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Darkblood Prison: Demon Dark Lord (Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 4)

Page 23

by G. K. DeRosa

  The moment my father appeared, I could feel Talon’s excitement surge through the bond. He was like a giddy schoolgirl in front of the great SIA agent Ryder Strong. I shoved back the giggle threatening to emerge; after nearly two years, Talon’s fangirling still made me laugh every time.

  My mom and dad drew me into a hug together before Emi and GG had their turns. Now that my parents had returned to Azar, we saw them more often, but with my mom’s busy schedule with the Coven Council and Dad’s volunteer work with the SIA, we didn’t see them as much as I would’ve liked.

  “Where’s my little Sera?” Mom cooed.

  I had a feeling now that Seraphina was here, they’d make the time.

  “She’s still sleeping, but you can go in and get her if you want.” She barely spared me a second glance before darting toward the nursery with my grandma Emi at her heels.

  Talon reached for my dad’s hand and gave it a firm shake despite the scowl carved into his face. I wondered if he’d ever forgive my husband for impregnating me before we were officially married. Unlike Talon, my father didn’t agree that the dragon mate bond held as much weight as wedding vows.

  The familiar shuffle of approaching narkin guards turned my attention to the entryway. The soldiers escorted Hayden, Ella and Dallas into the sitting area, and I rushed over to greet the new Triad. The threesome had been placed in charge of the Underworld, under their fearless leader, my mate.

  Ella wrapped me in a hug before flashing me the back of her hand. The sparkling pink diamond matched the brilliant twinkle in her eyes. “We’re engaged!”

  Hayden grinned as we applauded for them, Talon’s congratulatory smack on the angel’s back resonating around the room.

  “What are you going to do now, Dallas? You’re the only single one?” I threw him a wink.

  “Oh sweetie, you know I never have any issues in that department.”

  I chuckled and squeezed him in a tight hug. “Where are Logan and Fiona?” Our old warden and the prison’s resident healer finally went public with their relationship when the gargoyle returned to his rightful position at Darkblood. With the help of the new gargoyle guards, they ran the penitentiary with a firm hand, nothing like what I’d endured during Delacroix’s reign.

  “They should be here soon,” Dallas answered. “They had to make a pitstop in Marlwoods.”

  I nodded as Talon tensed beside me. We’d only seen Vander once since he’d admitted to turning us into the SIA all those months ago, but his adoptive brother had made countless efforts to mend the rift between them. I’d insisted on inviting him today, and Talon had reluctantly agreed. Vander and Vessa were the only family he had left, and in spite of my mate’s complaints otherwise, I knew he missed them.

  All eyes whirled toward the archway as my mom appeared with Sera cradled in her arms. A wave of oohs and aahs echoed across the vast chamber as all our friends rushed to see her.

  Talon’s pride surged through the bond, the gleam in his silver irises making my heart swell. GG reached for her, and practically pried her out of my mom’s arms. He ticked his head at me and smiled. “No binding spell this time, correct?”

  I slowly shook my head. As tempting as it sounded to shield her powers from the world, I simply couldn’t. For the first few months of my pregnancy, I’d consulted the oracle nearly daily to confirm the state of our future. Though everything appeared to be calm, a constant pit of anxiety had taken root in my gut. An ever-present nagging fear that something would change and ruin the idyllic vision of our future. Our new seer was a kind girl, young in the grand scheme of things, but incredibly perceptive. I wondered if Remy had seen her coming. A small smile curved my lips as I thought of the old seer spending the rest of his days sharing a cell with Thax and Drayax. Perfect punishment.

  The shuffling of guards heralded the arrival of more guests and before I turned toward the entryway, I knew who had arrived. Tension radiated through the mate bond, and I did my best to shoot back a wave of calm as Vander followed Logan and Fiona in.

  I never truly blamed Talon’s wolf brother for turning me in to the SIA. I’d hurt him badly and shouldered a large part of the fault myself. I had a feeling that was why Talon had found it so difficult to forgive him. Vander crept toward us, his head down and tail between his legs. I put on my best smile and welcomed him as my mate sulked beside me.

