The silver dragon pawed the ground, his sharp talons digging into the scorched earth.

  My new subjects lowered their heads furth
er, and every single creature amassed took on the chant.

  “Tell our brethren I am here to stay. I will be a fair and just ruler, but if you cross me you will be punished. If you ignore the wards and inflict harm to the humans, you will be severely punished. Now go and spread the word.”

  Slowly, the hordes dispersed, and my narkin guards relaxed.

  Well said, my lady liege. Dragon-Talon’s voice snuck into my mind, pride filling his tone.

  “Thanks,” I answered, turning toward my dragon mate. The massive beast lowered his head, and I ran my hand over his scintillating scales. A soft chuffing sound emanated from his throat, and I couldn’t help but smile. “Are you going to change back now or what?” The prospects of a very naked Talon had heat unfurling in my core.

  Not yet. My dragon says it’s his turn to spend time with you. Apparently, I’ve been hogging you.

  A laugh tumbled from my lips and the huge reptile nudged me with his ginormous head, the soft purr still rumbling its chest. “Okay, I guess we can hang out for a little while.” I patted the dragon’s head, then ran my hand down its long neck. “Will you take me for a ride? I guess it’s about time I familiarize myself with my new territory.”

  I’d be honored to, my lady liege.

  Dragon-Talon lowered himself to the ground, his soft belly scrubbing the earth and I climbed up his leg. Positioning myself between his shoulder blades, I grabbed hold of the notches at the base of his wings.

  Ready, amó?

  My thighs tightened around his warm flesh, and I urged him forward. “Always.”

  When Talon and I returned to the castle, my legs ached, my hair was windblown, but for the first time in a while, the pit of dread that had taken permanent root in my gut since my arrival to the godforsaken Underworld had shrunk to a more manageable size.

  Beelis and Artis greeted me at the door, their spears drawn. They didn’t even spare the very naked Talon beside me a second look. Beelis, I think, motioned to the sitting room. “You have guest. Blonde faerie.”


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