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Finding Love Between Terror and Rage [The Howling Death MC 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 16

by Marla Monroe

  “So the real estate agent tried to kick you guys off to buy the land and then sell it to the government for a tidy profit,” she concluded.

  “Pretty much,” Rage said with a grin. “He enlisted a few of his friends, including Teddy, to get rid of us.”

  Terror continued. “It killed two birds with one stone for Teddy. More money on top of the money he’d get from Gaetti plus he’d get rid of us and finally get his hands on Mia.”

  Terror held on as she started to stand up to climb out of the tub. Rage quickly got to his feet to take over holding her steady while Terror stood up, as well. They worked together to dry her off, doing more feeling her up than anything, she decided with a small smile. She didn’t mind that one bit.

  “The interesting way this all got convoluted is that one of the three men was a shady lawyer who worked for the Vipers. He was looking at it on his own to try and figure out how to liberate some additional money from the Vipers, as well as from the land. The short, stubby one was the real estate agent from here, and the last guy, we don’t have a clue as to why he was in the middle of it other than being a friend of the lawyer,” Rage finished.

  “That was all convoluted. I can’t imagine how you figured it all out. Oh, wait! Who killed the man that hurt my knee?” she asked.

  Terror laughed. “Well, believe it or not, it was Teddy. It pissed him off that the guy had dared to touch what he considered to be his .”

  “I didn’t like him much for hurting me, but he didn’t deserve what Teddy did to him. I wouldn’t have wished that on anyone,” she said.

  Terror and Rage exchanged glances. She narrowed her eyes at them. “I know. You’re big bad bikers who aren’t afraid to take care of business, even if that means doing things I wouldn’t approve of. If it’s in the past, I don’t want to know about it, because I know it won’t happen in the future, right?”

  Rage sighed. “No. Unless your life is at stake, it’s all in the past, baby.”

  “But we won’t make any promises where your safety and well-being are concerned,” Terror said.

  “And we better get it out in the open that we set the lawyer up with the Vipers. Technically, that’s in the past though, so you can’t hold it against us,” Rage said, watching her closely.

  She sighed. “Fine. How did you set him up?” she asked.

  “When we met with the Vipers to broker the deal about crossing our territory without stopping, we told them about the future connection between Kansas City and Amarillo,” he said.

  “How did that set him up?”

  “Most clubs keep accountants and lawyers on retainer to help them deal with any problems that crop up in their day-to-day business. One of the things the lawyers do is keep an eye on anything that might affect their business deals. That meant, their lawyer should have told them about the plans for the four-lane, which would direct more law enforcement officers their way. It meant that they made a deal with us that in five or so years won’t work for them anymore. He reneged on his business partnership with them by not clueing them in so that they pushed for more leeway now as opposed to later when we have more that they need.” Rage grinned despite the obvious attempt to look contrite. He failed at that miserably.

  “So what is in the future for The Howling Death MC?” she asked. It was a question she’d been fighting for the last week since she’d become their Old Lady and was living with them in the club.

  “We keep the town safe, free of drugs and gang violence,” Terror told her.

  “We continue with the garage, but expand a bit to get ready for the interstate cutting through part of our land. We’re going to open up a real bike shop that does repairs and custom work on bikes. Depending on if we can negotiate with some of the key clubs, we’re looking at developing a sort of neutral biker area where they can stop to eat, rest up, shower, and load up on supplies without worry about retaliation from different clubs. That’s going to take a lot of future planning, but I think it could work. The world’s changing, and our way of life is going to change if we don’t keep up with it. We’re going to have to compromise some anyway, so doing it on our terms is better than being forced into it on someone else’s. Sort of defeats the whole freedom thing we’ve got going on.” Rage wrapped the towel around her before slipping the robe on top of it.

  Once Terror had a towel wrapped around his waist, Rage opened the door to let them hurry over to their room while he took a quick shower. Mia would be glad once their house was finished so they didn’t have to divide up bath time. It would be a few more months, though.

  “Come on, babe. Let’s get you in bed. I want to hold you while Rage is busy. He hogs you when we sleep,” Terror fussed.

  Mia giggled. She’d never have believed that she would agree to be shared by two men. The fact that they were bikers didn’t even figure into the equation. All she knew was that she loved them more than anything. Her love with Glenn had been sweet and comfortable, but this love—it was more like a tornado in how fiercely she felt for them. They made love to her as if they might never see her again, and when they fucked, it was like a wild bronco ride that made her feel free.

  Terror settled her in his arms against his chest. It felt right. When she was with Rage, it felt right. When she was with both of them, it felt perfect.

  “I love how you fit next to me, Mia. I love the way you smell right here.” He rubbed his nose along the side of her neck to behind her ear.

  “I love how I feel in your arms, all warm and safe. I love how you taste when you spill down my throat,” she told him.

  “Most of all, though, I love you, Mia. You complete me in a way that even having a twin brother doesn’t. I look at you and I see the three of us riding trikes because we’re too old to hold up a bike anymore,” Terror whispered in her ear.

