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REVENGE (Kenshaw Legacy Book 2)

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by Piper Frost

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  All rights reserved.

  This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this book. No parts of this book may be reproduced in any form, electronic or printed without permission in writing from the author. Short excerpts for reviews are acceptable.

  Cover art by Inked Imprints

  Copyright © 2019 Piper Frost

  To say I hate this place is putting it mildly. Cork Detention Center. Kid prison. I’ve been here for three years and four months and I’ve got a week left. Only problem is I’m ready to leave now. Right the fuck now. I’ve done my time and I’ve learned my lesson. Never trust my piece of shit dad. I’ve done things to innocent people that didn’t deserve it, and I’m not saying that because I’m a good person. I’m not. But they are. Believing my dad when he said they were out to get us got me in deep shit.

  Giving no fucks is my specialty, but that doesn’t mean I want to hurt people and at the time, I was too young and dumb to realize how ruining their ranch would hurt them. I sabotaged the Kenshaws, hoping to put their ranch out of business so my dad’s farm could start making money again. I know now and I’m sorry, but there’s nothing I can do for them to change it. There is something I can do to my dad to teach him his lesson. For years he’d take his anger out on us. I got it, I understood we were difficult at times, but when my mom left and all his anger was coming from that, I wanted to make it stop. She was a bitch that spent money we didn’t have, then split when it was gone and that fucked with my dad. It fucked with us that our mom would leave us, then on top of it we had to deal with my dad’s fists because of her neglect. Shit was bad and I wanted it to go away. Fenton was supposed to make that happen and he couldn’t, so I tried. I did it to protect him. I did it to make my dad proud. I did it to fix what was wrong with our family. I actually thought that would do it. I learned my lesson and when I'm out of here I’m going to find my dad and teach him his.


  My older brother, Fenton, was supposed to pick me up, but since I got out a little earlier than expected, I hitchhiked. Hitchhiked back to the last place I want to be again. The Kenshaw Ranch. But this is where he lives and I don’t have anyone else to rely on while I get myself on my feet. Thankfully it’s a little after nine when I make it so hopefully people on this ranch are done for the night. It’s been years since I’ve been here but when I arrive, it all comes back to me. I had made maps of this place, having to learn it like the back of my hand so I could steal from them. Try to burn their shit. Kill their animals.

  I exhale a deep breath because I don’t like the way I feel while I sneak through the field. I’m sure Kenshaw won’t hesitate to shoot if he sees me sneaking around in the dark. When I get to the house my brother lives in with his girl, I try the knob. It opens and I slip inside, immediately being greeted with sex noises.

  “Fenton!” a girl moans like my brother actually knows what he’s doing. “Fuck me, Fenton. Now!”

  I should probably let them know I’m here but that’s rude of me, and besides, who doesn’t enjoy a live porn? Even though it’s my brother, I can get past that because I know his girl is hot as fuck and I wouldn’t mind seeing what she looks like when she comes.

  They go at it for awhile and I’m shocked he’s lasting this long. He’s such a pussy for her but I’m glad he’s happy. And based on this little performance, I’d say he’s keeping her happy.

  As I walk toward their bedroom door she goes off like an explosion again and I’m not sure if my brother got his but I gotta put a stop to this ‘cause I’m hungry. And bored.

  “Bra-fucking-vo!” I announce after I push open their bedroom door. “Well fucking done, brother. That was what? Two? Three orgasms, Paige?” I lean against the door frame with my arms crossed and a grin.

  My idiot brother’s stammering, trying to hide his girls nice, nice tits and Paige looks like I came in guns blazing. If she wants to see a gun, I can probably provide one a little better than my brother’s, even though he seemed to do okay.

  She’s gripping those sheets probably as hard as she was gripping my brother’s hair from the look of him. “Get out!”

  “What? No warm welcome? No hugs?” I open my arms. I wouldn’t be mad if she gave me a hug right now.

