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Felicity Stripped Bare

Page 25

by Vanessa Jaye

  Felicity buried her hands in Daniel’s thick hair, urging him on. She wanted more and he complied, suckling, nipping, tasting. Each hot wet kiss entering her bloodstream like molten honey. Every other thought or feeling not tied to this moment, squeezed out of existence.

  Heart pounding, gasping for air, she was going to explode, or expire or…Oh my God.

  He entered her.

  Slow and deep.

  Daniel groaned, his face twisted with sweet gratification. Then he drew out just as slowly until only the swollen head of his cock was left to pulse at her entrance before he thrust back into her, again and again with pounding measured strokes.

  “You have been and will always be my fantasy,” he whispered with hoarse intensity, his gaze holding hers. “Always.”

  This felt so right. It was so right. Her happiness was complete.

  “What are you smiling about?”

  “This.” Felicity stretched beneath him, her arms raised to grasp the headboard behind her. Rocking her hips, she tensed her muscles and was rewarded with the flash of deep pleasure that crossed his face. Pure womanly satisfaction rippled through her and she chuckled.

  Daniel loosened her grip, intertwining his fingers with hers as he pressed her hands into the pillow on either side of her head. Then he changed his rhythm, moving in short shallow strokes, which caused Felicity to wrap her legs around him, using her heels to press down and urge him deeper. He resisted, delivering a kiss on her mouth that he quickly pulled back from when she tried to nip at him.

  “You’re not playing fair.”

  It was Daniel’s turn to laugh. “Why should I play fair, when playing dirty is so much better?”

  Felicity stared up at him, sobered. “I like playing with you,” she said softly. He stopped moving.

  “I like playing with you too.” The admission came out dark and raspy.

  He delivered a power thrust, slamming her into the bedding. The force of him against her, the rotation of his groin against her clit, pushed her higher into an ever tightening coil of pleasure.

  Then Daniel stopped again, buried deep inside her. Sweat dripped from him, trailing along Felicity’s neck to mingle with her own sweat. His face showed his strain in holding back.

  “I want this, you…forever. Not just this moment, but mornings waking up with you in my arms, every morning. I want forever. Marry me.”

  Before she could answer, Daniel’s mouth took hers in a bruising kiss as his hands swept down to lift her legs over his arms. He angled his hips, almost pulling out entirely, then swiftly drove his cock back into her.

  “Marry me, Felicity.” His guttural command accompanied another hard stroke that sent her over the edge.

  “Yes!” She spiraled into a vortex of ecstasy. And Daniel was right there with her.

  Afterwards, Daniel rose from the bed. He didn’t say a word as he took her hand and led her into the bathroom. They went into the shower, where he soaped her up, placing feather light kisses on her face and neck. She wanted to speak but he shushed her with one finger pressed against her mouth.

  When they were done he drew her from the stall and Felicity found herself enveloped by a plush towel as Daniel focused on rubbing her dry. He grabbed a bottle of body lotion and led her back to the bedroom.



  He shook his head, but his eyes didn’t meet hers, instead he kneeled beside the bed and proceeded to apply lotion onto her skin, his touch lingering here and there until his gaze grew heated and he dipped his head to capture an erect nipple into his hot mouth and suckled deeply. It was brief, and sweet. Yet rising desire couldn’t loosen the delicate tentacles of fear that were tightening around her heart.

  He tore his mouth from her body with a muttered curse. “I can’t think straight with you looking like this.” He rose to his feet and strode over to the chair where his robe was carelessly thrown. Daniel handed it to her, then took the damp discarded towel and wrapped it around his hips.

  “Get dressed; let’s go into the kitchen, we need to talk.”

  We need to talk. She watched his back disappear through the door and slowly got to her feet. What a fool she was. It was said in the heat of passion. Of course he didn’t mean it. It was too soon.