  Vander’s hazel eyes met mine, something like a whimper echoing in his chest. “Thank you for inviting me today.” He hazarded a glance up at Talon, but my husband’s face was carved in stone.

  I dug my elbow into his side and cleared my throat. Say something. I shot across the bond.

  “Where’s Vessa?” he asked.

  I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes. While I hated her a bit less now that she was happily mated, something about the she-wolf still rubbed me the wrong way.

  “She wanted me to send her apologies for not coming. It’s hard for her to travel with the twins, and she couldn’t leave them with Jerico. There’s pack stuff going on. The Alpha’s son, Hunter, has reached the age to choose a mate, so things are kind of strained.”

  Talon nodded as if he knew exactly what he was talking about. I never understood much about the inner running of pack life but if wolf mating was anything like dragon mating, it must’ve been pretty intense. “I would’ve liked to see her,” he muttered. “Send our regards.”

  I smiled sweetly, reminding myself I had no reason to be jealous of his ex.

  Vander fixed his honey gaze on Talon as he bounced from foot to foot. “Maybe we can talk later… I’m back at the SIA working undercover, and I’m not sure when I’ll be able to get away again. I hate the way things are between us, brother.”

  A swirl of emotion slammed into me, a mix of pain and anger tangling in my chest. I reached for Talon and laced my fingers through his. Please try, Talon.

  His jaw tightened and his lips pressed into a hard line, but he finally nodded. My mate turned to me and tugged on my hand. “Let’s go see Logan and Fiona.”

  I waved at Vander over my shoulder and loosed the breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding. I hoped they could forgive each other one day and that this could be the start.

  Logan and Fiona stood with my parents, my mom still hogging Sera and the group of them chatting about the state of affairs in Azar and the SIA. Since returning to the supernatural realm, Dad had started training the new recruits and I’d never seen him so happy. I tapped Logan on the shoulder and pulled him into a hug. “Thanks for coming. I know how hard it is to drag you away from Darkblood.”

  He chuckled, a few strands of his spun silver hair coming loose from the tie at his nape. “Fiona made me.”

  “We don’t see you enough, warden,” said Talon, squeezing his shoulder.

  “You’re always welcome to visit.”

  My mate scowled. “One year at that hell hole was enough.”

  Nervous laughter spilled from my mouth. More than enough. “How’s Flix?” I still missed my pixie buddy. Despite my dad’s special relationship with the head of the SIA, we hadn’t been able to talk down Flix’s sentence. So every now and again I’d pop into my friend’s mind and catch up that way. I was still too chicken to ask what he’d done to end up at the most fearsome penitentiary in Azar and asking Maxim felt too invasive. Maybe one day Flix would tell me the truth.

  “Missing you like crazy,” Logan answered. “But I’m keeping him busy. There are always new inmates to show around.”

  “Thank the gods for that,” Talon quipped.

  “And Valeria?” The backstabbing female pixie had been in Delacroix’s pocket the entire time and we had no idea.

  “Serving her last few weeks in solitary. She’ll be returned to gen pop at the end of the month.”

  At least Flix would have a friend back, though he’d sworn to me he’d never speak to her again after she’d set us up and nearly gotten us both killed.

  Talon pivoted his gaze to my dad, and a flush crept over his cheeks. “Any
new recruits with exceptional potential, Sir?”

  “A few promising ones, but they’re still young.” He crossed his arms against his chest with a bored expression. “In need of a lot of molding.”

  “They’re lucky to have you as a mentor.”

  Dad’s face remained impassive until I speared him with a dark glare, and he forced a smile. He waved a nonchalant hand. “Yeah, right. Thanks.”

  I glanced at my mom and she shrugged, throwing me a smile. Our alpha males always needed to be handled.

  Speaking of alpha males… The air in the room thickened a second before a swirl of murky shadows spilled across the space. Luci. My grandsire’s dark presence filled the room, and all chatter ceased.

  “So nice of you all to come today,” he crooned as he swaggered toward us, arms raised. “The Underworld always welcomes visitors from all the realms.”

  “Enough with the theatrics, Lucifer,” GG called out. “You’re among family here after all.”