  “For Christ’s sake, Sutton! Get out and shut the door!” my brother screams, his face as red as their tacky front door.

  “Yeah, yeah.” I walk into the kitchen and wait.

  There’s at least ten minutes of stressed arguing but then my brother storms out.

  “I’m hungry.”

  "Sutton, what the hell are you doing here?” he growls at me.

  “You said I could stay with you two when I got out.”

  “You’re not supposed to be out for four more days!”

  “Yeah, well.” I shrug.

  “You cannot do that! You should have called to let me know they released you early. I could have shot you! And you’re invading our privacy!”

  Around midnight tonight my brother will probably get the call that I’ve broken out, but we’ll hurdle that later when it comes.

  “You don’t have a gun.” I don’t know that but I just can’t picture my brother wielding a gun. I actually chuckle trying to picturing it.

  The bedroom door opens and my eyes land on Paige. She’s dressed now. I prefer her the other way, but at least she’s cute.

  “Sup, Paige?” I grin and wink at her.

  “Hey.” She glances between Fenton and me, walking to the fridge. “When’d you get back?” Her cheeks are pink still and she’s moving like she’s walking on eggshells around me.

  “Well.” I look at my watch-less wrist. “Surprisingly that little shindig lasted twenty or thirty minutes.” I turn to my brother. “Congrats, I think that’s indication you last longer than most men. But I’ve been here about thirty minutes. I caught it right when it got good. Fuck me, Fenton. Now!” I mimic her.

  “Shut up, Sutton!” my brother growls and Paige puts her hand on his chest to stop him from coming at me.

  I laugh. “Yeah, so. Food?”

  Paige looks at me and pauses. Her eyebrows push together and her hand falls from Fenton. “You’re old enough to listen to people screwing,” she says, then rolls her eyes and walks to the table. “You’re old enough to cook for yourself. There’s lunch meat in the fridge.”

  I cock my eyebrow and grin at her. “Good enough for me.” While I'm in the fridge I hear them curtly whispering behind me but I don’t bother to give a damn.

  I find something to eat, though I’m not sure what it is, I heat it up and plop at their kitchen table. They watch me like parents and it makes my skin crawl.

  “What?” I ask around a mouthful of noodles.

  Paige walks away and Fenton pulls out the chair. “There will be rules here. First and foremost, if Paige is uncomfortable around you, you can’t stay here.”

  “Man, what the fuck,” I huff. “Of course she’s going to be uncomfortable. I fucked up her family’s ranch!”

  “She forgave you, Sutton,” he snaps at me. “All the Kenshaws forgave us.”

  “I’d certainly hope they forgave you. You’re dick deep in a Kenshaw nightly and living on their property.”

  “Watch your damn mouth,” he snaps at me and I roll my eyes. “Second rule is watch your mouth. I’ve been dealing with this shit from you since you got locked
up and I’m sick of it. Now’s the chance to turn your life around.” I snort at his inspirational talk, making him huff and drop his head. “You have to change.”

  “I’m not going to fuck up their shit or anything, Fenton,” I growl at him quietly. “You know I wouldn’t do anything like that again.”

  “I don’t know that, Sutton. You’ve been in correctional detention for three years and it doesn’t seem like it’s corrected anything. You’ve been in sixteen fights. Set a fire to the rec room. And beat a guard into a coma.”

  “He was raping the girls,” I growl, gripping the fork tightly.

  “Regardless,” he huffs like he’s already exhausted by my presence. “You should have been moved to state prison, and the only reason you didn’t is because you have good in you.” His hand lands on my arm and I shake him off. “You taught that class--”

  “Shut up,” I mumble, not wanting him to point out the ‘good’ in me.

  “You helped one kid completely turn his life around.”

  “Fenton,” I huff and sit back in my chair, giving up on my food.

  “You protected those girls who were too scared to speak up.”

  He’s not going to stop so I try to block him out but then he starts talking about one subject I can’t block out.

  “And you’re an amazing father.”