  Felicity found him sitting at the kitchen island, two glasses of wine poured out. When she went to take the stool next to his, Daniel pulled her to him, his hard thighs bracing her hips and he ravished her mouth.

  Finally he eased back, his eyes glittering with wild fire. He took a deep breath then another. “Okay, I just want there to be no doubts or confusion about what just happened—in either of our minds.”

  Her stomach plummeted. So she was right.

  “While we were making love, when I looked into your face, into your eyes” he traced a finger down the bridge of her nose, then swept it across her jaw up to her temple, “I couldn’t help myself, the words just burst out.”

  Daniel took her hands and cradled them in the warmth of his palm. There was a tightness around his mouth when he spoke again, his voice so low that Felicity had to lean forward to catch his words.

  “I don’t want you to feel obligated to keeping what you said in the heat of passion.” He looked up then.

  Felicity blinked. There was real fear in his eyes. There was also unmistakable tenderness.

  “But if you haven’t changed your mind, I won’t pressure you any further; we can take this nice and slow. You can have as long an engagement as you’d like.”

  “Would twenty-four hours be long enough?”

  Daniel started, then wrapped his arms around her as they both started laughing.

  “Well I think my mother would have something to say about that. She has this thing about throwing big parties.”

  “Your mother?” Felicity’s spirits sank just a bit. “Daniel, your father—”

  “Is not the man you’re going to marry. I wasted a lot of years trying to please that man, and fulfill his dreams. Now I please myself. And my dream is you.”

  Felicity found her smile.

  “I take it that was a resounding yes?”

  “You can take it anyway you like it, baby. I’m yours.”

  He kissed her, she kissed him back, then things got blurry.

  “Say it,” Daniel demanded, his lips trailing along her jaw.

  “Say what?” Felicity could barely get the words out, much less think about forming a cohesive sentence.

  He grasped her shoulders, tearing their bodies apart. “Say it.” The expression in his eyes was one she recognized from looking in the mirror every day since she realized that she loved him.

  A slow sweet smile curving her mouth, Felicity looked him dead in the eye, said the words:

  “I love you, Daniel Mackenzie.”

  He threaded his fingers through her hair. “Say it again.”

  “I love you.”

  “Again.” This plea was softer still.

  “I love you, I love you, I love you.”

  Daniel crushed her to him, rubbing his face into her hair. “Every day. I need you to say it every day for the rest of my life,” he whispered fiercely.

  “I’ll say it as much as you need me to.” Felicity wrapped her arms around him and squeezed. “And I can assure you that statement was not influenced in the least bit by mind melting passion,” she teased, her voice partially muffled in his chest.

  Daniel eased back, a grin on his face. “Mind melting passion?”

  “Yes, mind melting passion—shall I refresh your memory?”

  And she did.

  The freakin’ End

  About the Author

  To learn more about Vanessa Jaye, please visit Send an email to

  Together they find a special love—can it survive the threat stalking her?

  Giving Chase

  © 2006 Lauren Dane

  Available in ebook and print

  Some small towns gr
ow really good looking men! This is the case with the four Chase brothers. The home grown hotties are on the wishlist of every single woman in town and Maggie Wright is no exception.

  Maggie has finally had it with the men she’s been dating but a spilled plate of chili cheese fries drops Shane Chase right into her lap. The sheriff is hot stuff but was burned by a former fiancée and is quite happy to play the field.

  After Shane’s skittishness sends him out the door, Maggie realizes that Kyle Chase has had his eye on her from the start. Now that Shane has messed up, Kyle has no intention of letting anything stop him from wooing her right into his bed.

  Despite Maggie’s happiness and growing love with Kyle, a dark shadow threatens everything—she’s got a stalker and he’s not happy at all. In the end, Maggie will need her wits, strength and the love of her man to get her out alive.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Giving Chase:

  He pulled her close. “What are you up to, Red?” His voice was a lazy purr and suddenly, she felt a bit like prey.