  The whirling shadows dissipated, and my grandfather appeared in his devastatingly perfect form, a sleek black suit stretched tight across his powerful shoulders. “Ryder, Luna.” He tipped his head at his son then took my mom’s hand and deposited a chaste kiss. I could feel my dad bristling from across the circle. No, my dad and Luci’s relationship hadn’t improved since I assumed my leadership role in the Underworld. In fact, it had deteriorated, which I didn’t think was possible. I was fairly certain Dad blamed him for my coming here. Luci had orchestrated the events that led to my dark lordship, but wouldn’t it all have happened anyway?

  I often wondered as I lay awake at night watching Sera sleep.

  “And there’s my little girl.” Luci singsonged at our baby, and now it was my mate’s turn to bristle. Talon moved closer to my grandsire as he coaxed Sera from my mom’s hold. She finally relented, and he cradled the pink-blanket-swaddled infant in his arms. “You are destined for great things, my little one,” he murmured into her ear.

  Talon’s snarl rent the air, and I weaved my arm around his waist to settle his possessive dragon despite the anxiety brewing in my core.

  After another tension fraught minute, Luci relinquished Sera to my mom. Turning toward the silent group surrounding him, Lucifer clapped his hands, and a full-blown orchestra appeared. “I thought this was supposed to be a celebration?”

  I was pretty sure it was the same band that had performed at my crowning ceremony last year.

  No one moved.

  Talon’s fingers tightened around my hand as the lively tunes filled the air. He spun me around, dragging me to the center of the room. “Lucifer’s right,” he whispered as he drew me into his chest, his other hand traveling to the small of my back. “This is a celebration. Dance with me, amó?” Silver flames ignited in his irises, mirth dancing along his lips.

  How could I say anything but yes when my mate looked at me like that? “I would love to.”

  Talon led me around the dancefloor, and I was instantly transported to our wedding day. There weren’t many occasions for dancing these days, and that unforgettable night would always remain emblazoned in my mind. It had been a small ceremony, shortly after my official confirmation as dark lord, filled with our closest friends and family, including everyone here today, except Vander of course.

  I nuzzled Talon’s neck, his musky, smoky perfume bathing my senses. “Do you remember—”

  He cut me off, brushing his lips against my cheek. “Of course, I remember our wedding day,” he mumbled against my skin. “It was barely a year ago.”

  “Do you think we’ll ever get that honeymoon?” I’d been dying to visit one of the remote islands in the Fae realm. The location where they’d filmed my aunt’s TV show, Hitched, seemed like the perfect destination.

  “I promise you we will. Are you ready to leave Sera with your parents?”

  Claws of fear tightened around my heart, stealing the air from my lungs and I sucked in a breath. “No,” I grumbled. “Maybe we should take her?”

  He chuckled. “We can do whatever you want, amó.”

  These days it felt like that was Talon’s answer to everything. It had been quite a shift from when we’d first met. From the man that hated me for killing his brother and best friend.

  I never hated you. His thoughts drowned out my own. In spite of my best efforts, I never could hate you, Azara. You were made for me and I for you. Bound together forever.

  I leaned my head on his chest and allowed the melodic music to envelope me in its soothing sound. Cradled in my mate’s arms with our friends and family surrounding us, I let the momentary peace fill me. Together forever.

  I hope you loved the end of Azara and Talon’s story! As always it’s sooo bittersweet, but you know what they say… On to the next!

  Read on for a special unedited sneak peek of my newest series set in the world of Azar, Wolfish: Moonborne which will be out in May. You may just see some familiar characters spring up! You can pre-order it here.

  And if you’re still not a member of GK’s Supe Squad, join now to get a FREE Wolfish prequel short story and other fun stuff leading up to the big release. I’ll be giving away lots of cool swag… hint, hint ;)

  Thanks for being an amazing fan!


  Sneak Peek of Wolfish: Moonborne

  Chapter 1

  * * *

  Flickering flames set ablaze beneath a warm golden backdrop. The elongated snout and fierce fangs etched in the same gold. Only a narrow slit showcasing supple lips and the hint of dark stubble. The vivid images raced through my mind, tightening my ribcage and squeezing my lungs, my heart. Searing pain lanced across my collarbone and a sob wrenched free. I sucked in a sharp breath as their weight crushed my insides.