  She fought back the tears that his words brought. She didn’t want to cry just because he humbled her and made her happy. She wanted all of that just as much as he did. She wanted more. She wanted them to have children that looked like them, with their wild hair and beautiful eyes. It hurt that she couldn’t give them that.

  “Hey. What’s wrong? I can feel you getting upset about something. What is it?” Terror asked, trying to turn her head up so he could see her face.

  “Nothing. I was screwing up a great feeling by thinking about something that I can’t change,” she said.

  “Oh, baby. Don’t do that to yourself. We’ve told you that loving you is all we want. Nothing will ever change that, Mia. Please don’t hurt yourself thinking about that. It matters, but it doesn’t matter in how we feel about you or what you mean to us.”

  “What’s wrong?” Rage closed the door behind him as he walked into the room.

  “She’s thinking about it again, beating herself up over it,” Terror told him.

  Rage strutted over to the bed, letting the towel slide down his legs, before climbing on it like a stalking lion about to spring. It never ceased to amaze her just how feral the two of them were, yet nothing but gentle and caring with her.

  “Stop it, woman. You are the most important person in our lives. No one could ever even come close. As much as we would love to have a child that looked just like you, to spoil and watch grow up, she’d suffer in the long run because you are our breath and our reason for waking up each day. If cutting off my arm could give it back to you, Mia, I would sharpen the knife and do it in a heartbeat. Seeing you hurting tears me up inside,” Rage said, collapsing to the bed on his stomach before kissing the corners of her mouth then running his tongue across her cheeks where the tears had managed to leak out.

  “I don’t want you to cut off your arm. I just love you both so much that I want to give you children. You’ve given me so much, and I can’t do that one thing for you.”

  “You complete us, Mia. You pull out what good there is in us and hold back the bad. You’ve given us your trust and your love. Nothing in the world could compare to that,” Rage told her.

  “Make love to me, Rag
e.” She turned to look up at Terror. “I want to feel that you’re happy. I want to know that deep down it really doesn’t matter.”

  Terror growled before capturing her lips in a searing kiss. He sucked her lower lip into his mouth and trailed the tip of his tongue across it before nipping it with his teeth. Rage pulled her from Terror’s arms to roll over on top of him. He held her so that they were skin-to-skin as he took over where Terror’s lips had left off.

  His tongue pried at her lips so that she opened to him, and then it swept in to map every part of her mouth, every crevice, every section, until she was sure he knew it by heart. Then he tangled their tongues in a fight for dominance that he always won.

  When he pulled away to look up into her eyes, she saw naked emotion in his eyes. He loved her and would do anything for her—even kill. She never wanted that from him, but knowing it was there gave her a sense of safety and freedom few people would ever really feel.

  “I love you, Mia. My black soul has a spot of white on it for the first time since I was a young child, and it’s all because of you,” he said.

  “I love you, Rage. You’re my wings, and Terror is the wind that allows me to fly. Take me,” she said.

  He growled and lifted her until she was able to use one hand to line his thick cock up with her already soaked slit. When she would have dropped onto him in a mad rush to have him fill her, Rage slowly lowered her, inch by delicious inch, until she rested flush against his groin.

  “Ah, fuck me, Mia. You’re so damn tight,” he managed to rasp out.

  “I can feel you so deep inside of me, Rage. You’re almost choking me.”

  “T, you better get busy back there. I’m not going to last long the way her hot cunt is squeezing my dick,” Rage said.

  “There’s no room, Rage. I swear, I’m full up with you inside of me,” she said in a hoarse whisper.

  “There’s room, baby. I promise there is. You always say this when one of us is balls-deep inside of you.” Rage nipped at her chin then pulled her all the way down until her head rested on his shoulder.

  Terror’s warm hands squeezed her ass cheeks before he spread them wide and bit one of them. She squirmed at the slight pain and growled against Rage’s shoulder. Terror laughed then let go of her ass. Rage took over holding her wide open so that his brother could squeeze the lubricant over the crack of her ass before adding a generous amount to her back hole. Then he pressed one finger deep inside of her before adding the second finger.

  “Holy hell, you’re tight back here,” he said as he slowly pumped the thick digits in and out of her tiny dark hole. He licked and nipped her ass as he slowly opened the dark rosette for his cock.

  In the weeks that they’d been together, she’d finally progressed from needing time with one finger before adding the second to being able to take the second almost immediately. The nasty butt plugs they’d introduced had helped, as well. She called them her torture devices but secretly enjoyed it when they played with her ass. She had never realized before just how sensitive her ass was or how rich in nerve endings it was either.

  The first time she’d come just with them playing with her ass had shocked her so much that she’d burst into tears. The poor guys had thought they’d hurt her and were beside themselves until she could calm down enough to tell them it had scared her was all.

  Now, as Terror added the third finger and spread her hole wide, she looked forward to their play sessions and thoroughly enjoyed it when they both took her at the same time. They didn’t do it all the time, but when they did, it was the orgasm of all orgasms.