  “Nothing, it’s just a bit warm,” she said breathily. His nearness affected her, sped her heart. Warmed her from the inside out.

  The corners of his mouth tugged up. “Are you teasing me, Red?”

  She shook her head slowly. “I’m promising you.”

  “Good lord, woman. You trying to kill me?” He nuzzled her neck.

  “Huh uh.” It came out slow and soft as her head lolled back to give him more access. “I’ll need you later. Or now.”

  “Are you saying what I think you are saying?”

  She sat up and laughed. “Sheesh, Kyle, I know you’ve slept with like a hundred women. Haven’t any of them teased you? Or am I doing so poorly at it that you don’t get it?”

  “There’s the Red of my dreams. I love it when you go all sassy on me.” He pushed his face into her cleavage and breathed her in. His goatee tickled the sensitive skin there and shivers of delight and anticipation broke over her.

  “I was hoping you meant you wanted to make love. But I wanted to be sure because I respect you so much. I just don’t want to push past where you’re willing to go.”

  She leaned over and pressed her lips to his ear. “Kyle, can you respect me while you’re inside me? Because I really—and I mean really—need you to fuck me.” She knew she was blushing but it felt so good to say what she’d been thinking.

  She saw the shiver run down his skin and he moved to look into her face. “Do you know how sexy you are? I don’t know that I’ve ever wanted anything as badly as I want to make love to you.” Standing up, he held out his hand to her and she took it. Hand in hand, he led her up the stairs to his bedroom.

  Closing the door behind them, the rest of the world felt far away. While she stood and watched him, he pulled out some matches and lit the candles that ringed the room.

  “They’re new. I bought them thinking about how you’d look with the candlelight flickering off your skin.”

  “Dude, you say the best stuff. You’re so getting lucky.” Smiling, she grabbed hold of the bottom of her pullover and yanked it over her head.

  He blinked a few times. “Damn it, woman, you’re gonna kill me. Just full of surprises, aren’t you?” With a grin, he reached to turn off the overhead light. “Yeah, just what I thought. You and candlelight—a very sexy combination.”

  “I’m sexy? Kyle Chase, do you look in the mirror very often?” Maggie went to him, reaching out to slowly unbutton his shirt. She gloried in the feel of his skin as she slid the shirt down his arms and off. The warmth of his body and the scent of him hit her face. She closed her eyes, leaning in to take a deep hit of him.

  Drowning in hormones she stepped back to take a long look at him. His upper body had the long lean muscle of a runner or a cyclist. He was hard and packed but not bulked.

  “Dear lord, you’re beautiful.” Leaning back toward him, she flicked her tongue over one of his nipples, delighting in his hungry moan. The heated salt of his taste set her taste buds on fire. She wanted more of him. All of him.

  Needing to touch him, she slid her palms down the muscled plane of his abdomen. Her fingers tucked just inside the waistband of his jeans, tracing around the edge and the sensitive skin there. Getting down to business, she unsnapped each of the seven buttons there. Every pop seemed so loud—vibrating off her spine as she uncovered a bit more of his body.

  Kneeling to help him step out of his jeans and socks, she looked up, thrilled when she saw the inescapable evidence of just how much he wanted her—how much Kyle Chase wanted Margaret Wright.

  “Now there’s a picture to last me many a cold and lonely night,” he murmured, looking down at her kneeling. Heart hammering in his chest, he reached down to caress her face. Every nerve ending in his body lit when she rubbed a velvety cheek along his thighs. Her fingers and nails grazed down the backs of his legs, kneading the muscles of his calves.

  Her caresses came back up his legs and into his boxer-briefs to cup the hard muscle of his ass. Grabbing the material, she pulled them down, leaving him totally naked to her view. He should have felt exposed. But instead heat spread through him at the sight of the greed in her gaze.

  She’d intended to stand back to look at all of him but the heated velvet of his cock called to her and she didn’t want to resist. Instead, she grabbed him in her hands, holding him so that she could take him into her mouth. Her tongue slid over the bead of semen that pearled at the head and his taste burst through her.