  “Sierra! Sierra, wake up!”

  My eyes snapped open, jerked into consciousness by a rough shake. “What?” I mumbled and rubbed away the sleepy haze blurring my vision. My roommate’s worried face greeted me.

  “Were you dreaming about him again?” Cass asked. “You were shaking and crying in your sleep.”

  I raked my hands over my face and warm tears came away on my palms. Dragging my fingers through my dark hair, I loosed a breath. “I don’t remember.” Lie.

  “Whatever it was, it sounded intense.” A male voice drew my attention to the opposite side of our room, to Cass’s unmade bed and the male sprawled across it. Rafe, my roommate’s flavor of the week.

  Cass shushed him and sat beside me as I swept away the last of the tears. She brushed an errant lock of hair behind my ear, toying with the deep purple streaks. “This is like the third night this week, girl. Are you sure there’s nothing wrong?”

  I eyed the warlock across the room and shrugged. “Nah, must be pre-graduation jitters.”

  After four long years at the Academy of the Arcane, the torture would finally come to an end. Why torture? My magical colleagues didn’t take kindly to a human half-blood with no powers. But thanks to the Half-Blood Doctrine, I’d been torn away from my human life at sixteen and sent to live in Maginaria despite not having a trickle of magical abilities. Being a quarter witch, one would think after four years, I would’ve developed at least something. One would be wrong.

  Cass must have read the anxiety in my face because she threw her warlock a pointed look and motioned at the door. “I’ll catch up with you later, Rafe.” The tall male unfolded his long legs and shimmied into his jeans before tugging his shirt over his head.

  I watched in silence, ogling the finely sculpted warlock because it was easier than focusing on my best friend’s face. After four years, she knew me too well. She knew the images that kept me up night, that plagued my nightmares and starred in my daydreams.


  Our dorm room door slammed shut behind Rafe and drew me from my musings to Cass’s eyes. The lively hazel was dim, her pink lips curved into a pout. “I’m worried about you, Sierra. It’s been four years and we’re graduating tomorrow. You have to get over this guy. You might
not ever see him again.”

  As if once a year for four years had been enough. She was right though. My obsession with him was borderline psychotic. And now that my time at the academy was coming to an end, the dreams had intensified. As if my subconscious knew our time was up.

  “I know, I know,” I muttered. It had been nine months since I’d seen him last. The first day of the school year, also coincidentally, my birthday. I’d spent my nineteenth birthday at the annual academy masquerade ball in his arms. The night had come and gone and like always, he’d disappeared.

  “Let’s get some breakfast.” She rose and forced me up with her. “I’m famished.”

  I tipped my head up to meet my best friend’s eyes. Cass wasn’t exceptionally tall, but at five foot nothing, I was cursed to look up at most people. “Of course you are. You and Rafe must’ve worked up quite an appetite after last night.” I waggled my brows and she laughed.

  “I’m sorry! Did you hear us? Sometimes I lose focus and it’s hard to keep the shield up.”

  “Yeah, I know,” I muttered and made a gagging sound. “It’s the one spell I wish I would’ve mastered.” Hell, who was I kidding? I wish I would’ve mastered any spell. But no, I was destined to be magicless. Which to be honest, I was okay with. Now that I’d proven myself to be no risk to the humans, I could finally return home.

  Cass steered me toward the bathroom, and we each took our places at the double vanity. She pulled her long, curly blonde locks into a bun as I secured my hair back with a tie. Reaching for her toothbrush, she gave me a smile but it didn’t come close to reaching her eyes. “I’m going to miss you like crazy, Sierra.”

  A pang of sadness streaked across my chest. “Me too. I’ll even miss your gross sex sounds.” Humor, it was a shield. I’d met Cass my first day at the academy when she’d declared we’d be best friends. She had been right. Not everyone at the school had been entirely awful, but she was my only real friend. The Coven was a rigid hierarchical society and the academy was no different. Cass came from a lowly caster coven, only a few steps above a half-blood like me. So she’d taken me under her wing and we’d survived. Barely.


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