  Standing, I bring my plate to the trash and dump it before washing it. He’s still talking but I’m not listening. I put the plate away and go looking for a quiet place.

  "Mom, you free?” I walk into her salon with my phone gripped in my hand, the picture ready, and my nerves on high.

  School starts tomorrow and I would put money on the fact that she’ll tell me no. That this style’s too edgy and my dad won’t have it, but if she won’t do it, I’ll do it myself. It’s my last year at that damn school and I’m over being mistaken for my older sisters. I’m tired of being referred to Annie and Paige’s little sister and told how much we all look alike when we’re nothing alike.

  “Yeah, what’s up, monkey?” She smiles at me.

  I roll my eyes. I hate that nickname. It makes me feel like I’m ten years old.

  “I need a haircut.” I pull up the picture on my phone and hesitate before handing it over to her. “And some color, probably.” More like definitely. My dirty blonde hair won’t cut it for this style.

  I watch as her eyes get wider and her mouth turns into an O. My mom's naturally blonde, yet she dyes it jet black, so she really can't tell me not to do this.

  “You...” She stares at the picture again. “You’re sure?”

  “Yes.” I shove my hands in my back pockets. “Kate said she could do it if you won’t, but I figured you’d be less pissed if I asked you first.”

  “Hell no,” my mom snaps. “You’re not letting Kate touch your hair.” I try not to smirk that she’s angry, but I’m happy that’s what got her going. “Let’s go. Get in my chair.” I want to do a victory dance behind her back but I won’t.

  “Sweet. This is gonna be so badass.” I grin like an idiot, sitting down and taking my phone back from her.

  “So shaved on one side? You’re sure?”

  “Yes, mom. Exactly like the picture.” I run my hands through my hair. “This isn’t doing anything for me.” It’s long and the color isn’t perfect and it’s never felt like me. My older sisters can get away with not having to manipulate their style to fit in, but like I said...that’s not me.

  She frowns a little but quickly hides it and runs her fingers through my hair, staring at me in the mirror. “It will be badass,” she quietly says with a grin. “I’m gonna mix up the color.” When she skips away almost with a bounce, I relax a little.

  It takes a couple hours, and I swear my mom is hiding her disappointment when she shaves off the first swipe of my hair, but once it’s all done and I’m looking in the mirror I can’t help but smile.

  “It’s perfect,” I whisper, rubbing the side of my head that’s like peach fuzz.. “Thanks!” I hop out of the chair and hug her. “Okay, I’m heading out.”

  “Leena,” she blurts and starts walking toward me. “I love it. You look...awesome? You probably don’t want to hear pretty, but you are.” She kisses the peach fuzz then walks away.

  She’s right, I really fucking don’t want to hear that. I didn’t do this to be pretty, I did this because for the first time in my life I’m doing something because I want to. With a skip to my step, I start to type out a message to Kate that my mom actually did it. Rounding the corner to head up the stairs, I run smack dab into someone, cursing out a storm before realizing the person I thought was my older brother is actually my dad.

  And he looks pissed.

  “What the hell did you do, girl?” he growls, eyeing my haircut.

  “I got a cut and color.” I grin, hiding my nervousness.

  “I see. Who did it?” He crosses his arms and glares at me. Well he’s more than pissed, but he’ll get over it. Hopefully.

  “Mom.” I shrug. He can’t get mad at her. He's tried, but she always ends up winning somehow. So at least I know they’re not going to battle over this. “It’s pretty kickass, isn’t it?”

  He huffs again like a bull ready to charge and I shove my hands in my back pocket. I don’t like pissing off my dad, but I’m eighteen and for once this was for me. Not him.

  “Don’t use that language with me,” he says then shakes his head. “You really like this?” he reaches out and rubs the side of my head.

  “Yeah,” I mutter, feeling like the sad look on his face is more because I did something he didn’t like and less because his little girl has grown up.

  “And your mom? She like it?” He looks hurt and it makes my chest ache.