  “Hurry, Terror. I need to move. I’m dying here,” she whined, egging him on.

  “I don’t want to hurt you, baby. I have to be sure you’re ready,” he said in a strained voice.

  Mia knew playing with her like that turned him on in a big way. It made the sex all the more real when he was almost out of control by the time he entered her. The feel of all that need and power carefully thrusting into her ass had her body tingling all over even before she came.

  “Now, T!” she said, using his brother’s name for him.

  He growled behind her, and suddenly she was surrounded in heat as he rose over her and positioned his long hard dick at her back hole and slowly pushed forward until the spongy head broke through the resistant ring. One more and he filled her, but not deep enough. She thrust back, taking him by surprise like always, impaling her body on his cock all the way to his balls. He roared out as he fought to regain control and hold her hips still.

  “Fuck, Mia. I’m going to hurt you if you don’t stop doing that. Rage! You’re supposed to be controlling her,” Terror complained.

  “Man, you know how it is when she’s got your dick strangled in her cunt. There’s no doing anything until she lets go.”

  “Asshole,” Terror ground out as he slowly pulled back until just the head remained inside of her dark hole.

  Then they were moving in and out of her in a slow-moving dance that quickly became torture to her. She wanted more, and she wanted it fast. They always resisted her at first, but Mia was persistent until they let go and took her to the stars. Every muscle in her body worked to milk them so that the next thrust was just a little bit harder and just a little bit faster. The sound of their breaths sawing out of their lungs was music to her ears. She wanted them wild and unfettered, so she gave them what they needed to take her the way they needed to.

  “Fuck me like you mean it! I can’t feel how you feel,” she yelled between them.

  “Fucking hell!” Rage roared as he bucked beneath her, his hands squeezing her arms as he held her captive between them.

  Pressure built deep inside of her. It grew and multiplied until all she could feel was the press of it against her throat. Every nerve ending was awake and waiting, a collective breath on the edge of exhaling. When it happened, Mia would soar with her wings on the wind that held her. She squeezed her body around her two lovers so that they cursed and faltered in their rhythm.

  “Son of a bitch!” Terror snarled, his fingers digging into her hips as he pumped his cock in and out of her ass.

  When he released her right hip, she knew what was coming, what to expect, but no matter how often they danced like this, she was never truly ready. Terror slid his hand between her and Rage to press one callused fingertip over her clit. At first he just pressed and released, and then he added the circular motion with the pressure that felt like sandpaper over the swollen, throbbing nub.

  Once, twice, she gasped, trying to get ahead of it and catch her breath before it all left her again, but it never worked out that way. He rasped over the bundle of nerves the third time, and Mia exploded into a million tiny points of light that spread out like stars in the sky. Then in a loud, ringing rush, she returned to her physical form with roaring in her ears. The mixture of her blood thundering through her system and Rage and Terror’s voices as they climaxed seemed to leave her deaf for a few seconds before sound returned.

  Hours later, that really were only fleeting minutes, the three of them lay spooned together on the bed, still panting from the exertion. Mia wanted to laugh that they needed another bath but didn’t have the energy. Terror kissed her lightly on the shoulder before burying his nose against her neck.

  “I love you two,” she simply said.

  “I love you, Mia,” Terror said right before a soft snore blew against her ear.

  “Love you, too,” Rage said, and like Terror, punctuated it with a slightly deeper snore that made her smile.

  No matter what she sometimes wished for, she wouldn’t give up her men for anything. Wishes were like grains of sand on the beach. The tide rearranged them with every pull of the moon. Who was to say that she would have the same thoughts in another year or five? Her love for Rage and Terror was set in stone. Time might wear down some of the brilliant edges of the highs in their lives, but the depth of the letters chiseled into stone, like the depth of their love would hold them together. In the winter o
f their lives as they grew older, she vowed to have lived her life without regrets. When eventually the letters in the stone finally faded away, she knew that their love would be the last thing to disappear.

  Her wild biker lovers had given her the freedom to live again, to embrace happiness, and to tame their fierce natures when nothing else ever had. She couldn’t wait for the future to unfold. They had plans and dreams and a lifetime to explore them together with their MC family.




  Marla Monroe has been writing professionally for nearly eleven years. Her first book with Siren was published in January of 2011 and now has over 65 books available. She loves to write and spends every spare minute either at the keyboard or reading. She writes everything from sizzling-hot contemporary cowboys, emotionally charged BDSM, and dangerously addictive shifters, to science fiction ménages with the occasional badass biker thrown in for good measure.

  Marla lives in the southern US and works full-time at a busy hospital. When not writing, she loves to travel, spend time with her cats, and read. She’s always eager to try something new and especially enjoys the research for her books. She loves to hear from readers about what they are looking for next in their reading adventures.

  You can reach Marla at, or visit her website at

  Her blog:

  Twitter: @MarlaMonroe1


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