  “Holy shit, Red,” Kyle stuttered as his hands fisted in her hair.

  She hummed her appreciation around his cock and continued to taste him. Her nails lightly scored over his balls and he sucked in a breath. “This is going to end before it begins. Come on, Red, stop for a minute.”

  She sat back with a kiss to the head of his cock. And then one more because she needed him so much. With a sigh of longing she took his hand and let him help her stand. She stepped back so that she could look her fill at him. And she could have done it for ages, he was so handsome.

  “Red, come here. You undo me with the way you look at me. I want to look at you now.” Kyle’s voice had gone husky and she heard the strain in it.

  Taking the two steps to get to him, she put her hand on his stomach and slid it down, taking his cock into her fist. Moaning, he arched into her hold. She looked down at him, hot and hard, avarice on her face and he laughed.

  “You’re good for my ego, Red.” He ran the tip of his index finger down her skin and over a pouty pink nipple. The material of the bra was sheer and embroidered with leaves of all colors. “Pretty.” He popped the catch between her breasts and slid the bra down her arms. “I love front closure bras. Best. Invention. Ever.”

  She looked up at him with a smirk. “Seen your fair share of them have you?”

  “Oh no.” He put his hands up in surrender and shook his head. “That’s not a question I’m even going near. It’s an unwinnable woman dead end question like, does my butt look fat in this.”

  “No way! The answer to that question is always no. Anyway, you brought it up.” A grin won over her face.

  “My answer is it doesn’t matter. No other woman in the universe matters but you.”

  “Good one. More than enough to get me into your bed.”

  “We do try,” he murmured. “Now, I was in the middle of something before you interrupted me, Red.”

  A romantic game of chicken—and they’re both too stubborn to flinch.

  Dare to Love

  © 2008 Jaci Burton

  Lucy Fairchild, lawyer and heiress to the Fairchild fortune, has just had the worst day of her life. Her father has found the perfect man for her to marry. Yes, she’s thirty and single, but that doesn’t give her father the right to run her life. She’ll choose her own husband—someday.

  Jake Dalton is struggling to make his fledgling construction company a success. Ever mindful of his father’s derogatory comments that he’d never amount to anything, he’s spent his
entire life trying to prove he’s not a failure.

  From their first meeting on a construction site, verbal sparks fly. Their argument escalates into a dare for a date—and the game is on. Lucy thinks Jake is the perfect fake boyfriend to parade around in the hopes of getting her father off her back. Jake is amused by the chance to annoy both Lucy and her dad—he doesn’t intend to take the dating thing seriously.

  But the heart is a fickle thing, and not above playing dirty. In their quest to prove something—to each other, or maybe to themselves—they find themselves building a case…for love.

  And suddenly all the rules have changed.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Dare to Love:

  Lucy glanced at the grandfather clock in the front hallway and wrung her hands, mentally reviewing the speech she’d planned to give Jake when he showed up.

  She wasn’t going out with him. Making that date with him today had been a huge mistake, and one she chalked up to a mind too preoccupied by her father’s notion of marrying her off. She hadn’t had her wits about her and stupidly agreed to a date she now had no intention of keeping.

  It would be a waste of both their time. They had nothing in common, and she had too many other things on her mind to dally with a construction worker. No matter how sexy said construction worker was.

  She tamped down butterflies that felt like the San Francisco 49ers defensive line ramming the wall of her stomach. How silly. As a courtroom lawyer, she had argued plenty of cases in front of a judge, jury and audience. The guys at the law firm referred to her as Fearless Fairchild.

  So why was she nervous about giving the brush-off to one man? Why was she relentlessly pacing the front hall, scuffing her tennis shoes against the polished marble entryway? And why had she dressed this way, in a pair of dark jeans, a white pullover sweater and tennis shoes? This wasn’t her usual clothing choice for a first date.


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