  “Yeah, dad, she does.” I frown. “I need to go finish getting ready for school tomorrow.” More like I need out of this situation because I went from excited high to ugh in a matter of minutes. I nod to get past him and he stares at me for a minute.

  “Yeah, senior year. It’s going to be a good one.” He doesn’t sound near as excited as he was when my older siblings hit their senior year...but then again, nothing I do ever seems as exciting as what they did.


  High. School. Sucks.

  Knowing that I won’t be graduating in May because of stupid ass mistakes last year makes today even harder. I hate most of the people in this school because they can’t seem to understand that there’s life outside these walls. They’re so wrapped in up their own lives that nothing else matters, and that’s the most annoying thing. I hate my teachers, I hate anything that has to do with this school.

  The only shining star in this fucking building is my friend Kate, and we have precisely zero fucking classes together this semester.

  Fucking great.

  I keep to myself most of the day and by the time gym class comes around I'm already counting down the hours until the end of next summer when I can officially say ‘fuck this place’.

  I tried that last year and it didn’t go over so well.

  “Hey,” Kate says, walking into the locker room with a smirk on her face. “Guess who sweet talked their counselor into moving gym to the end of the day?”

  “No fucking way.” I laugh, feeling slightly relieved I won’t have to go out there alone in these terrible uniforms.

  “Yes fucking way. So, toss on those ugly ass shorts and let’s make this class our bitch.” She slaps my ass and I grab my gym shorts, grinning at them. They can make us wear them, but there are no rules about how we wear them.

  Ten minutes later and right at the tardy bell, we’re walking into the gym and I can see the eyes on me. And I like it.

  “Damn,” one guy mumbles as we walk past and I wink at him.

  “Ten bucks says you walk out of here with a date,” Kate says, giggling.

  “I don’t need a date, but some D would be nice,” I whisper, making her laugh harder. “It’s been too long.” I sigh dramatically.

  We make it through ro
ll call and when the teacher calls out a name I don’t recognize and a deep voice comes from the bleachers, my attention is directed immediately towards him. Sexy. Holy shit, he’s sexy. And...has to be way older than a high schooler.

  “I said is there a reason you’re not dressed?” Our teacher asks and I smirk. I'm not getting yelled at for my ass hanging out of these shorts and my stomach showing, but newbie’s getting in trouble on day one because he didn’t change for class.

  “Gym’s dumb?” He shrugs and a few people chuckle but my eyes go wide because I think I’ve just found the one person in this school I could possibly have some competition with. He seems like a jackass, and there’s only room for one of us at this school.

  I have to turn my back to him because I want to stare. And that’s when Grant walks in. Grant, my pseudo uncle, landed a gig coaching football here a few years ago and since has brought our team to state multiple times. He’s an ass, but that’s why I like him. He glares at me on his walk into the gym and I grin at him. He hates being here during school hours just as much as I do.

  I hear him telling the new kid to meet him in his office, then he snaps at me, “Leena, pull your shorts out of your ass."

  “My shorts aren’t in my ass,” I blurt, flipping Grant the bird and noticing new kid staring at me so I grin. Yeah, there’s definitely competition.

  When he hops off the bleachers and stomps across the gym floor, Kate giggles and ducks away as he gets closer, but I turn and look at him. Brilliant green eyes hit me and for a moment I’m lost until he winks at me.

  “Fuck you lookin’ at?” I blurt, crossing my arms and glaring at him. Fucker.

  He makes a rude ass comment about eating me out so the whole gym hears and my stomach flutters to life, but I throw one right back at him to try and knock him down a few pegs. No one that good looking should be praised for being hot, sexy, and a dick. Someone needs to keep him in line and from the look on his face it’s going to have to be me.

  The next day at school is much of the same. Ignoring the people I hate. Flirting with the boys I've fucked. Turning down the ones that sucked. And praying better ones come along. My classes are boring as shit and I almost fall asleep in study hall because I was up all-night last night watching this serial killer documentary. Only four more episodes to go!


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